class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):
    '''Jet clusterizer. 
    Makes use of the JetClusterizer class compiled in the analysis-cpp package. 

    Example configuration: 

    papas_jets = cfg.Analyzer(
       instance_label = 'papas', 
       particles = 'papas_rec_particles'

    particles: Name of the input particle collection.
    The output jet collection name is built from the instance_label, 
    in this case "papas_jets".

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        min_e = 0.
        self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(min_e)

    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set([211, 22, 130, 11, 13, 1, 2])
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
        sume = 0. 
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    def process(self, event):
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12,14,16]]
        for ptc in particles:
            self.clusterizer.add_p4( ptc.p4() )
        jets = []
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet( self.clusterizer.jet(jeti) )
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            jets.append( jet )
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
        setattr(event, self.instance_label, jets)
class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer()

    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set({211, 22, 130, 11, 13})
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
        sume = 0. 
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    def process(self, event):
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12,14,16]]
        for ptc in particles:
            self.clusterizer.add_p4( ptc.p4() )
        self.clusterizer.clusterize() 'njets = {n}'.format(
        jets = []
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet( self.clusterizer.jet(jeti) )
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            jets.append( jet )
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
        setattr(event, '_'.join([self.instance_label,'jets']), jets)
Beispiel #3
class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):
    '''Jet clusterizer based on fastjet (kt-ee algorithm)
    This analyzer, specific to the FCC,
    makes use of the JetClusterizer class compiled in the fcc-physics package.

    Example configuration::

        from heppy.analyzers.fcc.JetClusterizer import JetClusterizer
        jets = cfg.Analyzer(
          output = 'jets',
          particles = 'particles_not_zed',
          fastjet_args = dict(njets = 2)  
    @param output: name of the output collection of L{jets<heppy.particles.jet.Jet>}. 
      Each jet is attached a L{JetConstituents<heppy.particles.jet.JetConstituents>} object
      as C{jet.constituents}.

    @param particles: name of the input collection of particle-like objects. 
      These objects should have a p4(). 
    @param fastjet_args: fastjet arguments. 
      you should provide either one or the other of the following arguments:
       - ptmin : pt threshold in GeV for exclusive jet reconstruction 
       - njets : number of jets for inclusive jet reconstruction 

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        args = self.cfg_ana.fastjet_args
        self.clusterize = None
        self.njets = 0
        if 'ptmin' in args and 'njets' in args:
            raise ValueError('cannot specify both ptmin and njets arguments')
        if len(args) == 1:       
            if 'ptmin' in args:
                self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(0)
                def clusterize():
                    return self.clusterizer.make_inclusive_jets(args['ptmin'],
                self.clusterize = clusterize
            elif 'njets' in args:
                self.njets = args['njets']
                self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(1)
                def clusterize():
                    return self.clusterizer.make_exclusive_jets(self.njets) 
                self.clusterize = clusterize
                raise ValueError('specify either ptmin or njets') 
        elif len(args) == 3:
            if 'R' in args and 'p' in args and 'emin' in args:
                self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(2, args['R'], args['p'])
                def clusterize():
                    return self.clusterizer.make_inclusive_jets(args['emin']) 
                self.clusterize = clusterize
    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set([211, 22, 130, 11, 13, 1, 2])
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
        sume = 0. 
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    def process(self, event):
        '''Process event.
        The event must contain:
         - self.cfg_ana.particles: the list of particles to be clustered
        This method creates:
         - event.<self.cfg_ana.output>: the list of L{jets<heppy.particles.jet.Jet>}. 
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12,14,16]]
        if len(particles) < self.njets:
            if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'njets_required') and self.cfg_ana.njets_required == False:
                # not enough particles for the required number of jets,
                # making no jet
                setattr(event, self.cfg_ana.output, [])
                return True                

                # njets_required not provided, or njets_required set to True
                err = 'Cannot make {} jets with {} particles -> Event discarded'.format(
                    self.njets, len(particles)
                # killing the sequence, as the user requests exactly njets
                return False
        # enough particles to make the required number of jets
        for ptc in particles:
            self.clusterizer.add_p4( ptc.p4() )
        jets = []
        if self.cfg_ana.verbose:
            print self.clusterizer.n_jets(), 'jets:'
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet( self.clusterizer.jet(jeti) )
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            jets.append( jet )
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
            if self.cfg_ana.verbose:
                print '\t', jet
        setattr(event, self.cfg_ana.output, jets)
Beispiel #4
class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):
    '''Jet clusterizer based on fastjet (kt-ee algorithm)
    This analyzer, specific to the FCC,
    makes use of the JetClusterizer class compiled in the fcc-physics package.

    Example configuration::

        from heppy.analyzers.fcc.JetClusterizer import JetClusterizer
        jets = cfg.Analyzer(
          output = 'jets',
          particles = 'particles_not_zed',
          fastjet_args = dict(njets = 2)  
    @param output: name of the output collection of L{jets<heppy.particles.jet.Jet>}. 
      Each jet is attached a L{JetConstituents<heppy.particles.jet.JetConstituents>} object
      as C{jet.constituents}.

    @param particles: name of the input collection of particle-like objects. 
      These objects should have a p4(). 
    @param fastjet_args: fastjet arguments. 
      you should provide either one or the other of the following arguments:
       - ptmin : pt threshold in GeV for exclusive jet reconstruction 
       - njets : number of jets for inclusive jet reconstruction 
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        args = self.cfg_ana.fastjet_args
        self.clusterize = None
        if 'ptmin' in args and 'njets' in args:
            raise ValueError('cannot specify both ptmin and njets arguments')
        if 'ptmin' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(0)

            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_inclusive_jets(args['ptmin'])

            self.clusterize = clusterize
        elif 'njets' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(1)

            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_exclusive_jets(args['njets'])

            self.clusterize = clusterize
            raise ValueError('specify either ptmin or njets')

    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set([211, 22, 130, 11, 13, 1, 2])
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
            assert (False)
        sume = 0.
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb

    def process(self, event):
        '''Process event.
        The event must contain:
         - self.cfg_ana.particles: the list of particles to be clustered
        This method creates:
         - event.<self.cfg_ana.output>: the list of L{jets<heppy.particles.jet.Jet>}. 
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [
            ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12, 14, 16]
        for ptc in particles:
        jets = []
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet(self.clusterizer.jet(jeti))
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(
                    jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
        setattr(event, self.cfg_ana.output, jets)
Beispiel #5
class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):
    '''Jet clusterizer. 
    Makes use of the JetClusterizer class compiled in the analysis-cpp package
    (this external package is the only dependence to the FCC software).

    Example configuration: 

    from heppy.analyzers.fcc.JetClusterizer import JetClusterizer
    jets = cfg.Analyzer(
      output = 'jets',
      particles = 'particles_not_zed',
      fastjet_args = dict( njets = 2)  
    * output: name of the output collection of Jets. 
    Each jet is attached a JetConstituents object as jet.constituents.
    See the Jet and JetConstituents classes. 

    * particles: name of the input collection of particle-like objects. 
    These objects should have a p4(). 
    you should provide either one or the other of the following arguments:
    - ptmin : pt threshold for exclusive jet reconstruction 
    - njets : number of jets for inclusive jet reconstruction 

    A more flexible interface can easily be provided if needed, 
    contact Colin.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        args = self.cfg_ana.fastjet_args
        self.clusterize = None
        if 'ptmin' in args and 'njets' in args:
            raise ValueError('cannot specify both ptmin and njets arguments')
        if 'ptmin' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(0)
            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_inclusive_jets(args['ptmin']) 
            self.clusterize = clusterize
        elif 'njets' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(1)
            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_exclusive_jets(args['njets']) 
            self.clusterize = clusterize
            raise ValueError('specify either ptmin or njets') 
    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set([211, 22, 130, 11, 13, 1, 2])
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
        sume = 0. 
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    def process(self, event):
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12,14,16]]
        for ptc in particles:
            self.clusterizer.add_p4( ptc.p4() )
        jets = []
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet( self.clusterizer.jet(jeti) )
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            jets.append( jet )
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
        setattr(event, self.cfg_ana.output, jets)
Beispiel #6
class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):
    '''Jet clusterizer based on fastjet (kt-ee algorithm)
    This analyzer, specific to the FCC,
    makes use of the JetClusterizer class compiled in the fcc-physics package.

    Example configuration::

        from heppy.analyzers.fcc.JetClusterizer import JetClusterizer
        jets = cfg.Analyzer(
          output = 'jets',
          particles = 'particles_not_zed',
          algorithm = 'ee_kt',
          fastjet_args = dict(njets = 2)
    @param output: name of the output collection of L{jets<heppy.particles.jet.Jet>}. 
      Each jet is attached a L{JetConstituents<heppy.particles.jet.JetConstituents>} object
      as C{jet.constituents}.

    @param particles: name of the input collection of particle-like objects. 
      These objects should have a p4(). 
    @param algorithm : jet algorithm to used.
      You should precise which algorithm you want use. Choose between ee_kt, ee_genkt, kt or anti_kt
    @param fastjet_args: fastjet arguments. 
      you should provide either one or the other of the following arguments:
       - ptmin : pt threshold in GeV for exclusive jet reconstruction 
       - njets : number of jets for inclusive jet reconstruction 

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        args = self.cfg_ana.fastjet_args
        self.clusterize = None
        self.njets = 0

        if 'ptmin' in args and 'njets' in args:
            raise ValueError('cannot specify both ptmin and njets arguments')

        if 'ptmin' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(0, self.cfg_ana.algorithm)

            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_inclusive_jets(args['ptmin'])

            self.clusterize = clusterize

        elif 'njets' in args:
            self.njets = args['njets']
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(1, self.cfg_ana.algorithm)

            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_exclusive_jets(self.njets)

            self.clusterize = clusterize

            raise ValueError('specify either ptmin or njets')

    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set([211, 22, 130, 11, 13, 1, 2])
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
            assert (False)
        sume = 0.
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb

    def process(self, event):
        '''Process event.
        The event must contain:
         - self.cfg_ana.particles: the list of particles to be clustered

        This method creates:
         - event.<self.cfg_ana.output>: the list of L{jets<heppy.particles.jet.Jet>}. 
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [
            ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12, 14, 16]
        if len(particles) < self.njets:
            if hasattr(
                    'njets_required') and self.cfg_ana.njets_required == False:
                # not enough particles for the required number of jets,
                # making no jet
                setattr(event, self.cfg_ana.output, [])
                return True

                # njets_required not provided, or njets_required set to True
                err = 'Cannot make {} jets with {} particles -> Event discarded'.format(
                    self.njets, len(particles))
                # killing the sequence, as the user requests exactly njets
                return False
        # enough particles to make the required number of jets
        for ptc in particles:
        jets = []
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet(self.clusterizer.jet(jeti))
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(
                    jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
        setattr(event, self.cfg_ana.output, jets)
Beispiel #7
class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):
    '''Jet clusterizer. 
    Makes use of the JetClusterizer class compiled in the analysis-cpp package
    (this external package is the only dependence to the FCC software).

    Example configuration: 

    from heppy.analyzers.fcc.JetClusterizer import JetClusterizer
    jets = cfg.Analyzer(
      output = 'jets',
      particles = 'particles_not_zed',
      fastjet_args = dict( njets = 2)  
    * output: name of the output collection of Jets. 
    Each jet is attached a JetConstituents object as jet.constituents.
    See the Jet and JetConstituents classes. 

    * particles: name of the input collection of particle-like objects. 
    These objects should have a p4(). 
    you should provide either one or the other of the following arguments:
    - ptmin : pt threshold for exclusive jet reconstruction 
    - njets : number of jets for inclusive jet reconstruction 

    A more flexible interface can easily be provided if needed, 
    contact Colin.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        args = self.cfg_ana.fastjet_args
        self.clusterize = None
        if 'ptmin' in args and 'njets' in args:
            raise ValueError('cannot specify both ptmin and njets arguments')
        if 'ptmin' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(0)

            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_inclusive_jets(args['ptmin'])

            self.clusterize = clusterize
        elif 'njets' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(1)

            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_exclusive_jets(args['njets'])

            self.clusterize = clusterize
            raise ValueError('specify either ptmin or njets')

    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set([211, 22, 130, 11, 13, 1, 2])
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
            assert (False)
        sume = 0.
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb

    def process(self, event):
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [
            ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12, 14, 16]
        for ptc in particles:
        jets = []
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet(self.clusterizer.jet(jeti))
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(
                    jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
        setattr(event, self.cfg_ana.output, jets)
Beispiel #8
class JetClusterizer(Analyzer):
    '''Jet clusterizer. 
    Makes use of the JetClusterizer class compiled in the analysis-cpp package. 

    Example configuration: 

    papas_jets = cfg.Analyzer(
       instance_label = 'papas', 
       particles = 'papas_rec_particles', 
       ptmin = 1.  # for inclusive jets 
       # or 
       # njets = 2 # for exclusive jets

    particles: Name of the input particle collection.
    The output jet collection name is built from the instance_label, 
    in this case "papas_jets". 
    you should provide either one or the other of the following arguments:
    - ptmin : pt threshold for exclusive jet reconstruction 
    - njets : number of jets for inclusive jet reconstruction 

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(JetClusterizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        args = self.cfg_ana.fastjet_args
        self.clusterize = None
        if 'ptmin' in args and 'njets' in args:
            raise ValueError('cannot specify both ptmin and njets arguments')
        if 'ptmin' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(0)
            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_inclusive_jets(args['ptmin']) 
            self.clusterize = clusterize
        elif 'njets' in args:
            self.clusterizer = CCJetClusterizer(1)
            def clusterize():
                return self.clusterizer.make_exclusive_jets(args['njets']) 
            self.clusterize = clusterize
            raise ValueError('specify either ptmin or njets') 
    def validate(self, jet):
        constits = jet.constituents
        keys = set(jet.constituents.keys())
        all_possible = set([211, 22, 130, 11, 13, 1, 2])
        if not keys.issubset(all_possible):
            print constits
        sume = 0. 
        for component in jet.constituents.values():
            if component.e() - jet.e() > 1e-5:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            sume += component.e()
        if jet.e() - sume > 1e-5:
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    def process(self, event):
        particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.particles)
        # removing neutrinos
        particles = [ptc for ptc in particles if abs(ptc.pdgid()) not in [12,14,16]]
        for ptc in particles:
            self.clusterizer.add_p4( ptc.p4() )
        jets = []
        for jeti in range(self.clusterizer.n_jets()):
            jet = Jet( self.clusterizer.jet(jeti) )
            jet.constituents = JetConstituents()
            jets.append( jet )
            for consti in range(self.clusterizer.n_constituents(jeti)):
                constituent_index = self.clusterizer.constituent_index(jeti, consti)
                constituent = particles[constituent_index]
        setattr(event, self.instance_label, jets)