def add_slave_trigger(seqs, slaveChan):
    Add the slave trigger to each sequence.
    pulseLength = slaveChan.pulseParams[
        'length'] * slaveChan.physChan.samplingRate
    for seq in seqs:
        # skip if the sequence already starts with a slave trig
        if hasattr(seq[0], 'qubits') and seq[0].qubits == slaveChan:
        seq.insert(0, TAPulse("TRIG", slaveChan, pulseLength, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
Beispiel #2
def add_slave_trigger(seqs, slaveChan):
    Add the slave trigger to each sequence.
    for seq in seqs:
        # skip if the sequence already starts with a slave trig
        if hasattr(seq[0], 'channel') and seq[0].channel == slaveChan:
            TAPulse("TRIG", slaveChan, slaveChan.pulseParams['length'], 1.0,
                    0.0, 0.0))
Beispiel #3
def add_digitizer_trigger(seqs, trigChan):
    Add the digitizer trigger to a logical LL (pulse blocks).
    # Attach a trigger to any pulse block containing a measurement
    for seq in seqs:
        for ct in range(len(seq)):
            if contains_measurement(seq[ct]) and not (hasattr(
                    seq[ct], 'pulses') and trigChan in seq[ct].pulses.keys()):
                seq[ct] *= TAPulse("TRIG", trigChan,
                                   trigChan.pulseParams['length'], 1.0, 0.0,
Beispiel #4
def Id(channel, *args, **kwargs):
    A delay or no-op in the form of a pulse.
    Accepts the following pulse signatures:
        Id(channel, [kwargs])
        Id(channel, delay, [kwargs])
    params = overrideDefaults(channel, kwargs)
    if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], (int, float)):
        params['length'] = args[0]

    return TAPulse("Id", channel, params['length'], 0)
Beispiel #5
def delay(sequences, delay):
    Delays a sequence by the given amount.
    if delay <= 0:  # no need to inject zero delays
    for seq in sequences:
        # loop through and look for WAIT instructions
        # use while loop because len(seq) will change as we inject delays
        ct = 0
        while ct < len(seq) - 1:
            if seq[ct] == ControlFlow.Wait() or seq[ct] == ControlFlow.Sync():
                seq.insert(ct + 1, TAPulse("Id", seq[ct + 1].channel, delay,
            ct += 1
Beispiel #6
def Id(qubit, *args, **kwargs):
    A delay or do-nothing in the form of a pulse i.e. it will take pulseLength+2*bufferTime.
    Accepts the following pulse signatures:
        Id(qubit, [kwargs])
        Id(qubit, delay, [kwargs])
        Id(qubit1, qubit2, [kwargs])
        Id((qubit1,qubit2...), delay, [kwargs])
    if not isinstance(qubit, tuple):
        channel = qubit
        channel = Channels.QubitFactory(
            reduce(operator.add, [ for q in qubit]))
    if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], Channels.Qubit):
        channel = Channels.QubitFactory( + args[0].name)
        qubit = (qubit, args[0])
    params = overrideDefaults(channel, kwargs)
    if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], (int, float)):
        params['length'] = args[0]

    numPts = np.round(params['length'] * params['samplingRate'])
    return TAPulse("Id", qubit, numPts, 0, 0, 0)
def BLANK(chan, width):
    return TAPulse("BLANK", chan.gateChan, width, 1, 0, 0)
Beispiel #8
def Ztheta(qubit, angle=0, label='Ztheta', **kwargs):
    # special cased because it can be done with a frame update
    return TAPulse(label, qubit, length=0, amp=0, phase=0, frameChange=-angle)