def __init__(self, input_file="sudokus.txt"):
     """Initize class by reading all of the sudoku puzzles"""
     self.sudokus = PuzzleManager(input_file)
class SudokuBacktrackingSolver():
    This class implements a DFS based approach to solving sudoku puzzles.
    The DFS starts from the initial puzzle and tries assumptions about the
    value at the position with the possible values. It will then backtrack 
    when it realizes a solution is inconsistent with the constraints. 
    Additionally forward checking has been implemented to prevent the 
    algorithm from assuming inconsistent values, thus speeding up the 
    def __init__(self, input_file="sudokus.txt"):
        """Initize class by reading all of the sudoku puzzles"""
        self.sudokus = PuzzleManager(input_file)

    def backtracking(self):
        """Implements a backtracking DFS search.

    		Return the unique solution or return False if there are multiple possible solutions
        solution = {}

        #Use the SudokuConstraintSolver to minimize domain size.
        #This will shrink the search space and consequentially
        #speed up the search
        constraintSolver = SudokuConstraintSolver()
        domains = constraintSolver.ac3(True, self.sudokus)

        #Determine uncertain positions
        positions = []
        for position in domains:
            if (len(domains[position]) > 1):

        #Recursive DFS
        domains = self.recursive_backtracking(positions, domains)

        #Check for unique solution
        for pos in domains:
            if len(domains[pos]) == 1:
                solution[pos] = domains[pos].pop()
                return False

        return solution

    def recursive_backtracking(self, variables, domains):
        """Recursive helper for backtracking search.
            variables: positions in puzzle with uncertain values
            domains: all possible value for each position
    		Return the unique solution or return False if there are multiple possible solutions
        #Return value if all positions in puzzle are solved
        if len(variables) == 0:
            return domains
        #Get position with smallest domain
        var_pos = variables.pop(
            variables.index(self.min_constraing_val(domains, variables)))
        constraints = self.get_constraints(var_pos[0], var_pos[1])
        for value in domains[var_pos]:
            inconsistent = False
            #Check if value in domain is inconsistent with constraints
            for (current_position, constraint_position) in constraints:
                if constraint_position not in variables and domains[
                        constraint_position][0] == value:
                    inconsistent = True
            if not inconsistent:
                #Assume this possible value and recursively check solution that have it.
                tmpDomain = self.forward_checking(deepcopy(domains), var_pos,
                if not tmpDomain:
                    return False
                tmpDomain[var_pos] = [value]
                result = self.recursive_backtracking(deepcopy(variables),
                if result:
                    return result
        return False

    def forward_checking(self, domain, var, value):
        """Prevents Assignments that garuntee a failed result later in the search.
        i.e. if a possible value would violate a constraint of the puzzle, then we
        will remove that value from the domain dictionary
            domain: dictionary with positions within puzzle are keys are hashed to lists possible values
            var: the postion being considered for assignment =[row,column]
            value: teh value being considered for assignment
    		returns the dictionary of domains
            returns false if a position does not have any possible values
        constraints = self.get_constraints(var[0], var[1])
        for (col_1, col_2) in constraints:
            if value in domain[col_2]:
            if len(domain[col_2]) < 1:
                return False
        return domain

    def min_constraing_val(self, domains, positions):
        """Finds the position in the puzzle with the smallest possible domain (fewest possible values).
            domains: dictionary with positions within puzzle are keys are hashed to lists possible values
            positions: list of all positions within puzzle
    		the position of the smallest domain
        smallest = ""
        smallest_size = 9
        for pos in positions:
            if len(domains[pos]) < smallest_size:
                smallest = pos
                smallest_size = len(domains[pos])
        return smallest

    def get_constraints(self, current_row, current_col):
        """Finds all the constraints that apply to a specified position.

    	Adds all positions in the same column, row, or box and adds them as
    	constraints for the specified position.

    		current_row: specifies the row position in the puzzle to find constraints for.
    		current_col: specifies the column position in the puzzle to find constraints for.
    		A list of constraints as tuples where the first value is the position
    		index to being constrained by the second postion.
        constraints = []
        #ROW constraints
        for row in ROWS:
            if row != current_row:
                    (current_row + current_col, row + current_col))
        #COL Constraints
        for col in COLS:
            if col != current_col:
                    (current_row + current_col, current_row + col))
        #BOX Constraints
        box_cols = ['123', '456', '789']
        box_rows = ['ABC', 'DEF', 'GHI']
        for b_rows in box_rows:
            if current_row in b_rows:
                box_row = b_rows
        for b_col in box_cols[int(math.ceil(float(current_col) / 3) - 1)]:
            for b_row in box_row:
                if current_row != b_row and current_col != b_col:
                        (current_row + current_col, b_row + b_col))
        return constraints
 def __init__(self, input_file="sudokus.txt"):
     """Initize class by reading all of the sudoku puzzles"""
     self.sudokus = PuzzleManager(input_file)
class SudokuConstraintSolver(object):
    The SudokuConstraintSolver class is a constraint based algorithm
    used to reduce the search space. It utilizes an AC3 algorithm 
    described below.

    def __init__(self, input_file="sudokus.txt"):
        """Initize class by reading all of the sudoku puzzles"""
        self.sudokus = PuzzleManager(input_file)

    def ac3(self, return_domain=False, input_pm=False):
        """Utilizes the Arc Consistency Algorithm #3 to reduce the domains of possible values
    	in the puzzle.

    	This algorithm will initialize the domains and constraints of puzzle. Then apply its
    	constraints to the reduce domains of constrained values. It should be noted that more
    	often than not, AC-3 algorithm will not produce a unique solution but offers significant
    	speed up when used in conjuction with DFS based methods.

    	More info can be found at

    		return_domain: specifies whether to return the resulting domain or unique solution.
            input_pm: class will not be using its own puzzle manager
    		If return_domain is True, return the dictionary of possible domain values for entire puzzle.
    		Otherwise, return the unique solution or return False if there are multiple solutions
        if input_pm:
            self.sudokus = input_pm
        #Determine all possible values at each position in the puzzle
        domains = self.sudokus.init_domains()
        solution = {}

        #Find all of the initial constraints for the sudoku puzzle
        queue = []
        for row in ROWS:
            for col in COLS:
                if self.sudokus.get_value(row, col) == int(PLACEHOLDER):
                    queue += self.get_constraints(row, col)

        #Loop while constraints are still being applied
        while queue:
            (pos_1, pos_2) = queue.pop()
            #Remove values inconsistent with the constrains from the domain of possible values
            if self.remove_inconsistent_values(domains, pos_1, pos_2):
                for (pos_1, pos_3) in self.get_constraints(pos_1[0], pos_1[1]):
                    queue.append((pos_3, pos_1))

        if return_domain:
            return domains
        #Check for unique solution
        for pos in domains:
            if len(domains[pos]) == 1:
                solution[pos] = domains[pos].pop()
                return False
        return solution

    def get_constraints(self, current_row, current_col):
        """Finds all the constraints that apply to a specified position.

    	Adds all positions in the same column, row, or box and adds them as
    	constraints for the specified position.

    		current_row: specifies the row position in the puzzle to find constraints for.
    		current_col: specifies the column position in the puzzle to find constraints for.
    		A list of constraints as tuples where the first value is the position
    		index to being constrained by the second value.
        constraints = []
        #ROW constraints
        for row in ROWS:
            if row != current_row:
                constraints.append((current_row + current_col, row + current_col))
        #COL Constraints
        for col in COLS:
            if col != current_col:
                constraints.append((current_row + current_col, current_row + col))
        #BOX Constraints
        box_cols = ['123', '456', '789']
        box_rows = ['ABC', 'DEF', 'GHI']
        for b_rows in box_rows:
            if current_row in b_rows:
                box_row = b_rows
        for b_col in box_cols[int(math.ceil(float(current_col)/3)-1)]:
            for b_row in box_row:
                if current_row != b_row and current_col != b_col:
                    constraints.append((current_row + current_col, b_row + b_col))
        return constraints

    def remove_inconsistent_values(self, domain, pos_1, pos_2):
        """Shrinks the domain of a position by removing values

        Test each domain value in position 1 and if no domain value in position 2
        is consistent with that domain value (i.e. can only be that value), remove
        that domain value from position 1.

        	domain: a dictionary of all possible domain values
        	pos_1: the position of the domain that we are trying to reduce
        	pos_2: the position of the current constraint
        	returns True if domain of position 1 was reduced and False otherwise
        removed = False
        for val_1 in domain[pos_1]:
            found = False
            for val_2 in domain[pos_2]:
                if val_1 != val_2:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                removed = True
        return removed
class SudokuBacktrackingSolver():
    This class implements a DFS based approach to solving sudoku puzzles.
    The DFS starts from the initial puzzle and tries assumptions about the
    value at the position with the possible values. It will then backtrack 
    when it realizes a solution is inconsistent with the constraints. 
    Additionally forward checking has been implemented to prevent the 
    algorithm from assuming inconsistent values, thus speeding up the 
    def __init__(self, input_file="sudokus.txt"):
        """Initize class by reading all of the sudoku puzzles"""
        self.sudokus = PuzzleManager(input_file)

    def backtracking(self):
        """Implements a backtracking DFS search.

    		Return the unique solution or return False if there are multiple possible solutions
        solution = {}
        #Use the SudokuConstraintSolver to minimize domain size. 
        #This will shrink the search space and consequentially
        #speed up the search
        constraintSolver = SudokuConstraintSolver()
        domains = constraintSolver.ac3(True, self.sudokus)
        #Determine uncertain positions
        positions = []
        for position in domains:
            if(len(domains[position]) > 1):
        #Recursive DFS        
        domains = self.recursive_backtracking(positions, domains)
        #Check for unique solution
        for pos in domains:
            if len(domains[pos]) == 1:
                solution[pos] = domains[pos].pop()
                return False
        return solution

    def recursive_backtracking(self, variables, domains):
        """Recursive helper for backtracking search.
            variables: positions in puzzle with uncertain values
            domains: all possible value for each position
    		Return the unique solution or return False if there are multiple possible solutions
        #Return value if all positions in puzzle are solved
        if len(variables) == 0:
            return domains
        #Get position with smallest domain
        var_pos = variables.pop(variables.index(self.min_constraing_val(domains, variables)))
        constraints = self.get_constraints(var_pos[0], var_pos[1])
        for value in domains[var_pos]:
            inconsistent = False
            #Check if value in domain is inconsistent with constraints
            for (current_position, constraint_position) in constraints:
                if constraint_position not in variables and domains[constraint_position][0] == value:
                    inconsistent = True
            if not inconsistent:
                #Assume this possible value and recursively check solution that have it.
                tmpDomain = self.forward_checking(deepcopy(domains), var_pos, value)
                if not tmpDomain:
                    return False
                tmpDomain[var_pos] = [value]
                result = self.recursive_backtracking(deepcopy(variables), deepcopy(tmpDomain))
                if result:
                    return result
        return False

    def forward_checking(self, domain, var, value):
        """Prevents Assignments that garuntee a failed result later in the search.
        i.e. if a possible value would violate a constraint of the puzzle, then we
        will remove that value from the domain dictionary
            domain: dictionary with positions within puzzle are keys are hashed to lists possible values
            var: the postion being considered for assignment =[row,column]
            value: teh value being considered for assignment
    		returns the dictionary of domains
            returns false if a position does not have any possible values
        constraints = self.get_constraints(var[0], var[1])
        for (col_1, col_2) in constraints:
            if value in domain[col_2]:
            if len(domain[col_2]) < 1:
                return False
        return domain

    def min_constraing_val(self, domains, positions):
        """Finds the position in the puzzle with the smallest possible domain (fewest possible values).
            domains: dictionary with positions within puzzle are keys are hashed to lists possible values
            positions: list of all positions within puzzle
    		the position of the smallest domain
        smallest = ""
        smallest_size = 9
        for pos in positions:
            if len(domains[pos]) < smallest_size:
                smallest = pos
                smallest_size = len(domains[pos])
        return smallest            
    def get_constraints(self, current_row, current_col):
        """Finds all the constraints that apply to a specified position.

    	Adds all positions in the same column, row, or box and adds them as
    	constraints for the specified position.

    		current_row: specifies the row position in the puzzle to find constraints for.
    		current_col: specifies the column position in the puzzle to find constraints for.
    		A list of constraints as tuples where the first value is the position
    		index to being constrained by the second postion.
        constraints = []
        #ROW constraints
        for row in ROWS:
            if row != current_row:
                constraints.append((current_row + current_col, row + current_col))
        #COL Constraints
        for col in COLS:
            if col != current_col:
                constraints.append((current_row + current_col, current_row + col))
        #BOX Constraints
        box_cols = ['123', '456', '789']
        box_rows = ['ABC', 'DEF', 'GHI']
        for b_rows in box_rows:
            if current_row in b_rows:
                box_row = b_rows
        for b_col in box_cols[int(math.ceil(float(current_col)/3)-1)]:
            for b_row in box_row:
                if current_row != b_row and current_col != b_col:
                    constraints.append((current_row + current_col, b_row + b_col))
        return constraints