def __init__(self, parent=None): QsciLexer.__init__(self, parent) Lexer.__init__(self) self.editor = parent return
def __init__( self, parent = None ): QsciLexer.__init__( self, parent ) Lexer.__init__( self ) self.editor = parent return
def __init__(self, parent = None): """ Constructor @param parent parent widget of this lexer """ QsciLexer.__init__(self, parent) Lexer.__init__(self) self.editor = parent
def __init__(self, language, parent=None): """ Constructor @param language The lexer language. (string or QString) @param parent The parent widget of this lexer. (QextScintilla) """ QsciLexer.__init__(self, parent) # These default font families are taken from QScintilla if Globals.isWindowsPlatform(): self.__defaultFontFamily = "Courier New" elif Globals.isMacPlatform(): self.__defaultFontFamily = "Courier" else: self.__defaultFontFamily = "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" # instantiate a lexer object for the given language language = unicode(language) lex = QScintilla.Lexers.getLexer(language) if lex is None: raise PreferencesLexerLanguageError(language) # define the local store self.colours = {} self.defaultColours = {} self.papers = {} self.defaultPapers = {} self.eolFills = {} self.defaultEolFills = {} self.fonts = {} self.defaultFonts = {} self.descriptions = {} self.ind2style = {} self.styles = QStringList() # fill local store with default values from lexer # and built up styles list and conversion table from index to style self.__language = lex.language() index = 0 for i in range(128): desc = lex.description(i) if not desc.isEmpty(): self.descriptions[i] = desc self.styles.append(desc) self.colours[i] = lex.defaultColor(i) self.papers[i] = lex.defaultPaper(i) self.eolFills[i] = lex.defaultEolFill(i) self.fonts[i] = lex.defaultFont(i) # Override QScintilla's default font family to # always use a monospaced font self.fonts[i].setFamily(self.__defaultFontFamily) self.defaultColours[i] = lex.defaultColor(i) self.defaultPapers[i] = lex.defaultPaper(i) self.defaultEolFills[i] = lex.defaultEolFill(i) self.defaultFonts[i] = lex.defaultFont(i) self.defaultFonts[i].setFamily(self.__defaultFontFamily) self.ind2style[index] = i index += 1 self.connect(self, SIGNAL("colorChanged (const QColor&, int)"), self.setColor) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("eolFillChanged (bool, int)"), self.setEolFill) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("fontChanged (const QFont&, int)"), self.setFont) self.connect(self, SIGNAL("paperChanged (const QColor&, int )"), self.setPaper) # read the last stored values from preferences file self.readSettings(Preferences.Prefs.settings, "Scintilla")