Beispiel #1
def make_spike_signal(ts, dur, tmax, loval=0, hival=1, dt=0.1):
    """Helper function: Square-pulse spike signal between two levels, loval
    and hival. Pulses occur at times given by ts array for duration given by
    dur scalar, from time 0 to tmax.

    Returns a single-entry dictionary of Variable objects with key 'Istim'.

    Default loval = 0, hival = 1.

    To improve performance with adaptive time-step solvers, three (two before,
    one after) points are added before and after each pulse, with a minimum
    step time given by dt.
    assert len(ts) > 0, "No spike time events provided!"
    assert isincreasing(ts), "This function expects strictly increasing times"
    assert ts[0] != 0, "This function does not support initial step up at t=0"
    assert dur > dt, "Duration must be larger than dt"
    times = [0]
    vals = [loval]
    # check that ts are separated by at least dur+4*dt
    assert all(np.diff(ts) > dur+4*dt), "Separate events by at least 4*dt"
    assert tmax > ts[-1]+dur, "tmax must be larger than last event end time"
    for t in ts:
        times.extend([t-2.9*dt, t-dt,  t,     t+dur-dt, t+dur, t+dur+dt])
        vals.extend([loval,     loval, hival, hival,    hival, loval])
    if tmax > ts[-1]+dur+dt:
    coorddict = {'Istim': vals}
    vpts = Pointset(coorddict=coorddict, indepvararray=times)
    return pointset_to_vars(vpts, discrete=False)
Beispiel #2
def make_noise_signal(dt, t_end, mean, stddev, num_cells, seed=None):
    """Helper function: Gaussian white noise at sample rate = dt for 1 or more cells,
    for a duration of t_end."""
    if seed is not None:
    N = ceil(t_end*1./dt)
    t = np.linspace(0, t_end, N)
    coorddict = {}
    for cellnum in range(num_cells):
        coorddict['noise%i' % (cellnum+1)] = np.random.normal(0, stddev, N)
    vpts = Pointset(coorddict=coorddict, indepvararray=t)
    return pointset_to_vars(vpts, discrete=False)