Beispiel #1
    def sanity_invertIndexSelectionExample(self):
      Example of invertIndexSelection.
        import numpy as np
        from PyAstronomy import pyaC as pc

        # Create "data" values and select some
        x = np.exp(np.arange(20.0) / 20.0)
        indi = np.where(np.logical_and(x > 1.4, x < 1.7))

        print("Selected indices and values:")
        print("  indices: ", indi)
        print("  values : ", x[indi])

        indiInv = pc.invertIndexSelection(x, indi)

        print("Inverted selection:")
        print("  indices: ", indiInv)
        print("  values : ", x[indiInv])

        # Check that the same result is obtained by simply
        # passing the length of the array `x`

        indiInvLen = pc.invertIndexSelection(len(x), indi)

        print("Are indiInv and indiInvLen are the same? ")
        print("  ", np.all(indiInvLen == indiInv))
 def sanity_invertIndexSelectionExample(self):
     Example of invertIndexSelection.
   import numpy as np
   from PyAstronomy import pyaC as pc
   # Create "data" values and select some
   x = np.exp(np.arange(20.0)/20.0)
   indi = np.where(np.logical_and(x > 1.4, x < 1.7))
   print("Selected indices and values:")
   print("  indices: ", indi)
   print("  values : ", x[indi])
   indiInv = pc.invertIndexSelection(x, indi)
   print("Inverted selection:")
   print("  indices: ", indiInv)
   print("  values : ", x[indiInv])
   # Check that the same result is obtained by simply
   # passing the length of the array `x`
   indiInvLen = pc.invertIndexSelection(len(x), indi)
   print("Are indiInv and indiInvLen are the same? ")
   print("  ", np.all(indiInvLen == indiInv))
 def sanity_invertIndexSelection(self):
     Sanity of invertIndexSelection.
   import numpy as np
   from PyAstronomy import pyaC as pc
   x = np.arange(20.0)
   indi = np.where(np.logical_or(x < 5.0, x > 17.0))[0]
   i1 = pc.invertIndexSelection(x, indi)
   self.assertEqual(len(x), len(indi)+len(i1), "indi and inverse do not make up the original array.")
   for i in indi:
     self.assertFalse(i in i1, "found an index of indi in inverse.")
   i2 = pc.invertIndexSelection(len(x), indi)
   self.assertTrue(np.all(i1 == i2), "i1 and i2 are not the same.")
   i3 = pc.invertIndexSelection(x, i1)
   self.assertTrue(np.all(i3 == indi), "re-inverse of i1 does not match indi.")
Beispiel #4
 def sanity_invertIndexSelection(self):
   Sanity of invertIndexSelection.
     import numpy as np
     from PyAstronomy import pyaC as pc
     x = np.arange(20.0)
     indi = np.where(np.logical_or(x < 5.0, x > 17.0))[0]
     i1 = pc.invertIndexSelection(x, indi)
         len(indi) + len(i1),
         "indi and inverse do not make up the original array.")
     for i in indi:
         self.assertFalse(i in i1, "found an index of indi in inverse.")
     i2 = pc.invertIndexSelection(len(x), indi)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(i1 == i2), "i1 and i2 are not the same.")
     i3 = pc.invertIndexSelection(x, i1)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(i3 == indi),
                     "re-inverse of i1 does not match indi.")
Beispiel #5
def polyResOutlier(x,
    Simple outlier detection based on residuals.
    This algorithm fits a polynomial of the specified degree
    to the data, subtracts it to find the residuals, determines the
    standard deviations of the residuals, and, finally,
    identifies all points with residuals further than the
    specified number of standard deviations from the fit.
    x, y : arrays
        The abscissa and ordinate of the data.
    deg : int, optional
        The degree of the polynomial to be fitted.
        The default is 0, i.e., a constant.
    stdlim : float, optional
        The number of standard deviations acceptable
        for points not categorized as outliers.
    mode : string, {both, above, below}
        If 'both' (default), outliers may be located on
        both sides of the polynomial. If 'above/below', outliers
        are only expected above/below it. 
    controlPlot : boolean, optional
        If True, a control plot will be generated
        showing the location of outliers (default is
    fullOutput : boolean, optional
        If True, the fitted polynomial and the resulting
        model will be returned.
    indiin : array
        The indices of the points *not* being categorized
        as outliers.
    indiout : array
        Indices of the oulier points.
    p : array, optional
        Coefficients of the fitted polynomial (only returned if
        `fullOutput` is True).
    model : array, optional
        The polynomial model (only returned if
        `fullOutput` is True).
    if len(x) < deg + 1:
        raise(PE.PyAValError("Only " + str(len(x)) + " points given to fit a polynomial of degree " + str(deg) + ".", \
                             solution="Use more points and/or change degree of polynomial.", \
    if len(x) != len(y):
        raise(PE.PyAValError("x and y need to have the same length.", \
                             solution="Check the lengths of the input arrays.", \
    if deg < 0:
        raise (PE.PyAValError("Polynomial degree must be > 0.",

    p = np.polyfit(x, y, deg)
    model = np.polyval(p, x)
    residuals = y - model

    std = np.std(residuals)
    # Find points too far off
    if mode == 'both':
        # Outliers above and/or below the curve
        indi = np.where(np.abs(residuals) >= stdlim * std)[0]
    elif mode == 'above':
        indi = np.where(residuals >= stdlim * std)[0]
    elif mode == 'below':
        indi = np.where(residuals <= -stdlim * std)[0]
        raise(PE.PyAValError("No such mode: " + str(mode), \
                             where="polyResOutlier", \
                             solution="Use any of 'both', 'above', or 'below'."))
    indiin = pyaC.invertIndexSelection(residuals, indi)
    if controlPlot:
        # Produce control plot
        import matplotlib.pylab as plt
            "polyResOutlier control plot (red: potential outliers, green: polynomial model)"
        plt.plot(x, y, 'b.')
        s = np.argsort(x)
        plt.plot(x[s], model[s], 'g--')
        plt.plot(x[indi], y[indi], 'rp')

    if fullOutput:
        return indiin, indi, p, model
    return indiin, indi
Beispiel #6
def polyResOutlier(x, y, deg=0, stdlim=3.0, controlPlot=False, fullOutput=False):
    Simple outlier detection based on residuals.
    This algorithm fits a polynomial of the specified degree
    to the data, subtracts it to find the residuals, determines the
    standard deviations of the residuals, and, finally,
    identifies all points with residuals further than the
    specified number of standard deviations from the fit.
    x, y : arrays
        The abscissa and ordinate of the data.
    deg : int, optional
        The degree of the polynomial to be fitted.
        The default is 0, i.e., a constant.
    stdlim : float, optional
        The number of standard deviations acceptable
        for points not categorized as outliers.
    controlPlot : boolean, optional
        If True, a control plot will be generated
        showing the location of outliers (default is
    fullOutput : boolean, optional
        If True, the fitted polynomial and the resulting
        model will be returned.
    indiin : array
        The indices of the points *not* being categorized
        as outliers.
    indiout : array
        Indices of the oulier points.
    p : array, optional
        Coefficients of the fitted polynomial (only returned if
        `fullOutput` is True).
    model : array, optional
        The polynomial model (only returned if
        `fullOutput` is True).
  if len(x) < deg + 1:
    raise(PE.PyAValError("Only " + str(len(x)) + " points given to fit a polynomial of degree " + str(deg) + ".", \
                         solution="Use more points and/or change degree of polynomial.", \
  if len(x) != len(y):
    raise(PE.PyAValError("x and y need to have the same length.", \
                         solution="Check the lengths of the input arrays.", \
  if deg < 0:
    raise(PE.PyAValError("Polynomial degree must be > 0.",
  p = np.polyfit(x, y, deg)
  model = np.polyval(p, x)
  residuals = y - model
  std = np.std(residuals)
  # Find points too far off
  indi = np.where(np.abs(residuals) >= stdlim*std)[0]
  indiin = pyaC.invertIndexSelection(residuals, indi)
  if controlPlot:
    # Produce control plot
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    plt.title("polyResOutlier control plot (red: potential outliers, green: polynomial model)")
    plt.plot(x, y, 'b.')
    s = np.argsort(x)
    plt.plot(x[s], model[s], 'g--')
    plt.plot(x[indi], y[indi], 'rp')
  if fullOutput:
    return indiin, indi, p, model
  return indiin, indi
Beispiel #7
def intep(x, y, xinter, boundsError=True):
    The INTEP interpolation algorithm
    The INTEP interpolation algorithm is described
    by Hill 1982, PDAO 16, 67 ("Intep - an Effective
    Interpolation Subroutine"). The implementation
    at hand is based on the FORTRAN code stated
    The aim of the algorithm is to imitate the curve
    "an experienced scientist" would draw through a
    given set of points. 
    x : array
        Independent values.
    y : array
        Dependent values.
    xinter : array
        Values at which to interpolate the tabulated
        data given by `x` and `y`.
    boundsError : boolean, optional
        If True, an exception will be raised if values
        need to be extrapolated beyond the limits of
        the given tabulated data. Values beyond the
        limits are simply replaced with the closest
        valid value available, which might not be a
        good approximation. Set this flag to False
        suppress the exception. 
    Interpolated values : array
        Interpolated values at the locations
        specified by `xinter`.
  # Check whether x-array is sorted
  if not np.all((x[1:] - x[0:-1]) > 0.0):
    raise(PE.PyAValError("The array of independent values (`x`) is not sorted in (strictly) " + \
                         "ascending order, but it needs to be.", \
          solution=["Sort the arrays `x` (and `y` accordingly), e.g., using numpy.argsort.", \
                    "Check whether there are duplicate values in `x`."]))
  # Create result array
  result = np.zeros(len(xinter))
  # Treat extrapolation points
  ilow = np.where(xinter < min(x))[0]
  result[ilow] = y[0]
  iup = np.where(xinter > max(x))[0]
  result[iup] = y[-1]
  noepo = invertIndexSelection(xinter, np.concatenate((ilow, iup)))
  if (len(noepo) > 0) and boundsError:
    raise(PE.PyAValError("There are " + str(len(noepo)) + " points, which need to be extrapolated. " + \
          "Attention: Extrapolation is simply done by using the closest valid value.", \
          solution=["Use only interpolation points (`xinter`) within the valid range.",
                    "Set the `boundsError` flag to False (will suppress this exception)."]))
  # Loop over all indices of xinter, which were
  # not already subject to extrapolation.
  for i in noepo:
    xp = xinter[i]
    # Index of the first entry in x larger (or equal) than
    # `val`
    infl = np.where(x >= xp)[0][0]
    infl -= 1
    lp1 = 1.0/(x[infl] - x[infl+1])
    lp2 = -lp1
    if infl <= 0:
      # Special treatment for first point
      fp1 = (y[1] -y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
      fp1 = (y[infl+1] - y[infl-1]) / (x[infl+1] - x[infl-1])
    if infl >= (len(x) - 2):
      # Special treatment for last points
      fp2 = (y[-1] - y[-2]) / (x[-1] - x[-2])
      fp2 = (y[infl+2] - y[infl]) / (x[infl+2] - x[infl])
    xpi1 = xp - x[infl+1]
    xpi  = xp - x[infl]
    l1 = xpi1 * lp1
    l2 = xpi * lp2
    result[i] = y[infl]*(1. - 2.*lp1*xpi)*l1**2 + \
                y[infl+1]*(1. - 2.*lp2*xpi1)*l2**2 + \
                fp2*xpi1*l2**2 + fp1*xpi*l1**2
  return result
Beispiel #8
def intep(x, y, xinter, boundsError=True, fillValue=None):
    The INTEP interpolation algorithm
    The INTEP interpolation algorithm is described
    by Hill 1982, PDAO 16, 67 ("Intep - an Effective
    Interpolation Subroutine"). The implementation
    at hand is based on the FORTRAN code stated
    The aim of the algorithm is to imitate the curve
    "an experienced scientist" would draw through a
    given set of points. 
    x : array
        Independent values.
    y : array
        Dependent values.
    xinter : array
        Values at which to interpolate the tabulated
        data given by `x` and `y`.
    boundsError : boolean, optional
        If True, an exception will be raised if values
        need to be extrapolated beyond the limits of
        the given tabulated data. Values beyond the
        limits are simply replaced with the closest
        valid value available, which might not be a
        good approximation. Set this flag to False
        suppress the exception.
    fillValue : float, optional
        If given (i.e., not None), this value will be
        used to represent values outside of the given
        bounds. Note that `boundsError` must be set
        False for this to have an effect. For instance,
        use np.NaN.
    Interpolated values : array
        Interpolated values at the locations
        specified by `xinter`.
    # Check whether x-array is sorted
    if not np.all((x[1:] - x[0:-1]) > 0.0):
        raise(PE.PyAValError("The array of independent values (`x`) is not sorted in (strictly) " + \
                             "ascending order, but it needs to be.", \
              solution=["Sort the arrays `x` (and `y` accordingly), e.g., using numpy.argsort.", \
                        "Check whether there are duplicate values in `x`."]))

    # Create result array
    result = np.zeros(len(xinter))
    # Treat extrapolation points
    ilow = np.where(xinter < min(x))[0]
    if fillValue is None:
        # Use first point beyond limit
        result[ilow] = y[0]
        result[ilow] = fillValue
    iup = np.where(xinter > max(x))[0]
    if fillValue is None:
        # Use last point beyond limit
        result[iup] = y[-1]
        result[iup] = fillValue

    # No extrapolation (noepo)
    noepo = invertIndexSelection(xinter, np.concatenate((ilow, iup)))

    if (len(noepo) < len(xinter)) and boundsError:
        raise(PE.PyAValError("There are " + str(len(xinter) - len(noepo)) + " points, which need to be extrapolated. " + \
              "Attention: Extrapolation is simply done by using the closest valid value.", \
              solution=["Use only interpolation points (`xinter`) within the valid range.",
                        "Set the `boundsError` flag to False (will suppress this exception)."]))

    # Loop over all indices of xinter, which were
    # not already subject to extrapolation.
    for i in noepo:
        xp = xinter[i]
        # Index of the first entry in x larger (or equal) than
        # `val`
        infl = np.where(x >= xp)[0][0]
        infl -= 1
        lp1 = 1.0 / (x[infl] - x[infl + 1])
        lp2 = -lp1
        if infl <= 0:
            # Special treatment for first point
            fp1 = (y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
            fp1 = (y[infl + 1] - y[infl - 1]) / (x[infl + 1] - x[infl - 1])
        if infl >= (len(x) - 2):
            # Special treatment for last points
            fp2 = (y[-1] - y[-2]) / (x[-1] - x[-2])
            fp2 = (y[infl + 2] - y[infl]) / (x[infl + 2] - x[infl])

        xpi1 = xp - x[infl + 1]
        xpi = xp - x[infl]
        l1 = xpi1 * lp1
        l2 = xpi * lp2
        result[i] = y[infl]*(1. - 2.*lp1*xpi)*l1**2 + \
                    y[infl+1]*(1. - 2.*lp2*xpi1)*l2**2 + \
                    fp2*xpi1*l2**2 + fp1*xpi*l1**2
    return result