def neut_eta(): #neutron pseudorapidity etabin = 0.05 etamin = -20 etamax = 20 hEta = ut.prepare_TH1D("hEta", etabin, etamin, etamax) can = ut.box_canvas() particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", particles) nev = tree.GetEntriesFast() #nev = 24 for iev in xrange(nev): tree.GetEntry(iev) for imc in xrange(particles.GetEntriesFast()): part = particles.At(imc) if part.GetPdgCode() != 2112: continue hEta.Fill(part.Eta()) ut.put_yx_tit(hEta, "Events", "#eta", 1.4, 1.2) hEta.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def make_root(self, parse): #ROOT output nam = parse.get("main", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".root" print("ROOT output name:", nam) self.out_root = TFile(nam, "recreate") #tree variables, all Double_t tlist = ["phot_en", "phot_theta", "phot_phi"] tlist += ["el_en", "el_theta", "el_phi"] #C structure holding the variables struct = "struct tree_out { Double_t " for i in tlist: struct += i + ", " struct = struct[:-2] + ";};" gROOT.ProcessLine(struct) #create the output tree self.tree_out = rt.tree_out() # instance of the C structure self.ltree = TTree("ltree", "ltree") for i in tlist: exec("self.tree_out." + i + "=0") self.ltree.Branch(i, addressof(self.tree_out, i), i + "/D") #particles array self.particles_out = TClonesArray("TParticle") self.particles_out.SetOwner(True) self.ltree.Branch("particles", self.particles_out) atexit.register(self.close_root)
def pion(args, figname): datatype = args[0] label = args[1] test = get_options(args, 'test') batch = get_options(args, 'batch') if batch: cmd = create_batch_cmd() bashname = '' %figname bashfile = create_bashfile_cmd(cmd, bashname, label, test=test) logfile = set_logfile('fig', datatype, label, figname) jobname = 'figptpion' bsub_jobs(logfile, jobname, bashfile, test) return figfile = set_figfile(figname, label, '.pdf', test=test) rootfile = atr.rootfile(datatype, label, test=test) obj = atr.root_tree_obj(datatype, label) chain = root_chain(rootfile, obj) canvas = TCanvas("aCanvas", "Canvas", 600, 600) hist = TH1F('pionpt', '#pi p_{T}', 100, 0, 20) Gen_Pion_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_Pion_P4', AddressOf(Gen_Pion_P4_)) PionPP4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('PionPP4', AddressOf(PionPP4_)) ntot = chain.GetEntries() if test: ntot = 1000 sys.stdout.write('Processing %s events ...\n' %ntot) sys.stdout.flush() nfill = 0 for i in xrange(ntot): chain.LoadTree(i) chain.GetEntry(i) if 'GEN' in label: pionp4 = chain.Gen_Pion_P4[0] else: if chain.nXcand <= 0: continue pionp4 = pionp4 = chain.PionPP4[0] hist.Fill(pionp4.Pt()) nfill += 1 sys.stdout.write('Filled %s events. \n' %nfill) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('p_{T} (GeV/c)') hist.Draw() canvas.SaveAs(figfile) hist.Delete()
def neut_en(): #neutron energy ebin = 0.5 emin = 50 #emax = 200 emax = 1000 #ebin = 10 #emin = 500 #emax = 3000 hE = ut.prepare_TH1D("hE", ebin, emin, emax) can = ut.box_canvas() particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", particles) nev = tree.GetEntriesFast() #nev = 24 for iev in xrange(nev): tree.GetEntry(iev) esum = 0. for imc in xrange(particles.GetEntriesFast()): part = particles.At(imc) if part.GetPdgCode() != 2112: continue esum += part.Energy() hE.Fill(esum) ut.put_yx_tit(hE, "Events", "E (GeV)", 1.4, 1.2) hE.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def neut_abs_eta(): #neutron absolute pseudorapidity etabin = 0.05 etamin = 5 etamax = 20 hEta = ut.prepare_TH1D("hEta", etabin, etamin, etamax) can = ut.box_canvas() particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", particles) nev = tree.GetEntriesFast() #nev = 24 for iev in xrange(nev): tree.GetEntry(iev) for imc in xrange(particles.GetEntriesFast()): part = particles.At(imc) if part.GetPdgCode() != 2112: continue #hEta.Fill( TMath.Abs(part.Eta()) ) hEta.Fill(abs(part.Eta())) ytit = "Events / {0:.2f}".format(etabin) ut.put_yx_tit(hEta, ytit, "Neutron |#kern[0.3]{#eta}|", 1.4, 1.2) ut.set_H1D_col(hEta, rt.kRed) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.1, 0.09, 0.01, 0.02) hEta.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogy() ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def __init__(self, infile): #energy in event at positive and negative rapidity self.epos = 0. self.eneg = 0. #number of neutrons at positive and negative rapidity self.npos = 0 self.nneg = 0 #flag for XnXn event self.is_XnXn = False #flag for central event self.is_Cen = False #J/psi kinematics self.pT = 0. self.y = 0. self.m = 0. #absolute eta for electron and positron self.aeta_max = 1. #minimal electron and positron for central trigger #self.p_min = 1.014 #open the input self.inp = TFile.Open(infile) self.tree = self.inp.Get("slight_tree") #connect the input tree self.particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) self.tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", self.particles) #number of events in input tree self.nev = self.tree.GetEntriesFast()
def read_particles(): #particles clones array #tree.Print() particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", particles) #nev = tree.GetEntriesFast() nev = 12 for iev in xrange(nev): tree.GetEntry(iev) print iev nmc = particles.GetEntriesFast() for imc in xrange(nmc): part = particles.At(imc) print " ", imc, part.GetPdgCode(), part.Px(), part.Py(), part.Pz( ), part.Energy()
class file_output: #output from the generator #_____________________________________________________________________________ def __init__(self, parse): #create the individual outputs self.set_write_tx = False if parse.has_option("main", "write_tx"): self.set_write_tx = parse.getboolean("main", "write_tx") self.set_write_root = True if parse.has_option("main", "write_root"): self.set_write_root = parse.getboolean("main", "write_root") self.set_write_hepmc = False if parse.has_option("main", "write_hepmc"): self.set_write_hepmc = parse.getboolean("main", "write_hepmc") if self.set_write_tx: self.make_tx(parse) self.ltree = None if self.set_write_root: self.make_root(parse) self.hepmc_attrib = {} if self.set_write_hepmc: self.make_hepmc(parse) #_____________________________________________________________________________ def make_tx(self, parse): #TX output nam = parse.get("main", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".tx" print("TX output name:", nam) self.tx_out = open(nam, "w") self.tx_ievt = 1 #_____________________________________________________________________________ def make_root(self, parse): #ROOT output nam = parse.get("main", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".root" print("ROOT output name:", nam) self.out_root = TFile(nam, "recreate") #tree variables, all Double_t tlist = ["phot_en", "phot_theta", "phot_phi"] tlist += ["el_en", "el_theta", "el_phi"] #C structure holding the variables struct = "struct tree_out { Double_t " for i in tlist: struct += i + ", " struct = struct[:-2] + ";};" gROOT.ProcessLine(struct) #create the output tree self.tree_out = rt.tree_out() # instance of the C structure self.ltree = TTree("ltree", "ltree") for i in tlist: exec("self.tree_out." + i + "=0") self.ltree.Branch(i, addressof(self.tree_out, i), i + "/D") #particles array self.particles_out = TClonesArray("TParticle") self.particles_out.SetOwner(True) self.ltree.Branch("particles", self.particles_out) atexit.register(self.close_root) #_____________________________________________________________________________ def make_hepmc(self, parse): #HepMC3 output global hepmc from pyHepMC3 import HepMC3 as hepmc nam = parse.get("main", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".hepmc" print("HepMC3 output name:", nam) self.hepmc_out = hepmc.WriterAscii(nam, hepmc.GenRunInfo()) self.hepmc_ievt = 0 #_____________________________________________________________________________ def write_tx(self, tracks): #TX Starlight format if not self.set_write_tx: return #tracks and vertex position in cm tracks_tx = [] vx = 0. vy = 0. vz = 0. #tracks loop for t in tracks: #only final particles if t.stat != 1: continue vx = t.vx / 10. vy = t.vy / 10. vz = t.vz / 10. t.write_tx(tracks_tx) #number of tracks for event and vertex lines ntrk = str(len(tracks_tx)) #event line evtlin = "EVENT: " + str(self.tx_ievt) + " " + ntrk + " 1" self.tx_out.write(evtlin + "\n") #vertex line vtxlin = "VERTEX:" vtx_prec = 9 if abs(vx) < 1e-9 and abs(vy) < 1e-9 and abs(vz) < 1e-9: vtx_prec = 0 vtx_form = " {0:." + str(vtx_prec) + "f}" vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vx) vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vy) vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vz) vtxlin += " 0 1 0 0 " + ntrk self.tx_out.write(vtxlin + "\n") #track lines for tlin in tracks_tx: self.tx_out.write(tlin + "\n") self.tx_ievt += 1 #_____________________________________________________________________________ def write_root(self, tracks): #ROOT output if not self.set_write_root: return #initialize the particles array ipos = 0 self.particles_out.Clear("C") t = self.tree_out for i in tracks: #select the final photon and electron if i.stat != 1: continue #put the particles to TParticles clones array i.write_tparticle(self.particles_out, ipos) ipos += 1 #final photon if i.pdg == 22: t.phot_en = i.vec.Energy() t.phot_theta = i.vec.Theta() t.phot_phi = i.vec.Phi() #final electron if i.pdg == 11: t.el_en = i.vec.Energy() t.el_theta = i.vec.Theta() t.el_phi = i.vec.Phi() #fill the tree self.ltree.Fill() #_____________________________________________________________________________ def write_hepmc(self, tracks): #HepMC3 format if not self.set_write_hepmc: return #hepmc event evt = hepmc.GenEvent(hepmc.Units.GEV, hepmc.Units.MM) evt.set_event_number(self.hepmc_ievt) #event attributes for i in self.hepmc_attrib: attr = hepmc.DoubleAttribute(self.hepmc_attrib[i]) evt.add_attribute(i, attr) #vertex position if len(tracks) > 0: evt.shift_position_to( hepmc.FourVector(tracks[0].vx, tracks[0].vy, tracks[0].vz, 0)) #tracks loop for t in tracks: #only final particles if t.stat != 1: continue evt.add_particle(t.make_hepmc_particle(hepmc)) self.hepmc_out.write_event(evt) self.hepmc_ievt += 1 #_____________________________________________________________________________ def close_root(self): self.out_root.Write() self.out_root.Close()
def output_evt_mass_b0(chain, datatype, label, job, test=False, pbar=False): skmfile = set_skmfile(datatype, label, 'skim', job) if test: skmfile = skmfile + '.test' f = TFile.Open(skmfile, 'RECREATE') t = TTree('skm', 'skm') s = SkimTree(t) nskm = 0 ntot = 0 xp4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('xP4', AddressOf(xp4_)) kstarp4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('KstarP4', AddressOf(kstarp4_)) entries = chain.GetEntries() if pbar: pb = get_progressbar(maxval=entries) for i in xrange(entries): ntot += 1 if pbar: pb.update(i + 1) ientry = chain.LoadTree(i) if ientry < 0: break nb = chain.GetEntry(i) if nb <= 0: continue if not pass_trigger(chain, label): continue if chain.nXcand < 1: continue for nx in range(chain.nXcand): b0p4 = chain.xP4[nx] b0mass = b0p4.M() lxysig = chain.xlxySig[nx] input_var = (b0mass, lxysig) if not pass_b0_skim(input_var, label): continue fill_skim_tree(s, chain, nx) t.Fill() nskm += 1 if nskm > 100 and test: break f.Write() f.Close() if pbar: pb.finish() return ntot, nskm, skmfile
class file_io: #output from lgen #_____________________________________________________________________________ def __init__(self, parse): #create the individual outputs self.set_write_dat = False if parse.has_option("lgen", "write_dat"): self.set_write_dat = parse.getboolean("lgen", "write_dat") self.set_write_tx = False if parse.has_option("lgen", "write_tx"): self.set_write_tx = parse.getboolean("lgen", "write_tx") self.set_write_root = True if parse.has_option("lgen", "write_root"): self.set_write_root = parse.getboolean("lgen", "write_root") if self.set_write_dat: self.make_dat(parse) if self.set_write_tx: self.make_tx(parse) self.ltree = None if self.set_write_root: self.make_root(parse) #_____________________________________________________________________________ def make_dat(self, parse): #dat output, Pythia6 format #name for the output file nam = parse.get("lgen", "nam").strip("\"'") + "_evt.dat" print "Dat output name:", nam #lgen ascii output self.out = open(nam, "w") #event counter self.ievt = 1 #header for the ascii output header = [] header.append(" LGEN EVENT FILE ") # LGEN header.append(" ============================================") header.append( "I, ievent, IChannel, process, subprocess, nucleon, struckparton, partontrck, Y, Q2, X, W2, NU, trueY, trueQ2, trueX, trueW2,trueNu, SIGtot, errSIGtot, D, F1NC, F3NC, G1NC,G3NC, A1NC, F1CC, F3CC, G1CC, G5CC, nrTracks" ) header.append(" ============================================") header.append( " I K(I,1) K(I,2) K(I,3) K(I,4) K(I,5) P(I,1) P(I,2) P(I,3) P(I,4) P(I,5) V(I,1) V(I,2) V(I,3)" ) header.append(" ============================================") for i in header: self.out.write(i + "\n") #_____________________________________________________________________________ def make_tx(self, parse): #TX output nam = parse.get("lgen", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".tx" print "TX output name:", nam self.tx_out = open(nam, "w") self.tx_ievt = 1 #_____________________________________________________________________________ def make_root(self, parse): #ROOT output nam = parse.get("lgen", "nam").strip("\"'") + ".root" print "ROOT output name:", nam self.out_root = TFile(nam, "recreate") #tree variables, all Double_t tlist = ["phot_en", "phot_theta", "phot_phi"] tlist += ["el_en", "el_theta", "el_phi"] #C structure holding the variables struct = "struct tree_out { Double_t " for i in tlist: struct += i + ", " struct = struct[:-2] + ";};" gROOT.ProcessLine(struct) #create the output tree self.tree_out = rt.tree_out() # instance of the C structure self.ltree = TTree("ltree", "ltree") for i in tlist: exec("self.tree_out." + i + "=0") self.ltree.Branch(i, AddressOf(self.tree_out, i), i + "/D") #particles array self.particles_out = TClonesArray("TParticle") self.particles_out.SetOwner(True) self.ltree.Branch("particles", self.particles_out) atexit.register(self.close_root) #_____________________________________________________________________________ def write_dat(self, tracks): #ascii output for the event, pythia6 format if not self.set_write_dat: return #write event header to the output self.out.write(" 0") #event number self.out.write("{0:11d}".format(self.ievt)) #placeholder for integer variables self.out.write(" 15 4 2 1 0 0") #placeholder for event kinematics and cross section, 22 parameters, 10 decimal digits, 19 characters for ii in xrange(22): self.out.write("{0:19.10E}".format(0.)) #number of tracks in the event self.out.write("{0:13d}".format(len(tracks))) self.out.write("\n") self.out.write(" ============================================\n") #put tracks in the event for i in tracks: i.write(self.out) #place event footer to the output self.out.write(" =============== Event finished ===============\n") #increment event count after writing the event self.ievt += 1 #_____________________________________________________________________________ def write_tx(self, tracks): #TX Starlight format if not self.set_write_tx: return #tracks and vertex position in cm tracks_tx = [] vx = 0. vy = 0. vz = 0. #tracks loop for t in tracks: #only final particles if t.stat != 1: continue vx = t.vx / 10. vy = t.vy / 10. vz = t.vz / 10. t.write_tx(tracks_tx) #number of tracks for event and vertex lines ntrk = str(len(tracks_tx)) #event line evtlin = "EVENT: " + str(self.tx_ievt) + " " + ntrk + " 1" self.tx_out.write(evtlin + "\n") #vertex line vtxlin = "VERTEX:" vtx_prec = 9 if abs(vx) < 1e-9 and abs(vy) < 1e-9 and abs(vz) < 1e-9: vtx_prec = 0 vtx_form = " {0:." + str(vtx_prec) + "f}" vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vx) vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vy) vtxlin += vtx_form.format(vz) vtxlin += " 0 1 0 0 " + ntrk self.tx_out.write(vtxlin + "\n") #track lines for tlin in tracks_tx: self.tx_out.write(tlin + "\n") self.tx_ievt += 1 #_____________________________________________________________________________ def write_root(self, tracks): #ROOT output if not self.set_write_root: return #initialize the particles array ipos = 0 self.particles_out.Clear("C") t = self.tree_out for i in tracks: #select the final photon and electron if i.stat != 1: continue #put the particles to TParticles clones array i.write_tparticle(self.particles_out, ipos) ipos += 1 #final photon if i.pdg == 22: t.phot_en = i.vec.Energy() t.phot_theta = i.vec.Theta() t.phot_phi = i.vec.Phi() #final electron if i.pdg == 11: t.el_en = i.vec.Energy() t.el_theta = i.vec.Theta() t.el_phi = i.vec.Phi() #fill the tree self.ltree.Fill() #_____________________________________________________________________________ def close_root(self): self.out_root.Write() self.out_root.Close()
def q2mumu(args, figname): datatype = args[0] label = args[1] test = get_options(args, 'test') batch = get_options(args, 'batch') if batch: cmd = create_batch_cmd() bashname = '' % figname bashfile = create_bashfile_cmd(cmd, bashname, label, test=test) logfile = set_logfile('fig', datatype, label, figname) jobname = 'figq2mm' bsub_jobs(logfile, jobname, bashfile, test) return figfile = set_figfile(figname, label, '.pdf', test=test) #rootfile = get_rootfile(datatype, label) rootfile = atr.rootfile(datatype, label) obj = atr.root_tree_obj(datatype, label) chain = root_chain(rootfile, obj) canvas = TCanvas("aCanvas", "Canvas", 600, 600) hist = TH1F('mumumass', '#mu^{+} #mu^{-} mass', 100, 0, 25) if label in [ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_1M_v2.2', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_1M_v2.3', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1' ]: MuPP4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('MuPP4', AddressOf(MuPP4_)) MuMP4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('MuMP4', AddressOf(MuMP4_)) Gen_muonPos_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonPos_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonPos_P4_)) Gen_muonNeg_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonNeg_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonNeg_P4_)) elif 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2' in label or 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label: Gen_muonPos_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonPos_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonPos_P4_)) Gen_muonNeg_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonNeg_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonNeg_P4_)) reco_mup_p4_ = TLorentzVector() chain.SetBranchAddress('reco_mup_p4', AddressOf(reco_mup_p4_)) reco_mum_p4_ = TLorentzVector() chain.SetBranchAddress('reco_mum_p4', AddressOf(reco_mum_p4_)) else: raise NameError(label) ntot = chain.GetEntries() if test: ntot = 1000 if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label: cuts_label = '5ifbv2.6.2' cuts = select_b0s(cuts_label) sys.stdout.write('Processing %s events ...\n' % ntot) sys.stdout.flush() nfill = 0 for i in xrange(ntot): chain.LoadTree(i) chain.GetEntry(i) if label == 'B2KstarMuMu/GEN_1M_v1.1': mup4 = fourvecs_xyzm(chain.genMupPx, chain.genMupPy, chain.genMupPz, atr.muon_mass) mum4 = fourvecs_xyzm(chain.genMumPx, chain.genMumPy, chain.genMumPz, atr.muon_mass) mumu = mup4 + mum4 hist.Fill(mumu.M2()) nfill += 1 elif label in [ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_1M_v2.2', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_1M_v2.3', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1' ]: if chain.nXcand > 0: mup4 = chain.MuPP4[0] mum4 = chain.MuMP4[0] mumu = mup4 + mum4 hist.Fill(mumu.M2()) nfill += 1 elif label in [ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_1M_v2.2/GEN', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_1M_v2.3/GEN', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1/GEN', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1/GEN_HLT' ]: if label in ['B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1/GEN_HLT']: if not cuts.pass_trigger(chain): continue if len(chain.Gen_muonPos_P4) > 0: mup4 = chain.Gen_muonPos_P4[0] mum4 = chain.Gen_muonNeg_P4[0] try: mumu = mup4 + mum4 except TypeError: continue # mup4 = chain.Gen_muonPos_P4[1] # mum4 = chain.Gen_muonNeg_P4[1] # mumu = mup4 + mum4 hist.Fill(mumu.M2()) nfill += 1 elif 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label: if 'MCmatched' in label and not chain.mc_matched: continue mup4 = chain.reco_mup_p4 mum4 = chain.reco_mum_p4 if '/GEN' in label and len(chain.Gen_muonPos_P4) > 0: mup4 = chain.Gen_muonPos_P4[0] mum4 = chain.Gen_muonNeg_P4[0] mumu = mup4 + mum4 hist.Fill(mumu.M2()) nfill += 1 else: raise NameError(label) sys.stdout.write('Filled %s events. \n' % nfill) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('q^{2} (GeV^{2}/c^{2})') hist.Draw() canvas.SaveAs(figfile) hist.Delete()
def output_evt_mass_b0(chain, datatype, label, job, test=False, pbar=False): selfile = set_selfile(datatype, label, 'tree', job=job, test=test) f = TFile.Open(selfile, 'RECREATE') t = TTree('sel', 'sel') s = SelTree(t) cuts = select_b0s(label) pass_trigger = cuts.pass_trigger pass_b0s = cuts.pass_b0s pass_jpsimass = cuts.pass_jpsimass pass_psi2smass = cuts.pass_psi2smass nsel = 0 ntot = 0 xp4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('xP4', AddressOf(xp4_)) kstarp4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('KstarP4', AddressOf(kstarp4_)) entries = chain.GetEntries() if test: entries = 3000 if pbar: pb = get_progressbar(maxval=entries) for i in xrange(entries): ntot += 1 if pbar: pb.update(i+1) ientry = chain.LoadTree(i) if ientry < 0: break nb = chain.GetEntry(i) if nb <= 0: continue if not pass_trigger(chain): continue chain.LoadTree(i) chain.GetEntry(i) b0s = pass_b0s(chain) if b0s == []: continue[0] = chain.runNb s.event[0] = chain.eventNb #nb0 = 0 #nj = 0 #np = 0 #nout = 0 for i in b0s: #nb0 += 1 b0p4 = chain.xP4[i] kstarp4 = chain.KstarP4[i] oniap4 = b0p4 - kstarp4 s.b0mass[0] = b0p4.M() s.oniamass[0] = oniap4.M() s.b0massinjpsi[0] = 0 s.b0massinpsi2s[0] = 0 s.b0massout[0] = 0 if pass_jpsimass(oniap4.M()): s.b0massinjpsi[0] = b0p4.M() #nj += 1 elif pass_psi2smass(oniap4.M()): s.b0massinpsi2s[0] = b0p4.M() #np += 1 else: s.b0massout[0] = b0p4.M() #nout += 1 #print '%s + %s + %s = %s' %(nj, np, nout, nb0) t.Fill() nsel += 1 if nsel > 100 and test: break f.Write() f.Close() if pbar: pb.finish() return ntot, nsel, selfile
class STnOOnRead: #_____________________________________________________________________________ def __init__(self, infile): #energy in event at positive and negative rapidity self.epos = 0. self.eneg = 0. #number of neutrons at positive and negative rapidity self.npos = 0 self.nneg = 0 #flag for XnXn event self.is_XnXn = False #flag for central event self.is_Cen = False #J/psi kinematics self.pT = 0. self.y = 0. self.m = 0. #absolute eta for electron and positron self.aeta_max = 1. #minimal electron and positron for central trigger #self.p_min = 1.014 #open the input self.inp = TFile.Open(infile) self.tree = self.inp.Get("slight_tree") #connect the input tree self.particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) self.tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", self.particles) #number of events in input tree self.nev = self.tree.GetEntriesFast() #__init__ #_____________________________________________________________________________ def read(self, iev): #read a given event if iev >= self.nev: return False self.tree.GetEntry(iev) #initialize event variables self.epos = 0. self.eneg = 0. self.npos = 0 self.nneg = 0 self.is_XnXn = False self.is_Cen = True vec = TLorentzVector() #particle loop for imc in xrange(self.particles.GetEntriesFast()): part = self.particles.At(imc) #central electron and positron if TMath.Abs(part.GetPdgCode()) == 11: if TMath.Abs(part.Eta()) > self.aeta_max: self.is_Cen = False #if part.P() < self.p_min: self.is_Cen = False pv = TLorentzVector() part.Momentum(pv) vec += pv #select the neutrons if part.GetPdgCode() != 2112: continue #energy at positive and negative rapidity if part.Eta() > 0: self.epos += part.Energy() self.npos += 1 else: self.eneg += part.Energy() self.nneg += 1 #particle loop #flag for XnXn event if self.npos > 0 and self.nneg > 0: self.is_XnXn = True #J/psi kinematics self.pT = vec.Pt() self.y = vec.Rapidity() self.m = vec.M() return True
def neut_en_pn(): #neutron energy and positive and negative rapidity #plot range ebin = 3 #emin = 1 emin = 30 #emax = 1400 emax = 710 #analysis cuts eta_max = 6.6 # absolute eta en_max = 1250 # energy en_min = 20 hE = ut.prepare_TH2D("hE", ebin, emin, emax, ebin, emin, emax) can = ut.box_canvas() particles = TClonesArray("TParticle", 200) tree.SetBranchAddress("particles", particles) nev = tree.GetEntriesFast() #nev = int(1e4) nall = 0. nsel = 0. for iev in xrange(nev): tree.GetEntry(iev) epos = 0. eneg = 0. for imc in xrange(particles.GetEntriesFast()): part = particles.At(imc) if part.GetPdgCode() != 2112: continue #ZDC eta if abs(part.Eta()) < eta_max: continue if part.Eta() > 0: epos += part.Energy() else: eneg += part.Energy() if epos < en_min or eneg < en_min: continue nall += 1. if epos > en_max or eneg > en_max: continue #if epos < en_min or epos > en_max: continue #if eneg < en_min or eneg > en_max: continue nsel += 1. hE.Fill(eneg, epos) print nall, nsel, nsel / nall ut.put_yx_tit(hE, "#it{E}_{#it{n}} (GeV), #it{#eta} > 0", "#it{E}_{#it{n}} (GeV), #it{#eta} < 0", 1.7, 1.2) ut.set_margin_lbtr(gPad, 0.12, 0.09, 0.02, 0.11) hE.SetMinimum(0.98) hE.SetContour(300) hE.Draw() gPad.SetGrid() gPad.SetLogz() #ut.invert_col(rt.gPad) can.SaveAs("01fig.pdf")
def q2mumu(args, figname): datatype = args[0] label = args[1] test = get_options(args, 'test') batch = get_options(args, 'batch') if batch: cmd = create_batch_cmd() bashname = '' % figname bashfile = create_bashfile_cmd(cmd, bashname, label, test=test) logfile = set_logfile('fig', datatype, label, figname) jobname = 'effq2mm' bsub_jobs(logfile, jobname, bashfile, test) return figfile = set_figfile(figname, label, '.pdf', test=test) rootfile = atr.rootfile(datatype, label, test=test) obj = atr.root_tree_obj(datatype, label) chain = root_chain(rootfile, obj) canvas = TCanvas("aCanvas", "Canvas", 600, 600) #h_mm_gen = TH1F('mumumass_gen', '#mu^{+} #mu^{-} mass', 100, 0, 25) #h_mm_reco = TH1F('mumumass_reco', '#mu^{+} #mu^{-} mass', 100, 0, 25) lower = array('f', [0, 2, 4.3, 8.68, 10.09, 12.86, 14.18, 16, 19, 25]) h_mm_gen = TH1F('mumumass_gen', '#mu^{+} #mu^{-} mass', 9, lower) h_mm_reco = TH1F('mumumass_reco', '#mu^{+} #mu^{-} mass', 9, lower) if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1' in label: Gen_muonPos_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonPos_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonPos_P4_)) Gen_muonNeg_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonNeg_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonNeg_P4_)) MuPP4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('MuPP4', AddressOf(MuPP4_)) MuMP4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('MuMP4', AddressOf(MuMP4_)) KstarP4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('KstarP4', AddressOf(KstarP4_)) elif 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5' in label: Gen_muonPos_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonPos_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonPos_P4_)) Gen_muonNeg_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonNeg_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonNeg_P4_)) reco_mup_p4_ = TLorentzVector() chain.SetBranchAddress('reco_mup_p4', AddressOf(reco_mup_p4_)) reco_mum_p4_ = TLorentzVector() chain.SetBranchAddress('reco_mum_p4', AddressOf(reco_mum_p4_)) else: raise NameError(label) ntot = chain.GetEntries() if test: ntot = 1000 if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5' in label: cuts_label = '5ifbv2.6.2' cuts = select_b0s(cuts_label) sys.stdout.write('Processing %s events ...\n' % ntot) sys.stdout.flush() nfill_gen = 0 nfill_reco = 0 for i in xrange(ntot): chain.LoadTree(i) chain.GetEntry(i) if len(chain.Gen_muonPos_P4) > 0: mup4_gen = chain.Gen_muonPos_P4[0] mum4_gen = chain.Gen_muonNeg_P4[0] try: mumu_gen = mup4_gen + mum4_gen except TypeError: continue h_mm_gen.Fill(mumu_gen.M2()) nfill_gen += 1 if '/HLT' in label and not cuts.pass_trigger(chain): continue if 'OfflineHLT' in label and not chain.offline_hlt_passed: continue if 'MCmatched' in label and not chain.mc_matched: continue if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1' in label and chain.nXcand > 0: if label in ['B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1/Kstar'] and \ not cuts.pass_kstarmass(chain, 0): continue if label in ['B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1/lxysig'] and \ not cuts.pass_lxysig(chain, 0): continue mup4 = chain.MuPP4[0] mum4 = chain.MuMP4[0] mumu = mup4 + mum4 h_mm_reco.Fill(mumu.M2()) nfill_reco += 1 if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2' in label: mup4 = chain.reco_mup_p4 mum4 = chain.reco_mum_p4 mumu = mup4 + mum4 h_mm_reco.Fill(mumu.M2()) nfill_reco += 1 if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5' in label: h_mm_reco.Fill(mumu_gen.M2()) nfill_reco += 1 sys.stdout.write('Filled events: GEN: %s, RECO: %s. \n' % (nfill_gen, nfill_reco)) hist = h_mm_reco hist.Divide(h_mm_gen) hist.SetTitle('RECO Efficiency') hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('q^{2} (GeV^{2}/c^{2})') hist.Draw() canvas.SaveAs(figfile) hist.Delete()
def mup(args, figname): datatype = args[0] label = args[1] test = get_options(args, 'test') batch = get_options(args, 'batch') if batch: cmd = create_batch_cmd() bashname = '' %figname bashfile = create_bashfile_cmd(cmd, bashname, label, test=test) logfile = set_logfile('fig', datatype, label, figname) jobname = 'figptmu' bsub_jobs(logfile, jobname, bashfile, test) return figfile = set_figfile(figname, label, '.pdf', test=test) rootfile = atr.rootfile(datatype, label, test=test) obj = atr.root_tree_obj(datatype, label) chain = root_chain(rootfile, obj) canvas = TCanvas("aCanvas", "Canvas", 600, 600) hist = TH1F('mupt', '#mu^{+} p_{T}', 100, 0, 20) if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2' in label: Gen_muonPos_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonPos_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonPos_P4_)) MuPP4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('MuPP4', AddressOf(MuPP4_)) if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.3' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5' in label: Gen_muonPos_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonPos_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonPos_P4_)) Gen_muonNeg_P4_ = TClonesArray('TLorentzVector') chain.SetBranchAddress('Gen_muonNeg_P4', AddressOf(Gen_muonNeg_P4_)) reco_mup_p4_ = TLorentzVector() chain.SetBranchAddress('reco_mup_p4', AddressOf(reco_mup_p4_)) reco_mum_p4_ = TLorentzVector() chain.SetBranchAddress('reco_mum_p4', AddressOf(reco_mum_p4_)) ntot = chain.GetEntries() if test: ntot = 1000 if label in ['B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.3/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.3/MCmatched/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4/MCmatched/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5/MCmatched/OfflineHLT', ]: cuts_label = '5ifbv2.6.2' cuts = select_b0s(cuts_label) sys.stdout.write('Processing %s events ...\n' %ntot) sys.stdout.flush() nfill = 0 for i in xrange(ntot): chain.LoadTree(i) chain.GetEntry(i) if label in ['B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.3/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.3/MCmatched/HLT', 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4/MCmatched/HLT', ] and \ not cuts.pass_trigger(chain): continue if label in ['B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5/MCmatched/OfflineHLT', ] and \ not chain.offline_hlt_passed: continue if 'GEN' in label: if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5' in label: # need others if necessary for backward compatibility. mup4 = chain.Gen_muonPos_P4[0] elif 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.6' in label: mup4 = TVector3(chain.genMupPx, chain.genMupPy, chain.genMupPz) else: raise NameError(label) if 'MCmatched' in label and not chain.mc_matched: continue if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.1' in label: if chain.nXcand <= 0: continue mup4 = chain.MuPP4[0] if 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.2' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.3' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.4' in label or \ 'B2KstarMuMu/RECO_100M_v1.5' in label: mup4 = chain.reco_mup_p4 hist.Fill(mup4.Pt()) nfill += 1 sys.stdout.write('Filled %s events. \n' %nfill) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle('p_{T} (GeV/c)') hist.Draw() canvas.SaveAs(figfile) hist.Delete()