def find(self, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 5:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _r = util.get_float(args[2])
     _sa = util.get_float(args[3])
     _ea = util.get_float(args[4])
     _t = tolerance.TOL
     if _alen > 5:
         _t = tolerance.toltest(args[5])
     _axmin = _x - _r - _t
     _axmax = _x + _r + _t
     _aymin = _y - _r - _t
     _aymax = _y + _r + _t
     _arcs = []
     for _arc in self.getInRegion(_axmin, _aymin, _axmax, _aymax):
         _cx, _cy = _arc.getCenter().getCoords()
         if ((abs(_cx - _x) < _t) and
             (abs(_cy - _y) < _t) and
             (abs(_arc.getRadius() - _r) < _t) and
             (abs(_arc.getStartAngle() - _sa) < 1e-10) and
             (abs(_arc.getEndAngle() - _ea) < 1e-10)):
     return _arcs
 def getClosest(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
     _x = util.get_float(x)
     _y = util.get_float(y)
     _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
     _cline = _tsep = None
     _cdict = {}
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _c in _node.getObjects():
                 _cid = id(_c)
                 if _cid not in _cdict:
                     _cx, _cy = _c.getProjection(_x, _y)
                     if abs(_cx - _x) < _t and abs(_cy - _y) < _t:
                         _sep = math.hypot((_cx - _x), (_cy - _y))
                         if _tsep is None:
                             _tsep = _sep
                             _cline = _c
                             if _sep < _tsep:
                                 _tsep = _sep
                                 _cline = _c
     return _cline
Beispiel #3
 def getInRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _polylines = []
     if not len(self):
         return _polylines
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     _pdict = {}
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _subnode in _node.getSubnodes():
                 _sxmin, _symin, _sxmax, _symax = _subnode.getBoundary()
                 if ((_sxmin > _xmax) or (_symin > _ymax)
                         or (_sxmax < _xmin) or (_symax < _ymin)):
             for _p in _node.getObjects():
                 _pid = id(_p)
                 if _pid not in _pdict:
                     if _p.inRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
                     _pdict[_pid] = True
     return _polylines
 def _movePolyline(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "Polyline not stored in Quadtree: " + `obj`
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 1:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     if not isinstance(args[0], list):
         raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate list: " + `type(args[0])`
     _pxmin = _pxmax = _pymin = _pymax = None
     for _arg in args[0]:
         if not isinstance(_arg, tuple):
             raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate tuple: " + `type(_arg)`
         if len(_arg) != 2:
             raise ValueError, "Invalid coodinate tuple: " + str(_arg)
         _x = util.get_float(_arg[0])
         _y = util.get_float(_arg[1])
         if _pxmin is None or _x < _pxmin:
             _pxmin = _x
         if _pxmax is None or _x > _pxmax:
             _pxmax= _x
         if _pymin is None or _y < _pymin:
             _pymin = _y
         if _pymax is None or _y > _pymax:
             _pymax = _y
     for _node in self.getNodes(_pxmin, _pymin, _pxmax, _pymax):
         _node.delObject(obj) # polyline may not be in node ...
     super(PolylineQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the CCircle to a coordinate pair.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required arguments:

x: A Float value giving the x-coordinate
y: A Float value giving the y-coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to
an actual Point on the CCircle. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _cx, _cy = self.__center.getCoords()
        _r = self.__radius
        _dist = math.hypot((_x - _cx), (_y - _cy))
        if abs(_dist - _r) < _t:
            _angle = math.atan2((_y - _cy),(_x - _cx))
            _xoff = _r * math.cos(_angle)
            _yoff = _r * math.sin(_angle)
            return (_cx + _xoff), (_cy + _yoff)
        return None
    def move(self, dx, dy):
        """Move a Leader.

move(dx, dy)

The first argument gives the x-coordinate displacement,
and the second gives the y-coordinate displacement. Both
values should be floats.
        if (self.isLocked() or
            self.__p1.isLocked() or
            self.__p2.isLocked() or
            raise RuntimeError, "Moving Leader not allowed - object locked."
        _dx = util.get_float(dx)
        _dy = util.get_float(dy)
        if abs(_dx) > 1e-10 or abs(_dy) > 1e-10:
            _x1, _y1 = self.__p1.getCoords()
            _x2, _y2 = self.__p2.getCoords()
            _x3, _y3 = self.__p3.getCoords()
                self.__p1.move(_dx, _dy)
                self.__p2.move(_dx, _dy)
                self.__p3.move(_dx, _dy)
            self.sendMessage('moved', _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _x3, _y3)
 def find(self, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 4:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x1 = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y1 = util.get_float(args[1])
     _x2 = util.get_float(args[2])
     _y2 = util.get_float(args[3])
     _t = tolerance.TOL
     if _alen > 4:
         _t = tolerance.toltest(args[4])
     _xmin = min(_x1, _x2) - _t
     _ymin = min(_y1, _y2) - _t
     _xmax = max(_x1, _x2) + _t
     _ymax = max(_y1, _y2) + _t
     _clines = []
     for _cline in self.getInRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
         _p1, _p2 = _cline.getKeypoints()
         if ((abs(_p1.x - _x1) < _t) and (abs(_p1.y - _y1) < _t)
                 and (abs(_p2.x - _x2) < _t) and (abs(_p2.y - _y2) < _t)):
         elif ((abs(_p1.x - _x2) < _t) and (abs(_p1.y - _y2) < _t)
               and (abs(_p2.x - _x1) < _t) and (abs(_p2.y - _y1) < _t)):
     return _clines
 def find(self, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 5:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _r = util.get_float(args[2])
     _sa = util.get_float(args[3])
     _ea = util.get_float(args[4])
     _t = tolerance.TOL
     if _alen > 5:
         _t = tolerance.toltest(args[5])
     _axmin = _x - _r - _t
     _axmax = _x + _r + _t
     _aymin = _y - _r - _t
     _aymax = _y + _r + _t
     _arcs = []
     for _arc in self.getInRegion(_axmin, _aymin, _axmax, _aymax):
         _cx, _cy = _arc.getCenter().getCoords()
         if ((abs(_cx - _x) < _t) and (abs(_cy - _y) < _t)
                 and (abs(_arc.getRadius() - _r) < _t)
                 and (abs(_arc.getStartAngle() - _sa) < 1e-10)
                 and (abs(_arc.getEndAngle() - _ea) < 1e-10)):
     return _arcs
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the Polyline by the x/y coordinates.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required arguments:

x: A Float value giving the 'x' coordinate
y: A Float value giving the 'y' coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to a
Point object on the Polyline. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this method returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _count = len(self.__pts) - 1
        for _i in range(_count):
            _x1, _y1 = self.__pts[_i].getCoords()
            _x2, _y2 = self.__pts[_i + 1].getCoords()
            _pt = util.map_coords(_x, _y, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _t)
            if _pt is not None:
                return _pt
        return None
 def getInRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _acls = []
     if not len(self):
         return _acls
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     _adict = {}
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _acl in _node.getObjects():
                 _aid = id(_acl)
                 if _aid not in _adict:
                     if _acl.inRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
                     _adict[_aid] = True
     return _acls
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the VCLine to a coordinate pair.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required argument:

x: A Float value giving the 'x' coordinate
y: A Float value giving the 'y' coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to
an actual Point on the VCLine. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _vx = self.__keypoint.x
        if abs(_vx - x) < _t:
            return _vx, _y
        return None
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self,
     _cp = center
     if not isinstance(_cp, point._Point):
         _cp = point.Point(center)
     _major = util.get_float(major)
     if not _major > 0.0:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid major axis value: %g" % _major
     _minor = util.get_float(minor)
     if not _minor > 0.0:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid minor axis value: %g" % _minor
     if _minor > _major:
         raise ValueError, "Minor axis must be less than major axis"
     _angle = util.make_angle(angle)
     _st = st
     if _st is None:
         _st = self.getDefaultStyle()
     super(Ellipse, self).__init__(_st, lt, col, t, **kw)
     self.__center = _cp
     self.__major = _major
     self.__minor = _minor
     self.__angle = _angle
     _cp.connect('moved', self.__movePoint)
     _cp.connect('change_pending', self.__pointChangePending)
     _cp.connect('change_complete', self.__pointChangeComplete)
Beispiel #13
    def move(self, dx, dy):
        """Move a Polyline.

move(dx, dy)

The first argument gives the x-coordinate displacement,
and the second gives the y-coordinate displacement. Both
values should be floats.
        _locked = self.isLocked()
        if not _locked:
            for _pt in self.__pts:
                if _pt.isLocked():
                    _locked = True
        if _locked:
            raise RuntimeError, "Moving polyline not allowed - object locked."
        _dx = util.get_float(dx)
        _dy = util.get_float(dy)
        if abs(_dx) > 1e-10 or abs(_dy) > 1e-10:
            _coords = []
                for _pt in self.__pts:
                    _pt.move(_dx, _dy)
            self.sendMessage('moved', _coords)
 def __init__(self, center, major, minor, angle, st=None, lt=None, col=None, t=None, **kw):
     _cp = center
     if not isinstance(_cp, point._Point):
         _cp = point.Point(center)
     _major = util.get_float(major)
     if not _major > 0.0:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid major axis value: %g" % _major
     _minor = util.get_float(minor)
     if not _minor > 0.0:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid minor axis value: %g" % _minor
     if _minor > _major:
         raise ValueError, "Minor axis must be less than major axis"
     _angle = util.make_angle(angle)
     _st = st
     if _st is None:
         _st = self.getDefaultStyle()
     super(Ellipse, self).__init__(_st, lt, col, t, **kw)
     self.__center = _cp
     self.__major = _major
     self.__minor = _minor
     self.__angle = _angle
     _cp.connect("moved", self.__movePoint)
     _cp.connect("change_pending", self.__pointChangePending)
     _cp.connect("change_complete", self.__pointChangeComplete)
Beispiel #15
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the Polyline by the x/y coordinates.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required arguments:

x: A Float value giving the 'x' coordinate
y: A Float value giving the 'y' coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to a
Point object on the Polyline. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this method returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _count = len(self.__pts) - 1
        for _i in range(_count):
            _x1, _y1 = self.__pts[_i].getCoords()
            _x2, _y2 = self.__pts[_i + 1].getCoords()
            _pt = util.map_coords(_x, _y, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _t)
            if _pt is not None:
                return _pt
        return None
 def getInRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _pts = []
     if not len(self):
         return _pts
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _subnode in _node.getSubnodes():
                 _sxmin, _symin, _sxmax, _symax = _subnode.getBoundary()
                 if ((_sxmin > _xmax) or
                     (_symin > _ymax) or
                     (_sxmax < _xmin) or
                     (_symax < _ymin)):
             for _pt in _node.getObjects():
                 if _pt.inRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
     return _pts
Beispiel #17
 def _movePolyline(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "Polyline not stored in Quadtree: " + ` obj `
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 1:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     if not isinstance(args[0], list):
         raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate list: " + ` type(args[0]) `
     _pxmin = _pxmax = _pymin = _pymax = None
     for _arg in args[0]:
         if not isinstance(_arg, tuple):
             raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate tuple: " + ` type(_arg) `
         if len(_arg) != 2:
             raise ValueError, "Invalid coodinate tuple: " + str(_arg)
         _x = util.get_float(_arg[0])
         _y = util.get_float(_arg[1])
         if _pxmin is None or _x < _pxmin:
             _pxmin = _x
         if _pxmax is None or _x > _pxmax:
             _pxmax = _x
         if _pymin is None or _y < _pymin:
             _pymin = _y
         if _pymax is None or _y > _pymax:
             _pymax = _y
     for _node in self.getNodes(_pxmin, _pymin, _pxmax, _pymax):
         _node.delObject(obj)  # polyline may not be in node ...
     super(PolylineQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)
Beispiel #18
 def getInRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _hcls = []
     if not len(self):
         return _hcls
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     _hdict = {}
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _subnode in _node.getSubnodes():
                 _bounds = _subnode.getBoundary()
                 _bmin = _bounds[1]
                 _bmax = _bounds[3]
                 if (_bmin > _ymax) or (_bmax < _ymin):
             for _hcl in _node.getObjects():
                 _hid = id(_hcl)
                 if _hid not in _hdict:
                     if _hcl.inRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
                     _hdict[_hid] = True
     return _hcls
 def getInRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _leaders = []
     if not len(self):
         return _leaders
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     _ldict = {}
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _subnode in _node.getSubnodes():
                 _lxmin, _lymin, _lxmax, _lymax = _subnode.getBoundary()
                 if ((_lxmin > _xmax) or
                     (_lymin > _ymax) or
                     (_lxmax < _xmin) or
                     (_lymax < _ymin)):
             for _l in _node.getObjects():
                 _lid = id(_l)
                 if _lid not in _ldict:
                     if _l.inRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
                     _ldict[_lid] = True
     return _leaders
    def getProjection(self, x, y):
        """Find the projection point of some coordinates on the ACLine.

getProjection(x, y)

Arguments 'x' and 'y' should be float values.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _x1, _y1 = self.getLocation().getCoords()
        _angle = self.__angle
        if self.isHorizontal():
            _px = _x
            _py = _y1
        elif self.isVertical():
            _px = _x1
            _py = _y
            _rangle = _angle * _dtr
            _dx = math.cos(_rangle)
            _dy = math.sin(_rangle)
            _sqlen = pow(_dx, 2) + pow(_dy, 2)
            _rn = ((_x - _x1) * _dx) + ((_y - _y1) * _dy)
            _r = _rn/_sqlen
            _px = _x1 + (_r * _dx)
            _py = _y1 + (_r * _dy)
        return _px, _py
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _p1 = self.__p1
     _p2 = self.__p2
     _p3 = self.__p3
     if p is _p1:
         _x1 = _x
         _y1 = _y
         _x2, _y2 = _p2.getCoords()
         _x3, _y3 = _p3.getCoords()
     elif p is _p2:
         _x1, _y1 = _p1.getCoords()
         _x2 = _x
         _y2 = _y
         _x3, _y3 = _p3.getCoords()
     elif p is _p3:
         _x1, _y1 = _p1.getCoords()
         _x2, _y2 = _p2.getCoords()
         _x3 = _x
         _y3 = _y
         raise ValueError, "Unexpected Leader endpoint: " + `p`
     self.sendMessage('moved', _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _x3, _y3)
 def getClosest(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
     _x = util.get_float(x)
     _y = util.get_float(y)
     _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
     _acline = _tsep = None
     _adict = {}
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _a in _node.getObjects():
                 _aid = id(_a)
                 if _aid not in _adict:
                     _ax, _ay = _a.getProjection(_x, _y)
                     if abs(_ax - _x) < _t and abs(_ay - _y) < _t:
                         _sep = math.hypot((_ax - _x), (_ay - _y))
                         if _tsep is None:
                             _tsep = _sep
                             _acline = _a
                             if _sep < _tsep:
                                 _tsep = _sep
                                 _acline = _a
     return _acline
 def getInRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _vcls = []
     if not len(self):
         return _vcls
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     _vdict = {}
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _subnode in _node.getSubnodes():
                 _bounds = _subnode.getBoundary()
                 _bmin = _bounds[0]
                 _bmax = _bounds[2]
                 if ((_bmin > _xmax) or (_bmax < _xmin)):
             for _vcl in _node.getObjects():
                 _vid = id(_vcl)
                 if _vid not in _vdict:
                     if _vcl.inRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
                     _vdict[_vid] = True
     return _vcls
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the CLine to a coordinate pair.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required arguments:

x: A Float value giving the 'x' coordinate
y: A Float value giving the 'y' coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to a
actual Point on the CLine. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _x1, _y1 = self.__p1.getCoords()
        _x2, _y2 = self.__p2.getCoords()
        _sqlen = pow((_x2 - _x1), 2) + pow((_y2 - _y1), 2)
        if _sqlen < 1e-10:  # both points the same
            raise RuntimeError, "CLine points coincident."
        _r = ((_x - _x1) * (_x2 - _x1) + (_y - _y1) * (_y2 - _y1)) / _sqlen
        _px = _x1 + _r * (_x2 - _x1)
        _py = _y1 + _r * (_y2 - _y1)
        if abs(_px - _x) < _t and abs(_py - _y) < _t:
            return _px, _py
        return None
Beispiel #25
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the HCLine to a coordinate pair.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required argument:

x: A Float value giving the 'x' coordinate
y: A Float value giving the 'y' coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to
an actual Point on the HCLine. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _hy = self.__keypoint.y
        if abs(_hy - _y) < _t:
            return _x, _hy
        return None
    def move(self, dx, dy):
        """Move a Polyline.

move(dx, dy)

The first argument gives the x-coordinate displacement,
and the second gives the y-coordinate displacement. Both
values should be floats.
        _locked = self.isLocked()
        if not _locked:
            for _pt in self.__pts:
                if _pt.isLocked():
                    _locked = True
        if _locked:
            raise RuntimeError, "Moving polyline not allowed - object locked."
        _dx = util.get_float(dx)
        _dy = util.get_float(dy)
        if abs(_dx) > 1e-10 or abs(_dy) > 1e-10:
            _coords = []
                for _pt in self.__pts:
                    _pt.move(_dx, _dy)
            self.sendMessage('moved', _coords)
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the Leader to a coordinate pair.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required arguments:

x: A Float value giving the 'x' coordinate
y: A Float value giving the 'y' coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to
an actual Point on the Leader. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _x1, _y1 = self.__p1.getCoords()
        _x2, _y2 = self.__p2.getCoords()
        _x3, _y3 = self.__p3.getCoords()
        _pt = util.map_coords(_x, _y, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _t)
        if _pt is None:
            _pt = util.map_coords(_x, _y, _x2, _y2, _x3, _y3, _t)
        if _pt is not None:
            return _pt
        return None
    def mapCoords(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
        """Return the nearest Point on the Arc to a coordinate pair.

mapCoords(x, y[, tol])

The function has two required arguments:

x: A Float value giving the x-coordinate
y: A Float value giving the y-coordinate

There is a single optional argument:

tol: A float value equal or greater than 0.0

This function is used to map a possibly near-by coordinate pair to
an actual Point on the Arc. If the distance between the actual
Point and the coordinates used as an argument is less than the tolerance,
the actual Point is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
        _cx, _cy = self.__center.getCoords()
        _r = self.__radius
        _dist = math.hypot((_x - _cx), (_y - _cy))
        if abs(_dist - _r) < _t:
            _ra = math.atan2((_y - _cy), (_x - _cx))
            _da = _ra * _rtd
            if _da < 0.0:
                _da = _da + 360.0
            if self.throughAngle(_da):
                _xoff = _r * math.cos(_ra)
                _yoff = _r * math.sin(_ra)
                return (_cx + _xoff), (_cy + _yoff)
        return None
 def getInRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _clines = []
     if not len(self):
         return _clines
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     _cdict = {}
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _subnode in _node.getSubnodes():
             for _cline in _node.getObjects():
                 _cid = id(_cline)
                 if _cid not in _cdict:
                     if _cline.inRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
                     _cdict[_cid] = True
     return _clines
Beispiel #30
def move_objects(objs, dx, dy):
    """Move a list of objects.

move_objects(objs, dx, dy)

objs: A list or tuple containing the objects to move.
dx: The displacement along the x-axis
dy: The displacement along the y-axis
    if not isinstance(objs, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError, "Invalid object list/tuple: " + ` type(objs) `
    _dx = util.get_float(dx)
    _dy = util.get_float(dy)
    if abs(_dx) > 1e-10 or abs(_dy) > 1e-10:
        _objdict = {}
        _fillets = []
        for _obj in objs:
            if not isinstance(_obj, DimString):
                _objdict[id(_obj)] = True
        for _obj in objs:
            _oid = id(_obj)
            if _oid not in _objdict:
            if _objdict[_oid]:
                if isinstance(_obj, Point):
                    _obj.move(_dx, _dy)
                    for _user in _obj.getUsers():
                        _uid = id(_user)
                        if (_uid in _objdict
                                and not isinstance(_user, Dimension)):
                            _objdict[_uid] = False
                elif isinstance(_obj, (Segment, CLine)):
                    _move_seg_cline(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (Circle, CCircle)):
                    _move_circle(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, Arc):
                    _move_arc(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, Leader):
                    _move_leader(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, Polyline):
                    _move_polyline(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (TextBlock, Dimension)):
                    _obj.move(_dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (HCLine, VCLine, ACLine)):
                    _move_spcline(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (Chamfer, Fillet)):
                    _s1, _s2 = _obj.getSegments()
                    if id(_s1) not in _objdict or id(_s2) not in _objdict:
                        _layer = _obj.getParent()
                    if isinstance(_obj, Fillet):
                    print "Unexpected entity type: " + ` type(_obj) `
            _objdict[_oid] = False
        for _obj in _fillets:
            _obj._calculateCenter()  # FIXME
def move_objects(objs, dx, dy):
    """Move a list of objects.

move_objects(objs, dx, dy)

objs: A list or tuple containing the objects to move.
dx: The displacement along the x-axis
dy: The displacement along the y-axis
    if not isinstance(objs, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError, "Invalid object list/tuple: " + `type(objs)`
    _dx = util.get_float(dx)
    _dy = util.get_float(dy)
    if abs(_dx) > 1e-10 or abs(_dy) > 1e-10:
        _objdict = {}
        _fillets = []
        for _obj in objs:
            if not isinstance(_obj, DimString):
                _objdict[id(_obj)] = True
        for _obj in objs:
            _oid = id(_obj)
            if _oid not in _objdict:
            if _objdict[_oid]:
                if isinstance(_obj, Point):
                    _obj.move(_dx, _dy)
                    for _user in _obj.getUsers():
                        _uid = id(_user)
                        if (_uid in _objdict and
                            not isinstance(_user, Dimension)):
                            _objdict[_uid] = False
                elif isinstance(_obj, (Segment, CLine)):
                    _move_seg_cline(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (Circle, CCircle)):
                    _move_circle(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, Arc):
                    _move_arc(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, Leader):
                    _move_leader(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, Polyline):
                    _move_polyline(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (TextBlock, Dimension)):
                    _obj.move(_dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (HCLine, VCLine, ACLine)):
                    _move_spcline(_obj, _objdict, _dx, _dy)
                elif isinstance(_obj, (Chamfer, Fillet)):
                    _s1, _s2 = _obj.getSegments()
                    if id(_s1) not in _objdict or id(_s2) not in _objdict:
                        _layer = _obj.getParent()
                    if isinstance(_obj, Fillet):
                    print "Unexpected entity type: " + `type(_obj)`
            _objdict[_oid] = False
        for _obj in _fillets:
            _obj._calculateCenter() # FIXME
 def getClosest(self, x, y, tol=tolerance.TOL):
     _x = util.get_float(x)
     _y = util.get_float(y)
     _t = tolerance.toltest(tol)
     _leader = _tsep = None
     _bailout = False
     _ldict = {}
     _nodes = [self.getTreeRoot()]
     while len(_nodes):
         _node = _nodes.pop()
         _xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax = _node.getBoundary()
         if ((_x < (_xmin - _t)) or
             (_x > (_xmax + _t)) or
             (_y < (_ymin - _t)) or
             (_y > (_ymax + _t))):
         if _node.hasSubnodes():
             for _l in _node.getObjects():
                 _lid = id(_l)
                 _p1, _p2, _p3 = _l.getPoints()
                 if _lid not in _ldict:
                     _px, _py = _p1.getCoords()
                     if ((abs(_px - _x) < 1e-10) and
                         (abs(_py - _y) < 1e-10)):
                         _leader = _l
                         _bailout = True
                     _px, _py = _p2.getCoords()
                     if ((abs(_px - _x) < 1e-10) and
                         (abs(_py - _y) < 1e-10)):
                         _leader = _l
                         _bailout = True
                     _px, _py = _p3.getCoords()
                     if ((abs(_px - _x) < 1e-10) and
                         (abs(_py - _y) < 1e-10)):
                         _leader = _l
                         _bailout = True
                     _ldict[_lid] = True
                 _pt = _l.mapCoords(_x, _y, _t)
                 if _pt is not None:
                     _px, _py = _pt
                     _sep = math.hypot((_px - _x), (_py - _y))
                     if _tsep is None:
                         _tsep = _sep
                         _leader = _l
                         if _sep < _tsep:
                             _tsep = _sep
                             _leader = _l
         if _bailout:
     return _leader
Beispiel #33
 def find(self, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _t = tolerance.TOL
     if _alen > 2:
         _t = tolerance.toltest(args[2])
     return self.getInRegion((_x - _t), (_y - _t), (_x + _t), (_y + _t))
Beispiel #34
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _plen = len(args)
     if _plen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _plen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     if p is not self.__keypoint:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid point for HCLine::movePoint()" + ` p `
     if abs(p.y - _y) > 1e-10:
         self.sendMessage("moved", _x, _y)
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     if p is not self.__center:
         raise ValueError, "Unexpected point in movePoint" + ` p `
     self.sendMessage("moved", _x, _y, self.__major, self.__minor, self.__angle)
 def find(self, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _t = tolerance.TOL
     if _alen > 2 :
         _t = tolerance.toltest(args[2])
     return self.getInRegion((_x - _t), (_y - _t), (_x + _t), (_y + _t))
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _plen = len(args)
     if _plen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _plen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     if p is not self.__keypoint:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid point for VCLine::movePoint()" + ` p `
     if abs(p.x - _x) > 1e-10:
         self.sendMessage('moved', _x, _y)
Beispiel #38
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     if p is not self.__center:
         raise ValueError, "Unexpected point in movePoint" + ` p `
     self.sendMessage('moved', _x, _y, self.__major, self.__minor,
 def find(self, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 1:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     if not isinstance(args[0], list):
         raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate list: " + `type(args[0])`
     _coords = []
     _xmin = _xmax = _ymin = _ymax = None
     for _arg in args[0]:
         if not isinstance(_arg, tuple):
             raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate tuple: " + `type(_arg)`
         if len(_arg) != 2:
             raise ValueError, "Invalid coodinate tuple: " + str(_arg)
         _x = util.get_float(_arg[0])
         _y = util.get_float(_arg[1])
         _coords.append((_x, _y))
         if _xmin is None or _x < _xmin:
             _xmin = _x
         if _xmax is None or _x > _xmax:
             _xmax= _x
         if _ymin is None or _y < _ymin:
             _ymin = _y
         if _ymax is None or _y > _ymax:
             _ymax = _y
     _t = tolerance.TOL
     if _alen > 1:
         _t = tolerance.toltest(args[1])
     _xmin = _xmin - _t
     _ymin = _ymin - _t
     _xmax = _xmax + _t
     _ymax = _ymax + _t
     _plines = []
     for _pline in self.getInRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
         _pts = _pline.getPoints()
         if len(_pts) != len(_coords):
         _hit = False
         for _i in range(len(_pts)):
             _px, _py = _pts[_i].getCoords()
             if ((abs(_px - _coords[_i][0]) > _t) or
                 (abs(_py - _coords[_i][1]) > _t)):
             _hit = True
         if not _hit:
             for _i in range(len(_pts)):
                 _px, _py = _pts[_i].getCoords()
                 if ((abs(_px - _coords[_i][0]) > _t) or
                     (abs(_py - _coords[_i][1]) > _t)):
                 _hit = True
         if _hit:
     return _plines
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _plen = len(args)
     if _plen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _plen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     if p is not self.__keypoint:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid point for ACLine::movePoint()" + `p`
     _px, _py = p.getCoords()
     if abs(_px - _x) > 1e-10 or abs(_py - _y) > 1e-10:
         self.sendMessage('moved', _x, _y, self.getAngle())
Beispiel #41
 def find(self, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 1:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     if not isinstance(args[0], list):
         raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate list: " + ` type(args[0]) `
     _coords = []
     _xmin = _xmax = _ymin = _ymax = None
     for _arg in args[0]:
         if not isinstance(_arg, tuple):
             raise TypeError, "Invalid coordinate tuple: " + ` type(_arg) `
         if len(_arg) != 2:
             raise ValueError, "Invalid coodinate tuple: " + str(_arg)
         _x = util.get_float(_arg[0])
         _y = util.get_float(_arg[1])
         _coords.append((_x, _y))
         if _xmin is None or _x < _xmin:
             _xmin = _x
         if _xmax is None or _x > _xmax:
             _xmax = _x
         if _ymin is None or _y < _ymin:
             _ymin = _y
         if _ymax is None or _y > _ymax:
             _ymax = _y
     _t = tolerance.TOL
     if _alen > 1:
         _t = tolerance.toltest(args[1])
     _xmin = _xmin - _t
     _ymin = _ymin - _t
     _xmax = _xmax + _t
     _ymax = _ymax + _t
     _plines = []
     for _pline in self.getInRegion(_xmin, _ymin, _xmax, _ymax):
         _pts = _pline.getPoints()
         if len(_pts) != len(_coords):
         _hit = False
         for _i in range(len(_pts)):
             _px, _py = _pts[_i].getCoords()
             if ((abs(_px - _coords[_i][0]) > _t)
                     or (abs(_py - _coords[_i][1]) > _t)):
             _hit = True
         if not _hit:
             for _i in range(len(_pts)):
                 _px, _py = _pts[_i].getCoords()
                 if ((abs(_px - _coords[_i][0]) > _t)
                         or (abs(_py - _coords[_i][1]) > _t)):
                 _hit = True
         if _hit:
     return _plines
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _cp = self.__center
     if p is not _cp:
         raise ValueError, "Point is not arc center: " + ` p `
     _x, _y = _cp.getCoords()
     self.sendMessage('moved', _x, _y, self.__radius, self.__sa, self.__ea)
 def __movePoint(self, p, *args):
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _cp = self.__center
     if p is not _cp:
         raise ValueError, "Point is not ccircle center: " + `p`
     _x, _y = _cp.getCoords()
     self.sendMessage('moved', _x, _y, self.__radius)
 def clipToRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _x = self.__keypoint.x
     if _xmin < _x < _xmax:
         return _x, _ymin, _x, _ymax
     return None
Beispiel #45
 def clipToRegion(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
     _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
     _ymin = util.get_float(ymin)
     _xmax = util.get_float(xmax)
     if _xmax < _xmin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: xmax < xmin"
     _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
     if _ymax < _ymin:
         raise ValueError, "Illegal values: ymax < ymin"
     _y = self.__keypoint.y
     if _ymin < _y < _ymax:
         return _xmin, _y, _xmax, _y
     return None
Beispiel #46
 def _moveHCLine(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "HCLine not stored in Quadtree: " + ` obj `
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     for _node in self.getNodes(_y):
         _node.delObject(obj)  # hcline may not be in node
     super(HCLineQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)
 def _moveVCLine(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "VCLine not stored in Quadtree: " + ` obj `
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     for _node in self.getNodes(_x):
         _node.delObject(obj)  # vcline may not be in node
     super(VCLineQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)
 def _movePoint(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "Point not stored in Quadtree: " + `obj`
     _alen = len(args)
     if len(args) < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     for _node in self.getNodes(_x, _y):
     super(PointQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)
Beispiel #49
 def _movePoint(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "Point not stored in Quadtree: " + ` obj `
     _alen = len(args)
     if len(args) < 2:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     for _node in self.getNodes(_x, _y):
     super(PointQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)
    def __init__(self, im, xmin=0.0, ymax=0.0, upp=1.0):
        if _debug is True:
            print "SDB debug: Created new ImageView class instance"
        if not isinstance(im, image.Image):
            raise TypeError, "Invalid Image type: " + `type(im)`
        _xmin = util.get_float(xmin)
        _ymax = util.get_float(ymax)
        _upp = util.get_float(upp)
        if not _upp > 0.0:
            raise ValueError, "Invalid units-per-pixel value: %g" % _upp
        self.__image = im
        self.__pixmap = None
        self.__gc = None
        self.__width = None
        self.__height = None
        _da = gtk.DrawingArea()
        _da.set_size_request(100, 100)
        _black = gtk.gdk.color_parse('black')
        _da.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, _black)
        _da.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, _black)

        _da.connect("expose_event", self.__exposeEvent)
        _da.connect("realize", self.__realizeEvent)
        _da.connect("configure_event", self.__configureEvent)
        _da.connect("key_press_event", self.__keyPressEvent)
        _da.connect("key_release_event", self.__keyPressEvent)
        _da.connect("enter_notify_event", self.__elNotifyEvent)
        _da.connect("leave_notify_event", self.__elNotifyEvent)
        _da.connect("focus_in_event", self.__focusChangedEvent)
        _da.connect("focus_out_event", self.__focusChangedEvent)

        _da.set_events(gtk.gdk.EXPOSURE_MASK |
                       gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
                       gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
                       gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
                       gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK |
                       gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE_MASK |
                       gtk.gdk.FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK |
        self.__da = _da
        self.__xmin = _xmin
        self.__ymax = _ymax
        self.__upp = _upp
        self.__view = None
        im.connect('added_child', self.__imageAddedChild)
        im.connect('removed_child', self.__imageRemovedChild)
        im.connect('modified', self.__objModified)
    def coordsToPixels(self, x, y):
        """Convert from x-y coordinates to pixel coordinates

coordsToPixels(x, y)

Arguments 'x' and 'y' should be float values. This method
returns a tuple holding two integer values
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _upp = self.__upp
        _xp = int((x - self.__xmin)/_upp)
        _yp = int((self.__ymax - y)/_upp)
        return _xp, _yp
    def coordsToPixels(self, x, y):
        """Convert from x-y coordinates to pixel coordinates

coordsToPixels(x, y)

Arguments 'x' and 'y' should be float values. This method
returns a tuple holding two integer values
        _x = util.get_float(x)
        _y = util.get_float(y)
        _upp = self.__upp
        _xp = int((x - self.__xmin) / _upp)
        _yp = int((self.__ymax - y) / _upp)
        return _xp, _yp
 def _moveCCircle(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "CCircle not stored in Quadtree: " + `obj`
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 3:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y = util.get_float(args[1])
     _r = util.get_float(args[2])
     for _node in self.getNodes(_x, _y, _r):
         _node.delObject(obj) # ccircle may not be in node ...
     super(CCircleQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)
 def _moveCLine(self, obj, *args):
     if obj not in self:
         raise ValueError, "CLine not stored in Quadtree: " + ` obj `
     _alen = len(args)
     if _alen < 4:
         raise ValueError, "Invalid argument count: %d" % _alen
     _x1 = util.get_float(args[0])
     _y1 = util.get_float(args[1])
     _x2 = util.get_float(args[2])
     _y2 = util.get_float(args[3])
     for _node in self.getNodes(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2):
         _node.delObject(obj)  # cline may not be in node ...
     super(CLineQuadtree, self).delObject(obj)