Beispiel #1
    def render(self, p: QPainter, rect: QRect):
        Render a tile
        :param p: QPainter instance, place where to pain the tiles
        :param rect: QRect instance, dimensions of the painter (the window that renders the tiles)
        :return: Nothing

        rx = range(self._tiles_rectangle.width())
        ry = range(self._tiles_rectangle.height())

        for x, y in product(rx, ry):
            tp = Point(x + self._tiles_rectangle.left(),
                       y +
            box = self.tile_rectangle(tp)
            if rect.intersects(box):
                p.drawPixmap(box, self._tile_pixmaps.get(tp, self._emptyTile))
Beispiel #2
    def _render(self):
        self.rendered_base_x = base_x = self.x_position
        self.rendered_base_y = base_y = self.y_position

        self.rendered_width = new_width = self.width
        self.rendered_height = new_height = self.height

            self.index_in_level = self.objects_ref.index(self)
        except ValueError:
            # the object has not been added yet, so stick with the one given in the constructor

        blocks_to_draw = []

        if self.orientation == TO_THE_SKY:
            base_x = self.x_position
            base_y = SKY

            for _ in range(self.y_position):


        elif self.orientation == DESERT_PIPE_BOX:
            # segments are the horizontal sections, which are 8 blocks long
            # two of those are drawn per length bit
            # rows are the 4 block high rows Mario can walk in

            is_pipe_box_type_b = self.obj_index // 0x10 == 4

            rows_per_box = self.height
            lines_per_row = 4

            segment_width = self.width
            segments = (self.length + 1) * 2

            box_height = lines_per_row * rows_per_box

            new_width = segments * segment_width
            new_height = box_height

            for row_number in range(rows_per_box):
                for line in range(lines_per_row):
                    if is_pipe_box_type_b and row_number > 0 and line == 0:
                        # in pipebox type b we do not repeat the horizontal beams
                        line += 1

                    start = line * segment_width
                    stop = start + segment_width

                    for segment_number in range(segments):

            if is_pipe_box_type_b:
                # draw another open row
                start = segment_width
                # draw the first row again to close the box
                start = 0

            stop = start + segment_width

            for segment_number in range(segments):

        elif self.orientation in [
            if self.ending == UNIFORM:
                new_height = (self.length + 1) * self.height
                new_width = (self.length + 1) * self.width

                left = [BLANK]
                right = [BLANK]
                slopes = self.blocks

            elif self.ending == END_ON_TOP_OR_LEFT:
                new_height = (self.length + 1) * self.height
                new_width = (self.length + 1) * (self.width - 1
                                                 )  # without fill block

                if self.orientation in [DIAG_DOWN_RIGHT, DIAG_UP_RIGHT]:
                    fill_block = self.blocks[0:1]
                    slopes = self.blocks[1:]

                    left = fill_block
                    right = [BLANK]
                elif self.orientation == DIAG_DOWN_LEFT:
                    fill_block = self.blocks[-1:]
                    slopes = self.blocks[0:-1]

                    right = fill_block
                    left = [BLANK]

                    fill_block = self.blocks[0:1]
                    slopes = self.blocks[1:]

                    right = [BLANK]
                    left = fill_block

            elif self.ending == END_ON_BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT:
                new_height = (self.length + 1) * self.height
                new_width = (self.length + 1) * (self.width - 1
                                                 )  # without fill block

                fill_block = self.blocks[-1:]
                slopes = self.blocks[0:-1]

                left = [BLANK]
                right = fill_block
                # todo other two ends not used with diagonals?
                self.rendered_blocks = []

            rows = []

            if self.height > self.width:
                slope_width = self.width
                slope_width = len(slopes)

            for y in range(new_height):
                amount_right = (y // self.height) * slope_width
                amount_left = new_width - slope_width - amount_right

                offset = y % self.height

                rows.append(amount_left * left +
                            slopes[offset:offset + slope_width] +
                            amount_right * right)

            if self.orientation in [DIAG_UP_RIGHT]:
                for row in rows:

            if self.orientation in [DIAG_DOWN_RIGHT, DIAG_UP_RIGHT]:
                if not self.height > self.width:  # special case for 60 degree platform wire down right

            if self.orientation in [DIAG_UP_RIGHT]:
                base_y -= new_height - 1

            if self.orientation in [DIAG_DOWN_LEFT]:
                base_x -= new_width - slope_width

            for row in rows:

        elif self.orientation in [PYRAMID_TO_GROUND, PYRAMID_2]:
            # since pyramids grow horizontally in both directions when extending
            # we need to check for new ground every time it grows

            base_x += 1  # set the new base_x to the tip of the pyramid

            for y in range(base_y, self.ground_level):
                new_height = y - base_y
                new_width = 2 * new_height

                bottom_row = QRect(base_x, y, new_width, 1)

                if any([
                        and y == obj.get_rect().top()
                        for obj in self.objects_ref[0:self.index_in_level]

            base_x = base_x - (new_width // 2)

            blank = self.blocks[0]
            left_slope = self.blocks[1]
            left_fill = self.blocks[2]
            right_fill = self.blocks[3]
            right_slope = self.blocks[4]

            for y in range(new_height):
                blank_blocks = (new_width // 2) - (y + 1)
                middle_blocks = y  # times two

                blocks_to_draw.extend(blank_blocks * [blank])

                blocks_to_draw.extend(middle_blocks * [left_fill] +
                                      middle_blocks * [right_fill])

                blocks_to_draw.extend(blank_blocks * [blank])

        elif self.orientation == ENDING:
            page_width = 16
            page_limit = page_width - self.x_position % page_width

            new_width = page_width + page_limit + 1
            new_height = (GROUND - 1) - SKY

            for y in range(SKY, GROUND - 1):
                blocks_to_draw.extend([self.blocks[1]] * (new_width - 1))

            # todo magic number
            # ending graphics
            rom_offset = ENDING_OBJECT_OFFSET + self.object_set.get_ending_offset(
            ) * 0x60

            rom = ROM()

            ending_graphic_height = 6
            floor_height = 1

            y_offset = GROUND - floor_height - ending_graphic_height

            for y in range(ending_graphic_height):
                for x in range(page_width):
                    block_index = rom.get_byte(rom_offset + y * page_width +
                                               x - 1)

                    block_position = (y_offset +
                                      y) * new_width + x + page_limit + 1
                    blocks_to_draw[block_position] = block_index

            # Mushroom/Fire flower/Star is categorized as an enemy

        elif self.orientation == VERTICAL:
            new_height = self.length + 1
            new_width = self.width

            if self.ending == UNIFORM:
                if self.is_4byte:
                    # there is one VERTICAL 4-byte object: Vertically oriented X-blocks
                    # the width is the primary expansion
                    new_width = (self.obj_index & 0x0F) + 1

                for _ in range(new_height):
                    for x in range(new_width):
                        for y in range(self.height):
                            blocks_to_draw.append(self.blocks[x % self.width])

            elif self.ending == END_ON_TOP_OR_LEFT:
                # in case the drawn object is smaller than its actual size
                for y in range(min(self.height, new_height)):
                    offset = y * self.width
                    blocks_to_draw.extend(self.blocks[offset:offset +

                additional_rows = new_height - self.height

                # assume only the last row needs to repeat
                # todo true for giant blocks?
                if additional_rows > 0:
                    last_row = self.blocks[-self.width:]

                    for _ in range(additional_rows):

            elif self.ending == END_ON_BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT:
                additional_rows = new_height - self.height

                # assume only the first row needs to repeat
                # todo true for giant blocks?
                if additional_rows > 0:
                    last_row = self.blocks[0:self.width]

                    for _ in range(additional_rows):

                # in case the drawn object is smaller than its actual size
                for y in range(min(self.height, new_height)):
                    offset = y * self.width
                    blocks_to_draw.extend(self.blocks[offset:offset +

            elif self.ending == TWO_ENDS:
                # object exists on ships
                top_row = self.blocks[0:self.width]
                bottom_row = self.blocks[-self.width:]


                additional_rows = new_height - 2

                # repeat second to last row
                if additional_rows > 0:
                    for _ in range(additional_rows):
                            self.blocks[-2 * self.width:-self.width])

                if new_height > 1:

        elif self.orientation in [HORIZONTAL, HORIZ_TO_GROUND, HORIZONTAL_2]:
            new_width = self.length + 1

            if self.orientation == HORIZ_TO_GROUND:
                # to the ground only, until it hits something
                for y in range(base_y, self.ground_level):
                    bottom_row = QRect(base_x, y, new_width, 1)

                    if any([
                            and y == obj.get_rect().top()
                            for obj in self.objects_ref[0:self.index_in_level]
                        new_height = y - base_y
                    # nothing underneath this object, extend to the ground
                    new_height = self.ground_level - base_y

                if self.is_single_block:
                    new_width = self.length

            elif self.orientation == HORIZONTAL_2 and self.ending == TWO_ENDS:
                # floating platforms seem to just be one shorter for some reason
                new_width -= 1
                new_height = self.height + self.secondary_length

            if self.ending == UNIFORM and not self.is_4byte:
                for y in range(new_height):
                    offset = (y % self.height) * self.width

                    for _ in range(0, new_width):
                        blocks_to_draw.extend(self.blocks[offset:offset +

                # in case of giant blocks
                new_width *= self.width

            elif self.ending == UNIFORM and self.is_4byte:
                # 4 byte objects
                top = self.blocks[0:1]
                bottom = self.blocks[-1:]

                new_height = self.height + self.secondary_length

                # ceilings are one shorter than normal
                if self.height > self.width:
                    new_height -= 1

                blocks_to_draw.extend(new_width * top)

                for _ in range(1, new_height):
                    blocks_to_draw.extend(new_width * bottom)

            elif self.ending == END_ON_TOP_OR_LEFT:
                for y in range(new_height):
                    offset = y * self.width


                    for x in range(1, new_width):
                        blocks_to_draw.append(self.blocks[offset + 1])

            elif self.ending == END_ON_BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT:
                for y in range(new_height):
                    offset = y * self.width

                    for x in range(new_width - 1):

                    blocks_to_draw.append(self.blocks[offset + self.width - 1])

            elif self.ending == TWO_ENDS:
                top_and_bottom_line = 2

                for y in range(self.height):
                    offset = y * self.width
                    left, *middle, right = self.blocks[offset:offset +

                    blocks_to_draw.extend(middle *
                                          (new_width - top_and_bottom_line))

                if not len(blocks_to_draw) % self.height == 0:
                        f"Blocks to draw are not divisible by height. {self}")

                new_width = int(len(blocks_to_draw) / self.height)

                top_row = blocks_to_draw[0:new_width]
                bottom_row = blocks_to_draw[-new_width:]

                middle_blocks = blocks_to_draw[new_width:-new_width]

                new_rows = new_height - top_and_bottom_line

                if new_rows >= 0:
                    blocks_to_draw = top_row + middle_blocks * new_rows + bottom_row
            if not self.orientation == SINGLE_BLOCK_OBJECT:
                print(f"Didn't render {self.description}")
                # breakpoint()

        # for not yet implemented objects and single block objects
        if blocks_to_draw:
            self.rendered_blocks = blocks_to_draw
            self.rendered_blocks = self.blocks

        self.rendered_width = new_width
        self.rendered_height = new_height
        self.rendered_base_x = base_x
        self.rendered_base_y = base_y

        if new_width and not self.rendered_height == len(
                self.rendered_blocks) / new_width:
                f"Not enough Blocks for calculated height: {self.description}. "
                f"Blocks for height: {len(self.rendered_blocks) / new_width}. Rendered height: {self.rendered_height}"

            self.rendered_height = len(self.rendered_blocks) / new_width
        elif new_width == 0:
                f"Calculated Width is 0, setting to 1: {self.description}. "
                f"Blocks to draw: {len(self.rendered_blocks)}. Rendered height: {self.rendered_height}"

            self.rendered_width = 1

        self.rect = QRect(self.rendered_base_x, self.rendered_base_y,
                          self.rendered_width, self.rendered_height)