def __init__(self, accounts, subjects): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self) self.accounts = accounts self.subjects = subjects self.account_order = sorted(self.accounts.keys()) self.headers = map(QVariant, [_("Email"), _("Formats"), _("Subject"), _("Auto send")]) self.default_font = QFont() self.default_font.setBold(True) self.default_font = QVariant(self.default_font) self.tooltips = [NONE] + list( map( QVariant, map( textwrap.fill, [ _("Formats to email. The first matching format will be sent."), _( "Subject of the email to use when sending. When left blank " "the title will be used for the subject. Also, the same " 'templates used for "Save to disk" such as {title} and ' "{author_sort} can be used here." ), "<p>" + _( "If checked, downloaded news will be automatically " "mailed <br>to this email address " "(provided it is in one of the listed formats)." ), ], ), ) )
def data(self, index, role): profile = self.profiles[index.row()] if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant( if role in (Qt.ToolTipRole, Qt.StatusTipRole, Qt.WhatsThisRole): return QVariant(profile.description) return NONE
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return NONE if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return QVariant(self.headers[section]) else: return QVariant(section+1)
class NewsCategory(NewsTreeItem): def __init__(self, category, builtin, custom, scheduler_config, parent): NewsTreeItem.__init__(self, builtin, custom, scheduler_config, parent) self.category = category self.cdata = get_language(self.category) self.bold_font = QFont() self.bold_font.setBold(True) self.bold_font = QVariant(self.bold_font) def data(self, role): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant(self.cdata + ' [%d]'%len(self.children)) elif role == Qt.FontRole: return self.bold_font elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole and self.category == _('Scheduled'): return QVariant(QColor(0, 255, 0)) return NONE def flags(self): return Qt.ItemIsEnabled def __cmp__(self, other): def decorate(x): if x == _('Scheduled'): x = '0' + x elif x == _('Custom'): x = '1' + x else: x = '2' + x return x return cmp(decorate(self.cdata), decorate(getattr(other, 'cdata', '')))
class NewsCategory(NewsTreeItem): def __init__(self, category, builtin, custom, scheduler_config, parent): NewsTreeItem.__init__(self, builtin, custom, scheduler_config, parent) self.category = category self.cdata = get_language(self.category) self.bold_font = QFont() self.bold_font.setBold(True) self.bold_font = QVariant(self.bold_font) def data(self, role): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant(self.cdata + ' [%d]' % len(self.children)) elif role == Qt.FontRole: return self.bold_font elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole and self.category == _('Scheduled'): return QVariant(QColor(0, 255, 0)) return NONE def flags(self): return Qt.ItemIsEnabled def __cmp__(self, other): def decorate(x): if x == _('Scheduled'): x = '0' + x elif x == _('Custom'): x = '1' + x else: x = '2' + x return x return cmp(decorate(self.cdata), decorate(getattr(other, 'cdata', '')))
def init_languages(self): self.language.blockSignals(True) self.language.clear() from calibre.utils.localization import (available_translations, get_language, get_lang, get_lc_messages_path) lang = get_lang() lang = get_lc_messages_path(lang) if lang else lang if lang is None or lang not in available_translations(): lang = 'en' def get_esc_lang(l): if l == 'en': return 'English' return get_language(l) self.language.addItem(get_esc_lang(lang), QVariant(lang)) items = [(l, get_esc_lang(l)) for l in available_translations() if l != lang] if lang != 'en': items.append(('en', get_esc_lang('en'))) items.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) for item in items: self.language.addItem(item[1], QVariant(item[0])) self.language.blockSignals(False) prefs['language'] = str( self.language.itemData(self.language.currentIndex()).toString())
def __init__(self, category, builtin, custom, scheduler_config, parent): NewsTreeItem.__init__(self, builtin, custom, scheduler_config, parent) self.category = category self.cdata = get_language(self.category) self.bold_font = QFont() self.bold_font.setBold(True) self.bold_font = QVariant(self.bold_font)
def __init__(self): QWidget.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_KeyboardWidget() self.ui.setupUi(self) index = 0 # comboBox.addItem doesn't increase the currentIndex self.default_layout_index = None locales = sorted([(country, data) for country, data in yali.localedata.locales.items() ]) for country, data in locales: if data["xkbvariant"]: i = 0 for variant in data["xkbvariant"]: _d = dict(data) _d["xkbvariant"] = variant[0] _d["name"] = variant[1] _d["consolekeymap"] = data["consolekeymap"][i] self.ui.keyboard_list.addItem(_d["name"], QVariant(_d)) i += 1 else: self.ui.keyboard_list.addItem(data["name"], QVariant(data)) if ctx.consts.lang == country: if ctx.consts.lang == "tr": self.default_layout_index = index + 1 else: self.default_layout_index = index index += 1 self.ui.keyboard_list.setCurrentIndex(self.default_layout_index) self.connect(self.ui.keyboard_list, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.slotLayoutChanged)
def data(self, index, role): row, col = index.row(), index.column() try: book = self.results[row] except: return NONE if role == Qt.DisplayRole and col not in self.ICON_COLS: res = self.data_as_text(book, col) if res: return QVariant(res) return NONE elif role == Qt.DecorationRole and col in self.ICON_COLS: if col == 3 and getattr(book, 'has_cached_cover_url', False): return self.yes_icon if col == 4 and book.comments: return self.yes_icon elif role == Qt.UserRole: return book elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole and col == 3: return QVariant( _('The has cover indication is not fully\n' 'reliable. Sometimes results marked as not\n' 'having a cover will find a cover in the download\n' 'cover stage, and vice versa.')) return NONE
def data(self, index, role): row, col = index.row(), index.column() if row < 0 or row >= self.rowCount(): return NONE account = self.account_order[row] if account not in self.accounts: return NONE if role == Qt.UserRole: return (account, self.accounts[account]) if role == Qt.ToolTipRole: return self.tooltips[col] if role in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole]: if col == 0: return QVariant(account) if col == 1: return QVariant(self.accounts[account][0]) if col == 2: return QVariant(self.subjects.get(account, '')) if col == 4: return QVariant(self.aliases.get(account, '')) if role == Qt.FontRole and self.accounts[account][2]: return self.default_font if role == Qt.CheckStateRole and col == 3: return QVariant( Qt.Checked if self.accounts[account][1] else Qt.Unchecked) return NONE
def create_widgets(self, opt): val = self.plugin.prefs[] if opt.type == 'number': c = QSpinBox if isinstance(opt.default, int) else QDoubleSpinBox widget = c(self) widget.setValue(val) elif opt.type == 'string': widget = QLineEdit(self) widget.setText(val if val else '') elif opt.type == 'bool': widget = QCheckBox(opt.label, self) widget.setChecked(bool(val)) elif opt.type == 'choices': widget = QComboBox(self) for key, label in opt.choices.iteritems(): widget.addItem(label, QVariant(key)) idx = widget.findData(QVariant(val)) widget.setCurrentIndex(idx) widget.opt = opt widget.setToolTip(textwrap.fill(opt.desc)) self.widgets.append(widget) r = self.l.rowCount() if opt.type == 'bool': self.l.addWidget(widget, r, 0, 1, self.l.columnCount()) else: l = QLabel(opt.label) l.setToolTip(widget.toolTip()) self.memory.append(l) l.setBuddy(widget) self.l.addWidget(l, r, 0, 1, 1) self.l.addWidget(widget, r, 1, 1, 1)
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole: if section == 0: return QVariant("Pref Name") if section == 1: return QVariant("Pref Value") return QVariant()
def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return QVariant() if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant() item = index.internalPointer() return QVariant(
def createSubitem(self, parentItem, parentGroup, groupname): if groupname != 'data': attributes = parentGroup[groupname].attrs subItem = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem() subItem.setText(0, groupname) filenameData = QVariant( str(, QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString())) parentPath = str(, QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toString()).replace( '/data', '') # The possible data has to be stripped! if 'data' in parentGroup[groupname]: subgroupData = QVariant(parentPath + '/' + groupname + '/data') else: subgroupData = QVariant(parentPath + '/' + groupname) subItem.setData(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, filenameData) subItem.setData(1, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, subgroupData) subItem.setExpanded(True) try: subItem.setData(2, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, attributes) if 'Description' in attributes: subItem.setToolTip(0, attributes['Description']) except: pass return subItem
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole: if section == 0: return QVariant('Config Key') if section == 1: return QVariant('Config Value') return QVariant()
def __init__(self, accounts, subjects): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self) self.accounts = accounts self.subjects = subjects self.account_order = sorted(self.accounts.keys()) self.headers = map( QVariant, [_('Email'), _('Formats'), _('Subject'), _('Auto send')]) self.default_font = QFont() self.default_font.setBold(True) self.default_font = QVariant(self.default_font) self.tooltips = [NONE] + list( map( QVariant, map(textwrap.fill, [ _('Formats to email. The first matching format will be sent.' ), _('Subject of the email to use when sending. When left blank ' 'the title will be used for the subject. Also, the same ' 'templates used for "Save to disk" such as {title} and ' '{author_sort} can be used here.'), '<p>' + _('If checked, downloaded news will be automatically ' 'mailed <br>to this email address ' '(provided it is in one of the listed formats).') ])))
def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return NONE if index.internalId() == 0: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: category = self.categories[index.row()] return QVariant(_("%(plugin_type)s %(plugins)s")% dict(plugin_type=category, plugins=_('plugins'))) else: plugin = self.index_to_plugin(index) disabled = is_disabled(plugin) if role == Qt.DisplayRole: ver = '.'.join(map(str, plugin.version)) desc = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(plugin.description, 100)) ans='%s (%s) %s %s\n%s'%(, ver, _('by'),, desc) c = plugin_customization(plugin) if c and not disabled: ans += _('\nCustomization: ')+c if disabled: ans += _('\n\nThis plugin has been disabled') return QVariant(ans) if role == Qt.DecorationRole: return self.disabled_icon if disabled else self.icon if role == Qt.ForegroundRole and disabled: return QVariant(QBrush(Qt.gray)) if role == Qt.UserRole: return plugin return NONE
def closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent): settings = QSettings() settings.setValue('width', QVariant(self.settings['width'])) settings.setValue('color', QVariant(self.settings['color'])) settings.setValue('x_grid', QVariant(self.settings['x_grid'])) settings.setValue('y_grid', QVariant(self.settings['y_grid'])) settings.setValue('grid_opacity', QVariant(self.settings['grid_opacity']))
def data(self, role): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant(self.cdata + ' [%d]' % len(self.children)) elif role == Qt.FontRole: return self.bold_font elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole and self.category == _('Scheduled'): return QVariant(QColor(0, 255, 0)) return NONE
def __init__(self, show_only_user_plugins=False): QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self) SearchQueryParser.__init__(self, ['all']) self.show_only_user_plugins = show_only_user_plugins self.icon = QVariant(QIcon(I('plugins.png'))) p = QIcon(self.icon).pixmap(64, 64, QIcon.Disabled, QIcon.On) self.disabled_icon = QVariant(QIcon(p)) self._p = p self.populate()
def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): '''Returns the data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index.''' if not index.isValid(): return QVariant() if role != Qt.DisplayRole and role != Qt.EditRole: return QVariant() nodePref = self.index2Pref(index) return QVariant(nodePref.qt_get_data(index.column()))
def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant(self.label_for_row(index.row())) if role == Qt.FontRole and index.row() == self.pos: f = QApplication.instance().font() f.setBold(True) return QVariant(f) if role == Qt.UserRole: return QVariant(self.states[index.row()]) return NONE
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return NONE text = '' if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section < len(self.HEADERS): text = self.HEADERS[section] return QVariant(text) else: return QVariant(section + 1)
def _populate_combo_box(self): # diagnostic datasets can have only diagnostic outcomes if self.is_diag: self.datatype_cbo_box.addItem(QString("Diagnostic"), QVariant(DIAGNOSTIC)) else: for name, type_id in zip( [QString(s) for s in ["Binary", "Continuous"]], [QVariant(i) for i in range(2)]): self.datatype_cbo_box.addItem(name, type_id)
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return NONE if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: text = _('Job') elif section == 1: text = _('Status') elif section == 2: text = _('Progress') elif section == 3: text = _('Running time') return QVariant(text) else: return QVariant(section + 1)
def data(self, index, role): row, col = index.row(), index.column() result = self.books[row] if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if col == 0: return QVariant(result.title) elif col == 1: return QVariant( elif col == 2: return QVariant(result.formats) return NONE
def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return NONE row, col = index.row(), index.column() if row < 0 or row >= self.rowCount(): return NONE display_plugin = self.display_plugins[row] if role in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.UserRole]: if col == 0: return QVariant( if col == 1: if display_plugin.donation_link: return QVariant(_('PayPal')) if col == 2: return self._get_status(display_plugin) if col == 3: return QVariant( self._get_display_version( display_plugin.installed_version)) if col == 4: return QVariant( self._get_display_version( display_plugin.available_version)) if col == 5: if role == Qt.UserRole: return self._get_display_release_date( display_plugin.release_date, 'yyyyMMdd') else: return self._get_display_release_date( display_plugin.release_date) if col == 6: return QVariant( self._get_display_version( display_plugin.calibre_required_version)) if col == 7: return QVariant( elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: if col == 0: return self._get_status_icon(display_plugin) if col == 1: if display_plugin.donation_link: return QIcon(I('donate.png')) elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if col == 1 and display_plugin.donation_link: return QVariant( _('This plugin is FREE but you can reward the developer for their effort\n' 'by donating to them via PayPal.\n\n' 'Right-click and choose Donate to reward: ') + else: return self._get_status_tooltip(display_plugin) elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: if col != 1: # Never change colour of the donation column if display_plugin.is_deprecated: return QVariant(QBrush( if display_plugin.is_disabled(): return QVariant(QBrush(Qt.gray)) return NONE
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return NONE if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return QVariant({ 0: _('Job'), 1: _('Status'), 2: _('Progress'), 3: _('Running time'), 4: _('Start time'), }.get(section, '')) else: return QVariant(section + 1)
def data(self, index, role): profile = self.profiles[index.row()] if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant( if role in (Qt.ToolTipRole, Qt.StatusTipRole, Qt.WhatsThisRole): w, h = profile.screen_size if w >= 10000: ss = _('unlimited') else: ss = _('%(width)d x %(height)d pixels') % dict(width=w, height=h) ss = _('Screen size: %s') % ss return QVariant('%s [%s]' % (profile.description, ss)) return NONE
def data(self, index, role): try: widget = self.widgets[index.row()] except: return NONE if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant(widget.config_title()) if role == Qt.DecorationRole: return QVariant(widget.config_icon()) if role == Qt.FontRole: f = QFont() f.setBold(True) return QVariant(f) return NONE
def data(self, index, role): try: family = self.families[index.row()] except: traceback.print_exc() return NONE if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return QVariant(family) if role == Qt.FontRole: # If a user chooses some non standard font as the interface font, # rendering some font names causes Qt to crash, so return what is # hopefully a "safe" font return QVariant(self.font) return NONE
def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): row, col = index.row(), index.column() txout = self.dustTxOutlist[row] addrStr = script_to_addrStr(txout.getScript()) pyAddr = self.wlt.addrMap[addrStr_to_hash160(addrStr)[1]] chainIndex = pyAddr.chainIndex + 1 if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if col == DUSTCOLS.chainIndex: return QVariant(chainIndex) if col == DUSTCOLS.AddrStr: return QVariant(addrStr) if col == DUSTCOLS.Btc: return QVariant(coin2str(txout.getValue(), maxZeros=8)) elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if col == DUSTCOLS.chainIndex: return QVariant(int(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)) if col == DUSTCOLS.AddrStr: return QVariant(int(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter)) if col == DUSTCOLS.Btc: return QVariant(int(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)) elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: return QVariant(Colors.Foreground) elif role == Qt.FontRole: if col == DUSTCOLS.Btc: return GETFONT('Fixed') return QVariant()
def __init__(self, accounts, subjects, aliases={}): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self) self.accounts = accounts self.subjects = subjects self.aliases = aliases self.account_order = sorted(self.accounts.keys()) self.headers = map(QVariant, [_('Email'), _('Formats'), _('Subject'), _('Auto send'), _('Alias')]) self.default_font = QFont() self.default_font.setBold(True) self.default_font = QVariant(self.default_font) self.tooltips =[NONE] + list(map(QVariant, map(textwrap.fill, [_('Formats to email. The first matching format will be sent.'), _('Subject of the email to use when sending. When left blank ' 'the title will be used for the subject. Also, the same ' 'templates used for "Save to disk" such as {title} and ' '{author_sort} can be used here.'), '<p>'+_('If checked, downloaded news will be automatically ' 'mailed <br>to this email address ' '(provided it is in one of the listed formats).'), _('Friendly name to use for this email address') ])))
class EmailAccounts(QAbstractTableModel): # {{{ def __init__(self, accounts, subjects): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self) self.accounts = accounts self.subjects = subjects self.account_order = sorted(self.accounts.keys()) self.headers = map(QVariant, [_("Email"), _("Formats"), _("Subject"), _("Auto send")]) self.default_font = QFont() self.default_font.setBold(True) self.default_font = QVariant(self.default_font) self.tooltips = [NONE] + list( map( QVariant, map( textwrap.fill, [ _("Formats to email. The first matching format will be sent."), _( "Subject of the email to use when sending. When left blank " "the title will be used for the subject. Also, the same " 'templates used for "Save to disk" such as {title} and ' "{author_sort} can be used here." ), "<p>" + _( "If checked, downloaded news will be automatically " "mailed <br>to this email address " "(provided it is in one of the listed formats)." ), ], ), ) ) def rowCount(self, *args): return len(self.account_order) def columnCount(self, *args): return len(self.headers) def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if role == Qt.DisplayRole and orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return self.headers[section] return NONE def data(self, index, role): row, col = index.row(), index.column() if row < 0 or row >= self.rowCount(): return NONE account = self.account_order[row] if role == Qt.UserRole: return (account, self.accounts[account]) if role == Qt.ToolTipRole: return self.tooltips[col] if role in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole]: if col == 0: return QVariant(account) if col == 1: return QVariant(self.accounts[account][0]) if col == 2: return QVariant(self.subjects.get(account, "")) if role == Qt.FontRole and self.accounts[account][2]: return self.default_font if role == Qt.CheckStateRole and col == 3: return QVariant(Qt.Checked if self.accounts[account][1] else Qt.Unchecked) return NONE def flags(self, index): if index.column() == 3: return QAbstractTableModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable else: return QAbstractTableModel.flags(self, index) | Qt.ItemIsEditable def setData(self, index, value, role): if not index.isValid(): return False row, col = index.row(), index.column() account = self.account_order[row] if col == 3: self.accounts[account][1] ^= True elif col == 2: self.subjects[account] = unicode(value.toString()) elif col == 1: self.accounts[account][0] = unicode(value.toString()).upper() elif col == 0: na = unicode(value.toString()) from email.utils import parseaddr addr = parseaddr(na)[-1] if not addr: return False self.accounts[na] = self.accounts.pop(account) self.account_order[row] = na if "" in addr: self.accounts[na][0] = "AZW, MOBI, TPZ, PRC, AZW1" self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(index.row(), 0), self.index(index.row(), 3)) return True def make_default(self, index): if index.isValid(): row = index.row() for x in self.accounts.values(): x[2] = False self.accounts[self.account_order[row]][2] = True self.reset() def add(self): x = _("new email address") y = x c = 0 while y in self.accounts: c += 1 y = x + str(c) auto_send = len(self.accounts) < 1 self.accounts[y] = ["MOBI, EPUB", auto_send, len(self.account_order) == 0] self.account_order = sorted(self.accounts.keys()) self.reset() return self.index(self.account_order.index(y), 0) def remove(self, index): if index.isValid(): row = index.row() account = self.account_order[row] self.accounts.pop(account) self.account_order = sorted(self.accounts.keys()) has_default = False for account in self.account_order: if self.accounts[account][2]: has_default = True break if not has_default and self.account_order: self.accounts[self.account_order[0]][2] = True self.reset()