Beispiel #1
def generate_unified_version(editions):
    :param editions:
    :return: a list with common syllables as separate elements, differing parts within a dict
    total = []
    # a. generate the list of editions’ names
    ed_names = [a for a in editions]
    for syl_num in range(1, len(editions['སྡེ་'])):
        pre_processed = {}
        common = []
        # b. segment in syllables and seperate on the punctuation for each version
        for ed in ed_names:
            chunk = editions[ed][syl_num][0].replace('_', ' ')
            pre_processed[ed] = pre_process(chunk, mode='syls')
        # c. add to common the syls that are the same in all editions and leave the others in pre_processed
        while len({
                pre_processed[ed][0] if pre_processed[ed] != [] else ''
                for ed in ed_names
        }) == 1:
            if pre_processed[ed_names[0]]:
                for ed in ed_names:
                    del pre_processed[ed][0]

    return total
Beispiel #2
def contains_sskrt(string):
    string = string.replace('#', '')
    has_sskrt = False
    syls = pre_process(string, mode='syls')
    for syl in syls:
        if has_sskrt == False and is_sskrt(syl):
            has_sskrt = True
    return has_sskrt
Beispiel #3
def reinsert_notes(raw_text, raw_notes, basis_edition='སྡེ་'):
    global note_num
    raw_text = raw_text.replace('a', '').replace('\t', ' ').split('\n')
    raw_notes = re.sub(
        r'《([^《》་]+)》', r'《\1་》',
        raw_notes)  # add a tsek in the edition names that lack one.
    raw_notes = raw_notes.strip().split('\n')[1:]

    text = {}
    for t in raw_text:
        parts = re.split(r'([0-9]+)\.[\t\s]', t)[1:]
        if parts:
            note_number = parts[0]
            note_text = pre_process(parts[1], mode='syls')
            if note_text == []:
                note_text = ['']
            text[note_number] = note_text

    edition_regex = r'《([^《》]+)》'

    # finding all the editions that exist for that text
    edition_names = set(
        [e for r in raw_notes for e in re.findall(edition_regex, r)])
    editions = {basis_edition: []}
    for e in edition_names:
        editions[e] = []

    error = False
    for n in raw_notes:
        #if debug == 1:
        if show_note == 1:
            print('\t\t' + n)
        if error:
        if n.replace(',', '').replace(' ', '') == '':
        parts = n.split(',')
        number = str(int(parts[2]) - 1)
        # DEBUG. Enables to start debugging at a given note
        #note_num = 304
        if number == str(note_num - 1):
        page_number = parts[1]
        content = parts[4:]
        note = ''
        # keep track of which edition has already been replaced
        generated_versions = {basis_edition: False}
        for e in edition_names:
            generated_versions[e] = False
        # loop through tuples of (edition-s, note)
        max_pairs = len(content) - 1
        if max_pairs > len(content):
            max_pairs = len(content) - 1
        tuple_idx = [c for c in range(0, max_pairs) if c % 2 == 0]
        for a in tuple_idx:
            if error:
            if content[a]:
                # filters the cases where the second tuple is empty
                note = content[a + 1]
                if '(' in note:
                    print('there is a note on top of the comparison.')
                    note = note.split('(')[0].strip()
                if '《' in note:
                        'The following note needs to be edited. The execution will stop now.'
                    error = True
                # 0 prepare
                # separate in syllables not separating the fusioned particles
                modif_type = ''
                if note.startswith('m'):
                    modif_type = 'm'
                elif note.startswith('p'):
                    modif_type = 'p'
                version = pre_process(note.replace(modif_type, ''),
                # delete the last element in the list of the note
                #if is_punct(version[-1]):
                if is_punct(version[-1]) and len(version) > 1:
                    del version[-1]
                    # reconstitute the punctuation for comparing the syllables:

                    # add a tsek to it if the original text has one
                    # if the last syllable is not a punctuation
                    if not version[-1].endswith('་'):
                        if not is_punct(text[number][-1]):
                            if not text[number][-1].endswith('་'):
                                version[-1] += '་'
                        # if the last syllable is a punctuation
                        elif is_punct(
                                text[number][-1]) and len(text[number]) > 1:
                            if text[number][-2].endswith('་'):
                                version[-1] += '་'

                # 1 find index
                # 1.a
                # find the index of the syllable from which to start replacing the original
                index = len(text[number]) - len(version)
                # go one syllable left if the last syllable of the original text is a punctuation
                if is_punct(text[number][-1]):
                    index -= 1
                # put the index at 0 if the replacement text is longer than the original
                if index < 0:
                    index = 0

                # 1.b
                # try to find a point of correspondence in case there are more than a few syllables that are added
                orig_sync_idx = False
                version_sync_idx = False
                window_size = 4
                maximum = len(text[number]) - 1
                # attempts_num becomes 0 if window_size is larger than the length of version, making window_indexes an empty list.
                # this way, window_size decides wether we search for a syncronisation point or not.
                attempts_num = len(version[window_size:])
                window_indexes = [(a, a + window_size)
                                  for a in range(attempts_num)]
                # for v_w in window_indexes:
                #     for a_n in range(attempts_num):
                #         orig_window = text[number][maximum - window_size - a_n:maximum - a_n]
                #         version_window = version[v_w[0]:v_w[1]]
                #         if orig_window == version_window:
                #             if not orig_sync_idx:
                #                 orig_sync_idx = maximum - window_size - a_n
                #                 version_sync_idx = v_w[0]

                # finding the sync point if it is the last syllable
                if not orig_sync_idx:
                    # detects which of the two syls is the longest to check if both start the same way
                    if len(text[number][-1]) > len(version[0]):
                        long = text[number][-1]
                        #long = ''.join(text[number][index:])
                        short = version[0].rstrip('་')
                        #short = ''.join(version)
                        long = version[0]
                        short = text[number][-1].rstrip('་')
                        # long = ''.join(version)
                        # short = ''.join(text[number][index:])
                    # finds if long is short with an addition. This deals with བདེའང་ being replaced by བདེ་བའང་.
                    # Todo: similar replacements may occur elsewhere than the last syllable. implementation needed.
                    # in case both syllables are identical, the condition is also met.
                    if short in long:
                        if short + '་' != long and (len(version) == 1
                                                    or short == strip_particle(
                            if modif_type == 'p':  # ,,9,4,《པེ་》《སྣར་》,pཔོ།,
                                orig_sync_idx = len(text[number])
                                orig_sync_idx = len(text[number]) - 1

                            orig_sync_idx = index
                        version_sync_idx = 0
                    elif strip_particle(long.strip('་')) == strip_particle(
                        orig_sync_idx = len(text[number]) - 1

                # 2
                # generating the versions of the different editions
                edition_text = [b for b in text[number]]

                # A.1 for subsequent addition, keep the last syllable if it is a punctuation to add it at the end
                edition_text_last_syl = False
                if is_punct(edition_text[-1]):
                    edition_text_last_syl = edition_text[-1]
                    #orig_sync_idx -= 1      # as note's conjuction are removed

                # remove the ending tsek in version if it was not there in the original
                if edition_text[-1].endswith('་'):
                    if not version[-1].endswith('་'):
                        version[-1] += '་'
                    if version[-1].endswith('ང'):
                        version[-1] += '་'
                    if version[-1].endswith(
                            '་') and not version[-1].endswith('ང་'):
                        version[-1] = version[-1].rstrip('་')

                # 2.1 if the operation is a deletion (m stands for minus)
                if modif_type == 'm':
                    # a if there is a synchronizing point between the original and the version
                    if orig_sync_idx:
                        del edition_text[orig_sync_idx:]
                    # b if there is no sync point
                        if edition_text_last_syl:
                        del edition_text[len(edition_text) - len(version):]

                # 2.2 if the operation is an addition (p stands for plus)
                elif modif_type == 'p':
                    # a if there is a synchronizing point between the original and the version
                    if orig_sync_idx:
                        # replace the part that precedes the synchronising point
                            orig_sync_idx - version_sync_idx:
                            orig_sync_idx] = version[:version_sync_idx]
                        # replacing from the synchronising point onwards
                        edition_text[orig_sync_idx:orig_sync_idx] = version[
                    # b if there is no sync point
                        # add a tsek if there is none on the last syllable
                        if not edition_text[-1].endswith(
                                '་') and edition_text_last_syl != '།':
                            edition_text[-1] += '་'
                            # remove the ending tsek of version
                            if version[-1].endswith('་'):
                                version[-1] = version[-1].rstrip('་')

                # 2.3 if the operation is a replacement
                    if orig_sync_idx:
                        # replace the part that precedes the synchronising point
                            orig_sync_idx - version_sync_idx:
                            orig_sync_idx] = version[:version_sync_idx]
                        # replacing from the synchronising point onwards
                        edition_text[orig_sync_idx:] = version[
                        # 2.b if there is no synchronising point
                        backward_step = minus3_window(edition_text, version,
                        index -= backward_step
                        # if len(version)>1:
                        #     if edition_text[index+1] in version:
                        #         index +=1
                        #         edition_text.append('')
                        for e in range(len(version)):
                            #print(e) # གཞུང་འདིའི་བསླབ་པ་ལ་ནི་བསླབ་པར་   དབུ་མ་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་སྒྲོན་མ།.txt
                            edition_text[index + e] = version[e]
                        if backward_step:
                            edition_text = edition_text[:-backward_step]

                # A.2 add the punctuation to the end if needed
                # if a punctuation was saved in A.1 and if it is not the same as the last syllable of edition_text
                if edition_text_last_syl and len(edition_text) > 0:
                    if edition_text_last_syl != edition_text[-1]:
                        # if the last syllable ends with a tsek
                        if edition_text[-1].endswith('་'):
                            # if there is a ང་
                            if not edition_text[-1].endswith('ང་'):
                                edition_text[-1] = edition_text[-1][:-1]
                        elif edition_text[-len(version)] == version[
                                -1] and edition_text[-len(version)] != '།།_།།':
                            edition_text[-2] = edition_text[-1]
                            edition_text[-1] = ''
                        if edition_text[-len(version)] != '།།_།།':

                # 2.4 if a sync point was found, i.e. if the size of version is longer than window_size,
                # add '%' to manually check the replacement has been correctly done
                #if orig_sync_idx:
                #    edition_text[-1] += '%'

                # 3 Add the text to the respective editions
                edition_refs = re.findall(edition_regex, content[a])
                # 3.a add the versions of all the editions that require modifications from Derge and notify the edition is added
                for e in edition_refs:
                    chunk = ''.join(edition_text)
                    # remove the extra spaces inserted between the shad and the next verse
                    chunk = chunk.replace('_།_', '_།').replace('_', ' ')
                        (chunk, len(version), page_number, note))
                    generated_versions[e] = True

        # 3.b add the original version of the text to the remaining
        for g in generated_versions:
            if not generated_versions[g]:
                chunk = ''.join(text[number])
                # remove the extra spaces inserted between the shad and the next verse
                chunk = chunk.replace('_།_', '_།').replace('_', ' ')
                editions[g].append((chunk, '', page_number, note))

    # 4 add the last bit of the text that corresponds to no note
    for g in editions:
        chunk = ''.join(text[str(len(text))])
        chunk = chunk.replace('_།_', '_།').replace('_', ' ')
        editions[g].append((chunk, '', '', ''))
    return editions
 def agree_zhas(chosen_ed):
     last_syl = pre_process(chosen_ed, mode='syls')[-1]
     return Agreement().part_agreement(last_syl, 'ཞེས')
Beispiel #5
            for c in combs(xs, i + 1):
                yield c
                yield c + (xs[i], )

        input = [len(note_texts[a]) for a in note_texts]
        combinations = [a for a in combs(input) if len(a) == 2]
        count = {abs(a[0] - a[1]) for a in combinations}
        final = 0
        for c in count:
            if c > final:
                final = c
        return final

    # 0. find parts
    note_texts = pre_process(note)
    content = {syl for ed in note_texts for syl in note_texts[ed] if syl != ''}

    if len(content) != 0:
        if is_tibetan_text(note_texts):
            # 1. process mistakes

            # 2. if the difference is a particle

            # 3. verb differences
            verb_difference(note_texts, verbs)

            # 4. well-formed non-words
            if not already_exists(categorised, note[0]):