Beispiel #1
def createXMLTags(sTagName):
    Adds the brackets to tag name to make Opening and Closing XML tags
    Returns '<tag_name>' and '</tag_name>'  from 'tag_name' 
    #VERBOSE = True
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Parameters - createXMLTags:")
        print2("  sTagName: " + sTagName)
    # end
    # Add the brackets to make the Opening tag
    sFullOpeningTag = "<" + sTagName + ">"
    # Add the brackets and slash to make the Closing tag
    sFullClosingTag = "</" + sTagName + ">"
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Opening tag:  " + sFullOpeningTag)
        print2("Closing tag:  " + sFullClosingTag)
    # end
    sXMLTags = [sFullOpeningTag, sFullClosingTag]
    return sXMLTags
def getSfdcUserIds(input, context):
    #from PyWorks_SoaTest_SfdcUtilities import sfdc_StoreDictInSoaTestVar    # PyWorks SOATest for Utilities
    #from PyWorks_WebUtilities import * 
    #VERBOSE = True
    sReadSoaTestDataSourceName = "SFDC Saved Data"
    sReadVariableName = "SFDC: QueryUser_XML"
    sWriteSoaTestDataSourceName = "SFDC Saved Data"
    sWriteVariableName = "SFDC: UserIds"
    sTagNameKey = "sf:Username"
    sTagNameValue = "sf:Id"
    print2("\tSaving SFDC User's Name and ID")
    # Set the return of this function status based on the return status of the called function
    bStatus = sfdc_StoreDictInSoaTestVar(context, sReadSoaTestDataSourceName, sReadVariableName, sWriteSoaTestDataSourceName, sWriteVariableName, sTagNameKey, sTagNameValue)
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        # Read back the saved DICT 
        hUserIDs = context.get(sWriteVariableName)
        #print2("\tSaved value '" + str(hUserIDs) + "'")
        print2("\tEntries in DICT = " + str(len(hUserIDs)))
        print2("\tIterate over the DICT '" + sWriteVariableName + "'")
        for sKey, sValue in hUserIDs.iteritems():
            print2("\t\t" + sKey + " = " + sValue)
        # end
    # end
    return bStatus
Beispiel #3
def removeXMLBrackets(sTag):
    Removes the brackets from Opening or Closing tags
    Modifies '</tag_name>'  or '<tag_name>'  to 'tag_name' 
    #VERBOSE = True
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Parameters - removeBrackets:")
        print2("  sTag: " + sTag)
    # end
    # TODO: Improve to ignore brackets within the tag name 
    # Remove the brackets and slash from the Closing tag
    sTag = sTag.replace('</', '')
    #sTag = sTag.replace(r'^</', '')
    # Remove the bracket from the Opening tag
    sTag = sTag.replace('<', '')
    #sTag = sTag.replace(r'^<', '')
    # Remove the trailing bracket
    sTag = sTag.replace('>', '')
    #sTag = sTag.replace(r'>$', '')
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Tag w/o brackets:  " + sTag)
    # end
    return sTag
def findSfdcObjectId(context, sReadVariableName, sNameKey, bCaseSensitive=True):
    RReads a SOATest Project Variable that contains a DICT of an SFDC Object's Name:Id pairs,
    Searches the DICT for a Key that matches the specified Object's Name 
    Returns a LIST with the matching Object Name and it's ID value.
    # VERBOSE = True
    # Set a default value
    aMatchingNameValuePair = ["", ""]
    # Retrieve the DICT from the SOATest variable
    hNameValuePairs = context.get(sReadVariableName)
    # Perform the Search
    aMatchingNameValuePair =  getMatchingKeyValue(hNameValuePairs,sNameKey, bCaseSensitive)
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("\tFound Name:Id pair of..")
    # end
    return aMatchingNameValuePair
Beispiel #5
def isTagInXML(sXML, sTagName):
    Parse a string containing XML Tags to see if the specified tag name exists.
    Note that a empty closing tag (e.g. </tag_name> ) with no opening  <tag_name> 
    will be identified as existing
    # VERBOSE = True
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Parameters - isTagInXML:")
        print2("  sXML: " + sXML)
        print2("  sTagName: " + sTagName)
    # end
    # Set default return value
    bFound = False
    # Instead of checking the specified tag for enclosing brackets <tag_name>.
    # ITs easier to just remove them (if they existed) and then adding them.
    sTagWithoutBrackets = removeXMLBrackets(sTagName)
    # Generate the Opening and Closing tags (with brackets)
    aXMLTags = createXMLTags(sTagWithoutBrackets)
    #sFullOpeningTag = aTags[0]
    sFullClosingTag = aXMLTags[1]
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        #print2("Opening tag:  " + sFullOpeningTag)
        print2("Closing tag:  " + sFullClosingTag)
    # end
    # Parse the XML String to see if there is a Closing Tag
    # If the Closing tag is found then the tag exists, even if
    # there is no Opening tag
    if(, sXML)):
        bFound = True
    # end
    return bFound
Beispiel #6
def getXMLTagValue(sXML, sTagName):
    Parses an  XML string containing XML Tags to get the values of the 
    first occurrence of the specified tag name.
    If more than one occurrence of the specified tag name can exist
    in the XML string use: getMultipleXMLTagValues()
    Note that a Closing XML tag (</tag_name> ) with no Opening XML Tag
    <tag_name> proceeding it will return None
    #VERBOSE = True
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Parameters - getXMLTagValue:")
        print2("  sXML: " + sXML)
        print2("  sTagName: " + sTagName)
    # end
    # Verify that the specified tag exists
    if (isTagInXML == False):
        if (VERBOSE == True):
            print2("No tag:  " + sTagName)
        # end
        return None
    # end
    # Generate the Opening and Closing XML tags
    # Its easier to first remove brackets (if they existed).
    sTagWithoutBrackets = removeXMLBrackets(sTagName)
    # Generate the Opening and Closing tags (with brackets)
    aXMLTags = createXMLTags(sTagWithoutBrackets)
    sFullOpeningTag = aXMLTags[0]
    sFullClosingTag = aXMLTags[1]
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Opening tag:  " + sFullOpeningTag)
        print2("Closing tag:  " + sFullClosingTag)
    # end
    # Determine the length of the Opening and Closing Tags
    iOpeningTagLength = len(sFullOpeningTag)
    iClosingTagLength = len(sFullClosingTag)
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Opening tag length:  " + str(iOpeningTagLength))
        print2("Closing tag length:  " + str(iClosingTagLength))
    # end
    # Find the position of the first character of each Tag in the XML string
    iIndexOfOpeningTag = sXML.find(sFullOpeningTag)
    iIndexOfClosingTag = sXML.find(sFullClosingTag)
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Opening tag index:  " + str(iIndexOfOpeningTag))
        print2("Closing tag index:  " + str(iIndexOfClosingTag))
    # end
    # If either of the Tags can't be found, return None
    if ((iIndexOfOpeningTag == -1 ) | (iIndexOfClosingTag == -1 )):
        if (VERBOSE == True):
            print2("Missing either Opening XML Tag or Closing XML tag")
        # end
        return None
    # end
    # Save the STRING between the Opening and Closing Tags
    sXMLTagValue = sXML[(iIndexOfOpeningTag + iOpeningTagLength):iIndexOfClosingTag]
    return sXMLTagValue
Beispiel #7
def getMultipleXMLTagValues(sXML, sTagName):
    Parses a string containing XML Tags to get the values of the specified
    XML tag name, when there are multiple occurrences of the same Tag name 
    Note that a Closing XML tag (</tag_name> ) with no Opening XML Tag
    <tag_name> proceeding it will return ''
    #VERBOSE = True
    # Define default return value
    aMatchingTagValues = []
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Parameters - getMultipleXMLTagValues:")
        print2("  sXML: " + sXML)
        print2("  sTagName: " + sTagName)
    # end
    # Generate the Opening and Closing XML tags
    # Its easier to first remove brackets (if they existed).
    sTagWithoutBrackets = removeXMLBrackets(sTagName)
    # Generate the Opening and Closing tags (with brackets)
    aXMLTags = createXMLTags(sTagWithoutBrackets)
    sFullOpeningTag = aXMLTags[0]
    sFullClosingTag = aXMLTags[1]
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Opening tag:  " + sFullOpeningTag)
        print2("Closing tag:  " + sFullClosingTag)
    # end
    # Determine the length of the Opening and Closing Tags
    iOpeningTagLength = len(sFullOpeningTag)
    iClosingTagLength = len(sFullClosingTag)
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Opening tag length:  " + str(iOpeningTagLength))
        print2("Closing tag length:  " + str(iClosingTagLength))
    # end
    iTotalTagCount = sXML.count(sFullClosingTag)
    # Verify that the specified tag exists
    if (iTotalTagCount == 0):
        if (VERBOSE == True):
            print2("No Closing tag found:  " + sFullClosingTag)
        # end
        # No occurrence of the Closing Tag found so get out of this function
        return aMatchingTagValues
    # end
    if (VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Total Closing tags found:  " + str(iTotalTagCount))
    # end
    # Seed the counter
    iCurrentTag = iTotalTagCount
    # Loop to get that values of each of the Tags
    while iCurrentTag > 0:
        # Find the position of the first character of each Tag in the XML string
        iIndexOfFirstOpeningTag = sXML.find(sFullOpeningTag)
        iIndexOfFirstClosingTag = sXML.find(sFullClosingTag)
        if (VERBOSE == True):
            print2("Opening tag index:  " + str(iIndexOfFirstOpeningTag))
            print2("Closing tag index:  " + str(iIndexOfFirstClosingTag))
        # end
        # See if either of the Tags can't be found, save a value of ''
        if ((iIndexOfFirstOpeningTag == -1 ) | (iIndexOfFirstClosingTag == -1 )):
            if (VERBOSE == True):
                print2("Missing either Opening XML Tag or Closing XML tag")
            # end
            # Save a value of '' fro the current occurrence of the TAg
            # Get the text between the Opening and Closing Tags
            sFoundXMLTagValue = sXML[(iIndexOfFirstOpeningTag + iOpeningTagLength):iIndexOfFirstClosingTag]
            if (VERBOSE == True):
                    print2("Found XML tag value: '" + sFoundXMLTagValue + "'")
            # end
            # Save the STRING between the Opening and Closing Tags
        # end - See if either of the Tags...
        # Update the XML STRING with the current Closing tag removed
        sXML = sXML[(iIndexOfFirstClosingTag + iClosingTagLength) :]
        if (VERBOSE == True):
                print2("Updated XML STRING: '" + sXML + "'")
        # end
        # Update the count of the remaining Closing Tags
        iCurrentTag = sXML.count(sFullClosingTag)
        if (VERBOSE == True):
                print2("Remaining number of XML Tags: " + str(iCurrentTag))
        # end
    # end - Loop to get that values
    return aMatchingTagValues
# Define the LIST to hold the list of test files
aMyTestList = []

# Define the search criteria
sFilesToFind = ""

# Loop through the directory and sub-directories using the find command to collect
# the list of files. Weeding out the numerous pathnames that don't end with a valid
# test file name (files ending  with _test,py).
#aPathlist = os.listdir(".")

# Get the Current Working Directory
sRootDir = os.getcwd()

if (VERBOSE == True):
    print2("PWD = " + sRootDir)
# end

# Get a Recursive listing of sub-directories
aPathlist = list_tree(sRootDir)

if(VERBOSE == True):
# end

# Parse the Recursive listing of sub-directories for files that match the search criteria

# Loop through the Recursive listing of sub-directories
for sPath in aPathlist:
def sfdc_StoreDictInSoaTestVar(context, sReadSoaTestDataSourceName, sReadVariableName, sWriteSoaTestDataSourceName, sWriteVariableName, sTagNameKey="Id", sTagNameValue="Name"):
    Saves the specified XML Tag settings as Key and Values of a DICT Object into
    a specified SOATest Variable in the specified SOATest Data Source.
    #VERBOSE = True
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("Parameters - sfdc_StoreDictInSoaTestVar:")
        print2("  sReadSoaTestDataSourceName: " + sReadSoaTestDataSourceName)
        print2("  sReadVariableName: " + sReadVariableName)
        print2("  sTagNameKey: " + sTagNameKey)
        print2("  sTagNameValue: " + sTagNameValue)
        print2("  sWriteSoaTestDataSourceName: " + sWriteSoaTestDataSourceName)
        print2("  sWriteVariableName: " + sWriteVariableName)
    # end
    # Read the SOAP Response XML STRING from the SOATest Data Source
    sXML = str(context.getValue(sReadSoaTestDataSourceName, sReadVariableName))
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("XML '" + sXML + "'")
    # end
    # Parse the Tag settings to use as the Key into a LIST
    aKeyList = getMultipleXMLTagValues(sXML, sTagNameKey)
    # Parse the Tag settings to use as the Value into a LIST
    aValueList = getMultipleXMLTagValues(sXML, sTagNameValue)
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("aKeyList '" + str(aKeyList) + "'" )
        print2("aValueList '" + str(aValueList) + "'" )
    # end
    # Create a DICT from the two LIST objects
    hLookupDict = dict(zip(aKeyList, aValueList))
    if(VERBOSE == True):
        print2("DICT ...")
    # end
    # Save the DICT into a SOATest Data Source
    context.put(sWriteVariableName, hLookupDict)
    return True