def Save(self): # Save #if not os.path.isdir(self.GetOutPath()): # print 'Creating directory: ', self.GetOutPath() gSystem.mkdir(self.GetOutPath(), True) self.canvas.Print(self.GetOutName() + '.pdf', 'pdf') self.canvas.Print(self.GetOutName() + '.png', 'png')
def parse_drawer_options(options): # Create outdir if necessary if not options.outdir.endswith("/"): options.outdir += "/" if gSystem.AccessPathName(options.outdir): gSystem.mkdir(options.outdir) # Make input file list if not options.infile.endswith(".root") and not options.infile.endswith( ".txt"): raise ValueError("infile must be .root file or .txt file") if options.infile.endswith(".root"): # Create a temporary file with one line with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as infile: infile.write(options.infile) infile.flush() options.tfilecoll = TFileCollection("fc", "", else: options.tfilecoll = TFileCollection("fc", "", options.infile) # Batch mode if options.batch: gROOT.SetBatch(True) # Trigger tower parameter space if options.tower != 99: ieta = options.tower / 8 iphi = options.tower % 8 options.etamin = -2.2 + (4.4 / 6) * ieta options.etamax = -2.2 + (4.4 / 6) * (ieta + 1) if iphi < 4: options.phimin = (2 * pi / 8) * iphi options.phimax = (2 * pi / 8) * (iphi + 1) else: options.phimin = -2 * pi - pi + (2 * pi / 8) * iphi options.phimax = -2 * pi - pi + (2 * pi / 8) * (iphi + 1) options.ptmin = 2. options.ptmax = 2000. options.vzmin = -15. options.vzmax = +15.
def DrawPlot(fname, hname, outname, outpath="./SFplots/", inpath='InputFiles/', doErrors=True): if not outpath.endswith('/'): outpath += '/' if not inpath.endswith('/'): inpath += '/' if not fname.endswith('.root'): fname += '.root' f = TFile.Open(inpath + fname) h = f.Get(hname) c = TCanvas("c", "c", 10, 10, 1600, 1200) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPalette(1) gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("1.2f") if doErrors: h.Draw("colz, text, errors") else: h.Draw("colz, text") if not os.path.isdir(outpath): gSystem.mkdir(outpath, 1) c.Print(outpath + outname + '.pdf', 'pdf') c.Print(outpath + outname + '.png', 'png')
def parse_drawer_options(options): # Create outdir if necessary if not options.outdir.endswith("/"): options.outdir += "/" if gSystem.AccessPathName(options.outdir): gSystem.mkdir(options.outdir) # Make input file list if not options.infile.endswith(".root") and not options.infile.endswith(".txt"): raise ValueError("infile must be .root file or .txt file") if options.infile.endswith(".root"): # Create a temporary file with one line with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as infile: infile.write(options.infile) infile.flush() options.tfilecoll = TFileCollection("fc", "", else: options.tfilecoll = TFileCollection("fc", "", options.infile) # Batch mode if options.batch: gROOT.SetBatch(True) # Trigger tower parameter space if options.tower != 99: ieta = options.tower/8 iphi = options.tower%8 options.etamin = -2.2 + (4.4/6) * ieta options.etamax = -2.2 + (4.4/6) * (ieta+1) if iphi < 6: options.phimin = -pi/2 + (2*pi/8) * iphi options.phimax = -pi/2 + (2*pi/8) * (iphi+1) else: options.phimin = -2*pi -pi/2 + (2*pi/8) * iphi options.phimax = -2*pi -pi/2 + (2*pi/8) * (iphi+1) options.ptmin = 2. options.ptmax = 2000.
channel = "ZnunuHighPt" region = "TT" massH = 125 plotData = True plotLog = False plotSig = True plotdir = "plots_etc/" kRed = 632 kYellow = 400 kBlue = 600 TH1.SetDefaultSumw2(1) gROOT.SetBatch(1) if gSystem.AccessPathName(plotdir): gSystem.mkdir(plotdir) class EventsJ11(object): pass def Read(whatstep="Step4", cutallmc="", cutalldata=""): if whatstep == "Step4": indir = "/uscms_data/d3/lpchbb/jiafu/ZnnH_postHCP/Step4_20130404/stitch/" #indir = "/uscms_data/d3/lpchbb/jiafu/ZnnH_postHCP/Step4_20130314/stitch/" prefix = "Step4_" suffix = ".root" treename = "tree_%s_%s" % (channel, "ctrl") ZH = TChain(treename)
def main(): # Default conf file, if running with a different one just provide it as an argument configFile = 'plots.conf' args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) >= 1: configFile = args[0] if os.path.exists(configFile): print('running with config file', configFile) else: print('you are trying to use a config file (' + configFile + ') that does not exist!') sys.exit(1) # Parse the conf file cfg = ConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict) cfg.optionxform = str # Set up plotting inputdir = cfg.get('setup', 'inputdir') outputdir = cfg.get('setup', 'outputdir') procs = cfg.get('setup', 'processes').replace(' ', '').split(',') treename = cfg.get('setup', 'treename') treename2d = cfg.get('setup', 'treename2d') comparetype = cfg.get('setup', 'comparetype') if not comparetype in ['processes', 'sels']: print('comparetype must be either "processes" or "sels"!') sys.exit(1) plotnames = cfg.get('plotting', 'plotnames').replace(' ', '').split(',') plotnames2d = cfg.get('plotting', 'plotnames2d').replace(' ', '').split(',') effplotnames = cfg.get('plotting', 'effplotnames').replace(' ', '').split(',') reversecutvars = cfg.get('plotting', 'reversecutvars').replace(' ', '').split(',') logvars = cfg.get('plotting', 'logvars').replace(' ', '').split(',') expr = {k: v for k, v in cfg['expressions'].items()} sel = {k: v for k, v in cfg['sels'].items()} sel2d = {k: v for k, v in cfg['sels2d'].items()} proclabels = {k: v for k, v in cfg['proclabels'].items()} plotlabels = {k: v for k, v in cfg['plotlabels'].items()} binning = {k: ast.literal_eval(v) for k, v in cfg['binning'].items()} colors = {k: st.colors[v] for k, v in cfg['colors'].items()} # ROOT setup stuff gROOT.SetBatch(True) st.SetTDRStyle() st.SetupColors() gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.03, "XYZ") gSystem.mkdir(outputdir, True) print('Making plots!') files = { proc: TFile.Open(inputdir + '/' + proc + '_tree.root') for proc in procs } # Loop over 1D variables to be plotted for n in plotnames: if n == '' or not n in binning: continue print('plotting', n) (outerloopitems, innerloopitems) = (procs, sel) if comparetype == 'sels' else (sel, procs) # Loop over outer loop items for x in outerloopitems: hists = [] ymax = -1. infile = None tree = None selexp = '' if comparetype == 'processes': selexp = sel[x] print('with selection', selexp) # Loop over inner loop items for y in innerloopitems: if comparetype == 'sels': infile = files[x] selexp = sel[y] print('with selection', selexp) else: infile = files[y] tree = infile.FindObjectAny(treename) hist = TH1D('_'.join(['h', n, x, y]), '', binning[n][0], binning[n][1], binning[n][2]) hist.SetLineColor(colors[y]) # Check if variable name corresponds to an expression if n in expr: tree.Draw(expr[n] + '_'.join(['>>h', n, x, y]), selexp, 'histnorm') else: tree.Draw(n + '_'.join(['>>h', n, x, y]), selexp, 'histnorm') # Histogram setup st.addOverFlow(hist) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plotlabels[n]) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("A.U.") hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) hist.SetLineWidth(3) hist.SetLineColor(colors[y]) if (hist.GetMaximum() > ymax): ymax = hist.GetMaximum() tempmax = 0.0 maxbin = 0 for ibin in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1): binc = hist.GetBinContent(ibin) if binc > tempmax: tempmax = binc maxbin = hist.GetBinLowEdge(ibin) # Add this histogram to the list hists.append(hist) # Setup canvas c = st.MakeCanvas("c", "", 600, 600) leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.7, 0.95, 0.9) st.SetLegendStyle(leg) leg.SetTextSize(0.04) # Check if plotting in log scale logy = (n in logvars) if (logy): c.SetLogy() labels = [] # Draw histograms and add each entry to the legend for hist in hists: if (logy): hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-04, 15 * ymax) else: hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.2 * ymax) hist.Draw('histsame') hname = str(hist.GetName()) labelname = hname[hname.rindex('_') + 1:] leg.AddEntry(hist, proclabels[labelname], 'L') # Draw legend and save the plot leg.Draw('same') st.LDMX_lumi(c, 0, 'Simulation') c.SaveAs(outputdir + '/' + n + '_' + x + ('_log.pdf' if logy else '.pdf')) # Loop over 2D plots for n in plotnames2d: if n == '': continue xvar = n[n.rindex('_') + 1:] yvar = n[0:n.index('_')] if not xvar in binning or not yvar in binning: continue print('plotting', yvar, 'vs', xvar) # Loop over processes for proc in procs: infile = files[proc] tree = infile.FindObjectAny(treename2d) c = st.MakeCanvas('c', '', 600, 600) # Loop over cut strings for seln in sel2d: selexp = sel2d[seln] print('with selection', selexp) hist = TH2D('_'.join(['h', n, proc, seln]), '', binning[xvar][0], binning[xvar][1], binning[xvar][2], binning[yvar][0], binning[yvar][1], binning[yvar][2]) logx, logy = False, False if xvar in logvars: logx = True if yvar in logvars: logy = True if logx: c.SetLogx() if logy: c.SetLogy() c.SetLogz() c.SetLeftMargin(0.13) c.SetRightMargin(0.18) print('Drawing', expr[n]) if n in expr: #tree.Draw(expr[n]+'_'.join(['>>h',n,proc,seln]),selexp,'COLZnorm') tree.Draw(expr[n] + '_'.join(['>>h', n, proc, seln]), selexp, 'COLZ') else: #tree.Draw(n+'_'.join(['>>h',n,proc,seln]),selexp,'COLZnorm') tree.Draw(n + '_'.join(['>>h', n, proc, seln]), selexp, 'COLZ') # Histogram setup hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plotlabels[xvar]) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(plotlabels[yvar]) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) # Save plot c.SaveAs(outputdir + '/' + n + '_' + proc + '_' + seln + ('_log.pdf' if logx or logy else '.pdf')) # Loop over efficiency variables to be plotted for n in effplotnames: if n == '' or not n in binning: continue print('plotting efficiency vs', n) (outerloopitems, innerloopitems) = (procs, sel) if comparetype == 'sels' else (sel, procs) # Loop over outer loop items for x in outerloopitems: hists = [] effs = [] infile = None tree = None selexp = '' if comparetype == 'sels': infile = files[x] tree = infile.FindObjectAny(treename) else: selexp = sel[x] print('with selection', selexp) isel = -1 # Loop over inner loop items for y in innerloopitems: if comparetype == 'sels': selexp = sel[y] print('with selection', selexp) else: infile = files[y] tree = infile.FindObjectAny(treename) isel += 1 hist = TH1D('_'.join(['h', n, x, y]), '', binning[n][0], binning[n][1], binning[n][2]) hist.SetLineColor(colors[y]) hist.SetMarkerColor(colors[y]) # Check if variable name corresponds to an expression if n in expr: tree.Draw(expr[n] + '_'.join(['>>h', n, x, y]), selexp) else: tree.Draw(n + '_'.join(['>>h', n, x, y]), selexp) # Histogram setup st.addOverFlow(hist) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plotlabels[n]) hists.append(hist) # Setup canvas c = st.MakeCanvas("c", "", 600, 600) leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.7, 0.95, 0.9) st.SetLegendStyle(leg) leg.SetTextSize(0.04) logy = (n in logvars) if (logy): c.SetLogy() if len(hists): xmin = hists[0].GetXaxis().GetXmin() xmax = hists[0].GetXaxis().GetXmax() c.DrawFrame(xmin, 1e-6 if logy else 0, xmax, 1.1) graphs = [] emptyhist = None ihist = -1 for hist in hists: ihist += 1 hname = str(hist.GetName()) labelname = hname[hname.rindex('_') + 1:] xmin = hist.GetXaxis().GetXmin() xmax = hist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() effgr = pt.computeEffVsCutGraph(hist, n in reversecutvars) effgr.SetLineWidth(3) effgr.SetLineColor(colors[labelname]) effgr.SetMarkerColor(colors[labelname]) effgr.GetXaxis().SetTitle(plotlabels[n]) effgr.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Efficiency') effgr.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) effgr.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effgr.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetLimits(xmin, xmax) effgr.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( 1e-6 if logy else 0.0, 1.1) effgr.Draw('Csame') if ihist == 0: emptyhist = effgr.GetHistogram() leg.AddEntry(effgr, proclabels[labelname], 'L') graphs.append(effgr) if emptyhist: emptyhist.Draw('AXIS') for graph in graphs: graph.Draw('Csame') leg.Draw('same') st.LDMX_lumi(c, 0, 'Simulation') c.SaveAs(outputdir + '/eff_vs_' + n + '_' + y + '.pdf') for infile in files.values(): infile.Close()
chain.Add(f) sections = {} sections["makedataset"] = False sections["makefits"] = True sections["makenewfits"] = False sections["makefits2"] = False plotting = [] writing = [] imgdir = "figures_20140206/" if not imgdir.endswith("/"): imgdir += "/" if gSystem.AccessPathName(imgdir): gSystem.mkdir(imgdir) #_______________________________________________________________________________ # Classes/Functions class Properties: """Stores stuff""" def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def CMS_label(): old = (latex.GetTextFont(), latex.GetTextSize()) latex.SetTextFont(42); latex.SetTextSize(0.026) latex.DrawLatex(0.665, 0.968, "Run2012D HLT_L1ETM40_v2")
def create_k_folds(input_root_file_name, input_tree_name = None, k_folds = None): """ Inspect a .root ntuple and resample a TTree into k-folds for cross-validation. """ input_root_file = TFile(input_root_file_name, 'READ') # Check function arguments. if (not input_tree_name) or (not input_root_file.GetListOfKeys().FindObject(input_tree_name)): print "\nUnspecified or incorrect TTree name. Consider the file contents below.\n" print "\n" return elif (k_folds == None): print "\nUnspecified number of folds." return else: input_tree = input_root_file.Get(input_tree_name) input_tree_n_entries = input_tree.GetEntriesFast() # Specify output directory, creating it if it doesn't exist. output_directory = 'k_folds/' if (gSystem.AccessPathName(output_directory)): gSystem.mkdir(output_directory) # Determine the number of entries per fold, assuming the total number of entries is exactly divisible into k folds. # Create a list holding the entry indices specifying the endpoints for each fold. n_entries_per_fold = int(input_tree_n_entries / k_folds) range_list = range(0, n_entries_per_fold * (k_folds + 1), n_entries_per_fold) # If a remainder exists, we modify accordingly. n_entries_remainder = int(input_tree_n_entries % k_folds) if (n_entries_remainder != 0): for extra in range(0, len(range_list)): if (extra < n_entries_remainder): range_list[extra] += extra else: range_list[extra] += n_entries_remainder # Loop over each fold. for k in range(0, k_folds): # Create output .root file for the current fold. output_root_file_name = output_directory + 'CVFold_%s_of_%s.root' % (k+1, k_folds) output_root_file = TFile(output_root_file_name, 'RECREATE') # Copy an empty tree to hold the training sample. output_train_tree = input_tree.CloneTree(0) output_train_tree.SetName('%s_CV_Train' % input_tree.GetName()) # Copy an empty tree to hold the "testing" sample. output_test_tree = input_tree.CloneTree(0) output_test_tree.SetName('%s_CV_Test' % input_tree.GetName()) # Loop over the input tree entries, storing it for testing if it falls within the range # and training otherwise. I find this faster than conditionals within the loop. for entry in range(0, range_list[k]): input_tree.GetEntry(entry, 1) # The second argument 1 means get all branches. output_train_tree.Fill() for entry in range(range_list[k], range_list[k+1]): input_tree.GetEntry(entry, 1) output_test_tree.Fill() for entry in range(range_list[k+1], input_tree_n_entries): input_tree.GetEntry(entry, 1) output_train_tree.Fill() # Write the output trees and save the output file. output_train_tree.Write() output_test_tree.Write() output_root_file.Close() # Close the input file. input_root_file.Close() return "Successfully split entries for %s-fold cross-validation." % k_folds
def RunPAF(samples, selection, xsec, nSumOfWeights, year, outname, nSlots=1, outpath='', options='', isamcatnlo=False, isData=False, nEvents=0, FirstEvent=0, workingdir=''): from ROOT import PAFProject, PAFIExecutionEnvironment, PAFSequentialEnvironment, PAFPROOFLiteEnvironment, PAFPoDEnvironment from ROOT import vector, TString, gSystem # PAF mode selection (based on number of slots) pafmode = PAFSequentialEnvironment() if nSlots <= 1: pafmode = PAFSequentialEnvironment() else: pafmode = PAFPROOFLiteEnvironment(nSlots) myProject = PAFProject(pafmode) myProject.AddDataFiles(samples) myProject.SetDefaultTreeName("Events") # Deal with first and last event if nEvents > 0: myProject.SetNEvents(nEvents) if FirstEvent > 0: myProject.SetFirstEvent(FirstEvent) if workingdir == "": workingdir = os.getcwd() # Set output file if outpath == '': outpath = workingdir + "/" + selection + "_temp" gSystem.mkdir(outpath, 1) myProject.SetOutputFile(outpath + "/" + outname + ".root") if verbose: print '## Output to: %s' % (outpath + "/" + outname + ".root") # Parameters for the analysis myProject.SetInputParam("sampleName", outname) myProject.SetInputParam("IsData", isData) myProject.SetInputParam("weight", xsec / nSumOfWeights) myProject.SetInputParam("IsMCatNLO", isamcatnlo) myProject.SetInputParam("selection", selection) myProject.SetInputParam("WorkingDir", workingdir) myProject.SetInputParam("xsec", xsec) myProject.SetInputParam("_options", options) myProject.SetInputParam("year", str(year)) # Name of analysis class myProject.AddSelectorPackage("LeptonSelector") myProject.AddSelectorPackage("JetSelector") myProject.AddSelectorPackage("EventBuilder") # Analysis selector if selection != "": myProject.AddSelectorPackage(selection) #if selection == 'TopAnalysis': # myProject.AddSelectorPackage("LepEffTop") # Additional packages myProject.AddPackage("Lepton") myProject.AddPackage("Jet") myProject.AddPackage("mt2") myProject.AddPackage("Functions") myProject.AddPackage("LeptonSF") myProject.AddPackage("BTagSFUtil") myProject.Run()