def skimRecoFilesParallel(thisfile): f = TFile(thisfile) t = f.Get('tree') newname = thisfile.rstrip('.root') + '_skim.root' newFile = TFile(newname, 'recreate') #newTree = t.CopyTree('weight!=0.') #newTree = t.CopyTree('metfilters==1 && trigger==1 && onelepton==1 && btags==1 && ak4jetmult==1 && ak4jetcuts==1 && validminimization==1') newTree = t.CopyTree( 'fullselection==1 || wjets_cr_selection==1 || qcd_A_SR_selection==1 || qcd_B_SR_selection==1 || qcd_C_SR_selection==1 || qcd_A_CR_selection==1 || qcd_B_CR_selection==1 || qcd_C_CR_selection==1' ) #newTree = t.CopyTree('fullselection==1') #newTree = t.CopyTree('eventTopology==1') newTree.Write() newFile.Purge() newFile.Close()
def produce(self): from ROOT import TFile, TChain, TH1 from os.path import exists as pathExists from os.path import split as splitPath outFilePath = "%s/%s.%s.%s.root" % (self.outPath, "".join( self.flags), "processed", #if pathExists(outFilePath): # return outFile = TFile( "%s/%s.%s.%s.root" % (self.outPath, "".join(self.flags), "processed",, "recreate") for section in self.config.sections(): trees = None if section.startswith("dileptonTree:"): treeProducerName = self.config.get(section, "treeProducerName") trees = self._getDileptonTrees(section) treeName = "DileptonTree" subDirName = "%s%s" % (section.split("dileptonTree:")[1], treeProducerName) if "PFHTHLT" in subDirName: subDirName = "%sFinalTrees" % subDirName.split( treeProducerName)[0] if section.startswith("isoTree:"): treeProducerName = self.config.get(section, "treeProducerName") trees = self._getIsoTrees(section) treeName = "Iso" subDirName = "%s%s" % (section.split("isoTree:")[1], treeProducerName) if not trees == None: outDir = None srcTree = {} for object in trees: srcTree[object] = TChain("%s%s" % (object, treeName)) processors = self.config.get(section, "%sProcessors" % object).split() filter = " and ".join(processors) if self.config.has_option(section, "%sFilter" % object): filter = self.config.get(section, "%sFilter" % object) for treePath in trees[object]: #srcFile = TFile(filePath,"r") #srcTree = srcFile.Get(treePath) filePath = "%s.root" % treePath.split(".root")[0] inFile = TFile(filePath, "READ") makeCounterSum = eval( self.config.get("general", "counterSum")) print "Add counter sum: %s" % makeCounterSum if not self.counterSum and makeCounterSum: if not outFile.GetDirectory( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]): outFile.mkdir( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1])"%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]) task = None if "vtxWeighter" in processors: t = self.config.get("general", "tasks") if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t else: task = t else: for t in self.tasks: if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t self.counterSum = inFile.Get( "%sCounters/analysis paths" % task).Clone() ## also add 3D weights #outFile.mkdir("%sWeightSummer" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1])"%sWeightSummer" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]) ## task has been defined above #self.weightSum = inFile.Get("%sWeightSummer/Weights"%task).Clone() else: pass #need to cope with different lumis :( #h = inFile.Get("%sCounters/analysis paths"%task) #print inFile, "%sCounters/analysis paths"%task, h #self.counterSum.Add( h,1. ) inFile.Close() srcTree[object].Add(treePath) print "adding", treePath srcTree[object].SetBranchStatus("*", 1) ### signal code if (self.treeProcessors[filter].__class__.__name__ == SimpleSelector.__name__ and self.config.has_option(section, "%sFilter" % object)): expression = self.treeProcessors[filter].getExpression( object) print "Cutting tree down to: '%s'" % (expression) outFile.Write() outFile.Close() srcTree[object] = srcTree[object].CopyTree(expression) outFile = TFile( "%s/%s.%s.%s.root" % (self.outPath, "".join( self.flags), "processed",, "UPDATE") ##### for processorName in processors: if processorName == "vtxWeighter": srcTree[object].SetBranchStatus("weight", 0) #### default code #~ if (self.treeProcessors[processorName].__class__.__name__ == SimpleSelector.__name__ and not self.config.has_option(section,"%sFilter"%object)): #~ print "Requirements met, applying simple selection boosting =)" #~ expression = self.treeProcessors[processorName].getExpression(object) #~ print "Cutting tree down to: '%s'" % (expression) #~ srcTree[object] = srcTree[object].CopyTree(expression) ###### self.treeProcessors[processorName].prepareSrc( srcTree[object], object, self.treeProcessors) for object in trees: processors = self.config.get(section, "%sProcessors" % object).split() filter = " and ".join(processors) if self.config.has_option(section, "%sFilter" % object): filter = self.config.get(section, "%sFilter" % object) if not outDir: outDir = outFile.mkdir(subDirName) destTree = srcTree[object].CloneTree(0) destTree.SetAutoSave(5000000000) #print processors for processorName in processors: self.treeProcessors[processorName].prepareDest( destTree, object) #~ print "%s: %d" % (str(processorName), self.treeProcessors[processorName].nEntries) endOfLine = 1000 for i in srcTree[object]: if endOfLine < 1: pass #continue endOfLine -= 1 processingResults = {} ### default code #~ for processorName in processors: #~ processingResults[processorName] = self.treeProcessors[processorName].processEvent(srcTree[object], object) #~ if filter == "" or eval(filter, processingResults): #~ destTree.Fill() #### ### signal code keep = False for processorName in processors: keep = self.treeProcessors[ processorName].processEvent( srcTree[object], object) if keep: destTree.Fill() #### #srcFile.Close() outFile.Write() #from pprint import pprint #pprint( trees) outFile.Purge() outFile.Close()
def produce(self): from ROOT import TFile, TChain, TH1 from os.path import exists as pathExists from os.path import split as splitPath outFilePath = "%s/%s.%s.%s.root" % (self.outPath, "".join( self.flags), "processed", #if pathExists(outFilePath): # return outFile = TFile( "%s/%s.%s.%s.root" % (self.outPath, "".join(self.flags), "processed",, "recreate") for section in self.config.sections(): trees = None if section.startswith("dileptonTree:"): treeProducerName = self.config.get(section, "treeProducerName") trees = self._getDileptonTrees(section) treeName = "DileptonTree" subDirName = "%s%s" % (section.split("dileptonTree:")[1], treeProducerName) if not trees == None: outDir = None srcTree = {} for object in trees: srcTree[object] = TChain("%s%s" % (object, treeName)) processors = self.config.get(section, "%sProcessors" % object).split() filter = " and ".join(processors) if self.config.has_option(section, "%sFilter" % object): filter = self.config.get(section, "%sFilter" % object) ### Quick and dirty workaround to prefer certain primary datasets (double muon > double electron > emu) ### To be in synch with ETH group ### Remove duplication of loops and conditions on path if this is to be removed again for treePath in trees[object]: ### Use events from dimuon primary dataset first if not "DoubleMuon" in treePath: continue #srcFile = TFile(filePath,"r") #srcTree = srcFile.Get(treePath) filePath = "%s.root" % treePath.split(".root")[0] inFile = TFile(filePath, "READ") makeCounterSum = eval( self.config.get("general", "counterSum")) print "Add counter sum: %s" % makeCounterSum if not self.counterSum and makeCounterSum: if not outFile.GetDirectory( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]): outFile.mkdir( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1])"%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]) task = None if "vtxWeighter" in processors: t = self.config.get("general", "tasks") if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t else: task = t else: for t in self.tasks: if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t self.counterSum = inFile.Get( "%sCounters/analysis paths" % task).Clone() else: pass inFile.Close() srcTree[object].Add(treePath) print "adding", treePath for treePath in trees[object]: ### Then take ee primary dataset if not "DoubleElectron" in treePath: continue #srcFile = TFile(filePath,"r") #srcTree = srcFile.Get(treePath) filePath = "%s.root" % treePath.split(".root")[0] inFile = TFile(filePath, "READ") makeCounterSum = eval( self.config.get("general", "counterSum")) print "Add counter sum: %s" % makeCounterSum if not self.counterSum and makeCounterSum: if not outFile.GetDirectory( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]): outFile.mkdir( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1])"%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]) task = None if "vtxWeighter" in processors: t = self.config.get("general", "tasks") if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t else: task = t else: for t in self.tasks: if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t self.counterSum = inFile.Get( "%sCounters/analysis paths" % task).Clone() else: pass inFile.Close() srcTree[object].Add(treePath) print "adding", treePath for treePath in trees[object]: ### Now the rest, but avoid taking a tree twice if "DoubleElectron" in treePath or "DoubleMuon" in treePath: continue #srcFile = TFile(filePath,"r") #srcTree = srcFile.Get(treePath) filePath = "%s.root" % treePath.split(".root")[0] inFile = TFile(filePath, "READ") makeCounterSum = eval( self.config.get("general", "counterSum")) print "Add counter sum: %s" % makeCounterSum if not self.counterSum and makeCounterSum: if not outFile.GetDirectory( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]): outFile.mkdir( "%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1])"%sCounters" % section.split("dileptonTree:")[1]) task = None if "vtxWeighter" in processors: t = self.config.get("general", "tasks") if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t else: task = t else: for t in self.tasks: if ".%s." % t in splitPath(filePath)[1]: assert task == None, "unable to disambiguate tasks '%s' matches both '%s' and '%s'" ( filePath, task, t) task = t self.counterSum = inFile.Get( "%sCounters/analysis paths" % task).Clone() else: pass inFile.Close() srcTree[object].Add(treePath) print "adding", treePath srcTree[object].SetBranchStatus("*", 1) for processorName in processors: if processorName == "vtxWeighter": srcTree[object].SetBranchStatus("weight", 0) #### old code if (self.treeProcessors[processorName].__class__. __name__ == SimpleSelector.__name__ and not self.config.has_option( section, "%sFilter" % object)): print "Requirements met, applying simple selection boosting =)" expression = self.treeProcessors[ processorName].getExpression(object) print "Cutting tree down to: '%s'" % (expression) srcTree[object] = srcTree[object].CopyTree( expression) ###### self.treeProcessors[processorName].prepareSrc( srcTree[object], object, self.treeProcessors) for object in trees: processors = self.config.get(section, "%sProcessors" % object).split() filter = " and ".join(processors) if self.config.has_option(section, "%sFilter" % object): filter = self.config.get(section, "%sFilter" % object) if not outDir: outDir = outFile.mkdir(subDirName) destTree = srcTree[object].CloneTree(0) destTree.SetAutoSave(5000000000) #print processors for processorName in processors: self.treeProcessors[processorName].prepareDest( destTree, object) #~ print "%s: %d" % (str(processorName), self.treeProcessors[processorName].nEntries) endOfLine = 1000 for i in srcTree[object]: if endOfLine < 1: pass #continue endOfLine -= 1 processingResults = {} ### old code for processorName in processors: processingResults[ processorName] = self.treeProcessors[ processorName].processEvent( srcTree[object], object) if filter == "" or eval(filter, processingResults): destTree.Fill() #### #srcFile.Close() outFile.Write() #from pprint import pprint #pprint( trees) outFile.Purge() outFile.Close()