def rooFit202():

    print ">>> setup model component: gaussian signals and Chebychev polynomial background..."
    x = RooRealVar("x", "x", 0, 10)
    mean = RooRealVar("mean", "mean of gaussian", 5)
    sigma1 = RooRealVar("sigma1", "width of gaussian", 0.5)
    sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2", "width of gaussian", 1.0)
    sig1 = RooGaussian("sig1", "Signal component 1", x, mean, sigma1)
    sig2 = RooGaussian("sig2", "Signal component 2", x, mean, sigma2)

    a0 = RooRealVar("a0", "a0", 0.5, 0., 1.)
    a1 = RooRealVar("a1", "a1", -0.2, 0., 1.)
    bkg = RooChebychev("bkg", "Background", x, RooArgList(a0, a1))

    # Sum the signal components into a composite signal p.d.f.
    sig1frac = RooRealVar("sig1frac", "fraction of component 1 in signal", 0.8,
                          0., 1.)
    sig = RooAddPdf("sig", "Signal", RooArgList(sig1, sig2),

    print ">>>\n>>> METHOD 1"
    print ">>> construct extended composite model..."
    # Sum the composite signal and background into an extended pdf nsig*sig+nbkg*bkg
    nsig = RooRealVar("nsig", "number of signal events", 500, 0., 10000)
    nbkg = RooRealVar("nbkg", "number of background events", 500, 0, 10000)
    model = RooAddPdf("model", "(g1+g2)+a", RooArgList(bkg, sig),
                      RooArgList(nbkg, nsig))

    print ">>> sample, fit and plot extended model...\n"
    # Generate a data sample of expected number events in x from model
    #   nsig + nbkg = model.expectedEvents()
    # NOTE: since the model predicts a specific number events, one can
    #       omit the requested number of events to be generated
    # Introduce Poisson fluctuation with Extended(kTRUE)
    data = model.generate(RooArgSet(x), Extended(kTRUE))  # RooDataSet

    # Fit model to data, extended ML term automatically included
    # NOTE: Composite extended pdfs can only be successfully fit if the extended likelihood
    #       term -log(Poisson(Nobs,Nexp)) is included in the minimization because they have
    #       one extra degree of freedom in their parameterization that is constrained by
    #       this extended term. If a pdf is capable of calculating an extended term (i.e.
    #       any extended RooAddPdf), the extended term is AUTOMATICALLY included in the
    #       likelihood calculation. Override this behaviour with Extended():
    #           Extended(kTRUE)  ADD extended likelihood term
    #           Extended(kFALSE) DO NOT ADD extended likelihood

    print "\n>>> plot data, model and model components..."
    # Plot data and PDF overlaid, use expected number of events for pdf projection
    # normalization, rather than observed number of events, data.numEntries()
    frame1 = x.frame(Title("extended ML fit example"))  # RooPlot
    data.plotOn(frame1, Binning(30), Name("data"))
    model.plotOn(frame1, Normalization(1.0, RooAbsReal.RelativeExpected),

    # Overlay the background components of model
    # NOTE: By default, the pdf is normalized to event count of the last dataset added
    #       to the plot frame. Use "RelativeExpected" to normalize to the expected
    #       event count of the pdf instead
    argset1 = RooArgSet(bkg)
    argset2 = RooArgSet(sig1)
    argset3 = RooArgSet(sig2)
    argset4 = RooArgSet(bkg, sig2)
    model.plotOn(frame1, Components(argset1), LineStyle(kDashed),
                 Normalization(1.0, RooAbsReal.RelativeExpected), Name("bkg"))
    #model.plotOn(frame1,Components(argset1),LineStyle(kDashed),LineColor(kBlue),  Name("bkg2"))
    model.plotOn(frame1, Components(argset2), LineStyle(kDotted),
                 Normalization(1.0, RooAbsReal.RelativeExpected), Name("sig1"))
    model.plotOn(frame1, Components(argset3), LineStyle(kDotted),
                 Normalization(1.0, RooAbsReal.RelativeExpected), Name("sig2"))
    model.plotOn(frame1, Components(argset4), LineStyle(kDashed),
                 LineColor(kAzure - 4),
                 Normalization(1.0, RooAbsReal.RelativeExpected),

    print "\n>>> structure of composite pdf:"
    model.Print("t")  # "tree" mode

    print "\n>>> parameters:"
    params = model.getVariables()  # RooArgSet

    print "\n>>> params.find(\"...\").getVal():"
    print ">>>   sigma1   = %.2f" % params.find("sigma1").getVal()
    print ">>>   sigma2   = %.2f" % params.find("sigma2").getVal()
    print ">>>   nsig     = %6.2f,  sig1frac = %5.2f" % (
        params.find("nsig").getVal(), params.find("sig1frac").getVal())
    print ">>>   nbkg     = %6.2f" % params.find("nbkg").getVal()

    print ">>>\n>>> components:"
    comps = model.getComponents()  # RooArgSet
    sig = comps.find("sig")  # RooAbsArg
    sigVars = sig.getVariables()  # RooArgSet

    print ">>>\n>>> METHOD 2"
    print ">>> construct extended components first..."
    # Associated nsig/nbkg as expected number of events with sig/bkg
    nsig = RooRealVar("nsig", "number of signal events", 500, 0., 10000)
    nbkg = RooRealVar("nbkg", "number of background events", 500, 0, 10000)
    esig = RooExtendPdf("esig", "extended signal pdf", sig, nsig)
    ebkg = RooExtendPdf("ebkg", "extended background pdf", bkg, nbkg)

    print ">>> sum extended components without coefficients..."
    # Construct sum of two extended p.d.f. (no coefficients required)
    model2 = RooAddPdf("model2", "(g1+g2)+a", RooArgList(ebkg, esig))

    # METHOD 2 is functionally completely equivalent to METHOD 1.
    # Its advantage is that the yield parameter is associated to the shape pdf
    # directly, while in METHOD 1 the association is made after constructing
    # a RooAddPdf. Also, class RooExtendPdf offers extra functionality to
    # interpret event counts in a different range.

    print ">>> plot model..."
    model2.plotOn(frame1, LineStyle(kDashed), LineColor(kRed),
                  Normalization(1.0, RooAbsReal.RelativeExpected),

    print ">>> draw on canvas..."
    canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 100, 100, 800, 600)
    legend = TLegend(0.2, 0.85, 0.4, 0.65)
    legend.AddEntry("data", "data", 'LEP')
    legend.AddEntry("model", "composite model", 'L')
    legend.AddEntry("model2", "composite model (method 2)", 'L')
    legend.AddEntry("bkg", "background only", 'L')
    #legend.AddEntry("bkg2",   "background only (no extended norm)", 'L')
    legend.AddEntry("sig1", "signal 1", 'L')
    legend.AddEntry("sig2", "signal 2", 'L')
    legend.AddEntry("bkgsig2", "background + signal 2", 'L')
Beispiel #2
def rooFit207():
    print ">>> setup model signal components: gaussians..."
    x     = RooRealVar("x","x",0,10)
    mean  = RooRealVar("mean","mean of gaussians",5)
    sigma = RooRealVar("sigma","width of gaussians",0.5)
    sig   = RooGaussian("sig","Signal",x,mean,sigma)
    print ">>> setup model background components: Chebychev polynomial plus exponential..."
    a0    = RooRealVar("a0","a0",0.5,0.,1.)
    a1    = RooRealVar("a1","a1",-0.2,0.,1.)
    bkg1  = RooChebychev("bkg1","Background 1",x,RooArgList(a0,a1))
    alpha = RooRealVar("alpha","alpha",-1)
    bkg2  = RooExponential("bkg2","Background 2",x,alpha)
    bkg1frac = RooRealVar("bkg1frac","fraction of component 1 in background",0.2,0.,1.)
    bkg      = RooAddPdf("bkg","Signal",RooArgList(bkg1,bkg2),RooArgList(bkg1frac))
    print ">>> sum signal and background component..."
    bkgfrac = RooRealVar("bkgfrac","fraction of background",0.5,0.,1.)
    model   = RooAddPdf("model","g1+g2+a",RooArgList(bkg,sig),RooArgList(bkgfrac))
    # Create dummy dataset that has more observables than the above pdf
    y    = RooRealVar("y","y",-10,10)
    data = RooDataSet("data","data",RooArgSet(x,y))
    # Basic information requests:"
    print ">>> get list of observables of pdf in context of a dataset..."
    # Observables are define each context as the variables
    # shared between a model and a dataset. In this case
    # that is the variable 'x'
    model_obs = model.getObservables(data) # RooArgSet
    print "\n>>> get list of parameters..."
    # Get list of parameters, given list of observables
    model_params = model.getParameters(RooArgSet(x)) # RooArgSet
    print ">>> model_params.getStringValue(\"a0\") = %s" % (model_params.getStringValue("a0"))
    print ">>> model_params.getRealValue(\"a0\")   = %s" % (model_params.getRealValue("a0"))
    print ">>> model_params.find(\"a0\").GetName() = %s" % (model_params.find("a0").GetName())
    print ">>> model_params.find(\"a0\").getVal()  = %s" % (model_params.find("a0").getVal())
#     print ">>> for param in model_params:"
#     for param in model_params.():
#     print ">>>   %s"%(model_params.first())
#     print ">>>   %s"%(model_params.first())
#     model_params.selectByName("a*").Print('v')
    print "\n>>> get list of parameters of a dataset..."
    # Gives identical results to operation above
    model_params2 = model.getParameters(data) # RooArgSet
    print "\n>>> get list of components..."
    # Get list of component objects, including top-level node
    model_comps = model.getComponents() # RooArgSet
    print "\n>>> modifications to structure of composites..."
    sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2","width of gaussians",1)
    sig2   = RooGaussian("sig2","Signal component 1",x,mean,sigma2)
    sig1frac = RooRealVar("sig1frac","fraction of component 1 in signal",0.8,0.,1.)
    sigsum   = RooAddPdf("sigsum","sig+sig2",RooArgList(sig,sig2),RooArgList(sig1frac))
    print ">>> construct a customizer utility to customize model..."
    cust = RooCustomizer(model,"cust")
    print ">>> instruct the customizer to replace node 'sig' with node 'sigsum'..."

    # Build a clone of the input pdf according to the above customization
    # instructions. Each node that requires modified is clone so that the
    # original pdf remained untouched. The name of each cloned node is that
    # of the original node suffixed by the name of the customizer object  
    # The returned head node own all nodes that were cloned as part of
    # the build process so when cust_clone is deleted so will all other
    # nodes that were created in the process.
    cust_clone = # RooAbsPdf
    # Print structure of clone of model with sig->sigsum replacement.
    # delete clone
    del cust_clone
def rooFit201():
    print ">>> setup model component: gaussian signals and Chebychev polynomial background..."
    x      = RooRealVar("x","x",0,11)
    mean   = RooRealVar("mean","mean of gaussians",5)
    sigma1 = RooRealVar("sigma1","width of gaussians",0.5)
    sigma2 = RooRealVar("sigma2","width of gaussians",1)
    sig1   = RooGaussian("sig1","Signal component 1",x,mean,sigma1)
    sig2   = RooGaussian("sig2","Signal component 2",x,mean,sigma2)
    a0  = RooRealVar("a0","a0",0.5,0.,1.)
    a1  = RooRealVar("a1","a1",-0.2,0.,1.)
    bkg = RooChebychev("bkg","Background",x,RooArgList(a0,a1))
    print ">>>\n>>> METHOD 1 - Two RooAddPdfs"
    print ">>> add signal components..."
    # Sum the signal components into a composite signal p.d.f.
    sig1frac = RooRealVar("sig1frac","fraction of component 1 in signal",0.8,0.,1.)
    sig      = RooAddPdf("sig","Signal",RooArgList(sig1,sig2),RooArgList(sig1frac))
    print ">>> add signal and background..."
    # Sum the composite signal and background
    bkgfrac = RooRealVar("bkgfrac","fraction of background",0.5,0.,1.)
    model   = RooAddPdf("model","g1+g2+a",RooArgList(bkg,sig),RooArgList(bkgfrac))
    print ">>> sample, fit and plot model..."
    data = model.generate(RooArgSet(x),1000) # RooDataSet
    frame1 = x.frame(Title("Example of composite pdf=(sig1+sig2)+bkg")) # RooPlot
    # Overlay the background component of model with a dashed line
    argset1 = RooArgSet(bkg)
    model.plotOn(frame1,Components(argset1),LineWidth(2),Name("bkg")) #,LineStyle(kDashed)
    # Overlay the background+sig2 components of model with a dotted line
    argset2 = RooArgSet(bkg,sig2)
    model.plotOn(frame1,Components(argset2),LineWidth(2),LineStyle(kDashed),LineColor(kAzure-4),Name("bkgsig2")) #,LineStyle(kDotted)
    print "\n>>> structure of composite pdf:"
    model.Print("t") # "tree" mode
    print "\n>>> parameters:"
    params = model.getVariables() # RooArgSet
    print "\n>>> params.find(\"...\").getVal():"
    print ">>>   sigma1  = %.2f"   % params.find("sigma1").getVal()
    print ">>>   sigma2  = %.2f"   % params.find("sigma2").getVal()
    print ">>>   bkgfrac = %5.2f"  % params.find("bkgfrac").getVal()
    print ">>>   sig1frac = %5.2f" % params.find("sig1frac").getVal()
    print ">>>\n>>> components:"
    comps   = model.getComponents() # RooArgSet
    sig     = comps.find("sig")     # RooAbsArg
    sigVars = sig.getVariables()    # RooArgSet
    print ">>>\n>>> METHOD 2 - One RooAddPdf with recursive fractions"
    # Construct sum of models on one go using recursive fraction interpretations
    #   model2 = bkg + (sig1 + sig2)
    model2 = RooAddPdf("model","g1+g2+a",RooArgList(bkg,sig1,sig2),RooArgList(bkgfrac,sig1frac),kTRUE)
    # NB: Each coefficient is interpreted as the fraction of the
    # left-hand component of the i-th recursive sum, i.e.
    #   sum4 = A + ( B + ( C + D ) )
    # with fraction fA, fB and fC expands to
    #   sum4 = fA*A + (1-fA)*(fB*B + (1-fB)*(fC*C + (1-fC)*D))
    print ">>> plot recursive addition model..."
    argset3 = RooArgSet(bkg,sig2)
    print ">>> draw pdfs and fits on canvas..."
    canvas = TCanvas("canvas","canvas",100,100,800,600)
    legend = TLegend(0.57,0.87,0.95,0.65)
    gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.14); gPad.SetRightMargin(0.02)
    legend.AddEntry("data",    "data",                            'LEP')
    legend.AddEntry("model",   "composite model",                 'L')
    legend.AddEntry("model2",  "composite model (method 2)",      'L')
    legend.AddEntry("bkg",     "background only",                 'L')
    legend.AddEntry("bkgsig2", "background + signal 2",           'L')
    legend.AddEntry("bkgsig22","background + signal 2 (method 2)",'L')