def _apply_metaparams(cls, list_configs, dico_meta):
        """ Deal with genearting random runs, names of the simulation

        '_RDM_RUNS': default = 1 type = 'int': 
            Number of random runs for each config 
        '_RDM_FIXSEED': default = False type =  'bool'
            If True all the configurations for the same random run will have 
            the same random seed (new key, value added in config '_RDM_SEED' != None)
        To keep track of which configurations map to the same initial configuration 
        (i.e. without taking care of rdm runs) a flag 'ID_DET' is added 

        '_OUT_PREFIX': ('res_','str'),
        '_OUT_FOLDER': (None, 'str'),
        '_OUT_COUNTER': (None, 'int'), 
        '_OUT_NAME': (None, 'list'),
        '_OUT_STORE_CONFIG': (True, 'bool'),

        '_MP_FLAG':(False, 'bool')}
        dico_meta_filled = cls._parse_metaparams(dico_meta)
        #Management of the random runs
        nb_rdm_run = dico_meta_filled['_RDM_RUNS']
        fix_seed = dico_meta_filled['_RDM_FIXSEED']
        runs = range(nb_rdm_run)
            seeds = RandomGenerator.RandomGenerator.gen_seed(nb = nb_rdm_run)
            if(nb_rdm_run == 1): seeds = [seeds]
            seeds = [None for _ in runs]
        random_bits = [{'_RDM_RUN':n, '_RDM_SEED': seeds[n]} for n in runs]
        for conf in list_configs:
            conf['_ID_DET'] = RandomGenerator.RandomGenerator.gen_seed()
        list_configs = ut.cartesianProduct(list_configs, random_bits, ut.add_dico)
        #Management of the output
        name_res_list = []
        for conf in list_configs:
            name_res_tmp, dico_meta_filled = cls._gen_name_res(conf, dico_meta_filled)
            conf['_RES_NAME'] = name_res_tmp
            assert (name_res_tmp not in name_res_list), "Duplicated name: {0}".format(name_res_tmp)
            conf['_OUT_FOLDER'] = dico_meta_filled['_OUT_FOLDER']
            conf['_OUT_STORE_CONFIG'] = dico_meta_filled['_OUT_STORE_CONFIG']
            conf['_MP_FLAG'] = dico_meta_filled['_MP_FLAG']
        return list_configs
    def parse_meta_config(cls, input_file = 'inputfile.txt', update_rules = False, debug = False):
        """ Parsing an input file containing a meta-config into a list of configs.
        It relies on generating the cartesian product of the elements 
        Example (txt file containing a meta config)
        _CONTEXT {'_T':5}
        key1 Val1 Val2
        key2 Val3
        --> [{key1: eval(Val1), key2: eval(Val3)}, {key1: eval(Val2), key2: eval(Val3)}]

        Syntax of the meta-config file:
        Keys starting with a _ and in self.METAPARAMS_INFO.keys() are metaparameters
        of the parser. o.w. they will be keys of the final config dico.
        If the first line key = _CONTEXT the Val associated should be of the form 
        {'_contextvar1':val,'_contextvar2':val1} i.e. a dico with keys starting with a '_'          
        input_file: str
            path of the meta-config file
        update_rules : 
            When building the configs should the first value seen (e.g. Val1) be used 
            as a reference. Only works if Vals are <dic>. If True exampel's output becomes: 
            [{key1: eval(Val1), key2: eval(Val3)}, {key1: eval(Val2).update(eval(Val2)), key2: eval(Val3)}]
        debug : bool
            debug mode

        list_configs_processing_meta_configs: <list<dic>>

        if(debug): pdb.set_trace()
        use_context = False
        with open(input_file, 'r') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ' ')
            list_values = list([])
            list_keys = list([])
            nbline = 0
            dico_METAPARAMS = {}
            for line in reader:
                nbline += 1
                if(line in cls.EMPTY_LINE) or (line[0] in cls.LEX_NA): pass

                elif(line[0] == '_CONTEXT'):
                    context = literal_eval(line[1])
                    if(ut.is_dico(context) and np.product([c[0] == '_' for c in context])):
                        use_context = True

                elif(line[0] in cls.METAPARAMS_NAME):
                    assert(len(line) == 2), 'batch input file: 1 arg expected in l.' + str(nbline)+ ' (' +str(line[0]) + ')'
                    dico_METAPARAMS[line[0]] = literal_eval(line[1])                                    

                    assert (len(line)>=2), 'batch input file: not enough args in l.' + str(nbline) 
                        line_with_context = [cls._apply_context(line[i], context) for i in range(1,len(line))]
                        ev_tmp = [eval(lwc) for lwc in line_with_context]
                        ev_tmp = [literal_eval(line[i]) for i in range(1,len(line))]

                        ref_value = copy.copy(ev_tmp[0])
                        ev_tmp_new = []
                        for ev_i in ev_tmp:
                            in_progress = ut.merge_dico(ref_value, ev_i, update_type = 0, copy = True)
                        ev_tmp = ev_tmp_new
                    list_values = ut.cartesianProduct(list_values, ev_tmp, ut.appendList) 

            list_configs = [ut.lists2dico(list_keys, l) for l in list_values]           
            list_configs = cls._apply_metaparams(list_configs, dico_METAPARAMS)
            list_configs = [cls._processing_meta_configs(c) for c in list_configs]

        return list_configs