def sun_azimuth(latitude, longitude, date_time, elevacion_msnm):
    '''Azimuth is reckoned with zero corresponding to south. Positive azimuth
estimates correspond to estimates east of south; negative estimates are west of south.'''
    azi = ps.GetAzimuth(
        latitude, longitude, date_time, elevation=elevacion_msnm) + 360
    #GetAzimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, utc_datetime, elevation = 0)
    return azi
Beispiel #2
def trackSunPosition():
    global logfileDirect
    latitudePB = 51.7
    longitudePB = 8.7
    elevationPB = 170
        while True:
            date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            sunAlt = solar.GetAltitude(latitudePB,
            sunAzi = solar.GetAzimuth(latitudePB,
            sunAziCor = (-sunAzi + 180) % 360

            strAlt = "{:.2f}".format(sunAlt)
            strAzi = "{:.2f}".format(sunAziCor)
            steps = int(sunAziCor / 0.225)
            print("Sun is at " + strAlt + " degree altitude and " + strAzi +
                  " degree azimuth")

            msg = ""
            while msg.find("W4P") == -1:
                msg = recvFromArduino()

            ser.write("<" + str(steps) + "," + str(sunAlt) + ">")

            msg = ""
            while msg.find("MDone") == -1:
                msg = recvFromArduino()
                if msg.find("MDone") == -1:
                    parts = re.split('\s|(?<!\d)[,.](?!\d)', msg)
                    aziArd = float(parts[0])
                    eleArd = float(parts[1])
                    rVal = float(parts[2])
                    gVal = float(parts[3])
                    bVal = float(parts[4])
                    xpin = float(parts[5])

                    datetimeStr =
                        '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
                    logfileDirect.write(datetimeStr + ",")
                        str(aziArd) + "," + str(eleArd) + "," + str(rVal) +
                        "," + str(gVal) + "," + str(bVal) + "," + str(xpin))

                    print("The position of the arduino is: Altitude = " +
                          str(eleArd) + ", Azimuth = " + str(aziArd))
                    print("The irradiaton values are: RED = " + str(rVal) +
                          ", GREEN = " + str(gVal) + ", BLUE = " + str(bVal))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
def get_sza_azi(lat, lon, datetime):
    Program wrapper for pysolar to get the solar zenith angle and the solar azimuth angle
    can use inputs of list or numpy arrays
    require input of lat,lon,datetime 
    import as sol
        n = len(lat)
    except TypeError:
        lat = [lat]
        lon = [lon]
        datetime = [datetime]
        n = len(lat)
    sza = []
    azi = []
    for i in range(n):
        sza.append(90.0 - sol.GetAltitude(lat[i], lon[i], datetime[i]))
        azi.append(sol.GetAzimuth(lat[i], lon[i], datetime[i]))
    return sza, azi
Beispiel #4
def calcPoints(origin, destination, flight_mins, departure_time):

    total_mins_left = 0
    total_mins_right = 0
    total_mins_night = 0

    has_seen_sunset = False
    has_seen_sunrise = False
    mins_to_first_sunset = 0
    mins_to_first_sunrise = 0
    sunset_left_right = None
    sunrise_left_right = None

    from_lat, from_lon = origin
    to_lat, to_lon = destination

    number_points = flight_mins  # num minutes
    point_time = departure_time  # departure time in UTC

    gd = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(from_lat, from_lon, to_lat, to_lon)
    line = Geodesic.WGS84.Line(gd['lat1'], gd['lon1'], gd['azi1'])

    bearing = None
    solar_altitude = 0
    last_solar_altitude = 0

    points = []
    for i in range(number_points + 1):

        point = line.Position(gd['s12'] / number_points * i)
        if ((i + 1) < number_points):
            # calculat bearing
            point2 = line.Position(gd['s12'] / number_points * i + 1)
            # bearing is degrees from north
            bearing = calcBearing((point['lat2'], point['lon2']),
                                  (point2['lat2'], point2['lon2']))
            pass  # use last calculated bearing

        last_solar_altitude = solar_altitude  # keep track of last solar altitude (work out if sun setting or rising)
        solar_altitude = solar.GetAltitude(point['lat2'], point['lon2'],
        solar_azimuth = solar.GetAzimuth(point['lat2'], point['lon2'],
                                         point_time)  # degrees from south
        if (solar_azimuth < 0):
            solar_azimuth_from_north = (180 + abs(solar_azimuth)) % 360
            solar_azimuth_from_north = (180 - solar_azimuth) % 360

        sun_east_west = ""

        # print("----------------- ")
        # print("minute = " + str(i))
        # print("lat,lon = " + str((point['lat2'], point['lon2'])))
        # print("sun alt = " + str(solar_altitude))
        # print("azimuth (from south) = " + str(solar_azimuth))
        # print("azimuth (from north) = " + str(solar_azimuth_from_north))
        # print("bearing (from north) = " + str(bearing))

        point_values = {}
        point_values['min'] = i
        point_values['lat'] = round(point['lat2'], 4)
        point_values['lng'] = round(point['lon2'], 4)
        point_values['sun_alt'] = round(solar_altitude, 2)
        # point_values['azimuth_from_south'] = round(solar_azimuth, 2)
        point_values['azimuth_from_north'] = round(solar_azimuth_from_north, 2)
        point_values['bearing_from_north'] = round(bearing, 2)

        # sun postion
        if ((solar_azimuth >= 0) and
            (solar_azimuth <= 180)) or (solar_azimuth < -180):
            sun_east_west = "east"
        if ((solar_azimuth < 0) and
            (solar_azimuth > -180)) or (solar_azimuth > 180):
            sun_east_west = "west"

        #print("sun pos = " + sun_east_west)
        point_values['sun_east_west'] = sun_east_west

        # sun position from bearing of plane
        if (bearing > solar_azimuth_from_north):
            if (abs(bearing - solar_azimuth_from_north) < 180):
                sun_side = "left"
                sun_side = "right"
            if (abs(solar_azimuth_from_north - bearing) < 180):
                sun_side = "right"
                sun_side = "left"

        # store which side sun is on
        point_values['sun_side'] = sun_side

        # calculate total minutes left or right
        if (solar_altitude > 0.0):
            if (sun_side == 'left'):
                total_mins_left = total_mins_left + 1
                total_mins_right = total_mins_right + 1

        # night or day?
        sunset_max_alt = 6.0  # 12 is correct but use 6
        if (solar_altitude > sunset_max_alt):
            #print("time of day: day")
            point_values['tod'] = 'day'
            if not has_seen_sunrise:
                mins_to_first_sunrise = mins_to_first_sunrise + 1
            if not has_seen_sunset:
                mins_to_first_sunset = mins_to_first_sunset + 1

        if (solar_altitude > 0.0) and (solar_altitude <= sunset_max_alt):
            if (i <= 1):
                # not sure if its rising or setting
                # print("time of day: night")
                point_values['tod'] = 'night'
                if not has_seen_sunrise:
                    mins_to_first_sunrise = mins_to_first_sunrise + 1
                if not has_seen_sunset:
                    mins_to_first_sunset = mins_to_first_sunset + 1
                if (last_solar_altitude > solar_altitude):
                    #print("time of day: sunset")
                    point_values['tod'] = 'sunset'
                    has_seen_sunset = True
                    sunset_left_right = sun_side
                    if not has_seen_sunrise:
                        mins_to_first_sunrise = mins_to_first_sunrise + 1
                    #print("time of day: sunrise")
                    point_values['tod'] = 'sunrise'
                    has_seen_sunrise = True
                    sunrise_left_right = sun_side
                    if not has_seen_sunset:
                        mins_to_first_sunset = mins_to_first_sunset + 1

        if (solar_altitude < 0.0):
            #print("time of day: night")
            point_values['tod'] = 'night'
            total_mins_night = total_mins_night + 1
            if not has_seen_sunrise:
                mins_to_first_sunrise = mins_to_first_sunrise + 1
            if not has_seen_sunset:
                mins_to_first_sunset = mins_to_first_sunset + 1

        point_time = point_time + datetime.timedelta(0, 60)  # add 1 minute

    data = {}
    data['points'] = points

    # print stats
    #print("Flight Stats:")
    #print("total_min_left = " + str(total_mins_left) + " (" + str(round((float(total_mins_left) / float(flight_mins)) * 100)) + "%)")
    #print("total_mins_right = " + str(total_mins_right) + " (" + str(round((float(total_mins_right) / float(flight_mins)) * 100)) + "%)")
    #print("total_mins_night = " + str(total_mins_night) + " (" + str(round((float(total_mins_night) / float(flight_mins)) * 100)) + "%)")

    flight_stats = {}
    flight_stats['total_minutes'] = flight_mins
    flight_stats['total_minutes_left'] = total_mins_left
    flight_stats['total_minutes_right'] = total_mins_right
    flight_stats['percent_left'] = round(
        (float(total_mins_left) / float(flight_mins)) * 100)
    flight_stats['percent_right'] = round(
        (float(total_mins_right) / float(flight_mins)) * 100)
    flight_stats['total_minutes_night'] = total_mins_night
    flight_stats['percent_night'] = round(
        (float(total_mins_night) / float(flight_mins)) * 100)

    flight_stats['mins_to_first_sunrise'] = 0
    flight_stats['sunrise_left_right'] = ""
    if (mins_to_first_sunrise < flight_mins):
        flight_stats['mins_to_first_sunrise'] = mins_to_first_sunrise
        flight_stats['sunrise_left_right'] = sunrise_left_right

    flight_stats['mins_to_first_sunset'] = 0
    flight_stats['sunset_left_right'] = ""
    if (mins_to_first_sunset < flight_mins):
        flight_stats['mins_to_first_sunset'] = mins_to_first_sunset
        flight_stats['sunset_left_right'] = sunset_left_right

    # make jsonp object
    data = {}
    data['flight_points'] = points
    data['flight_stats'] = flight_stats
    print json.dumps(data)
Beispiel #5
def _compute_sun_azimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, time):
    return solar.GetAzimuth(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, time)