class AnimalShelter: def __init__(self): self.dog_queue = Queue() self.cat_queue = Queue() def enqueue(self, animal): animal.time_stamp = time.time() if animal.type == "dog": self.dog_queue.add(animal) if animal.type == "cat": self.cat_queue.add(animal) def dequeue_any(self): if self.dog_queue.is_empty(): return self.cat_queue.remove() if self.cat_queue.is_empty(): return self.dog_queue.remove() if self.dog_queue.peek().time_stamp < self.cat_queue.peek().time_stamp: return self.dog_queue.remove() else: return self.cat_queue.remove() def dequeue_dog(self): return self.dog_queue.remove() def dequeue_cat(self): return self.cat_queue.remove()
class TestQueue(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.queue = Queue() def queue_add_small(self): self.queue.add(1) self.queue.add(2) self.queue.add(3) def sanity_check(self, input_data): self.assertEqual(, input_data) def test_init(self): self.sanity_check([]) def test_add(self): self.queue.add("hi") self.sanity_check(["hi"]) self.queue.add("hello") self.sanity_check(["hi", "hello"]) def test_peek(self): self.queue_add_small() self.assertEqual(self.queue.peek(), 1) def test_remove(self): self.queue_add_small() output = self.queue.remove() self.assertEqual(output, 1) self.sanity_check([2, 3]) output = self.queue.remove() self.assertEqual(output, 2) self.sanity_check([3]) output = self.queue.remove() self.assertEqual(output, 3) self.sanity_check([]) def test_peek_error(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: self.queue.peek()) def test_pop_error(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: self.queue.remove())
class TwoAxisStage: """ Test Description """ def __init__(self, port, baud, startupfile): self.s = None self.window = tk.Toplevel() self.window.title('Plasma n Lasers') self.pos = [0., 0.] self.currentpos = 'X0 Y0' self.rate = 1 self.grid = [5, 9] self.rowLen = 5 self.colLen = 9 self.port = port self.baud = baud self.startupfile = startupfile self.connected = False self.queue = None self.tempFile = None self.temprunning = False self.filename = None self.buttonx = 12 self.buttony = 6 self.feedrate = 0 self.shotnum = 0 self.datafile = None self.datafilename = None self.parameters = { 'stepPulseLength': [0, None], 'stepIdleDelay': [1, None], 'axisDirection': [3, None], 'statusReport': [10, None], 'feedbackUnits': [13, None], 'xSteps/mm': [100, None], 'ySteps/mm': [101, None], 'xMaxRate': [110, None], 'yMaxRate': [111, None], 'xMaxAcc': [120, None], 'yMaxAcc': [121, None], } self.param_number = 2 ########### # draws all on-screen controls and assigns their event commands self.rowarr = list(i for i in range(self.grid[0])) self.colarr = list(i for i in range(self.grid[1])) self.window.rowconfigure(self.rowarr, minsize=50, weight=1) self.window.columnconfigure(self.colLen, minsize=50, weight=1) # On screen control grid self.btn_w = tk.Button(master=self.window, text="\u219F", command=lambda: self.jogY(self.rate)) self.btn_w['font'] = font.Font(size=18) self.btn_w.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="nsew") self.btn_a = tk.Button(master=self.window, text="\u219E", command=lambda: self.jogX(-1 * self.rate)) self.btn_a['font'] = font.Font(size=18) self.btn_a.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="nsew") self.btn_s = tk.Button(master=self.window, text="\u21A1", command=lambda: self.jogY(-1 * self.rate)) self.btn_s['font'] = font.Font(size=18) self.btn_s.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky="nsew") self.btn_d = tk.Button(master=self.window, text="\u21A0", command=lambda: self.jogX(self.rate)) self.btn_d['font'] = font.Font(size=18) self.btn_d.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky="nsew") # serial connect button self.connect_btn = tk.Button( master=self.window, text='connect', fg='red', command=lambda: self.initSerial(self.port, self.baud, self. startupfile)) self.connect_btn.grid(row=1, column=5, sticky='nsew') # 10 button self.btn_10 = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='10', command=lambda: self.switchRate(10)) self.btn_10.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='nsew') self.btn_10.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) # 1 button self.btn_1 = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='1', command=lambda: self.switchRate(1)) self.btn_1.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky='nsew') self.btn_1.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) # 0.1 button self.btn_01 = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='0.1', command=lambda: self.switchRate(0.1)) self.btn_01.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky='nsew') self.btn_01.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) # 0.01 button self.btn_001 = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='0.01', command=lambda: self.switchRate(0.01)) self.btn_001.grid(row=3, column=4, sticky='nsew') self.btn_001.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) self.btn_0001 = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='0.001', command=lambda: self.switchRate(0.001)) self.btn_0001.grid(row=3, column=5, sticky='nsew') self.btn_0001.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) # DRO frame self.lbl_frame = tk.Frame(master=self.window, relief=tk.RAISED, borderwidth=3) self.lbl_pos = tk.Label(master=self.lbl_frame, text='X: %1.3f, Y:%1.3f, Feedrate: %d' % (self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.feedrate)) self.lbl_pos['font'] = font.Font(size=18) self.lbl_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=self.colLen + 1, sticky='ew') self.lbl_pos.pack() # gcode input box self.gcode_entry = tk.Entry(master=self.window) self.gcode_entry.configure(width=40) self.gcode_entry.grid(row=4, column=6, sticky='wn') # gcode button self.gcode_send = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='Send', command=lambda: self.sendCommand( self.gcode_entry.get().rstrip() + '\n', resetarg=True, entry=self.gcode_entry)) self.gcode_send.grid(row=4, column=9, sticky='ewn') self.gcode_send.configure(width=5) # file input box self.file_entry = tk.Entry(master=self.window) self.file_entry.grid(row=4, columnspan=3, sticky='new') # file input button self.file_input = tk.Button( master=self.window, text='Get File', command=lambda: self.getFile(self.file_entry.get())) self.file_input.grid(row=4, column=3, sticky='new') #self.file_input.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) # file run button self.file_run = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='Run', command=lambda: self.runFile()) self.file_run.grid(row=4, column=4, sticky='new') self.file_run.configure(width=self.buttonx) self.kill_btn = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='Kill', command=self.killSwitch) self.kill_btn.grid(row=4, column=5, sticky='new') self.kill_btn.configure(width=self.buttonx) self.increment_btn = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='G91', command=self.setG91) self.increment_btn.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nsew') self.increment_btn.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) self.absolute_btn = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='G90', command=self.setG90) self.absolute_btn.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky='nsew') self.absolute_btn.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) # go home button self.home_btn = tk.Button( master=self.window, text='Go\nHome', command=lambda: self.sendCommand('G90 X0 Y0 F' + str( self.parameters['xMaxRate'][1]))) self.home_btn.grid(row=2, column=4, sticky='nsew') self.home_btn.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) # set home button self.set_home = tk.Button( master=self.window, text='Set\nHome', command=lambda: self.sendCommand('G92 X0 Y0')) self.set_home.grid(row=1, column=4, sticky='nsew') self.set_home.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) self.start_from_death_btn = tk.Button(master=self.window, text='No temp\nfile found', command=self.__startFromDeath) self.start_from_death_btn.grid(row=2, column=5, sticky='nesw') self.start_from_death_btn['font'] = font.Font(size=10) self.start_from_death_btn.configure(width=self.buttonx, height=self.buttony) self.output = tk.Listbox(master=self.window) self.output.grid(columnspan=4, rowspan=self.grid[1] - 6, row=1, column=6, sticky='nsew') self.output.configure(bg='white') self.window.bind('<Return>', (lambda x: self.sendCommand( self.gcode_entry.get(), entry=self.gcode_entry, resetarg=True))) self.__setTempFile() self.setKeybinds() self.Refresh() # self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.__on_closing) self.initSerial(self.port, self.baud, self.startupfile) def start(self): self.window.mainloop() def stop(self): self.window.destroy() def __on_closing(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Quit?"): self.s.close() self.window.destroy() def setKeybinds(self): """ binds keypress event to the onKeyPress function :return: None """ self.window.bind('<KeyPress>', self.onKeyPress) def Refresh(self): """ Sets recurring event to update GUI every 50ms :return: None """ self.lbl_pos.configure(text='X: %1.3f, Y:%1.3f, Feedrate: %d' % (self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.feedrate)) self.window.after(5, self.Refresh) def onKeyPress(self, event, wasd=False): """ Allows for stage control via WASD - Not sure if keeping implementation :param event: onKeyPress event :param wasd: if True, wasd controls the stage :return: None """ if wasd: if event.char.lower() == 'w': self.jogY(self.rate) elif event.char.lower() == 'a': self.jogX(-1 * self.rate) elif event.char.lower() == 's': self.jogY(-1 * self.rate) elif event.char.lower() == 'd': self.jogX(self.rate) def jogX(self, v): """ Jogs the X stage by the specified rate within the GUI :param v: float rate :return: None """ if not self.temprunning: c = 'G91 x' + str(v) + '\n' self.sendCommand(c) def jogY(self, v): """ Jogs the Y stage by the specified rate within the GUI :param v: float rate :return: None """ if not self.temprunning: c = 'G91 y' + str(v) + '\n' self.sendCommand(c) def switchRate(self, v): """ Switches current jog rate to specified input :param v: float jog rate :return: """ # used to switch the rate's order of magnitude corresponding to pressed button self.rate = v def readOut(self): """ Reads out the reply from GRBL :return: None """ # implement own method? out = self.s.readline() # Wait for grbl response with carriage return #print('> ' + out.strip().decode('UTF-8')) #self.output['text'] += '\n>' + out.decode('UTF-8').strip() self.output.insert('end', '\n' + '> ' + out.decode('UTF-8').rstrip()) self.output.yview(tk.END) def sendCommand(self, gcode, resetarg=False, entry=None): """ Sends command to GRBL. Checks if it is a comment, then sends command and updates DRO position accordingly :param gcode: command to be sent :param resetarg: used to detect if a command was sent via the input box so it knows to clear it :param entry: entry box instance to clear :return: None """ # check if it's a comment if self.s: if gcode.strip() == '' or gcode.strip()[0] == ';': return t = gcode.rstrip().lower().split(' ') # check if it's a manual entry to clear entry box if resetarg and entry is not None: entry.delete(0, 'end') if 'g90' in t: self.setG90(cmd=False) if 'g91' in t: self.setG91(cmd=False) for i in t: if i.lower().strip()[0] == 'f': self.__setFeed(int(i.strip()[1:])) self.output.insert('end', '\n' + '~> ' + gcode.rstrip()) self.output.yview(tk.END) gcode = gcode.rstrip() + '\n' self.s.write(gcode.encode('UTF-8')) self.readOut() # self.__writeData([time.time_ns(), gcode.rstrip()]) self.setPos(gcode) def initSerial(self, port, baud, filename): """ Initalizes serial connection with grbl doohickey. Parses all startup commands from a text file input :param port: USB port board is plugged into :param baud: communication baud rate :param filename: startup filename containing startup grbl code :return: None """ if not self.connected: try: self.s = serial.Serial(port, baud) except Exception as e: self.stop() raise (e) else: # Wake up grbl self.s.write(b"\r\n\r\n") # allow grbl to initialize time.sleep(2) # flush startup from serial self.s.flushInput() # open startup file with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: # strip EOL chars l = line.strip() self.sendCommand(l + '\r') print('Connected to GRBL') self.connect_btn.configure(fg='green', text='Connected') self.connected = True self.__parseParameters() else: self.connected = False self.s.close() self.s = None self.queue = None print('Connection closed') self.connect_btn.configure(fg='red', text='Connect') def setG91(self, cmd=True): """ Sets relative movements active :param cmd: If true, send the G91 command, regardless, switch button text color to match :return: None """ if self.s: if cmd: self.sendCommand('G91') self.increment_btn.configure(fg='green') self.absolute_btn.configure(fg='black') def setG90(self, cmd=True): """ Sets absolute movements active :param cmd: If true, send the G90 command, regardless, switch button text color to match :return: None """ if self.s: if cmd: self.sendCommand('G90') self.increment_btn.configure(fg='black') self.absolute_btn.configure(fg='green') def setPos(self, cmd): """ sets position of table on DRO :param cmd: gcode command containing new location :return: None """ # g91 iterates, not sets if cmd[:3].lower() == 'g91': for i in cmd.split(' '): if i.lower()[0] == 'x': self.pos[0] += float(i[1:]) if i.lower()[0] == 'y': self.pos[1] += float(i[1:]) else: for i in cmd.split(' '): if i.lower()[0] == 'x': self.pos[0] = float(i[1:]) if i.lower()[0] == 'y': self.pos[1] = float(i[1:]) def getFile(self, filename): """ Opens file containing gcode. Does not parse for correctness. Inputs all non blank lines / comments into a queue for usage :param filename: File to open :return: None """ # queue with timing calculation for next move # wipe queue self.queue = None try: self.filename = filename f = open(filename, 'r') self.queue = Queue() for line in f: if line != '' and line[0] != ';': self.queue.enqueue(line) self.output.insert('end', '\n' + '> ' + ' Loaded ' + filename) self.output.yview(tk.END) except FileNotFoundError: self.file_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.output.insert('end', '\n' + '!> ' + ' File does not exist') self.output.yview(tk.END) def runFile(self): """ Used to run a file obained with getFile() :return: None """ if self.s: if not self.temprunning: self.temprunning = True self.__saveTempData() nextpos = self.queue.dequeue() self.sendCommand(nextpos) if self.queue.size() > 0: self.window.after(self.calcDelay(self.currentpos, nextpos), self.runFile) self.currentpos = nextpos elif self.queue.size() == 0: self.window.after(self.calcDelay(self.currentpos, nextpos), self.finishRun) else: self.temprunning = False return def finishRun(self): """ Runs after file completion, removes contingency file since it is not needed. :return: None """ print('File run complete') self.__removeTempFile() def killSwitch(self): """ effectively kills current gcode run by clearing queue. Note this isn't instantaneous :return: None """ if self.s: self.queue.clear() self.temprunning = False self.output.insert('end', '\n' + '!> ' + 'Current motion killed') self.output.yview(tk.END) def calcDelay(self, currentpos, nextpos): """ Calculates a lower end of the required delay between moved for the queue command system :param currentpos: Current position :param nextpos: Next position :return: time delay in ms """ # todo: parse feeds & speeds from startup file # calculate (approximate?) time delay until next step # circular motion ipos = self.__parsePosition(currentpos) fpos = self.__parsePosition(nextpos) assert len(ipos) == len(fpos), 'Input arrays must be same length' v = float(self.parameters['xMaxRate'][1]) / 60 a = float(self.parameters['xMaxRate'] [1]) # becomes very choppy changing to xMaxAcc... idk wtf delta = list(ipos[i] - fpos[i] for i in range(len(ipos))) d = np.sqrt(sum(i**2 for i in delta)) deltaT = ((2 * v) / a) + ((d - (v**2 / a)) / v) print('next move in ' + str(int(np.floor(deltaT * 1000))) + 'ms') return int(np.floor(deltaT * 1000)) # in ms def __parsePosition(self, ipos): """ Parses position for use with DRO :param ipos: input position :return: [x, y] list of current position """ pos = [0, 0] for i in ipos.split(' '): if i.lower()[0] == 'x': pos[0] = float(i[1:]) if i.lower()[0] == 'y': pos[1] = float(i[1:]) return pos def __parseParameters(self): """ Parses parameters from a given input file into the parameters dictionary for usage :return: None """ tmp = [] with open(self.startupfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line != '' and line[0] == '$': tmp.append(line.strip().strip('$')) f.close() for i in tmp: for key, value in self.parameters.items(): if i.split('=')[0] == str(value[0]): self.parameters[key] = [i.split('=')[0], i.split('=')[1]] self.feedrate = int(self.parameters['xMaxRate'][1]) print(self.feedrate) print(self.parameters['xMaxRate']) print(self.parameters['xMaxAcc']) def __setTempFile(self): """ Sets the temporary file name, unless it exists :return: None """ if os.path.exists('temp.npy') or self.tempFile is not None: self.start_from_death_btn.configure(text='Load\nData?', fg='red') self.__blinkButton(self.start_from_death_btn, 'red', 'blue', 1000) else: self.tempFile = 'temp.npy' def __saveTempData(self): """ Saves temp data to temp file, if program is currently running it calls itself every 1000ms :return: None """ if self.temprunning: if self.queue.size() > 0:, [ self.queue.peek(), time.asctime(), self.filename, self.shotnum ]) self.window.after(1000, self.__saveTempData) return True else: return False def __retrieveTempData(self): """ Retrieves temp data from temp.npy if it exists and user calls it. Needs to be updated to reflect final changes in temp data stored once integrated into laser system :return: Last line that runfile stored before unexpected power loss """ self.tempFile = 'temp.npy' currentline, t, self.filename, self.shotnum = np.load(self.tempFile) print(currentline, t, self.filename) return currentline def __startFromDeath(self): """ Starts from an unexpected power loss. Retreives last known position from temp file. Issues: Target stage *could* be manually moved on us prior to reviving. User initiative to ensure nothing moves. :return: None """ if self.s: self.queue = None currentline = self.__retrieveTempData() try: f = open(self.filename, 'r') self.queue = Queue() positionFound = False for line in f: if line == currentline: positionFound = True if positionFound: if line != '' and line[0] != ';': self.queue.enqueue(line) print('Loaded ' + self.filename) self.start_from_death_btn.configure(text='Start?', fg='green', command=self.runFile) except FileNotFoundError: self.file_entry.delete(0, 'end') self.file_entry.insert(0, 'File does not exist') else: self.start_from_death_btn.configure(text='Not\nconnected') self.window.after( 5000, lambda: self.start_from_death_btn.configure( text='Load\nData?')) def __removeTempFile(self): """ removes temp file at end of program run :return: None """ os.remove(self.tempFile) self.tempFile = None def __blinkButton(self, button, c1, c2, delay): """ Blinks a button between two colors, c1 and c2. Has logic for specific buttons to cease switching given a specific string as the text. :param button: target button instance :param c1: First color to switch to, string :param c2: Second color to switch to, string :param delay: Delay in ms :return: None """ if button['text'] == 'Start?': return else: if button['fg'] == c1: button.configure(fg=c2) else: button.configure(fg=c1) self.window.after( delay, lambda: self.__blinkButton(button, c1, c2, delay)) def __createDataFile(self): """ Preliminary HDF5 methods prior to implementation of Likely will remove and integrate single class for cohesion :return: None """ self.datafilename = str('-'.join( list(i.replace(':', '-') for i in time.asctime().split(' ')))) + '.hdf5' self.datafile = HDF5File(self.datafilename) def __createGroup(self, name): """ Preliminary HDF5 methods prior to implementation of Likely will remove and integrate single class for cohesion :return: None """ self.datafile.createGroup(name) def __setMetadataFromFile(self, mdfile, path='/'): """ Preliminary HDF5 methods prior to implementation of Likely will remove and integrate single class for cohesion :return: None """ metadata = self.__parseMetadataFile(mdfile) for key, value in metadata.items(): self.datafile.setMetadata(key, value, path=path) def __setMetadata(self, key, value, path='/'): """ Preliminary HDF5 methods prior to implementation of Likely will remove and integrate single class for cohesion :return: None """ self.datafile.setMetadata(key, value, path=path) def __createDataSet(self, Group, Data): """ Preliminary HDF5 methods prior to implementation of Likely will remove and integrate single class for cohesion :return: None """ self.datafile.create_dataset(Group, Data, Data.shape) def __parseMetadataFile(self, filename): """ Preliminary HDF5 methods prior to implementation of Likely will remove and integrate single class for cohesion :return: None """ md = {} try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: for i in f.readlines(): j = i.rstrip().split(';') md[j[0]] = j[1] return md except: print('metadata file broken, fix and try again') def __writeData(self, data): """ Writes data to the class instances datafile :param data: Data to write :return: None """ self.datafile.append(data) def __setFeed(self, feedrate): """ Sets feedrate based on input :param feedrate: New feedrate in mm/min :return: None """ self.feedrate = feedrate