Beispiel #1
 def setText(self, text):
     if len(text) == 0: return
     lines = text.split('\n')
     qf = QFontMetrics(self.font)
     fmw = max(qf.maxWidth(), 10)
     nlines = []
     w = self.width - 2 * self.margin
     for line in lines:
         if qf.width(line) > w:
             while qf.width(line) > w:
                 for i in xrange(w / fmw, len(line)):
                     if qf.width(line, i) > w:
                         if line[i].isalnum() and line[i - 1].isalnum():
                             nlines.append(line[0:i - 1] + (
                                 '-' if line[i - 2].isalnum() else ''))
                             line = line[i - 1:]
                             line = line[i:]
     self.__text = nlines
Beispiel #2
 def drawInitialization(self):
     progress = self.doInitialisation()
     msg = "Initialisation ... " + progress
     fm = QFontMetrics(self.font())
     tw = fm.width(msg)
     self.drawText((self.width() - tw) / 2, self.height() / 2, msg)
     QTimer.singleShot(1, self.updateGL)
 def do_size_hint(self, option, index):
     text =
     font = QFont(option.font)
     font.setPointSize(QFontInfo(font).pointSize() * 1.5)
     m = QFontMetrics(font)
     return QSize(m.width(text), m.height())
    def renderTextNearCursor(self, 
                             offset = 10, 
                             textColor = black,
                             fontSize = 11):
        Renders text near the cursor position, on the top right side of the
        cursor (slightly above it).

        See example in DNA Line mode.

        @param textString: string
        @param offset: The offset that will be added to x and y values of the 
                       cursor position to get the base position of the text 
                       to be rendered. 

        @see: DnaLineMode.Draw
        @see: self._getFontForTextNearCursor()
        @see: self.renderTextAtPosition()
        if not textString:

        #Extra precaution if the caller passes a junk value such as None
        #for the color
        if not isinstance(textColor, tuple) and isinstance(textColor, list):
            textColor = black

        pos = self.cursor().pos()  
        # x, y coordinates need to be in window coordinate system. 
        # See QGLWidget.mapToGlobal for more details.
        pos = self.mapFromGlobal(pos)

        # Important to turn off the lighting. Otherwise the text color would 
        # be dull and may also become even more light if some other object 
        # is rendered as a transparent object. Example in DNA Line mode, when the
        # second axis end sphere is rendered as a transparent sphere, it affects
        # the text rendering as well (if GL_LIGHTING is not disabled)
        # [-- Ninad 2007-12-03]
        #Add 'stoppers' for the cursor text. Example: If the cursor is near the
        #extreme right hand corner of the 3D workspace, the following code 
        #ensures that all the text string is visible. It does this check for 
        #right(x) and top(for y) borders of the glpane. 
        xOffset = offset
        yOffset = offset
        #signForDX and signForDY are used by the code that draws the same 
        #text in the background (offset by 1 pixel in 4 directions) 
        signForDX = 1
        signForDY = 1
        xLimit = self.width - pos.x()
        #Note that at the top edge, y coord is 0
        yLimit = pos.y()
        textString = QString(textString)
        font = self._getFontForTextNearCursor(fontSize = fontSize,
                                              isBold = True)
        #Now determine the total x and y pixels used to render the text 
        #(add some tolerance to that number) 
        fm = QFontMetrics(font)
        xPixels = fm.width(textString) + 10
        yPixels = fm.height() + 10
        if xLimit < xPixels:
            xOffset = - (xPixels - xLimit)
            signForDX = -1
        if yLimit < yPixels:
            yOffset = - (yPixels - pos.y())
            signForDY = -1
        x = pos.x() + xOffset
        y = pos.y() - yOffset
        offset_val = 1

        deltas_for_halo_color = (( offset_val,  offset_val), 
                                 (-offset_val, -offset_val), 
                                 (-offset_val,  offset_val), 
                                 ( offset_val, -offset_val))
        # halo color
        halo_color = getTextHaloColor(textColor)
        for dx, dy in deltas_for_halo_color: 

            # Note: self.renderText is QGLWidget.renderText method.
            self.renderText(x + dx*signForDX ,
                            y + dy*signForDY,
##            self.qglClearColor(RGBf_to_QColor(halo_color))
##                # REVIEW: why is qglClearColor needed here? Why is it done *after* renderText?
##                # [bruce 081204 questions; same Qs for the other uses of qglClearColor in this file]

        # Note: It is necessary to set the font color, otherwise it may change!

        x = pos.x() + xOffset
        y = pos.y() - yOffset

        self.renderText(x ,
                        y ,
##        self.qglClearColor(RGBf_to_QColor(textColor))
##            # is qglClearColor related to glClearColor? [bruce 071214 question]
Beispiel #5
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        if self.drag is not None:
            QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)
        if ((event.globalPos() - self.mouse_press_qpoint).manhattanLength() <
        # starting a drag
        # [logic bug, after bruce change 070507: should not do this
        #  if we already started dragging out a selection. How can we tell?
        #  Only by whether the initial press had eventInRect, I think
        #  (not yet recorded), or at least, the initial move (#e could record here).]
        index = self.indexAt(event.pos())

        sellst = self.selectedList()  # bruce 070507 move earlier

        DEBUG2 = True

        if index.isValid():
            thisnode = index.internalPointer().node

            #bruce 070507 bring in some code from
            alreadySelected = (thisnode in sellst)

            item = index.internalPointer()
            rect = self.visualRect(index)
            if DEBUG2:
                print "visualRect coords", rect.left(), rect.right(),
                ), rect.bottom()
            qfm = QFontMetrics(QLineEdit(self).font())
            rect.setWidth(qfm.width( + _ICONSIZE[0] + 4)
            if DEBUG2:
                print "visualRect coords, modified:", rect.left(), rect.right(
                ),, rect.bottom()
                # looks like icon and text, a bit taller than text (guesses)
            eventInRect = rect.contains(event.pos())
            if DEBUG2:
                print "valid index: eventInRect = %r, item = %r, index = %r, alreadySelected = %r" % \
                      (eventInRect, item, index, alreadySelected)#######
            thisnode = item = None
            alreadySelected = eventInRect = False

        if not eventInRect:
            # nothing to drag, but [bruce 070507] let super handle it (for dragging over nodes to select)
            self.drag_is_not_DND = True  ### not yet used
            QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)

        if thisnode in sellst:
            # if dragging something selected, drag along all other selected ones
            dragged_nodes = sellst
            # if dragging something unselected, ignore any selected ones
            dragged_nodes = [thisnode]
        qdrag = QDrag(self)
        drag_type = 'move'  # how do I decide between 'move' and 'copy'?
        self.drag = (dragged_nodes, drag_type, qdrag)
        mimedata = QMimeData()
        mimedata.setText("need a string here for a valid mimetype")
        display_prefs = {}
        pixmap = dragged_nodes[0].node_icon(display_prefs)
        qdrag.setHotSpot(QPoint(-8, 8))
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        if self.drag is not None:
            QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)
        if ((event.globalPos() - self.mouse_press_qpoint).manhattanLength()
            < QApplication.startDragDistance()):
        # starting a drag
        # [logic bug, after bruce change 070507: should not do this
        #  if we already started dragging out a selection. How can we tell?
        #  Only by whether the initial press had eventInRect, I think
        #  (not yet recorded), or at least, the initial move (#e could record here).]
        index = self.indexAt(event.pos())

        sellst = self.selectedList() # bruce 070507 move earlier

        DEBUG2 = True

        if index.isValid():
            thisnode = index.internalPointer().node

            #bruce 070507 bring in some code from
            alreadySelected = (thisnode in sellst)

            item = index.internalPointer()
            rect = self.visualRect(index)
            if DEBUG2:
                print "visualRect coords",rect.left(), rect.right(),, rect.bottom()
            qfm = QFontMetrics(QLineEdit(self).font())
            rect.setWidth(qfm.width( + _ICONSIZE[0] + 4)
            if DEBUG2:
                print "visualRect coords, modified:",rect.left(), rect.right(),, rect.bottom()
                # looks like icon and text, a bit taller than text (guesses)
            eventInRect = rect.contains(event.pos())
            if DEBUG2:
                print "valid index: eventInRect = %r, item = %r, index = %r, alreadySelected = %r" % \
                      (eventInRect, item, index, alreadySelected)#######
            thisnode = item = None
            alreadySelected = eventInRect = False

        if not eventInRect:
            # nothing to drag, but [bruce 070507] let super handle it (for dragging over nodes to select)
            self.drag_is_not_DND = True ### not yet used
            QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)

        if thisnode in sellst:
            # if dragging something selected, drag along all other selected ones
            dragged_nodes = sellst
            # if dragging something unselected, ignore any selected ones
            dragged_nodes = [ thisnode ]
        qdrag = QDrag(self)
        drag_type = 'move'  # how do I decide between 'move' and 'copy'?
        self.drag = (dragged_nodes, drag_type, qdrag)
        mimedata = QMimeData()
        mimedata.setText("need a string here for a valid mimetype")
        display_prefs = { }
        pixmap = dragged_nodes[0].node_icon(display_prefs)
        qdrag.setHotSpot(QPoint(-8, 8))
 def do_size_hint(self, option, index):
     text =
     font = QFont(option.font)
     font.setPointSize(QFontInfo(font).pointSize() * 1.5)
     m = QFontMetrics(font)
     return QSize(m.width(text), m.height())
Beispiel #8
 def __computeTextPosition(self):
     if not self.__text is None:
         qf = QFontMetrics(self.parent.font())
         self.__textx = self.x + (self.width - qf.width(self.__text)) / 2
         self.__texty = self.y + qf.ascent() + (self.height -
                                                qf.height()) / 2