def showRMSPOH_DAC(sector, poh, gain, wait=True, filename=None): gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0) sector.poh[poh].biasGraphs = [] sector.poh[poh].rmsGraphs = [] sector.poh[poh].slopeGraphs = [] sector.ResetAllandInitAll() data = sector.poh[poh].ScanDACoffset() if filename is None: filename = getFilename("" % (, poh)) c1 = TCanvas('c1', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M"), 200, 10, 800, 800) sector.poh[poh].pl = TPaveLabel(0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.95, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M")) sector.poh[poh].pl.Draw() c1.Divide(2, 3) for ch in range(1, 5): title = "POHBias_POH" + str(poh) + ":" + str( ch) + " " + + " fed channel " + str( sector.poh[poh].fedchannels[ch]) + "gain =" + str(gain) f = TH2D('h' + title, title, 2, 0, 255, 2, 0, 1024) hList.append(f) f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("DAC") #f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FED ADC") f.Draw() color = 1 biasGraph = graph([(t[0], t[1]) for t in data[ch]], color=1, name="bias_" + str(poh) + ":" + str(ch)) rmsGraph = graph([(t[0], t[2] * 10.) for t in data[ch]], color=2, name="rms_" + str(poh) + ":" + str(ch)) slopeGraph = graph([(t[0], t[3] * 10.) for t in data[ch]], color=3, name="slope_" + str(poh) + ":" + str(ch)) sector.poh[poh].biasGraphs.append(biasGraph) sector.poh[poh].rmsGraphs.append(rmsGraph) sector.poh[poh].slopeGraphs.append(slopeGraph) biasGraph.Write() rmsGraph.Write() slopeGraph.Write() c1.Update() c1.Print(filename) gCanvases.append(c1) if wait: raw_input("hit return to continue")
def showRMSAOHTestCCU(sector, aoh, wait=True, filename=None): gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0) sector.aoh[aoh].biasGraphs = [] sector.aoh[aoh].rmsGraphs = [] sector.aoh[aoh].slopeGraphs = [] data = sector.aoh[aoh].getBiasRMSCurvesTestCCU() if filename is None: filename = getFilename("" % (, aoh)) c1 = TCanvas('c1', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M"), 200, 10, 800, 800) sector.aoh[aoh].pl = TPaveLabel(0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.95, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M")) sector.aoh[aoh].pl.Draw() c1.Divide(2, 3) for ch in range(1, 7): title = "AOHBias_AOH" + str(aoh) + ":" + str( ch) + " " + + " fed channel " + str( sector.aoh[aoh].fedchannels[ch]) f = TH2D('h' + title, title, 2, 10, 40, 2, 0, 1024) hList.append(f) f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("aoh bias") #f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FED ADC") f.Draw() color = 1 biasGraph = graph([(t[0], t[1]) for t in data[ch]], color=1, name="bias_" + str(aoh) + ":" + str(ch)) rmsGraph = graph([(t[0], t[2] * 100.) for t in data[ch]], color=2, name="rms_" + str(aoh) + ":" + str(ch)) slopeGraph = graph([(t[0], t[3] * 10.) for t in data[ch]], color=3, name="slope_" + str(aoh) + ":" + str(ch)) sector.aoh[aoh].biasGraphs.append(biasGraph) sector.aoh[aoh].rmsGraphs.append(rmsGraph) sector.aoh[aoh].slopeGraphs.append(slopeGraph) biasGraph.Write() rmsGraph.Write() slopeGraph.Write() c1.Update() c1.Print(filename) gCanvases.append(c1) if wait: raw_input("hit return to continue")
def createPaveLabel(x1, y1, x2, y2, text, fillColor=1, textColor=0, textSize=None): label = TPaveLabel(0.80, 0.80, 0.97, 0.88, 'Peak Fit') label.SetFillColor(fillColor) label.SetTextColor(textColor) label.SetTextFont(52) if (textSize != None): label.SetTextSize(textSize) label.Draw() return label
counter = 0 for Histogram in Histograms: if Histogram.InheritsFrom("TGraph") and counter == 0: plotting_options = "AP" Histogram.Draw(plotting_options) # Histogram.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Histogram.GetYaxis().SetTitle("cut efficiency") if counter is 0: if Histogram.InheritsFrom("TGraph"): plotting_options = "P" counter = counter + 1 Legend.Draw() if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: NormLabel = TPaveLabel(0.1, 0.75, 0.35, 0.85, "Scaled to unit area", "NDC") NormLabel.SetBorderSize(0) NormLabel.SetFillColor(0) NormLabel.SetFillStyle(0) NormLabel.Draw() Canvas.Write() if arguments.plot_savePdf: pdfFileName = outputFileName.replace(".root", ".pdf") Canvas.SaveAs(pdfFileName) print "Saved file: " + pdfFileName outputFile.Close() print "Saved plot in file: " + outputFileName
# # This macro displays the physical ROOT file structure # from ROOT import TCanvas, TPaveLabel, TPave, TLine, TArrow, TText, TPaveText from ROOT import gROOT gROOT.Reset() c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', 'ROOT File description', 200, 10, 700, 550 ) c1.Range( 0, -0.25, 21, 14 ) title = TPaveLabel( 5, 12, 15, 13.7, c1.GetTitle() ) title.SetFillColor( 16 ) title.Draw() # horizonthal file layout file = TPave( 1, 8.5, 20, 11 ) file.SetFillColor( 11 ) file.Draw() fileh = TPave( 1, 8.5, 2.5, 11 ) fileh.SetFillColor( 44 ) fileh.Draw() lrh = TPave( 2.5, 8.5, 3.3, 11, 1 ) lrh.SetFillColor( 33 ) lrh.Draw() lrh.DrawPave( 6.9, 8.5, 7.7, 11, 1 ) lrh.DrawPave( 10.5, 8.5, 11.3, 11, 1 ) lrh.DrawPave( 14.5, 8.5, 15.3, 11, 1 ) ldot = TLine( 1, 8.5, 0.5, 6.5 )
def plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") # more space for labels gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.25) gStyle.SetOptStat("emrs") for mode in ["xyz", "rot"]: big = PlotData(mode) # count number of needed bins and max shift for line in MillePedeUser: if (line.ObjId != 1): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): if (mode == "xyz"): line.Par[[i]] *= 10000 big.numberOfBins[i] += 1 if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) > abs(big.maxShift[i])): big.maxShift[i] = line.Par[[i]] # initialize histograms for i in range(3): big.histo.append( TH1F("Big Structure {0} {1}".format([i], mode), "", big.numberOfBins[i], 0, big.numberOfBins[i])) if (big.unit != ""): big.histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta" +[i] + " [" + big.unit + "]") else: big.histo[i].SetYTitle("#Delta" +[i]) big.histo[i].SetStats(0) big.histo[i].SetMarkerStyle(21) big.histoAxis.append(big.histo[i].GetXaxis()) # bigger labels for the text big.histoAxis[i].SetLabelSize(0.06) big.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) # add labels big.title = TPaveLabel(0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "High Level Structures {0}".format(mode)) big.text = TPaveText(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) big.text.SetTextAlign(12) # error if shift is bigger than limit limit = config.limit[mode] for i in range(3): if (big.unit != ""): big.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2} {2}".format([i], float(big.maxShift[i]), big.unit)) if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > limit): big.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1} {2}".format([i], limit, big.unit)) else: big.text.AddText("max. shift {0}: {1:.2}".format([i], float(big.maxShift[i]))) if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > limit): big.text.AddText("! {0} shift bigger than {1}".format([i], limit)) # fill histograms with value and name for line in MillePedeUser: if (line.ObjId != 1): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): # set name of the structure big.histoAxis[i].SetBinLabel( big.binPosition[i], alignables.get_name_by_objid(line.ObjId)) # fill with data,[i] xyz or rot data # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): big.histo[i].SetBinContent( big.binPosition[i], 10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: big.histo[i].SetBinContent(big.binPosition[i], line.Par[[i]]) big.binPosition[i] += 1 # rotate labels for i in range(3): big.histoAxis[i].LabelsOption("v") # reset y range # two types of ranges # 1. show all if (config.rangemodeHL == "all"): for i in range(3): big.usedRange[i] = big.maxShift[i] # 2. use given values if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): # loop over coordinates for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): valuelist = config.rangexyzHL if (mode == "rot"): valuelist = config.rangerotHL # loop over given values # without last value for value in valuelist: # maximum smaller than given value if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) < value): big.usedRange[i] = value break # if not possible, force highest if (abs(big.maxShift[i]) > valuelist[-1]): big.usedRange[i] = valuelist[-1] # all the same range if (config.samerangeHL == 1): # apply new range for i in range(3): big.usedRange[i] = max(map(abs, big.usedRange)) # count outlieres if (config.rangemodeHL == "given"): for i in range(3): for binNumber in range(1, big.numberOfBins[i] + 1): if (abs(big.histo[i].GetBinContent(binNumber)) > big.usedRange[i]): big.hiddenEntries[i] += 1 # add number of outlieres to text for i in range(3): if (big.hiddenEntries[i] != 0): big.text.AddText("! {0}: {1} outlier !".format([i], int(big.hiddenEntries[i]))) # create canvas cBig = TCanvas("canvasBigStrucutres_{0}".format(mode), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) cBig.Divide(2, 2) # draw histograms big.title.Draw() big.text.Draw() # draw identification ident = identification(config) ident.Draw() # TGraph copy to hide outlier copy = 3 * [None] # loop over coordinates for i in range(3): + 2) # option "AXIS" to only draw the axis big.histo[i].SetLineColor(0) big.histo[i].Draw("AXIS") # set new range big.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i]), 1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) # TGraph object to hide outlier copy[i] = TGraph(big.histo[i]) # set the new range copy[i].SetMaximum(1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) copy[i].SetMinimum(-1.1 * abs(big.usedRange[i])) # draw the data copy[i].Draw("PSAME") cBig.Update() # save as pdf cBig.Print("{0}/plots/pdf/structures_{1}.pdf".format( config.outputPath, mode)) # export as png image = TImage.Create() image.FromPad(cBig) image.WriteImage("{0}/plots/png/structures_{1}.png".format( config.outputPath, mode)) # add to output list output = OutputData(plottype="big", parameter=mode, filename="structures_{0}".format(mode)) config.outputList.append(output) # reset BottomMargin gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.1)
print "Fitted parameters: ctau = -1./[1] = " + str( ctau) + "; ctau error = + " + str(ctauErrHi) + " - " + str(ctauErrLo) histName = arguments.histName histName = histName[histName.rfind('/') + 1:] # strip off anything before the last '/' outfileRoot = arguments.infile.replace(".root", "_" + histName + "Fit.root") outputFile = TFile(outfileRoot, "RECREATE") FitText = "Fitted <c#tau> = " \ + str.format('{0:.1f}', ctau) + "^{+" \ + str.format('{0:.1f}', ctauErrHi) + "}_{" \ + str.format('{0:.1f}', ctauErrLo) + "}" #, #chi^{2}/NDF = " \ #+ str.format('{0:.1f}', myfunc.GetChisquare()) + "/" + str(myfunc.GetNDF()) FitLabel = TPaveLabel(0.2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.9, FitText, "NDC") FitLabel.SetBorderSize(0) FitLabel.SetFillColor(0) FitLabel.SetFillStyle(0) FitLabel.Draw() hist.Write() can.Write() outputFile.Close() outfilePdf = outfileRoot.replace(".root", ".pdf") can.SaveAs(outfilePdf) print "Saved plot in " + outfilePdf + " and " + outfileRoot print "Finished"
pad1 = TPad('pad1', 'The pad with the function', 0.03, 0.62, 0.50, 0.92, 21) pad2 = TPad('pad2', 'The pad with the histogram', 0.51, 0.62, 0.98, 0.92, 21) pad3 = TPad('pad3', 'The pad with the histogram', 0.03, 0.02, 0.97, 0.57, 21) pad1.Draw() pad2.Draw() pad3.Draw() # # We connect the ROOT file generated in a previous tutorial # see begin_html <a href="hsimple.C.html">An example creating/filling/saving histograms/ntuples on file</a> end_html # example = TFile('py-hsimple.root') # Draw a global picture title title = TPaveLabel(0.1, 0.94, 0.9, 0.98, 'Drawing options for one dimensional histograms') title.SetFillColor(16) title.SetTextFont(52) title.Draw() # # Draw histogram hpx in first pad with the default option. pad1.GetFrame().SetFillColor(18) hpx = gROOT.FindObject('hpx') hpx.SetFillColor(45) hpx.DrawCopy() label1 = TPaveLabel(-3.5, 700, -1, 800, 'Default option') label1.SetFillColor(42) label1.Draw() # # Draw hpx as a lego. Clicking on the lego area will show
from ROOT import TCanvas, TF1, TPaveLabel, TPad, TText from ROOT import gROOT nut = TCanvas('nut', 'FirstSession', 100, 10, 700, 900) nut.Range(0, 0, 20, 24) nut.SetFillColor(10) nut.SetBorderSize(2) pl = TPaveLabel(3, 22, 17, 23.7, 'My first PyROOT interactive session', 'br') pl.SetFillColor(18) pl.Draw() t = TText(0, 0, 'a') t.SetTextFont(62) t.SetTextSize(0.025) t.SetTextAlign(12) t.DrawText( 2, 20.3, 'PyROOT provides ROOT bindings for Python, a powerful interpreter.') t.DrawText(2, 19.3, 'Blocks of lines can be entered typographically.') t.DrawText(2, 18.3, 'Previous typed lines can be recalled.') t.SetTextFont(72) t.SetTextSize(0.026) t.DrawText(3, 17, r'>>> x, y = 5, 7') t.DrawText(3, 16, r'>>> import math; x*math.sqrt(y)') t.DrawText( 3, 14, r'>>> for i in range(2,7): print "sqrt(%d) = %f" % (i,math.sqrt(i))') t.DrawText(3, 10, r'>>> import ROOT; f1 = ROOT.TF1( "f1", "sin(x)/x", 0, 10 )')
jbessel = TF1("J_0", "ROOT::Math::cyl_bessel_j([0],x)", 0, 10) jbessel.SetParameters(nu, 0.0) jbessel.SetTitle("") jbessel.SetLineStyle(1) jbessel.SetLineWidth(3) jbessel.SetLineColor(nu + 1) JBessel.append(jbessel) # Setting x axis for JBessel xaxis = JBessel[0].GetXaxis() xaxis.SetTitle("x") xaxis.SetTitleSize(0.06) xaxis.SetTitleOffset(.7) # setting the title in a label style p1 = TPaveLabel(.0, .90, .0 + .50, .90 + .10, "Bessel J functions", "NDC") p1.SetFillColor(0) p1.SetTextFont(22) p1.SetTextColor(kBlack) # setting the legend leg.AddEntry(JBessel[0].DrawCopy(), " J_0(x)", "l") leg.AddEntry(JBessel[1].DrawCopy("same"), " J_1(x)", "l") leg.AddEntry(JBessel[2].DrawCopy("same"), " J_2(x)", "l") leg.AddEntry(JBessel[3].DrawCopy("same"), " J_3(x)", "l") leg.AddEntry(JBessel[4].DrawCopy("same"), " J_4(x)", "l") leg.Draw() p1.Draw() # Set canvas 2
def showRMSPOH(sector, poh, gain, wait=True, filename=None): gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0) sector.poh[poh].biasGraphs = [] sector.poh[poh].rmsGraphs = [] sector.poh[poh].slopeGraphs = [] # for poh in range(1,15): # print sector.poh[poh].group if sector.poh[poh].group.find('L12') != -1: sector.ccu.send("channel 0x11").readlines() elif sector.poh[poh].group.find('L34') != -1: sector.ccu.send("channel 0x13").readlines() #cmd=sector.poh[poh].name+" setall %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i"%(gain,gain,gain,gain,0,0,0,0) #sector.ccu.send(cmd).readlines() sector.ResetAllandInitAll() for ch in range(1, 5): sector.poh[poh].writegain(ch, gain) #for ch in range(1,5): # print ch # sector.poh[poh].writegain(ch,gain) data = sector.poh[poh].getBiasRMSCurves() if filename is None: filename = getFilename("" % (, poh)) c1 = TCanvas('c1', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M"), 200, 10, 800, 800) sector.poh[poh].pl = TPaveLabel(0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.95, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M")) sector.poh[poh].pl.Draw() c1.Divide(2, 3) for ch in range(1, 5): title = "POHBias_POH" + str(poh) + ":" + str( ch) + " " + + " fed channel " + str( sector.poh[poh].fedchannels[ch]) f = TH2D('h' + title, title, 2, 0, 40, 2, 0, 1024) hList.append(f) f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("poh bias") #f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FED ADC") f.Draw() color = 1 biasGraph = graph([(t[0], t[1]) for t in data[ch]], style=20, color=1, name="bias_" + str(poh) + ":" + str(ch)) rmsGraph = graph([(t[0], t[2] * 10.) for t in data[ch]], style=21, color=31, name="rms_" + str(poh) + ":" + str(ch)) slopeGraph = graph([(t[0], t[3] * 10.) for t in data[ch]], style=24, color=2, name="slope_" + str(poh) + ":" + str(ch)) sector.poh[poh].biasGraphs.append(biasGraph) sector.poh[poh].rmsGraphs.append(rmsGraph) sector.poh[poh].slopeGraphs.append(slopeGraph) biasGraph.Write() print title biasGraph.Print() rmsGraph.Write() slopeGraph.Write() legend = TLegend(.64, .62, .85, .85) legend.AddEntry(biasGraph, "Bias", "p") legend.AddEntry(slopeGraph, "Slope*10,microW/mA", "p") legend.AddEntry(rmsGraph, "Noise", "p") legend.Draw() c1.Update() ################################################# ################################################# c1.Print(filename) gCanvases.append(c1) if wait: raw_input("hit return to continue")
def MakeOneHist(histogramName): HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(header_x_left, header_y_bottom, header_x_right, header_y_top, HeaderText, "NDC") HeaderLabel.SetTextAlign(32) HeaderLabel.SetBorderSize(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillColor(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillStyle(0) LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left, topLeft_y_bottom, topLeft_x_right, topLeft_y_top, LumiText, "NDC") LumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) LumiLabel.SetFillColor(0) LumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) NormLabel = TPaveLabel() NormLabel.SetDrawOption("NDC") NormLabel.SetX1NDC(topLeft_x_left) NormLabel.SetX2NDC(topLeft_x_right) NormLabel.SetBorderSize(0) NormLabel.SetFillColor(0) NormLabel.SetFillStyle(0) NormText = "" if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: NormText = "Scaled to unit area" Legend = TLegend() Legend.SetBorderSize(0) Legend.SetFillColor(0) Legend.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas = TCanvas(histogramName) Histograms = [] LegendEntries = [] colorIndex = 0 for source in input_sources: # loop over different input sources in config file dataset_file = "condor/%s/%s.root" % (source['condor_dir'], source['dataset']) inputFile = TFile(dataset_file) NumHistogramObj = inputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + source['num_channel'] + "/" + histogramName) if 'condor_dir_den' in source: # If specified, take the denominator histogram from a different condor directory. dataset_fileDen = "condor/%s/%s.root" % (source['condor_dir_den'], source['dataset']) inputFileDen = TFile(dataset_fileDen) DenHistogramObj = inputFileDen.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + source['den_channel'] + "/" + histogramName) else: # Default is to use the same condor directory DenHistogramObj = inputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + source['den_channel'] + "/" + histogramName) if not NumHistogramObj: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram " + source[ 'num_channel'] + "/" + histogramName + " in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." return if not DenHistogramObj: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram " + source[ 'den_channel'] + "/" + histogramName + " in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." return Histogram = NumHistogramObj.Clone() if Histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): Histogram.SetName(Histogram.GetName() + "__" + source['dataset']) Histogram.SetDirectory(0) DenHistogram = DenHistogramObj.Clone() DenHistogram.SetDirectory(0) inputFile.Close() if arguments.rebinFactor: RebinFactor = int(arguments.rebinFactor) #don't rebin histograms which will have less than 5 bins or any gen-matching histograms if Histogram.GetNbinsX() >= RebinFactor * 5 and Histogram.GetTitle( ).find("GenMatch") is -1 and not Histogram.Class().InheritsFrom( "TH2"): Histogram.Rebin(RebinFactor) DenHistogram.Rebin(RebinFactor) xAxisLabel = Histogram.GetXaxis().GetTitle() unitBeginIndex = xAxisLabel.find("[") unitEndIndex = xAxisLabel.find("]") if unitBeginIndex is not -1 and unitEndIndex is not -1: #x axis has a unit yAxisLabel = "#epsilon_{ " + cutName + "} (" + str( Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1) ) + " " + xAxisLabel[unitBeginIndex + 1:unitEndIndex] + " width)" else: yAxisLabel = "#epsilon_{ " + cutName + "} (" + str( Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " width)" if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: yAxisLabel = yAxisLabel + " (Unit Area Norm.)" #Histogram = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(NumHistogramObj,DenHistogramObj) if arguments.noTGraph or Histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): Histogram.Divide(DenHistogram) else: Histogram = TGraphAsymmErrors(Histogram, DenHistogram) if not arguments.makeFancy: fullTitle = Histogram.GetTitle() splitTitle = fullTitle.split(":") # print splitTitle histoTitle = splitTitle[1].lstrip(" ") else: histoTitle = "" if 'color' in source: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[source['color']]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[source['color']]) else: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) colorIndex = colorIndex + 1 if colorIndex is len(colorList): colorIndex = 0 markerStyle = 20 if 'marker' in source: markerStyle = markers[source['marker']] if 'fill' in source: markerStyle = markerStyle + fills[source['fill']] Histogram.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) Histogram.SetLineWidth(line_width) Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) LegendEntries.append(source['legend_entry']) Histograms.append(Histogram) ### scaling histograms as per user's specifications for histogram in Histograms: if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and histogram.Integral() > 0: histogram.Scale(1. / histogram.Integral()) ### formatting histograms and adding to legend legendIndex = 0 for histogram in Histograms: Legend.AddEntry(histogram, LegendEntries[legendIndex], "LEP") legendIndex = legendIndex + 1 ### finding the maximum value of anything going on the canvas, so we know how to set the y-axis finalMax = 0 if arguments.noTGraph: for histogram in Histograms: currentMax = histogram.GetMaximum() + histogram.GetBinError( histogram.GetMaximumBin()) if (currentMax > finalMax): finalMax = currentMax finalMax = 1.5 * finalMax if finalMax is 0: finalMax = 1 if arguments.setYMax: finalMax = float(arguments.setYMax) ### Drawing histograms to canvas makeRatioPlots = arguments.makeRatioPlots makeDiffPlots = arguments.makeDiffPlots yAxisMin = 0.0001 if arguments.setYMin: yAxisMin = float(arguments.setYMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Canvas.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas.Divide(1, 2) gPad.SetPad(0, 0.25, 1, 1) gPad.SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.01, 0.07) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() if arguments.setLogY: gPad.SetLogy() gPad.SetPad(0, 0, 1, 0.25) #format: gPad.SetMargin(l,r,b,t) gPad.SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.4, 0.01) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.SetGridy(1) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() histCounter = 0 plotting_options = "" if arguments.plot_hist: plotting_options = "HIST" for histogram in Histograms: if histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): histogram.SetTitle(histoTitle) histogram.Draw("colz") DatasetName = histogram.GetName() DatasetName = DatasetName[ DatasetName.rfind('__') + 2:] # substring starting with the last underscore DatasetLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left, topLeft_y_bottom, topLeft_x_right, topLeft_y_top, DatasetName, "NDC") DatasetLabel.SetBorderSize(0) DatasetLabel.SetFillColor(0) DatasetLabel.SetFillStyle(0) DatasetLabel.Draw() Canvas.SetName(histogram.GetName()) Canvas.Write() if arguments.makeFancy: HeaderLabel.Draw() else: if histogram.InheritsFrom("TGraph") and histCounter == 0: plotting_options = "AP" histogram.SetTitle(histoTitle) histogram.Draw(plotting_options) histogram.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) histogram.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisLabel) if histogram.InheritsFrom("TH1"): histogram.SetMaximum(finalMax) histogram.SetMinimum(yAxisMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: histogram.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) if histCounter is 0: if histogram.InheritsFrom("TH1"): plotting_options = plotting_options + " SAME" elif histogram.InheritsFrom("TGraph"): plotting_options = "P" histCounter = histCounter + 1 if histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): return #legend coordinates, empirically determined :-) x_left = 0.1677852 x_right = 0.9647651 y_min = 0.6765734 y_max = 0.9 Legend.SetX1NDC(x_left) Legend.SetY1NDC(y_min) Legend.SetX2NDC(x_right) Legend.SetY2NDC(y_max) Legend.Draw() if arguments.makeFancy: HeaderLabel.Draw() #drawing the ratio or difference plot if requested if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: if makeRatioPlots: Comparison = ratioHistogram(Histograms[0], Histograms[1]) elif makeDiffPlots: Comparison = Histograms[0].Clone("diff") Comparison.Add(Histograms[1], -1) Comparison.SetTitle("") Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitle("hist1-hist2") Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Comparison.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.1) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) if makeRatioPlots: RatioYRange = 1.15 if arguments.ratioYRange: RatioYRange = float(arguments.ratioYRange) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1 * RatioYRange, RatioYRange) elif makeDiffPlots: YMax = Comparison.GetMaximum() YMin = Comparison.GetMinimum() if YMax <= 0 and YMin <= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2 * YMin, 0) elif YMax >= 0 and YMin >= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.2 * YMax) else: #axis crosses y=0 if abs(YMax) > abs(YMin): Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2 * YMax, 1.2 * YMax) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2 * YMin, 1.2 * YMin) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(205) Comparison.Draw("E0") Canvas.Write() if arguments.savePDFs: Canvas.SaveAs("efficiency_histograms_pdfs/" + histogramName + ".pdf")
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage=" [options] -o OUTPUTFILE --card CARD1", description="plots pvalue scans for Z' analysis'", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--card", dest="cards", default=[], action="append", help='add datacard to list of curves to plot') parser.add_argument("--smooth", dest="smooth", action="store_true", default=False, help="Smooth observed values") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="config", default='', help="config name") parser.add_argument("-t", "--tag", dest="tag", default='', help="limit tag") parser.add_argument("--ratioLabel", dest="ratioLabel", default='', help="label for ratio") args = parser.parse_args() canv = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 600, 450) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) style = setTDRStyle() ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(1) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.12) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.12) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleXSize(0.055) ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.055, "X") ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.055, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleXOffset(1.05) #ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelYSize(0.04) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYSize(0.055) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(1.1) plotPad.UseCurrentStyle() plotPad.Draw() plotPad.DrawFrame(200, 1e-4, 4000, 10, ";M [GeV]; local p-Value") plotPad.SetLogy() #ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelXSize(0.04) leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.32, 0.72, 0.9, 0.875, "", "brNDC") leg.SetFillColor(10) leg.SetLineColor(10) leg.SetShadowColor(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.SetTextSize(0.06) graphs = [] name = "pValues_%s_%s" % (args.config, args.tag) fileForHEPData = TFile("plots/" + name + "_forHEPData.root", "RECREATE") for index, card in enumerate( if 'width' in card: width = "signif" + card.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = 'signif' masses, pValues = getPValues(card) minPVal, minPValMass = getMinPValue(card) print card, minPVal, minPValMass graphs.append( ROOT.TGraph(len(masses), numpy.array(masses), numpy.array(pValues))) label = card.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0] if args.smooth: smoother = ROOT.TGraphSmooth("normal") graphs[index] = deepcopy( smoother.SmoothSuper(graphs[index], "linear", 0, 0.005)) graphs[index].SetLineColor(lineColors[width]) graphs[index].SetLineStyle(lineStyles[width]) leg.AddEntry(graphs[index], labels[width], "l") graphs[index].Draw("Lsame") graphs[index].SetLineWidth(2) graphs[index].SetName("graphPVal%s" % width) graphs[index].Write("graphPVal%s" % width) leg.Draw() leg.SetTextSize(0.045) latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(0.03) latex.SetNDC(True) latexCMS = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMS.SetTextFont(62) latexCMS.SetTextSize(0.055) latexCMS.SetNDC(True) latexCMSExtra = ROOT.TLatex() latexCMSExtra.SetTextFont(52) latexCMSExtra.SetTextSize(0.03) latexCMSExtra.SetNDC(True) configName = "scanConfiguration_%s" % args.config config = __import__(configName) chan = config.leptons if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "139.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "136.8 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .27, .885, .9, .99, "136.8 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 139.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() cmsExtra = "Preliminary" latexCMS.DrawLatex(0.14, 0.81, "CMS") if "Simulation" in cmsExtra: yLabelPos = 0.78 else: yLabelPos = 0.78 latexCMSExtra.DrawLatex(0.14, yLabelPos, "%s" % (cmsExtra)) ZeroSigmaLine = ROOT.TLine(200, 0.5, 4000, 0.5) ZeroSigmaLine.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ZeroSigmaLine.Draw("same") OneSigmaLine = ROOT.TLine(200, 0.317 / 2, 4000, 0.317 / 2) OneSigmaLine.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) OneSigmaLine.Draw("same") TwoSigmaLine = ROOT.TLine(200, 0.0455 / 2, 4000, 0.0455 / 2) TwoSigmaLine.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) TwoSigmaLine.Draw("same") ThreeSigmaLine = ROOT.TLine(200, 0.0027 / 2, 4000, 0.0027 / 2) ThreeSigmaLine.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ThreeSigmaLine.Draw("same") FourSigmaLine = ROOT.TLine(200, 0.00006 / 2, 4000, 0.00006 / 2) FourSigmaLine.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) #~ FourSigmaLine.Draw("same") FiveSigmaLine = ROOT.TLine(200, 3e-07, 4000, 3e-07) FiveSigmaLine.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) #~ FiveSigmaLine.Draw("same") latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) #~ latex.SetNDC(Tru78 latex.DrawLatex(4150, 0.5, "0#sigma") latex.DrawLatex(4150, 0.317 / 2, "1#sigma") latex.DrawLatex(4150, 0.0455 / 2, "2#sigma") latex.DrawLatex(4150, 0.0027 / 2, "3#sigma") #~ latex.DrawLatex(4200, 0.00006/2, "4#sigma") #~ latex.DrawLatex(4200, 3e-7, "5#sigma") #~ ROOT.gPad.WaitPrimitive() plotPad.SetTicks(1, 1) plotPad.RedrawAxis() if args.smooth: name += "_smoothed" #name = name+".pdf" canv.Print("plots/" + name + ".pdf") canv.Print("plots/" + name + ".root") plotPad.RedrawAxis() fileForHEPData.Write() fileForHEPData.Close()
f1 = TFile(plot["file1"]) f2 = TFile(plot["file2"]) h1 = f1.Get(plot["name"]) h2 = f2.Get(plot["name"]) h1.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(5) h1.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5) h1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) h1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) h1.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) h1.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) h1.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) h1.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) h1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.0) h1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(0.2, 0.92, 0.8, 0.98,title,"NDC") # HeaderLabel.SetTextAlign(32) HeaderLabel.SetTextFont(42) HeaderLabel.SetTextSize(0.8) HeaderLabel.SetBorderSize(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillColor(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillStyle(0) if h1.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): is2D = True else: is2D = False if is2D: c.SetRightMargin(0.15) c.SetLogz(True)
def MakeOneDHist(histogramDirectory, histogramName,integrateDir): if arguments.verbose: print "Creating histogram", histogramName, "in directory", histogramDirectory HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(header_x_left,header_y_bottom,header_x_right,header_y_top,HeaderText,"NDC") HeaderLabel.SetTextAlign(32) HeaderLabel.SetTextFont(42) HeaderLabel.SetTextSize(0.697674) HeaderLabel.SetBorderSize(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillColor(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillStyle(0) CMSLabel = TPaveLabel(header_x_left,header_y_bottom,header_x_right,header_y_top,HeaderText,"NDC") CMSLabel.SetTextAlign(32) CMSLabel.SetTextFont(42) CMSLabel.SetTextSize(0.697674) CMSLabel.SetBorderSize(0) CMSLabel.SetFillColor(0) CMSLabel.SetFillStyle(0) if makeFancy: LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left,topLeft_y_bottom,topLeft_x_right,topLeft_y_top,"CMS Preliminary","NDC") LumiLabel.SetTextFont(62) LumiLabel.SetTextSize(0.7) LumiLabel.SetTextAlign(12) else: LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left,topLeft_y_bottom,topLeft_x_right,topLeft_y_top,LumiText,"NDC") LumiLabel.SetTextAlign(32) LumiLabel.SetTextFont(42) LumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) LumiLabel.SetFillColor(0) LumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) Legend = TLegend() Legend.SetBorderSize(0) Legend.SetFillColor(0) Legend.SetFillStyle(0) canvasName = histogramName if integrateDir is "left": canvasName += "_CumulativeLeft" elif integrateDir is "right": canvasName += "_CumulativeRight" Canvas = TCanvas(canvasName) Histograms = [] RefIndex = -99 LegendEntries = [] colorIndex = 0 markerStyleIndex = 0 fillIndex = 0 for source in input_sources: # loop over different input sources in config file dataset_file = "condor/%s/%s.root" % (source['condor_dir'],source['dataset']) inputFile = TFile(dataset_file) if arguments.generic: if histogramDirectory == "": histPath = histogramName else: histPath = histogramDirectory + "/" + histogramName HistogramObj = inputFile.Get(histPath) else: HistogramObj = inputFile.Get(source['channel'] + "Plotter/" + histogramDirectory + "/" + histogramName) if not HistogramObj: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram " + source['channel'] + "/" + histogramName + " in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." return Histogram = HistogramObj.Clone() Histogram.SetDirectory(0) inputFile.Close() Histogram.Sumw2() if arguments.verbose: print " Got histogram", Histogram.GetName(), "from file", dataset_file if arguments.rebinFactor: RebinFactor = int(arguments.rebinFactor) #don't rebin histograms which will have less than 5 bins or any gen-matching histograms if Histogram.GetNbinsX() >= RebinFactor*5 and Histogram.GetTitle().find("GenMatch") is -1: Histogram.Rebin(RebinFactor) # correct bin contents of object multiplcity plots if Histogram.GetName().startswith("num") and "PV" not in Histogram.GetName(): # include overflow bin for bin in range(2,Histogram.GetNbinsX()+2): content = Histogram.GetBinContent(bin) Histogram.SetBinContent(bin, content/float(bin-1)) xAxisLabel = Histogram.GetXaxis().GetTitle() unitBeginIndex = xAxisLabel.find("[") unitEndIndex = xAxisLabel.find("]") xAxisLabelVar = xAxisLabel if "_pfx" in Histogram.GetName() or "_pfy" in Histogram.GetName() or "_sigma" in Histogram.GetName(): yAxisLabel = Histogram.GetYaxis().GetTitle() else: if unitBeginIndex is not -1 and unitEndIndex is not -1: #x axis has a unit yAxisLabel = "Entries / " + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " " + xAxisLabel[unitBeginIndex+1:unitEndIndex] xAxisLabelVar = xAxisLabel[0:unitBeginIndex] else: yAxisLabel = "Entries per bin (" + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " width)" if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: yAxisLabel = yAxisLabel + " (Unit Area Norm.)" if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and arguments.makeSignificancePlots: unit = "Efficiency" else: unit = "Yield" if integrateDir is "left": yAxisLabel = unit + ", " + xAxisLabelVar + "< x (" + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " bin width)" if integrateDir is "right": yAxisLabel = unit + ", " + xAxisLabelVar + "> x (" + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " bin width)" nbins = Histogram.GetNbinsX() if not noOverFlow: Histogram.SetBinContent(nbins, Histogram.GetBinContent(nbins) + Histogram.GetBinContent(nbins+1)) # Add overflow Histogram.SetBinError(nbins, math.sqrt(math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(nbins),2) + math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(nbins+1),2))) # Set the errors to be the sum in quadrature if not noUnderFlow: Histogram.SetBinContent(1, Histogram.GetBinContent(1) + Histogram.GetBinContent(0)) # Add underflow Histogram.SetBinError(1, math.sqrt(math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(1), 2) + math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(0), 2))) # Set the errors to be the sum in quadrature if not arguments.makeFancy and not arguments.generic: fullTitle = Histogram.GetTitle() splitTitle = fullTitle.split(":") if len(splitTitle) > 1: histoTitle = splitTitle[1].lstrip(" ") else: histoTitle = splitTitle[0] else: histoTitle = "" if 'color' in source: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[source['color']]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[source['color']]) else: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) colorIndex = colorIndex + 1 if colorIndex is len(colorList): colorIndex = 0 markerStyleIndex = markerStyleIndex + 1 if markerStyleIndex is len(markerStyleList): markerStyleIndex = 0 fillIndex = fillIndex + 1 if 'scale' in source: Histogram.Scale(source['scale']) markerStyle = 20 if 'marker' in source: markerStyle = markers[source['marker']] else: markerStyle = markers[markerStyleList[markerStyleIndex]] fillStyle = 0 if 'fill' in source: markerStyle = markerStyle + fills[source['fill']] else: markerStyle = markerStyle + fills[fillList[fillIndex]] Histogram.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) Histogram.SetMarkerSize(0.5) Histogram.SetLineWidth(line_width) Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and Histogram.Integral() > 0: Histogram.Scale(1./Histogram.Integral()) Histogram = MakeIntegralHist(Histogram, integrateDir) LegendEntries.append(source['legend_entry']) Histograms.append(Histogram) if 'reference' in source: if source['reference']: RefIndex = len(Histograms)-1 ### formatting histograms and adding to legend legendIndex = 0 for histogram in Histograms: Legend.AddEntry(histogram,LegendEntries[legendIndex],"LEP") # Legend.AddEntry(histogram,LegendEntries[legendIndex],"P") legendIndex = legendIndex+1 ### finding the maximum value of anything going on the canvas, so we know how to set the y-axis finalMax = 0 for histogram in Histograms: currentMax = histogram.GetMaximum() + histogram.GetBinError(histogram.GetMaximumBin()) if(currentMax > finalMax): finalMax = currentMax finalMax = 1.5*finalMax if arguments.setYMax: finalMax = float(arguments.setYMax) ### Drawing histograms to canvas makeRatioPlots = arguments.makeRatioPlots makeDiffPlots = arguments.makeDiffPlots addOneToRatio = -1 if arguments.addOneToRatio: addOneToRatio = arguments.addOneToRatio yAxisMin = 0.0001 if arguments.setYMin: yAxisMin = float(arguments.setYMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Canvas.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas.Divide(1,2) gPad.SetPad(0,0.25,1,1) gPad.SetMargin(0.15,0.05,0.01,0.07) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() if arguments.setLogY: gPad.SetLogy() gPad.SetPad(0,0,1,0.25) #format: gPad.SetMargin(l,r,b,t) gPad.SetMargin(0.15,0.05,0.4,0.01) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.SetGridy(1) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() histCounter = 0 plotting_options = "" if arguments.generic: plotting_options = "p,e" if arguments.plot_hist: plotting_options = "HIST" for histogram in Histograms: histogram.SetTitle(histoTitle) if arguments.verbose: print " Drawing hist " + histogram.GetName() + ", with plotting_options = " + plotting_options + ", with mean = " + str(histogram.GetMean()) + ", with color = " + str(histogram.GetLineColor()) histogram.Draw(plotting_options) histogram.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) histogram.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisLabel) histogram.SetMaximum(finalMax) if "_pfx" not in Histogram.GetName() and "_pfy" not in Histogram.GetName() and "_sigma" not in Histogram.GetName(): histogram.SetMinimum(yAxisMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: histogram.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) if histCounter is 0: plotting_options = plotting_options + " SAME" histCounter = histCounter + 1 #legend coordinates, empirically determined :-) x_left = 0.1677852 x_right = 0.9647651 y_min = 0.6765734 y_max = 0.9 Legend.SetX1NDC(x_left) Legend.SetY1NDC(y_min) Legend.SetX2NDC(x_right) Legend.SetY2NDC(y_max) Legend.Draw() # Deciding which text labels to draw and drawing them if arguments.makeFancy: HeaderLabel.Draw() LumiLabel.Draw() #drawing the ratio or difference plot if requested if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Comparisons = [] if RefIndex == -99: Reference = Histograms[0] else: Reference = Histograms[RefIndex] for Histogram in Histograms: if Histogram is Reference: continue if makeRatioPlots: makeRatio = functools.partial (ratioHistogram,Histogram, Reference) if arguments.ratioRelErrMax is not -1: # it gets initialized to this dummy value of -1 makeRatio = functools.partial (makeRatio, relErrMax = float(arguments.ratioRelErrMax)) if addOneToRatio != -1: # it gets initialized to this dummy value of -1 makeRatio = functools.partial (makeRatio, addOne = bool (addOneToRatio)) Comparison = makeRatio() elif makeDiffPlots: Comparison = Reference.Clone("diff") Comparison.Add(Histograms[1],-1) Comparison.SetTitle("") Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitle("X-ref") Comparison.SetLineColor(Histogram.GetLineColor()) Comparison.SetFillColor(Histogram.GetFillColor()) Comparison.SetFillStyle(Histogram.GetFillStyle()) Comparison.SetMarkerColor(Histogram.GetMarkerColor()) Comparison.SetMarkerStyle(Histogram.GetMarkerStyle()) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Comparison.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.1) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) if makeRatioPlots: RatioYRange = 1.15 if arguments.ratioYRange: RatioYRange = float(arguments.ratioYRange) if addOneToRatio == -1: # it gets initialized to this dummy value of -1 Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1*RatioYRange, RatioYRange) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1*RatioYRange + 1.0, RatioYRange + 1.0) elif makeDiffPlots: YMax = Comparison.GetMaximum() YMin = Comparison.GetMinimum() if YMax <= 0 and YMin <= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMin,0) elif YMax >= 0 and YMin >= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.2*YMax) else: #axis crosses y=0 if abs(YMax) > abs(YMin): Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMax,1.2*YMax) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMin,1.2*YMin) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(205) Comparisons.append(Comparison) option = "E0" for index,Comparison in enumerate(Comparisons): if index == 0: option += " SAME" Comparison.Draw(option) Canvas.Write() if arguments.verbose: print " Finished writing canvas: ", Canvas.GetName() if arguments.savePDFs: Canvas.SaveAs("comparison_histograms_pdfs/"+histogramName+".pdf")
def MakeOneHist(dirName, histogramName): HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(header_x_left,header_y_bottom,header_x_right,header_y_top,HeaderText,"NDC") HeaderLabel.SetTextAlign(32) HeaderLabel.SetTextFont(42) HeaderLabel.SetTextSize(0.697674) HeaderLabel.SetBorderSize(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillColor(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillStyle(0) CMSLabel = TPaveLabel(header_x_left,header_y_bottom,header_x_right,header_y_top,HeaderText,"NDC") CMSLabel.SetTextAlign(32) CMSLabel.SetTextFont(42) CMSLabel.SetTextSize(0.697674) CMSLabel.SetBorderSize(0) CMSLabel.SetFillColor(0) CMSLabel.SetFillStyle(0) if makeFancy: LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left,topLeft_y_bottom,topLeft_x_right,topLeft_y_top,"CMS Preliminary","NDC") LumiLabel.SetTextFont(62) LumiLabel.SetTextSize(0.7) LumiLabel.SetTextAlign(12) else: LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left,topLeft_y_bottom,topLeft_x_right,topLeft_y_top,LumiText,"NDC") LumiLabel.SetTextAlign(32) LumiLabel.SetTextFont(42) LumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) LumiLabel.SetFillColor(0) LumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) #legend coordinates, empirically determined :-) x_left = 0.4 x_right = 0.7 y_min = 0.15 y_max = 0.3 Legend = TLegend(x_left,y_min,x_right,y_max) Legend.SetBorderSize(0) Legend.SetFillColor(0) Legend.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas = TCanvas(histogramName) Histograms = [] HistogramClones = [] NBins = [] MaxXValues = [] MinXValues = [] LegendEntries = [] colorIndex = 0 for source in input_sources: # loop over different input sources in config file dataset_file = "condor/%s/%s.root" % (source['condor_dir'],source['dataset']) inputFile = TFile(dataset_file) NumHistogramObj = inputFile.Get(source['num_channel'] + "Plotter/" + dirName + "/" + histogramName) if 'condor_dir_den' in source: # If specified, take the denominator histogram from a different condor directory. dataset_fileDen = "condor/%s/%s.root" % (source['condor_dir_den'],source['dataset']) inputFileDen = TFile(dataset_fileDen) DenHistogramObj = inputFileDen.Get(source['den_channel'] + "Plotter/" + dirName + "/" + histogramName) else: # Default is to use the same condor directory DenHistogramObj = inputFile.Get(source['den_channel'] + "Plotter/" + dirName + "/" + histogramName) if not NumHistogramObj: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram " + source['num_channel'] + "Plotter/" + dirName + "/" + histogramName + " in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." return if not DenHistogramObj: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram " + source['den_channel'] + "Plotter/" + dirName + "/" + histogramName + " in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." return Histogram = NumHistogramObj.Clone() if Histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): Histogram.SetName(Histogram.GetName() + "__" + source['dataset']) Histogram.SetDirectory(0) DenHistogram = DenHistogramObj.Clone() DenHistogram.SetDirectory(0) inputFile.Close() nbinsN = Histogram.GetNbinsX() nbinsD = DenHistogram.GetNbinsX() if not noOverFlow: # Add overflow Histogram.SetBinContent( nbinsN, Histogram.GetBinContent(nbinsN) + Histogram.GetBinContent(nbinsN+1)) DenHistogram.SetBinContent(nbinsD, DenHistogram.GetBinContent(nbinsD) + DenHistogram.GetBinContent(nbinsD+1)) # Set the errors to be the sum in quadrature Histogram.SetBinError( nbinsN, math.sqrt(math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(nbinsN),2) + math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(nbinsN+1),2))) DenHistogram.SetBinError(nbinsD, math.sqrt(math.pow(DenHistogram.GetBinError(nbinsD),2) + math.pow(DenHistogram.GetBinError(nbinsD+1),2))) if not noUnderFlow: # Add underflow Histogram.SetBinContent( 1, Histogram.GetBinContent(1) + Histogram.GetBinContent(0)) DenHistogram.SetBinContent(1, DenHistogram.GetBinContent(1) + DenHistogram.GetBinContent(0)) # Set the errors to be the sum in quadrature Histogram.SetBinError( 1, math.sqrt(math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(1), 2) + math.pow(Histogram.GetBinError(0), 2))) DenHistogram.SetBinError(1, math.sqrt(math.pow(DenHistogram.GetBinError(1), 2) + math.pow(DenHistogram.GetBinError(0), 2))) if arguments.rebinFactor: RebinFactor = int(arguments.rebinFactor) #don't rebin histograms which will have less than 5 bins or any gen-matching histograms if Histogram.GetNbinsX() >= RebinFactor*5 and Histogram.GetTitle().find("GenMatch") is -1 and not Histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): Histogram.Rebin(RebinFactor) DenHistogram.Rebin(RebinFactor) xAxisLabel = Histogram.GetXaxis().GetTitle() unitBeginIndex = xAxisLabel.find("[") unitEndIndex = xAxisLabel.find("]") if unitBeginIndex is not -1 and unitEndIndex is not -1: #x axis has a unit yAxisLabel = "#epsilon_{ " + cutName + "} (" + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " " + xAxisLabel[unitBeginIndex+1:unitEndIndex] + " width)" else: yAxisLabel = "#epsilon_{ " + cutName + "} (" + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " width)" if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: yAxisLabel = yAxisLabel + " (Unit Area Norm.)" #check if bin content is consistent TEfficiency.CheckConsistency(Histogram,DenHistogram) for i in range(1,Histogram.GetNbinsX()+1): if Histogram.GetBinContent(i) > DenHistogram.GetBinContent(i): DenHistogram.SetBinContent(i,Histogram.GetBinContent(i)) #HistogramClone and HistogramClones only used for ratio plot HistogramClone = Histogram.Clone() HistogramClone.SetDirectory(0) HistogramClone.Divide(DenHistogram) Nbins = HistogramClone.GetNbinsX() MaxXValue = HistogramClone.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(Nbins+1) MinXValue = HistogramClone.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1) #this Histogram becomes the main TEfficiency if Histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): Histogram.Divide(DenHistogram) else: #using default methods (which give correct uncertainties) #see (c.f. section IV) Histogram = TEfficiency(Histogram,DenHistogram) if not arguments.makeFancy: fullTitle = Histogram.GetTitle() splitTitle = fullTitle.split(":") # print splitTitle if len(splitTitle) > 1: histoTitle = splitTitle[1].lstrip(" ") else: histoTitle = splitTitle[0] else: histoTitle = "" if 'color' in source: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[source['color']]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[source['color']]) else: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) colorIndex = colorIndex + 1 if colorIndex is len(colorList): colorIndex = 0 markerStyle = 20 if 'marker' in source: markerStyle = markers[source['marker']] if 'fill' in source: markerStyle = markerStyle + fills[source['fill']] Histogram.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) Histogram.SetLineWidth(line_width) Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) LegendEntries.append(source['legend_entry']) Histograms.append(Histogram) HistogramClones.append(HistogramClone) NBins.append(Nbins) MaxXValues.append(MaxXValue) MinXValues.append(MinXValue) ### scaling histograms as per user's specifications for histogram in Histograms: if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and histogram.Integral() > 0: histogram.Scale(1./histogram.Integral()) ### formatting histograms and adding to legend legendIndex = 0 for histogram in Histograms: Legend.AddEntry(histogram,LegendEntries[legendIndex],"LEP") legendIndex = legendIndex+1 ### finding the maximum value of anything going on the canvas, so we know how to set the y-axis finalMax = 1.1 if arguments.setYMax: finalMax = float(arguments.setYMax) ### Drawing histograms to canvas makeRatioPlots = arguments.makeRatioPlots makeDiffPlots = arguments.makeDiffPlots addOneToRatio = -1 if arguments.addOneToRatio: addOneToRatio = arguments.addOneToRatio dontRebinRatio = -1 if arguments.dontRebinRatio: dontRebinRatio = arguments.dontRebinRatio ratioRelErrMax = -1 if arguments.ratioRelErrMax: ratioRelErrMax = arguments.ratioRelErrMax yAxisMin = 0.0001 if arguments.setYMin: yAxisMin = float(arguments.setYMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Canvas.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas.Divide(1,2) gPad.SetPad(0,0.25,1,1) gPad.SetMargin(0.15,0.05,0.01,0.07) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() if arguments.setLogY: gPad.SetLogy() gPad.SetPad(0,0,1,0.25) #format: gPad.SetMargin(l,r,b,t) gPad.SetMargin(0.15,0.05,0.4,0.01) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.SetGridy(1) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() histCounter = 0 plotting_options = "" if arguments.plot_hist: plotting_options = "HIST" h = TH2F("h1","",NBins[0],MinXValues[0],MaxXValues[0],110,0.,finalMax) h.SetTitle(";"+xAxisLabel+";"+yAxisLabel) h.Draw() for histogram in Histograms: if histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): histogram.SetTitle(histoTitle) histogram.Draw("colz") DatasetName = histogram.GetName() DatasetName = DatasetName[DatasetName.rfind('__')+2:] # substring starting with the last underscore DatasetLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left,topLeft_y_bottom,topLeft_x_right,topLeft_y_top,DatasetName,"NDC") DatasetLabel.SetBorderSize(0) DatasetLabel.SetFillColor(0) DatasetLabel.SetFillStyle(0) DatasetLabel.Draw() Canvas.SetName(histogram.GetName()) Canvas.Write() else: if histogram.InheritsFrom("TEfficiency") and histCounter==0: plotting_options = "P SAME" histogram.SetTitle(histoTitle) histogram.Draw(plotting_options) if histogram.InheritsFrom("TH1"): histogram.SetMaximum(finalMax) histogram.SetMinimum(yAxisMin) if histCounter is 0: if histogram.InheritsFrom("TH1"): plotting_options = plotting_options + " SAME" elif histogram.InheritsFrom("TEfficiency"): plotting_options = "P" + " SAME" histCounter = histCounter + 1 if histogram.Class().InheritsFrom("TH2"): return Legend.Draw() if arguments.makeFancy: HeaderLabel.Draw() LumiLabel.Draw() #drawing the ratio or difference plot if requested if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: if makeRatioPlots: makeRatio = functools.partial (ratioHistogram,HistogramClones[0],HistogramClones[1]) if addOneToRatio != -1: # it gets initialized to this dummy value of -1 makeRatio = functools.partial (makeRatio, addOne = bool (addOneToRatio)) if ratioRelErrMax is not -1: # it gets initialized to this dummy value of -1 makeRatio = functools.partial (makeRatio, relErrMax = float (ratioRelErrMax)) if dontRebinRatio is True: makeRatio = functools.partial (makeRatio, dontRebinRatio) Comparison = makeRatio () elif makeDiffPlots: Comparison = Histograms[0].Clone("diff") Comparison.Add(Histograms[1],-1) Comparison.SetTitle("") Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitle("hist1-hist2") Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Comparison.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.1) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) if makeRatioPlots: RatioYRange = 1.15 if arguments.ratioYRange: RatioYRange = float(arguments.ratioYRange) if addOneToRatio == -1: # it gets initialized to this dummy value of -1 Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1*RatioYRange, RatioYRange) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1*RatioYRange + 1.0, RatioYRange + 1.0) elif makeDiffPlots: YMax = Comparison.GetMaximum() YMin = Comparison.GetMinimum() if YMax <= 0 and YMin <= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMin,0) elif YMax >= 0 and YMin >= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.2*YMax) else: #axis crosses y=0 if abs(YMax) > abs(YMin): Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMax,1.2*YMax) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMin,1.2*YMin) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(205) Comparison.Draw("E0") Canvas.Write() if arguments.savePDFs: Canvas.SaveAs("efficiency_histograms_pdfs/"+histogramName+".pdf")
def makeLimitPlot(output,obs,exp,chan,printStats=False): fileForHEPData = TFile("plots/"+output+"_forHEPData.root","RECREATE") obsLimits = {} for obsFile in obs: if 'width' in obsFile: width = obsFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' obsLimits[width] = createObsGraph(obsFile) if SMOOTH: for width,obsGraph in obsLimits.iteritems(): smooth_obs=TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth=obsGraph obsLimits[width]=copy.deepcopy(smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth,"linear",0,0.005)) obsLimits[width].SetLineWidth(3) expLimits = {} for expFile in exp: if 'width' in expFile: width = expFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' expLimits[width] = createExpGraph(expFile) cCL=TCanvas("cCL", "cCL",0,0,600,450) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.063) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.14) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.12) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad","plotPad",0,0,1,1) plotPad.Draw() smoother=TGraphSmooth("normal") smoother2=TGraphSmooth("normal") zprimeX=[] zprimeY=[] fileZPrime=open('tools/xsec_ssm.txt','r') for entries in fileZPrime: entry=entries.split() zprimeX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimeY.append(float(entry[1])/1928) zpX=numpy.array(zprimeX) zpY=numpy.array(zprimeY) GraphZPrime=TGraph(len(zprimeX),zpX,zpY) GraphZPrimeSmooth=smoother2.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrime,"linear") GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen+3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineStyle(2) zprimePsiX=[] zprimePsiY=[] fileZPrimePsi=open('tools/xsec_psi.txt','r') for entries in fileZPrimePsi: entry=entries.split() zprimePsiX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimePsiY.append(float(entry[1])/1928) zpPsiX=numpy.array(zprimePsiX) zpPsiY=numpy.array(zprimePsiY) GraphZPrimePsi=TGraph(len(zprimePsiX),zpPsiX,zpPsiY) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth=smoother.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrimePsi,"linear") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() DummyGraph=TH1F("DummyGraph","",100,200,5500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if SPIN2: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] G_{KK} / #sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z") else: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z' / [#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z") # if SPIN2: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") # else: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") gStyle.SetOptStat(0) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200,5500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(3e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) DummyGraph.Draw() plCMS=TPaveLabel(.16,.76,.27,.83,"CMS","NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim=TPaveLabel(.16,.76,.27,.82,"Preliminary","NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) # plPrelim.Draw() leg=TLegend(0.420517,0.7,0.85,0.878644,"","brNDC") legWidth=TLegend(0.625,0.5,0.9,0.7,"width","brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.0425) legWidth.SetTextSize(0.0425) colors = {'01':ROOT.kBlue,'03':ROOT.kRed,'05':ROOT.kGreen+3,'10':ROOT.kOrange} # for width in sorted(obsLimits): # obsGraph = obsLimits[width] # if colors.has_key(width): # obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) # obsGraph.Draw("lsame") # if width == '0.006': # leg.AddEntry(obsGraph,"Observed 95% CL limit width 0.6%","l") # else: # leg.AddEntry(obsGraph,"Observed 95%% CL limit width %d%%"%int(width),"l") # # for width in sorted(expLimits): # expGraph = expLimits[width] # if colors.has_key(width): # expGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) # expGraph.Draw("lsame") # if width == '0.006': # leg.AddEntry(expGraph,"Expected 95% CL limit width 0.6%, median","l") # else: # leg.AddEntry(expGraph,"Expected 95%% CL limit width %d%%, median"%(int(width)),"l") for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) obsGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(obsGraph,"Obs. 95% CL limit","l") for width in sorted(expLimits): expGraph = expLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): expGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) expGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(expGraph,"Exp. 95% CL limit, median","l") for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) if width == '0.006': legWidth.AddEntry(obsGraph,"0.6%","l") else: legWidth.AddEntry(obsGraph,"%d%%"%int(width),"l") if not SPIN2: GraphZPrimeSmooth.Draw("lsame") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.Draw("lsame") leg1=TLegend(0.625,0.35,0.825,0.5,"","brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.0375) leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimeSmooth,"Z'_{SSM} (width 2.97%)","l") leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimePsiSmooth,"Z'_{#Psi} (width 0.53%)","l") leg1.SetLineWidth(0) leg1.SetLineStyle(0) leg1.SetLineColor(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.Draw() cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #plCMS.Draw() plotPad.SetTicks(1,1) plotPad.RedrawAxis() leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") legWidth.SetLineWidth(0) legWidth.SetLineStyle(0) legWidth.SetLineColor(0) legWidth.SetFillStyle(0) legWidth.SetNColumns(2) legWidth.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan=="mumu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.885,.9,.99,"36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elel"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.885,.9,.99,"35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elmu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.27,.885,.9,.99,"35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})","NBNDC") else: if (chan=="mumu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.905,.9,.99,"13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elel"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.65,.905,.9,.99,"2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)","NBNDC") elif (chan=="elmu"): plLumi=TPaveLabel(.4,.905,.9,.99,"12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)","NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plotPad.RedrawAxis() for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] obsGraph.SetName("graphObs%s"%width) obsGraph.Write("graphObs%s"%width) for width in sorted(expLimits): expGraph = expLimits[width] expGraph.SetName("graphExp%s"%width) expGraph.Write("graphExp%s"%width) fileForHEPData.Write() fileForHEPData.Close() cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL,output)
def makeBiasPlot(output, muFile, chan, interference, printStats=False, obs2="", ratioLabel=""): mu = open(muFile, 'r') limits = {} mux = [] muy = [] mu1SigLow = [] mu1SigHigh = [] mu2SigLow = [] mu2SigHigh = [] for entry in mu: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in limits: limits[massPoint] = [] limits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len limits:", len(limits) for massPoint in sorted(limits): limits[massPoint].sort() numLimits = len(limits[massPoint]) nrExpts = len(limits[massPoint]) medianNr = int(nrExpts * 0.5) #get indexes: upper1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.68) * 0.5)) lower1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.68) * 0.5) upper2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.95) * 0.5)) lower2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.95) * 0.5) if printStats: print massPoint, ":", limits[massPoint][lower2Sig], limits[ massPoint][lower1Sig], limits[massPoint][medianNr], limits[ massPoint][upper1Sig], limits[massPoint][upper2Sig] #fill lists: mux.append(massPoint) print massPoint, limits[massPoint][medianNr] muy.append(limits[massPoint][medianNr]) mu1SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower1Sig]) mu1SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper1Sig]) mu2SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower2Sig]) mu2SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper2Sig]) muX = numpy.array(mux) muY = numpy.array(muy) values2 = [] xPointsForValues2 = [] values = [] xPointsForValues = [] if printStats: print "length of mux: ", len(mux) if printStats: print "length of mu1SigLow: ", len(mu1SigLow) if printStats: print "length of mu1SigHigh: ", len(mu1SigHigh) #Here is some Voodoo via Sam: for x in range(0, len(mux)): values2.append(mu2SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(mux[x]) for x in range(len(mux) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values2.append(mu2SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(mux[x]) if printStats: print "length of values2: ", len(values2) for x in range(0, len(mux)): values.append(mu1SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues.append(mux[x]) for x in range(len(mux) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values.append(mu1SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues.append(mux[x]) if printStats: print "length of values: ", len(values) mu2Sig = numpy.array(values2) xPoints2 = numpy.array(xPointsForValues2) mu1Sig = numpy.array(values) xPoints = numpy.array(xPointsForValues) if printStats: print "xPoints2: ", xPoints2 if printStats: print "mu2Sig: ", mu2Sig if printStats: print "xPoints: ", xPoints if printStats: print "mu1Sig: ", mu1Sig GraphErr2Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints2, mu2Sig) GraphErr2Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow + 1) GraphErr1Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints, mu1Sig) GraphErr1Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 800, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() muX = numpy.array(mux) muY = numpy.array(muy) GraphMU = TGraph(len(muX), muX, muY) GraphMU.SetLineWidth(3) GraphMU.SetLineStyle(2) GraphMU.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) #Draw the graphs: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 10, 40) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#Lambda [TeV]") DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#hat{#mu}") gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if "Des" in output: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(10, 28) else: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(10, 40) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(-2) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(10) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.Draw() DummyGraph.SetLineColor(ROOT.kWhite) if (FULL): GraphErr2Sig.Draw("F") GraphErr1Sig.Draw("F") GraphMU.Draw("lpsame") else: GraphMU.Draw("lp") plCMS = TPaveLabel(.12, .81, .22, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetFillStyle(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.12, .76, .25, .82, "Preliminary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetFillStyle(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) plPrelim.Draw() cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #leg=TLegend(0.65,0.65,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg = TLegend(0.540517, 0.623051, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.032) leg.AddEntry(GraphMU, "median value", "l") if (FULL): leg.AddEntry(GraphErr1Sig, "1#sigma quantile", "f") leg.AddEntry(GraphErr2Sig, "2#sigma quantile", "f") leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() maxX = 40 if "Des" in output: maxX = 28 line = ROOT.TLine(10, 0, maxX, 0) if "mu1" in output: line = ROOT.TLine(10, 1, maxX, 1) line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) line.Draw("same") plotPad.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
# # This macro displays the ROOT Directory data structure # from ROOT import TCanvas, TPaveLabel, TPaveText, TText, TArrow, TLine from ROOT import gROOT gROOT.Reset() c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'ROOT FilDir description', 700, 900) c1.Range(1, 1, 19, 24.5) title = TPaveLabel(4, 23, 16, 24.2, 'ROOT File/Directory/Key description') title.SetFillColor(16) title.Draw() keycolor = 42 dircolor = 21 objcolor = 46 file = TPaveText(2, 19, 6, 22) file.SetFillColor(39) file.Draw() file.SetTextSize(0.04) file.AddText('TFile') file.AddText('Header') arrow = TArrow(6, 20.5, 17, 20.5, 0.02, '|>') arrow.SetFillStyle(1001) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) arrow.Draw() free = TPaveText(8, 20, 11, 21) free.SetFillColor(18)
def MakeOneDHist(pathToDir, distribution): numFittingSamples = 0 HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(header_x_left, header_y_bottom, header_x_right, header_y_top, HeaderText, "NDC") HeaderLabel.SetTextAlign(32) HeaderLabel.SetBorderSize(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillColor(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillStyle(0) LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left, topLeft_y_bottom, topLeft_x_right, topLeft_y_top, LumiText, "NDC") LumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) LumiLabel.SetFillColor(0) LumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) NormLabel = TPaveLabel() NormLabel.SetDrawOption("NDC") NormLabel.SetX1NDC(topLeft_x_left) NormLabel.SetX2NDC(topLeft_x_right) NormLabel.SetBorderSize(0) NormLabel.SetFillColor(0) NormLabel.SetFillStyle(0) NormText = "" if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: NormText = "Scaled to unit area" elif arguments.normalizeToData: NormText = "MC scaled to data" NormLabel.SetLabel(NormText) YieldsLabel = TPaveText(0.39, 0.7, 0.59, 0.9, "NDC") YieldsLabel.SetBorderSize(0) YieldsLabel.SetFillColor(0) YieldsLabel.SetFillStyle(0) YieldsLabel.SetTextAlign(12) RatiosLabel = TPaveText() RatiosLabel.SetDrawOption("NDC") RatiosLabel.SetBorderSize(0) RatiosLabel.SetFillColor(0) RatiosLabel.SetFillStyle(0) RatiosLabel.SetTextAlign(32) Legend = TLegend() Legend.SetBorderSize(0) Legend.SetFillColor(0) Legend.SetFillStyle(0) fittingIntegral = 0 scaleFactor = 1 HistogramsToFit = [] TargetDataset = distribution['target_dataset'] FittingLegendEntries = [] DataLegendEntries = [] FittingHistogramDatasets = [] Stack_list = [] Stack_list.append(THStack("stack_before", distribution['name'])) Stack_list.append(THStack("stack_after", distribution['name'])) fileName = condor_dir + "/" + distribution['target_dataset'] + ".root" if not os.path.exists(fileName): return inputFile = TFile(fileName) if inputFile.IsZombie() or not inputFile.GetNkeys(): return Target = inputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + distribution['channel'] + "/" + distribution['name']).Clone() Target.SetDirectory(0) inputFile.Close() Target.SetMarkerStyle(20) Target.SetMarkerSize(0.8) Target.SetFillStyle(0) Target.SetLineColor(colors[TargetDataset]) Target.SetLineStyle(1) Target.SetLineWidth(2) targetIntegral = Target.Integral() if (arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and Target.Integral() > 0): Target.Scale(1. / Target.Integral()) if arguments.rebinFactor: RebinFactor = int(arguments.rebinFactor) #don't rebin histograms which will have less than 5 bins or any gen-matching histograms if Target.GetNbinsX() >= RebinFactor * 5 and Target.GetName().find( "GenMatch") is -1: Target.Rebin(RebinFactor) ### formatting target histogram and adding to legend legendIndex = 0 Legend.AddEntry(Target, labels[TargetDataset], "LEP") legendIndex = legendIndex + 1 if not outputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis"): outputFile.mkdir("OSUAnalysis") if not outputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + distribution['channel']): outputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis").mkdir(distribution['channel']) for sample in distribution[ 'datasets']: # loop over different samples requested to be fit dataset_file = "%s/%s.root" % (condor_dir, sample) inputFile = TFile(dataset_file) HistogramObj = inputFile.Get(pathToDir + "/" + distribution['channel'] + "/" + distribution['name']) if not HistogramObj: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram " + pathToDir + "/" + distribution[ 'channel'] + "/" + distribution[ 'name'] + " in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." continue Histogram = HistogramObj.Clone() Histogram.SetDirectory(0) inputFile.Close() if arguments.rebinFactor: RebinFactor = int(arguments.rebinFactor) #don't rebin histograms which will have less than 5 bins or any gen-matching histograms if Histogram.GetNbinsX() >= RebinFactor * 5 and Histogram.GetName( ).find("GenMatch") is -1: Histogram.Rebin(RebinFactor) xAxisLabel = Histogram.GetXaxis().GetTitle() unitBeginIndex = xAxisLabel.find("[") unitEndIndex = xAxisLabel.find("]") if unitBeginIndex is not -1 and unitEndIndex is not -1: #x axis has a unit yAxisLabel = "Entries / " + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth( 1)) + " " + xAxisLabel[unitBeginIndex + 1:unitEndIndex] else: yAxisLabel = "Entries per bin (" + str( Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " width)" if not arguments.makeFancy: histoTitle = Histogram.GetTitle() else: histoTitle = "" legLabel = labels[sample] if (arguments.printYields): yieldHist = Histogram.Integral() legLabel = legLabel + " (%.1f)" % yieldHist FittingLegendEntries.append(legLabel) if (types[sample] == "bgMC"): numFittingSamples += 1 fittingIntegral += Histogram.Integral() Histogram.SetLineStyle(1) if (arguments.noStack): Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[sample]) Histogram.SetLineWidth(2) else: Histogram.SetFillStyle(1001) Histogram.SetFillColor(colors[sample]) Histogram.SetLineColor(1) Histogram.SetLineWidth(1) elif (types[sample] == "signalMC"): numFittingSamples += 1 Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[sample]) Histogram.SetLineStyle(1) Histogram.SetLineWidth(2) if (arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and Histogram.Integral() > 0): Histogram.Scale(1. / Histogram.Integral()) HistogramsToFit.append(Histogram) FittingHistogramDatasets.append(sample) #scaling histograms as per user's specifications if targetIntegral > 0 and fittingIntegral > 0: scaleFactor = targetIntegral / fittingIntegral for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: if arguments.normalizeToData: fittingHist.Scale(scaleFactor) if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and not arguments.noStack and fittingIntegral > 0: fittingHist.Scale(1. / fittingIntegral) elif arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and arguments.noStack and fittingHist.Integral( ) > 0: fittingHist.Scale(1. / fittingHist.Integral()) def fitf(x, par): xBin = HistogramsToFit[0].FindBin(x[0]) value = 0.0 for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): value += par[i] * HistogramsToFit[i].GetBinContent(xBin) + par[ i + len(HistogramsToFit)] * HistogramsToFit[i].GetBinError(xBin) return value lowerLimit = Target.GetBinLowEdge(1) upperLimit = Target.GetBinLowEdge(Target.GetNbinsX()) + Target.GetBinWidth( Target.GetNbinsX()) if 'lowerLimit' in distribution: lowerLimit = distribution['lowerLimit'] if 'upperLimit' in distribution: upperLimit = distribution['upperLimit'] func = TF1("fit", fitf, lowerLimit, upperLimit, 2 * len(HistogramsToFit)) for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): if 'fixed_datasets' in distribution and distribution['datasets'][ i] in distribution['fixed_datasets']: func.FixParameter(i, 1.0) else: func.SetParameter(i, 1.0) # func.SetParLimits (i, 0.0, 1.0e2) # comment this out so we don't have to pre-normalize the QCD input sample func.SetParName(i, labels[FittingHistogramDatasets[i]]) shiftedScaleFactors = [] if arguments.parametricErrors: # loop over all input histograms and shift them +- 1 sigma for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): sfs = [] # -1 => -1 sigma, +1 => +1 sigma for j in [-1, 1]: # loop over the parameters holding the errors for each dataset, fixing all to 0 for k in range(len(HistogramsToFit), 2 * len(HistogramsToFit)): func.FixParameter(k, 0) # fix the error of the dataset of interest to +-1 func.FixParameter(i + len(HistogramsToFit), j) # perform new fit for k in range(0, distribution['iterations'] - 1): if j == -1: print "Scale down " + labels[FittingHistogramDatasets[ i]] + " iteration " + str(k + 1) + "..." if j == 1: print "Scale up " + labels[FittingHistogramDatasets[ i]] + " iteration " + str(k + 1) + "..." Target.Fit("fit", "QEMR0") Target.Fit("fit", "VEMR0") # save the new scale factors for each dataset for k in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): sfs.append(func.GetParameter(k)) shiftedScaleFactors.append(sfs) # reset the parameters with the errors of each dataset to 0 for i in range(len(HistogramsToFit), 2 * len(HistogramsToFit)): func.FixParameter(i, 0) # do the fit to get the central values for i in range(0, distribution['iterations'] - 1): print "Iteration " + str(i + 1) + "..." Target.Fit("fit", "QEMR0") Target.Fit("fit", "VEMR0") if arguments.parametricErrors: # make a list of the largest errors on each contribution by shifting any other contribution parErrors = [] # loop over all the datasets for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): centralValue = func.GetParameter(i) maxError = 0 # find the maximum deviation from the central value and save that for shiftedScaleFactor in shiftedScaleFactors[i]: currentError = abs(shiftedScaleFactor - centralValue) if currentError > maxError: maxError = currentError parErrors.append(maxError) finalMax = 0 if not arguments.noStack: for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: finalMax += fittingHist.GetMaximum() else: for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: if (fittingHist.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = fittingHist.GetMaximum() if (Target.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = Target.GetMaximum() Target.SetMaximum(1.1 * finalMax) Target.SetMinimum(0.0001) Canvas = TCanvas(distribution['name'] + "_FitFunction") Target.Draw() func.Draw("same")"OSUAnalysis/" + distribution['channel']) Canvas.Write() if arguments.savePDFs: if histogram == input_histograms[0]: Canvas.Print(pdfFileName + "(", "pdf") else: Canvas.Print(pdfFileName, "pdf") Target.SetStats(0) ### formatting bgMC histograms and adding to legend legendIndex = numFittingSamples - 1 for Histogram in reversed(HistogramsToFit): if (arguments.noStack): Legend.AddEntry(Histogram, FittingLegendEntries[legendIndex], "L") else: Legend.AddEntry(Histogram, FittingLegendEntries[legendIndex], "F") legendIndex = legendIndex - 1 ### Drawing histograms to canvas makeRatioPlots = arguments.makeRatioPlots makeDiffPlots = arguments.makeDiffPlots yAxisMin = 0.0001 if arguments.setYMin: yAxisMin = float(arguments.setYMin) ### Draw everything to the canvases !!!! for i in range(0, 2): # 0 => before, 1 => after integrals = [] ratios = [] errors = [] if i == 1: # loop over each dataset, saving it's yield and the errors on it for j in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): integrals.append(HistogramsToFit[j].Integral()) HistogramsToFit[j].Scale(func.GetParameter(j)) ratios.append(func.GetParameter(j)) errors.append(func.GetParError(j)) for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: if not arguments.noStack: Stack_list[i].Add(fittingHist) #creating the histogram to represent the statistical errors on the stack if not arguments.noStack: ErrorHisto = HistogramsToFit[0].Clone("errors") ErrorHisto.SetFillStyle(3001) ErrorHisto.SetFillColor(13) ErrorHisto.SetLineWidth(0) if i == 1: Legend.AddEntry(ErrorHisto, "Stat. Errors", "F") for Histogram in HistogramsToFit: if Histogram is not HistogramsToFit[0]: ErrorHisto.Add(Histogram) if i == 0: Canvas = TCanvas(distribution['name'] + "_Before") if i == 1: Canvas = TCanvas(distribution['name'] + "_After") if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Canvas.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas.Divide(1, 2) gPad.SetPad(0, 0.25, 1, 1) gPad.SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.01, 0.07) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() if arguments.setLogY: gPad.SetLogy() gPad.SetPad(0, 0, 1, 0.25) # format: gPad.SetMargin(l,r,b,t) gPad.SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.4, 0.01) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.SetGridy(1) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() ### finding the maximum value of anything going on the canvas, so we know how to set the y-axis finalMax = 0 if numFittingSamples is not 0 and not arguments.noStack: finalMax = ErrorHisto.GetMaximum() + ErrorHisto.GetBinError( ErrorHisto.GetMaximumBin()) else: for bgMCHist in HistogramsToFit: if (bgMCHist.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = bgMCHist.GetMaximum() if (Target.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = Target.GetMaximum() + Target.GetBinError( Target.GetMaximumBin()) finalMax = 1.15 * finalMax if arguments.setYMax: finalMax = float(arguments.setYMax) if not arguments.noStack: # draw stacked background samples Stack_list[i].SetTitle(histoTitle) Stack_list[i].Draw("HIST") Stack_list[i].GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Stack_list[i].GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisLabel) Stack_list[i].SetMaximum(finalMax) Stack_list[i].SetMinimum(yAxisMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Stack_list[i].GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) #draw shaded error bands ErrorHisto.Draw("A E2 SAME") else: #draw the unstacked backgrounds HistogramsToFit[0].SetTitle(histoTitle) HistogramsToFit[0].Draw("HIST") HistogramsToFit[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) HistogramsToFit[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisLabel) HistogramsToFit[0].SetMaximum(finalMax) HistogramsToFit[0].SetMinimum(yAxisMin) for bgMCHist in HistogramsToFit: bgMCHist.Draw("A HIST SAME") Target.Draw("A E X0 SAME") #legend coordinates, empirically determined :-) x_left = 0.6761745 x_right = 0.9328859 x_width = x_right - x_left y_max = 0.9 entry_height = 0.05 if (numFittingSamples is not 0): #then draw the data & bgMC legend numExtraEntries = 2 # count the target and (lack of) title Legend.SetX1NDC(x_left) numExtraEntries = numExtraEntries + 1 # count the stat. errors entry Legend.SetY1NDC(y_max - entry_height * (numExtraEntries + numFittingSamples)) Legend.SetX2NDC(x_right) Legend.SetY2NDC(y_max) Legend.Draw() RatiosLabel.SetX1NDC(x_left - 0.1) RatiosLabel.SetX2NDC(x_right) RatiosLabel.SetY2NDC(Legend.GetY1NDC() - 0.1) RatiosLabel.SetY1NDC(RatiosLabel.GetY2NDC() - entry_height * (numFittingSamples)) # Deciding which text labels to draw and drawing them drawLumiLabel = False drawNormLabel = False offsetNormLabel = False drawHeaderLabel = False if not arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: #don't draw the lumi label if there's no data and it's scaled to unit area drawLumiLabel = True # move the normalization label down before drawing if we drew the lumi. label offsetNormLabel = True if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea or arguments.normalizeToData: drawNormLabel = True if arguments.makeFancy: drawHeaderLabel = True drawLumiLabel = False # now that flags are set, draw the appropriate labels if drawLumiLabel: LumiLabel.Draw() if drawNormLabel: if offsetNormLabel: NormLabel.SetY1NDC(topLeft_y_bottom - topLeft_y_offset) NormLabel.SetY2NDC(topLeft_y_top - topLeft_y_offset) else: NormLabel.SetY1NDC(topLeft_y_bottom) NormLabel.SetY2NDC(topLeft_y_top) NormLabel.Draw() if drawHeaderLabel: HeaderLabel.Draw() YieldsLabel.Clear() mcYield = Stack_list[i].GetStack().Last().Integral() dataYield = Target.Integral() if i == 0: YieldsLabel.AddText("Before Fit to Data") if i == 1: YieldsLabel.AddText("After Fit to Data") YieldsLabel.AddText("data yield: " + '%.1f' % dataYield) YieldsLabel.AddText("bkgd yield: " + '%.1f' % mcYield) YieldsLabel.AddText("data/bkgd: " + '%.2f' % (dataYield / mcYield)) if i == 1: for j in range(0, len(FittingLegendEntries)): if abs(ratios[j] - 1) < 0.001 and abs( errors[j] ) < 0.001: #then it probably was held fixed continue if arguments.showFittedYields: yield_ = ratios[j] * integrals[j] yielderror_ = errors[j] * yield_ text = FittingLegendEntries[ j] + " yield: " + '%.0f' % yield_ + ' #pm %.0f' % yielderror_ else: text = FittingLegendEntries[ j] + " ratio: " + '%.2f' % ratios[ j] + ' #pm %.2f' % errors[j] text = text + " (fit)" if arguments.parametricErrors: yield_ = ratios[j] * integrals[j] yieldParError_ = parErrors[j] * yield_ if arguments.showFittedYields: text += ' #pm %.2f' % yieldParError_ else: text += ' #pm %.2f' % parErrors[j] text = text + " (sys)" RatiosLabel.AddText(text) YieldsLabel.Draw() RatiosLabel.Draw() # drawing the ratio or difference plot if requested if (makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots): BgSum = Stack_list[i].GetStack().Last() if makeRatioPlots: if arguments.ratioRelErrMax: Comparison = ratioHistogram(Target, BgSum, arguments.ratioRelErrMax) else: Comparison = ratioHistogram(Target, BgSum) elif makeDiffPlots: Comparison = Target.Clone("diff") Comparison.Add(BgSum, -1) Comparison.SetTitle("") Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data-Bkgd") Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Comparison.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.1) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) if makeRatioPlots: RatioYRange = 1.15 if arguments.ratioYRange: RatioYRange = float(arguments.ratioYRange) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1 * RatioYRange, RatioYRange) elif makeDiffPlots: YMax = Comparison.GetMaximum() YMin = Comparison.GetMinimum() if YMax <= 0 and YMin <= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2 * YMin, 0) elif YMax >= 0 and YMin >= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.2 * YMax) else: #axis crosses y=0 if abs(YMax) > abs(YMin): Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( -1.2 * YMax, 1.2 * YMax) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( -1.2 * YMin, 1.2 * YMin) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(205) Comparison.Draw("E0") if i == 0: Canvas.Write(distribution['name'] + "_Before") if arguments.savePDFs: pathToDirString = plainTextString(pathToDir) Canvas.SaveAs(condor_dir + "/fitting_histogram_pdfs/" + pathToDirString + "/" + distribution['name'] + "_Before.pdf") if i == 1: Canvas.Write(distribution['name'] + "_After") if arguments.savePDFs: pathToDirString = plainTextString(pathToDir) Canvas.SaveAs(condor_dir + "/fitting_histogram_pdfs/" + pathToDirString + "/" + distribution['name'] + "_After.pdf")
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, printStats=False, obs2="", ratioLabel=""): fileObs = open(obs, 'r') fileExp = open(exp, 'r') observedx = [] observedy = [] obsLimits = {} for entry in fileObs: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits: obsLimits[massPoint] = [] obsLimits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits): observedx.append(massPoint) observedy.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits[massPoint]), " from: ", obsLimits[massPoint] if not obs2 == "": fileObs2 = open(obs2, 'r') observedx2 = [] observedy2 = [] obsLimits2 = {} for entry in fileObs2: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits2: obsLimits2[massPoint] = [] obsLimits2[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits2) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits2): observedx2.append(massPoint) observedy2.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits2[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits2[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits2[massPoint] ), " from: ", obsLimits2[massPoint] limits = {} expectedx = [] expectedy = [] expected1SigLow = [] expected1SigHigh = [] expected2SigLow = [] expected2SigHigh = [] for entry in fileExp: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in limits: limits[massPoint] = [] limits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len limits:", len(limits) for massPoint in sorted(limits): limits[massPoint].sort() numLimits = len(limits[massPoint]) nrExpts = len(limits[massPoint]) medianNr = int(nrExpts * 0.5) #get indexes: upper1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.68) * 0.5)) lower1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.68) * 0.5) upper2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.95) * 0.5)) lower2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.95) * 0.5) if printStats: print massPoint, ":", limits[massPoint][lower2Sig], limits[ massPoint][lower1Sig], limits[massPoint][medianNr], limits[ massPoint][upper1Sig], limits[massPoint][upper2Sig] #fill lists: expectedx.append(massPoint) expectedy.append(limits[massPoint][medianNr]) expected1SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower1Sig]) expected1SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper1Sig]) expected2SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower2Sig]) expected2SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper2Sig]) expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) values2 = [] xPointsForValues2 = [] values = [] xPointsForValues = [] if printStats: print "length of expectedx: ", len(expectedx) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigLow: ", len(expected1SigLow) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigHigh: ", len(expected1SigHigh) #Here is some Voodoo via Sam: for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values2.append(expected2SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values2.append(expected2SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values2: ", len(values2) for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values.append(expected1SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values.append(expected1SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values: ", len(values) exp2Sig = numpy.array(values2) xPoints2 = numpy.array(xPointsForValues2) exp1Sig = numpy.array(values) xPoints = numpy.array(xPointsForValues) if printStats: print "xPoints2: ", xPoints2 if printStats: print "exp2Sig: ", exp2Sig if printStats: print "xPoints: ", xPoints if printStats: print "exp1Sig: ", exp1Sig GraphErr2Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints2, exp2Sig) GraphErr2Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow + 1) GraphErr1Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints, exp1Sig) GraphErr1Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 800, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if not obs2 == "": plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() else: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) GraphExp = TGraph(len(expX), expX, expY) GraphExp.SetLineWidth(3) GraphExp.SetLineStyle(2) GraphExp.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) obsX = numpy.array(observedx) obsY = numpy.array(observedy) if printStats: print "obsX: ", obsX if printStats: print "obsY: ", obsY if SMOOTH: smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs = smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs.SetLineWidth(3) if not obs2 == "": ratio = [] ratiox = [] for index, val in enumerate(observedy): mass = observedx[index] foundIndex = -1 for index2, mass2 in enumerate(observedx2): if mass == mass2: foundIndex = index2 if foundIndex > 0: ratio.append(observedy2[foundIndex] / val) ratiox.append(mass) ratioA = numpy.array(ratio) ratioX = numpy.array(ratiox) obsX2 = numpy.array(observedx2) obsY2 = numpy.array(observedy2) ratioGraph = TGraph(len(ratioX), ratioX, ratioA) if printStats: print "obsX2: ", obsX2 if printStats: print "obsY2: ", obsY2 if SMOOTH: smooth_obs2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs2_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2 = smooth_obs2.SmoothSuper(GraphObs2_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs2 = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2.SetLineWidth(3) smoother = TGraphSmooth("normal") smoother2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") zprimeX = [] zprimeY = [] fileZPrime = open('tools/xsec_SSM.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrime: entry = entries.split() zprimeX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimeY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpX = numpy.array(zprimeX) zpY = numpy.array(zprimeY) GraphZPrime = TGraph(481, zpX, zpY) GraphZPrimeSmooth = smoother2.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrime, "linear") GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen + 3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineStyle(2) zprimePsiX = [] zprimePsiY = [] fileZPrimePsi = open('tools/xsec_PSI.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrimePsi: entry = entries.split() zprimePsiX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimePsiY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpPsiX = numpy.array(zprimePsiX) zpPsiY = numpy.array(zprimePsiY) GraphZPrimePsi = TGraph(481, zpPsiX, zpPsiY) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth = smoother.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrimePsi, "linear") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 120, 4500) else: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 400, 4500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if chan == "mumu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X)" ) elif chan == "elel": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)" ) elif chan == "elmu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)" ) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(120, 4500) else: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(400, 4500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(4e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.Draw() if (FULL): GraphErr2Sig.Draw("F") GraphErr1Sig.Draw("F") GraphExp.Draw("lpsame") else: if obs2 == "": GraphExp.Draw("lp") GraphObs.Draw("plsame") if not obs2 == "": GraphObs2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) GraphObs2.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) GraphObs2.Draw("plsame") if not SPIN2: GraphZPrimeSmooth.Draw("lsame") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.Draw("lsame") cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #leg=TLegend(0.65,0.65,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg = TLegend(0.540517, 0.623051, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.032) if not obs2 == "": if ratioLabel == "": ratioLabel = "Variant/Default" ratioLabels = ratioLabel.split("/") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "% Observed 95% CL limit" % ratioLabel[1], "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs2, "%s Observed 95% CL limit" % ratioLabel[0], "l") else: leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "Observed 95% CL limit", "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphExp, "Expected 95% CL limit, median", "l") if (FULL): leg.AddEntry(GraphErr1Sig, "Expected 95% CL limit, 1 s.d.", "f") leg.AddEntry(GraphErr2Sig, "Expected 95% CL limit, 2 s.d.", "f") leg1 = TLegend(0.665517, 0.483051, 0.834885, 0.623051, "", "brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.032) if not SPIN2: leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimePsiSmooth, "Z'_{#Psi} (LOx1.3)", "l") leg1.AddEntry(GraphZPrimeSmooth, "Z'_{SSM} (LOx1.3)", "l") leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") leg1.SetLineWidth(0) leg1.SetLineStyle(0) leg1.SetLineColor(0) leg1.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plCMS = TPaveLabel(.12, .81, .22, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.12, .76, .25, .82, "Preliminary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) plPrelim.Draw() if not obs2 == "": line = ROOT.TLine(400, 1, 4500, 1) line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.12, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(0.35) ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(000, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(408, "Y") ratioPad.DrawFrame(400, 0.9, 4500, 1.1, "; ; %s" % ratioLabel) line.Draw("same") ratioGraph.Draw("sameP") cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
def MakeOneHist(varXaxis, varConst, xvalues, constval): if len(xvalues)<=1: return # Do not make plot if there is only 1 xvalue Legend = TLegend() Legend.SetBorderSize(0) Legend.SetFillColor(0) Legend.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas = TCanvas("sigEff_"+varConst+str(constval)+"_vs_"+varXaxis) Histograms = [] LegendEntries = [] colorIndex = 0 for source in input_sources: # loop over different input sources in config file # print "Debug: running over input_source from: ", source['condor_dir'], " for varXaxis=", varXaxis, ", varConst=", varConst # Create histogram of efficiencies with appropriate binning xAxisBins = array('d') xBinWidth = xvalues[1] - xvalues[0] for xval in xvalues: xAxisBins.append(xval - xBinWidth/2.0) xAxisBins.append(xvalues[-1] + xBinWidth/2.0) # add an extra bin boundary for the last bin. Histogram = TH1F("Histogram", ";x title;signal efficiency", len(xvalues), xAxisBins) Histogram.SetDirectory(0) # Now fill the histogram of efficiencies: for xval in xvalues: if varXaxis=="mass" and varConst=="lifetime": mass = xval lifetime = constval elif varXaxis=="lifetime" and varConst=="mass": lifetime = xval mass = constval else: print "Unrecognized value of varXaxis=", varXaxis return dataset_file = "condor/%s/%s.root" % (source['condor_dir'],dataset) dataset_file = dataset_file.replace("MASS", str(mass)) dataset_file = dataset_file.replace("LIFETIME", str(lifetime)) inputFile = TFile(dataset_file) HistCutflow = inputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + source['channel'] + "CutFlow") if not HistCutflow: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram OSUAnalysis/" + source['channel'] + "CutFlow in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." return # calculate efficiency nbinsCutflow = HistCutflow.GetNbinsX() if arguments.xsecFile: xsec = float(signal_cross_sections[str(mass)]['value']) denom = xsec * intLumi else: denom = HistCutflow.GetBinContent(1) # denominator is the first entry in the cutflow histogram eff = HistCutflow.GetBinContent(nbinsCutflow) / denom effErr = HistCutflow.GetBinError (nbinsCutflow) / denom ibin = Histogram.FindBin(xval) Histogram.SetBinContent(ibin, eff) Histogram.SetBinError (ibin, effErr) print "Setting bin content for varConst = ", varConst, " = ", constval, " in ibin=", ibin, ", xval=", xval, ", eff=", eff, " +- ", effErr, ", fractional error =", effErr/eff, " numerator = ", HistCutflow.GetBinContent(nbinsCutflow), " denom = ", denom, " from file: ", dataset_file inputFile.Close() if varXaxis=="mass": xAxisLabel = "chargino mass [GeV]" elif varXaxis=="lifetime": xAxisLabel = "chargino c#tau [cm]" else: print "Unrecognized value of varXaxis=", varXaxis return yAxisLabel = "efficiency" if 'color' in source: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[source['color']]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[source['color']]) else: Histogram.SetMarkerColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[colorList[colorIndex]]) colorIndex = colorIndex + 1 if colorIndex is len(colorList): colorIndex = 0 markerStyle = 20 if 'marker' in source: markerStyle = markers[source['marker']] if 'fill' in source: markerStyle = markerStyle + fills[source['fill']] Histogram.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) Histogram.SetMarkerSize(1) # Histogram.SetLineWidth(line_width) Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) LegendEntries.append(source['legend_entry']) Histograms.append(Histogram) # Finish loop over input_sources # formatting histograms and adding to legend legendIndex = 0 for histogram in Histograms: # print "Adding entry to legend: ", LegendEntries[legendIndex] # Legend.AddEntry(histogram,LegendEntries[legendIndex],"LEP") Legend.AddEntry(histogram,LegendEntries[legendIndex],"P") legendIndex = legendIndex+1 # finding the maximum value of anything going on the canvas, so we know how to set the y-axis finalMax = 0 for histogram in Histograms: # currentMax = histogram.GetMaximum() + histogram.GetBinError(histogram.GetMaximumBin()) currentMax = histogram.GetMaximum() if(currentMax > finalMax): finalMax = currentMax finalMax = 1.5*finalMax if finalMax is 0: finalMax = 1 ## if arguments.setYMax: ## finalMax = float(arguments.setYMax) # Drawing histograms to canvas makeRatioPlots = arguments.makeRatioPlots makeDiffPlots = arguments.makeDiffPlots yAxisMin = 0.0 ## if arguments.setYMin: ## yAxisMin = float(arguments.setYMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Canvas.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas.Divide(1,2) gPad.SetPad(0,0.25,1,1) gPad.SetMargin(0.15,0.05,0.01,0.07) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() ## if arguments.setLogY: ## gPad.SetLogy() gPad.SetPad(0,0,1,0.25) #format: gPad.SetMargin(l,r,b,t) gPad.SetMargin(0.15,0.05,0.4,0.01) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.SetGridy(1) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() histCounter = 0 plotting_options = "pe, x0" # x0 suppresses the error bar along x ## if arguments.plot_hist: ## plotting_options = "HIST" for histogram in Histograms: # histogram.SetTitle(histoTitle) histogram.Draw(plotting_options) histogram.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) histogram.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisLabel) if histogram.InheritsFrom("TH1"): histogram.SetMaximum(finalMax) histogram.SetMinimum(yAxisMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: histogram.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) if histCounter is 0: if histogram.InheritsFrom("TH1"): plotting_options = plotting_options + " SAME" elif histogram.InheritsFrom("TGraph"): plotting_options = "P" histCounter = histCounter + 1 x_left = 0.15 x_right = 0.55 y_min = 0.6 y_max = 0.8 Legend.SetX1NDC(x_left) Legend.SetY1NDC(y_min) Legend.SetX2NDC(x_right) Legend.SetY2NDC(y_max) Legend.Draw() customText = "chargino " + varConst + " " + str(constval) if varConst == "mass": customText += " GeV" elif varConst == "lifetime": customText += " cm" customText = customText.replace("lifetime", "c#tau") CustomLabel = TPaveLabel(x_left, 0.8, x_right, 0.9, customText, "NDC") CustomLabel.SetBorderSize(0) CustomLabel.SetFillColor(0) CustomLabel.SetFillStyle(0) CustomLabel.Draw() #drawing the ratio or difference plot if requested if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: if makeRatioPlots: # Comparison = ratioHistogram(Histograms[0],Histograms[1], 1000) Comparison = Histograms[0].Clone() Comparison.Divide(Histograms[1]) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio") elif makeDiffPlots: Comparison = Histograms[0].Clone("diff") Comparison.Add(Histograms[1],-1) Comparison.SetTitle("") Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitle("hist1-hist2") Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Comparison.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.1) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) if makeRatioPlots: # RatioYRange = 1.15 if arguments.ratioYRange: RatioYRange = float(arguments.ratioYRange) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.7, 1.3) elif makeDiffPlots: YMax = Comparison.GetMaximum() YMin = Comparison.GetMinimum() if YMax <= 0 and YMin <= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMin,0) elif YMax >= 0 and YMin >= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.2*YMax) else: #axis crosses y=0 if abs(YMax) > abs(YMin): Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMax,1.2*YMax) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2*YMin,1.2*YMin) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(205) # Comparison.Draw("E0") Comparison.Draw("PE, X0") # X0 suppresses error bar in x direction Canvas.Write() if arguments.savePDFs: Canvas.SaveAs("efficiency_histograms_pdfs/"+histogramName+".pdf")
def plot(MillePedeUser, alignables, mode, struct, parentPlot, config): logger = logging.getLogger("mpsvalidate") # skip empty number = 0 for i in range(3): if (parentPlot.histo[i].GetEntries() == 0): number += 1 if (number == 3): return # number of bins to start numberOfBins = 10000 ###################################################################### # initialize data hierarchy # plots[subStrucut] # plots = [] # initialize histograms for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): plots.append(PlotData(mode)) # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] for i in range(3): if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo.append( TH1F( "{0} {1} {2}".format( struct.get_name() + " " + subStruct.get_name(),[i], mode), "Parameter {0}".format([i]), numberOfBins, -1000, 1000)) else: plot.histo.append( TH1F( "{0} {1} {2}".format( struct.get_name() + " " + subStruct.get_name(),[i], mode), "Parameter {0}".format([i]), numberOfBins, -0.1, 0.1)) plot.histo[i].SetXTitle(plot.unit) plot.histo[i].SetLineColor(6) plot.histo[i].SetStats(0) # add labels plot.title = TPaveLabel( 0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9, "Module: {0} {1}".format(struct.get_name(), mode)) plot.text = TPaveText(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) plot.text.SetTextAlign(12) plot.text.SetTextSizePixels(20) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # fill histogram # for line in MillePedeUser: # is module ? if (line.ObjId == 1): for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] # module in struct ? if (subStruct.contains_detid(line.Id)): for i in range(3): if (abs(line.Par[[i]]) != 999999): # transform xyz data from cm to #mu m if (mode == "xyz"): plot.histo[i].Fill(10000 * line.Par[[i]]) else: plot.histo[i].Fill(line.Par[[i]]) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # find the best range # for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] for i in range(3): if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() != 0 and plot.histo[i].GetStdDev() != 0): # use binShift of the hole structure binShift = parentPlot.usedRange[i] # count entries which are not shown anymore # bin 1 to begin of histogram for j in range(1, numberOfBins / 2 - binShift): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # from the end of shown bins to the end of histogram for j in range(numberOfBins / 2 + binShift, plot.histo[i].GetNbinsX()): plot.hiddenEntries[i] += plot.histo[i].GetBinContent(j) # merge bins, ca. 100 should be visible in the resulting plot mergeNumberBins = binShift # skip empty histogram if (mergeNumberBins != 0): # the 2*maxBinShift bins should shrink to 100 bins mergeNumberBins = int(2. * mergeNumberBins / config.numberofbins) # the total number of bins should be dividable by the bins # shrinked together if (mergeNumberBins == 0): mergeNumberBins = 1 while (numberOfBins % mergeNumberBins != 0 and mergeNumberBins != 1): mergeNumberBins -= 1 # Rebin and save new created histogram and axis plot.histo[i] = plot.histo[i].Rebin(mergeNumberBins) # set view range. it is important to note that the number of bins have changed with the rebinning # the total number and the number of shift must be # corrected with / mergeNumberBins plot.histo[i].GetXaxis().SetRange( int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) - binShift / mergeNumberBins), int(numberOfBins / (2 * mergeNumberBins) + binShift / mergeNumberBins)) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot ###################################################################### # make the plots # canvas = TCanvas("SubStruct_{0}_{1}".format(struct.get_name(), mode), "Parameter", 300, 0, 800, 600) canvas.Divide(2, 2) parentPlot.title.Draw() legend = TLegend(0.05, 0.1, 0.95, 0.75) for i in range(3): + 2) # find y maximum maximum = [] if (parentPlot.histo[i].GetEntries() == 0): continue # normalize parent parentPlot.histo[i].Scale(1. / parentPlot.histo[i].Integral()) maximum.append(parentPlot.histo[i].GetMaximum()) for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber] if (plot.histo[i].GetEntries() > 0): plot.histo[i].Scale(1. / plot.histo[i].Integral()) maximum.append(plot.histo[i].GetMaximum()) # save copy plots[subStructNumber] = plot # set range and plot parentPlot.histo[i].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 1.1 * max(maximum)) parentPlot.histo[i].Draw() for subStructNumber, subStruct in enumerate(struct.get_children()): # use a copy for shorter name plot = plots[subStructNumber].histo[i] plot.SetLineColorAlpha(subStructNumber + 2, 0.5) plot.Draw("same") if (i == 0): legend.AddEntry(plot, subStruct.get_name(), "l") legend.Draw() # draw identification ident = identification(config) ident.Draw() canvas.Update() # save as pdf canvas.Print("{0}/plots/pdf/subModules_{1}_{2}.pdf".format( config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # export as png image = TImage.Create() image.FromPad(canvas) image.WriteImage("{0}/plots/png/subModules_{1}_{2}.png".format( config.outputPath, mode, struct.get_name())) # add to output list output = OutputData(plottype="subMod", name=struct.get_name(), number=subStructNumber + 1, parameter=mode, filename="subModules_{0}_{1}".format( mode, struct.get_name())) config.outputList.append(output)
def getAvgHist(infile): global outRootFile inputFile = TFile(infile, "READ") canOrig = inputFile.Get(arguments.canName).Clone() can = inputFile.Get(arguments.canName).Clone() if not can: print "Could not find TCanvas " + can + " in " + inputFile isFirstHist = True for obj in can.GetListOfPrimitives(): if arguments.verbose: print "Reading: ", obj.GetName() if obj.InheritsFrom("TH1"): if isFirstHist: isFirstHist = False havg = obj.Clone() hwts = obj.Clone() havg.SetDirectory(0) havg.Reset() hwts.Reset() # Define average efficiency as weighted arithmetic mean: # (See # <eff> = (1/N) * Sum_i (eff_i / sigma_i^2) # <err> = sqrt(1/N) # weight_i = 1 / sigma_i^2 # normalization: N = Sum_i (1 / sigma_i^2) for i in range(1,obj.GetNbinsX()+1): eff = obj.GetBinContent(i) err = obj.GetBinError(i) if arguments.verbose: print "Debug: bin ", i, ": eff=", eff, ", err=", err # If error is 0, then reset to be very large value, so that it does not contribute much to the sum if err == 0: err = 9.E9 hwts.SetBinContent(i, hwts.GetBinContent(i) + 1.0 / math.pow(err,2)) havg.SetBinContent(i, havg.GetBinContent(i) + eff / math.pow(err,2)) havg.SetBinError (i, havg.GetBinError (i) + err / math.pow(err,2)) if arguments.verbose: print "Found TH1: ", obj.GetName() print "yield: ", obj.GetBinContent(2), " +- ", obj.GetBinError(2) # After looping over all hists, calculate average for i in range(1,havg.GetNbinsX()+1): havg.SetBinContent(i, havg.GetBinContent(i) / hwts.GetBinContent(i)) havg.SetBinError (i, math.sqrt( 1.0 / hwts.GetBinContent(i))) if arguments.verbose: print "Bin ", i, ": range: (", havg.GetBinLowEdge(i), ", ", havg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1), "): value=", havg.GetBinContent(i), ", error=", havg.GetBinError(i) canOrig.SetName(canOrig.GetName() + "_orig") canOrig.Write() can.Clear("D") canNew = TCanvas("canNew", "canNew", can.GetWw(), can.GetWh()) canNew.SetBottomMargin(can.GetBottomMargin()) canNew.SetLeftMargin (can.GetLeftMargin()) havg.SetMaximum(1.1) if arguments.canName == "totalMcparticleStatus3SusyIdPt": havg.GetXaxis().SetTitle(havg.GetXaxis().GetTitle().replace("#sum", "")) if arguments.canName == "stopDecayVxyZoom": # print "Debug: setting max to 0.8" havg.SetMaximum(0.8) havg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) havg.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) havg.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(509) havg.Draw("P, E") #LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(0.7063758,0.8321678,0.9765101,0.9318182,"CMS","NDC") #LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(0.1641611,0.80,0.4463087,0.90,"CMS","NDC") LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(0.1858108,0.7904412,0.5084459,0.8897059,"CMS","NDC") LumiLabel.SetTextFont(62) LumiLabel.SetTextAlign(12) LumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) LumiLabel.SetFillColor(0) LumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) LumiLabel.Draw() #HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(0.03187919, 0.9440559, 0.9110738, 0.9947552,"19.5 fb^{-1} (8 TeV)","NDC") # from HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(0.02702703,0.9117647,0.9070946,0.9632353,"19.5 fb^{-1} (8 TeV)","NDC") # from HeaderLabel.SetTextAlign(32) HeaderLabel.SetBorderSize(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillColor(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillStyle(0) HeaderLabel.SetTextFont(42); HeaderLabel.Draw() outputPdf = arguments.outfile[:arguments.outfile.rfind("/")] # outputPdf += "/" + canNew.GetName() + ".pdf" outputPdf += "/" + havg.GetName() + "_avgEff.pdf" canNew.SaveAs(outputPdf) canNew.Write() print "Saving pdf: ", outputPdf inputFile.Close() return havg
from ROOT import TArrow, TLine from ROOT import gROOT, gBenchmark #gROOT.Reset() c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'Tree Data Structure', 200, 10, 750, 940) c1.Range(0, -0.1, 1, 1.15) gBenchmark.Start('tree') branchcolor = 26 leafcolor = 30 basketcolor = 42 offsetcolor = 43 #title = TPaveLabel(.3,1.05,.8,1.13,c1.GetTitle()) title = TPaveLabel(.3, 1.05, .8, 1.13, 'Tree Data Structure') title.SetFillColor(16) title.Draw() tree = TPaveText(.01, .75, .15, 1.00) tree.SetFillColor(18) tree.SetTextAlign(12) tnt = tree.AddText('Tree') tnt.SetTextAlign(22) tnt.SetTextSize(0.030) tree.AddText('fScanField') tree.AddText('fMaxEventLoop') tree.AddText('fMaxVirtualSize') tree.AddText('fEntries') tree.AddText('fDimension') tree.AddText('fSelectedRows') tree.Draw()
def showRMSAOH(sector, aoh, gain, wait=True, filename=None): gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0) sector.aoh[aoh].biasGraphs = [] sector.aoh[aoh].rmsGraphs = [] sector.aoh[aoh].slopeGraphs = [] if sector.aoh[aoh].group.find('L12') != -1: sector.ccu.send("channel 0x11").readlines() elif sector.aoh[aoh].group.find('L3') != -1: sector.ccu.send("channel 0x13").readlines() cmd = sector.aoh[aoh].name + " setall %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i" % ( gain, gain, gain, gain, 0, 0, 0, 0) sector.ccu.send(cmd).readlines() #for ch in range(1,5): # print ch # sector.aoh[aoh].writegain(ch,gain) data = sector.aoh[aoh].getBiasRMSCurves() if filename is None: filename = getFilename("" % (, aoh)) c1 = TCanvas('c1', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M"), 200, 10, 800, 800) sector.aoh[aoh].pl = TPaveLabel(0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.95, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%m %H:%M")) sector.aoh[aoh].pl.Draw() c1.Divide(2, 3) for ch in range(1, 5): title = "POHBias_POH" + str(aoh) + ":" + str( ch) + " " + + " fed channel " + str( sector.aoh[aoh].fedchannels[ch]) f = TH2D('h' + title, title, 2, 0, 80, 2, 0, 1024) hList.append(f) f.GetXaxis().SetTitle("poh bias") #f.GetYaxis().SetTitle("FED ADC") f.Draw() color = 1 biasGraph = graph([(t[0], t[1]) for t in data[ch]], color=1, name="bias_" + str(aoh) + ":" + str(ch)) rmsGraph = graph([(t[0], t[2] * 10.) for t in data[ch]], color=2, name="rms_" + str(aoh) + ":" + str(ch)) slopeGraph = graph([(t[0], t[3] * 10.) for t in data[ch]], color=3, name="slope_" + str(aoh) + ":" + str(ch)) sector.aoh[aoh].biasGraphs.append(biasGraph) sector.aoh[aoh].rmsGraphs.append(rmsGraph) sector.aoh[aoh].slopeGraphs.append(slopeGraph) biasGraph.Write() rmsGraph.Write() slopeGraph.Write() c1.Update() c1.Print(filename) gCanvases.append(c1) if wait: raw_input("hit return to continue")
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, printStats=False, obs2="", ratioLabel=""): #fileForHEPData = TFile("plots/"+output+"_forHEPData.root","RECREATE") fileObs = open(obs, 'r') fileExp = open(exp, 'r') observedx = [] observedy = [] obsLimits = {} for entry in fileObs: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits: obsLimits[massPoint] = [] obsLimits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits): observedx.append(massPoint) observedy.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits[massPoint]), " from: ", obsLimits[massPoint] if not obs2 == "": fileObs2 = open(obs2, 'r') observedx2 = [] observedy2 = [] obsLimits2 = {} for entry in fileObs2: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in obsLimits2: obsLimits2[massPoint] = [] obsLimits2[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits2) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits2): observedx2.append(massPoint) observedy2.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits2[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits2[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits2[massPoint] ), " from: ", obsLimits2[massPoint] limits = {} expectedx = [] expectedy = [] expected1SigLow = [] expected1SigHigh = [] expected2SigLow = [] expected2SigHigh = [] for entry in fileExp: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) if massPoint not in limits: limits[massPoint] = [] limits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len limits:", len(limits) for massPoint in sorted(limits): limits[massPoint].sort() numLimits = len(limits[massPoint]) nrExpts = len(limits[massPoint]) medianNr = int(nrExpts * 0.5) #get indexes: upper1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.68) * 0.5)) lower1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.68) * 0.5) upper2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.95) * 0.5)) lower2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.95) * 0.5) if printStats: print massPoint, ":", limits[massPoint][lower2Sig], limits[ massPoint][lower1Sig], limits[massPoint][medianNr], limits[ massPoint][upper1Sig], limits[massPoint][upper2Sig] #fill lists: expectedx.append(massPoint) print massPoint, limits[massPoint][medianNr] expectedy.append(limits[massPoint][medianNr]) expected1SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower1Sig]) expected1SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper1Sig]) expected2SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower2Sig]) expected2SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper2Sig]) expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) values2 = [] xPointsForValues2 = [] values = [] xPointsForValues = [] xPointsForErrors = [] if printStats: print "length of expectedx: ", len(expectedx) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigLow: ", len(expected1SigLow) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigHigh: ", len(expected1SigHigh) #Here is some Voodoo via Sam: for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values2.append(expected2SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) xPointsForErrors.append(0) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values2.append(expected2SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values2: ", len(values2) for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values.append(expected1SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values.append(expected1SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values: ", len(values) exp2Sig = numpy.array(values2) xPoints2 = numpy.array(xPointsForValues2) exp1Sig = numpy.array(values) xPoints = numpy.array(xPointsForValues) xPointsErrors = numpy.array(xPointsForErrors) if printStats: print "xPoints2: ", xPoints2 if printStats: print "exp2Sig: ", exp2Sig if printStats: print "xPoints: ", xPoints if printStats: print "exp1Sig: ", exp1Sig GraphErr2SigForHEPData = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(expX), expX, expY, numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(expected2SigLow), numpy.array(expected2SigHigh)) GraphErr1SigForHEPData = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(expX), expX, expY, numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(xPointsErrors), numpy.array(expected1SigLow), numpy.array(expected1SigHigh)) GraphErr2Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints2, exp2Sig) GraphErr2Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kOrange) GraphErr1Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints, exp1Sig) GraphErr1Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen + 1) #cCL=TCanvas("cCL", "cCL",0,0,567,384) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 600, 450) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.063) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.14) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.12) if not obs2 == "": plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() else: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) GraphExp = TGraph(len(expX), expX, expY) GraphExp.SetLineWidth(3) GraphExp.SetLineStyle(2) GraphExp.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) obsX = numpy.array(observedx) obsY = numpy.array(observedy) if printStats: print "obsX: ", obsX if printStats: print "obsY: ", obsY if SMOOTH: smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs = smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs.SetLineWidth(3) if not obs2 == "": ratio = [] ratiox = [] for index, val in enumerate(observedy): mass = observedx[index] foundIndex = -1 for index2, mass2 in enumerate(observedx2): if mass == mass2: foundIndex = index2 if foundIndex > 0: ratio.append(observedy2[foundIndex] / val) ratiox.append(mass) ratioA = numpy.array(ratio) ratioX = numpy.array(ratiox) obsX2 = numpy.array(observedx2) obsY2 = numpy.array(observedy2) ratioGraph = TGraph(len(ratioX), ratioX, ratioA) if printStats: print "obsX2: ", obsX2 if printStats: print "obsY2: ", obsY2 if SMOOTH: smooth_obs2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs2_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2 = smooth_obs2.SmoothSuper(GraphObs2_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs2 = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2.SetLineWidth(3) if SPIN2: signals = ["RS_kMpl01", "RS_kMpl005", "RS_kMpl001"] elif GUT: signals = ["ssm", "psi", "kai", "eta", "I", "S", "N"] else: signals = ["ssm", "psi"] xSecCurves = [] for signal in signals: xSecCurves.append(getXSecCurve(signal, kFacs[signal])) #xSecCurves.append(getXSecCurve(signal,kFacs[signal],massDependent=True)) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 200, 5500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if SPIN2: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] G_{KK} / [#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z" ) else: DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "[#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z' / [#sigma#upoint#font[12]{B}] Z") # if SPIN2: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowG_{KK}+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") # else: # if chan=="mumu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu^{+}#mu^{-}+X)") # elif chan=="elel": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)") # elif chan=="elmu": # DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)") gStyle.SetOptStat(0) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200, 5500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(1e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) DummyGraph.Draw() if (FULL): GraphErr2Sig.Draw("F") GraphErr1Sig.Draw("F") GraphExp.Draw("lpsame") else: if obs2 == "": GraphExp.Draw("lp") if not EXPONLY: GraphObs.Draw("plsame") if not obs2 == "": GraphObs2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) GraphObs2.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) GraphObs2.Draw("plsame") for curve in xSecCurves: curve.Draw("lsame") plCMS = TPaveLabel(.16, .81, .27, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetFillStyle(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.16, .76, .27, .82, "Preliminary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetFillStyle(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) if "2017" in output or "Combination" in output: plPrelim.Draw() cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #leg=TLegend(0.65,0.65,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") #leg=TLegend(0.540517,0.623051,0.834885,0.878644,"","brNDC") Default leg = TLegend(0.5, 0.58, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") if SPIN2: leg = TLegend(0.5, 0.58, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.0425) if not obs2 == "": if ratioLabel == "": ratioLabel = "Variant/Default" ratioLabels = ratioLabel.split("/") print ratioLabels leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "%s Obs. 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[1], "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs2, "%s Obs. 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[0], "l") else: if not EXPONLY: leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "Obs. 95% CL limit", "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphExp, "Exp. 95% CL limit, median", "l") if (FULL): leg.AddEntry(GraphErr1Sig, "Exp. (68%)", "f") leg.AddEntry(GraphErr2Sig, "Exp. (95%)", "f") leg1 = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.9, 0.55, "", "brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.05) if GUT: leg1 = TLegend(0.6, 0.35, 0.75, 0.623051, "", "brNDC") if SPIN2: leg1 = TLegend(0.7, 0.35, 0.9, 0.58, "G_{KK} (LO x 1.6)", "brNDC") leg1.SetTextSize(0.045) for index, signal in enumerate(signals): xSecCurves[index].SetName(labels[signal]) xSecCurves[index].Write(labels[signal]) leg1.AddEntry(xSecCurves[index], labels[signal], "l") leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") leg1.SetLineWidth(0) leg1.SetLineStyle(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetLineColor(0) leg1.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .27, .885, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") elif "2017" in output or "Combination" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "42.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .885, .9, .99, "41.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .27, .885, .9, .99, "77.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 78.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu^{+}#mu^{-})", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plotPad.SetTicks(1, 1) plotPad.RedrawAxis() if not obs2 == "": line = ROOT.TLine(200, 1, 5500, 1) line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.12, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(0.35) ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(000, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(408, "Y") ratioPad.DrawFrame(200, 0.8, 5500, 1.2, "; ; %s" % ratioLabel) line.Draw("same") ratioGraph.Draw("sameP") #GraphErr2SigForHEPData.SetName("graph2Sig") #GraphErr2SigForHEPData.Write("graph2Sig") #GraphErr1SigForHEPData.SetName("graph1Sig") #GraphErr1SigForHEPData.Write("graph1Sig") #GraphExp.SetName("graphExp") #GraphExp.Write("graphExp") #GraphObs.SetName("graphObs") #GraphObs.Write("graphObs") #fileForHEPData.Write() #fileForHEPData.Close() cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, printStats=False): obsLimits = {} for obsFile in obs: if 'width' in obsFile: width = obsFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' obsLimits[width] = createObsGraph(obsFile) if SMOOTH: for width, obsGraph in obsLimits.iteritems(): smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = obsGraph obsLimits[width] = copy.deepcopy( smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005)) obsLimits[width].SetLineWidth(3) expLimits = {} for expFile in exp: if 'width' in expFile: width = expFile.split('width')[-1].split('_')[0] else: width = '0.006' expLimits[width] = createExpGraph(expFile) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 800, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() smoother = TGraphSmooth("normal") smoother2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") zprimeX = [] zprimeY = [] fileZPrime = open('tools/xsec_ssm.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrime: entry = entries.split() zprimeX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimeY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpX = numpy.array(zprimeX) zpY = numpy.array(zprimeY) GraphZPrime = TGraph(481, zpX, zpY) GraphZPrimeSmooth = smoother2.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrime, "linear") GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen + 3) GraphZPrimeSmooth.SetLineStyle(2) zprimePsiX = [] zprimePsiY = [] fileZPrimePsi = open('tools/xsec_psi.txt', 'r') for entries in fileZPrimePsi: entry = entries.split() zprimePsiX.append(float(entry[0])) zprimePsiY.append(float(entry[1]) * 1.3 / 1928) zpPsiX = numpy.array(zprimePsiX) zpPsiY = numpy.array(zprimePsiY) GraphZPrimePsi = TGraph(481, zpPsiX, zpPsiY) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth = smoother.SmoothSuper(GraphZPrimePsi, "linear") GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineWidth(3) GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 200, 5500) else: DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 400, 4500) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M [GeV]") if chan == "mumu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#mu#mu+X)" ) elif chan == "elel": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrowee+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrowee+X)" ) elif chan == "elmu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma(pp#rightarrowZ'+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X) / #sigma(pp#rightarrowZ+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}+X)" ) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if "Moriond" in output: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(200, 5500) else: DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(400, 4500) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(1e-8) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(4e-4) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.Draw() plCMS = TPaveLabel(.12, .81, .22, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.12, .76, .25, .82, "Preliminary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) plPrelim.Draw() leg = TLegend(0.430517, 0.623051, 0.734885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.032) colors = { '01': ROOT.kBlue, '03': ROOT.kRed, '05': ROOT.kGreen + 3, '10': ROOT.kOrange } for width in sorted(obsLimits): obsGraph = obsLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): obsGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) obsGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(obsGraph, "Observed 95% CL limit width 0.6%", "l") else: leg.AddEntry(obsGraph, "Observed 95%% CL limit width %d%%" % int(width), "l") for width in sorted(expLimits): expGraph = expLimits[width] if colors.has_key(width): expGraph.SetLineColor(colors[width]) expGraph.Draw("lsame") if width == '0.006': leg.AddEntry(expGraph, "Expected 95% CL limit width 0.6%, median", "l") else: leg.AddEntry( expGraph, "Expected 95%% CL limit width %d%%, median" % (int(width)), "l") # if not SPIN2: # GraphZPrimeSmooth.Draw("lsame") # GraphZPrimePsiSmooth.Draw("lsame") cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)
# # A function (any dimension) or a formula may reference # an already defined formula # form1 = TFormula( 'form1', 'abs(sin(x)/x)' ) sqroot = TF1( 'sqroot', 'x*gaus(0) + [3]*form1', 0, 10 ) sqroot.SetParameters( 10, 4, 1, 20 ) pad1.SetGridx() pad1.SetGridy() pad1.GetFrame().SetFillColor( 42 ) pad1.GetFrame().SetBorderMode( -1 ) pad1.GetFrame().SetBorderSize( 5 ) sqroot.SetLineColor( 4 ) sqroot.SetLineWidth( 6 ) sqroot.Draw() lfunction = TPaveLabel( 5, 39, 9.8, 46, 'The sqroot function' ) lfunction.SetFillColor( 41 ) lfunction.Draw() c1.Update() # # Create a one dimensional histogram (one float per bin) # and fill it following the distribution in function sqroot. #; pad2.GetFrame().SetFillColor( 42 ) pad2.GetFrame().SetBorderMode( -1 ) pad2.GetFrame().SetBorderSize( 5 ) h1f = TH1F( 'h1f', 'Test random numbers', 200, 0, 10 ) h1f.SetFillColor( 45 ) h1f.FillRandom( 'sqroot', 10000 )
def makeLimitPlot(output, obs, exp, chan, interference, printStats=False, obs2="", ratioLabel=""): fileObs = open(obs, 'r') fileExp = open(exp, 'r') observedx = [] observedy = [] obsLimits = {} xSecs = getFittedXSecCurve("CI_%s" % interference, 1.3) for entry in fileObs: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) * xSecs.Eval( int(float(entry.split()[0]))) if massPoint not in obsLimits: obsLimits[massPoint] = [] obsLimits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits): observedx.append(massPoint) observedy.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits[massPoint]), " from: ", obsLimits[massPoint] if not obs2 == "": fileObs2 = open(obs2, 'r') observedx2 = [] observedy2 = [] obsLimits2 = {} for entry in fileObs2: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) * xSecs.Eval( int(float(entry.split()[0]))) if massPoint not in obsLimits2: obsLimits2[massPoint] = [] obsLimits2[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len obsLimits:", len(obsLimits2) for massPoint in sorted(obsLimits2): observedx2.append(massPoint) observedy2.append(numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint])) if (numpy.std(obsLimits2[massPoint]) / numpy.mean(obsLimits2[massPoint]) > 0.05): print massPoint, " mean: ", numpy.mean( obsLimits2[massPoint]), " std dev: ", numpy.std( obsLimits2[massPoint] ), " from: ", obsLimits2[massPoint] limits = {} expectedx = [] expectedy = [] expected1SigLow = [] expected1SigHigh = [] expected2SigLow = [] expected2SigHigh = [] for entry in fileExp: massPoint = float(entry.split()[0]) limitEntry = float(entry.split()[1]) * xSecs.Eval( int(float(entry.split()[0]))) if massPoint not in limits: limits[massPoint] = [] limits[massPoint].append(limitEntry) if printStats: print "len limits:", len(limits) for massPoint in sorted(limits): limits[massPoint].sort() numLimits = len(limits[massPoint]) nrExpts = len(limits[massPoint]) medianNr = int(nrExpts * 0.5) #get indexes: upper1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.68) * 0.5)) lower1Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.68) * 0.5) upper2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - (1 - 0.95) * 0.5)) lower2Sig = int(nrExpts * (1 - 0.95) * 0.5) if printStats: print massPoint, ":", limits[massPoint][lower2Sig], limits[ massPoint][lower1Sig], limits[massPoint][medianNr], limits[ massPoint][upper1Sig], limits[massPoint][upper2Sig] #fill lists: expectedx.append(massPoint) print massPoint, limits[massPoint][medianNr] expectedy.append(limits[massPoint][medianNr]) expected1SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower1Sig]) expected1SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper1Sig]) expected2SigLow.append(limits[massPoint][lower2Sig]) expected2SigHigh.append(limits[massPoint][upper2Sig]) expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) values2 = [] xPointsForValues2 = [] values = [] xPointsForValues = [] if printStats: print "length of expectedx: ", len(expectedx) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigLow: ", len(expected1SigLow) if printStats: print "length of expected1SigHigh: ", len(expected1SigHigh) #Here is some Voodoo via Sam: for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values2.append(expected2SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values2.append(expected2SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues2.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values2: ", len(values2) for x in range(0, len(expectedx)): values.append(expected1SigLow[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) for x in range(len(expectedx) - 1, 0 - 1, -1): values.append(expected1SigHigh[x]) xPointsForValues.append(expectedx[x]) if printStats: print "length of values: ", len(values) exp2Sig = numpy.array(values2) xPoints2 = numpy.array(xPointsForValues2) exp1Sig = numpy.array(values) xPoints = numpy.array(xPointsForValues) if printStats: print "xPoints2: ", xPoints2 if printStats: print "exp2Sig: ", exp2Sig if printStats: print "xPoints: ", xPoints if printStats: print "exp1Sig: ", exp1Sig GraphErr2Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints2, exp2Sig) GraphErr2Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kOrange) GraphErr1Sig = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xPoints), xPoints, exp1Sig) GraphErr1Sig.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen + 1) cCL = TCanvas("cCL", "cCL", 0, 0, 800, 500) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if not obs2 == "": plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) ratioPad = ROOT.TPad("ratioPad", "ratioPad", 0, 0., 1, 0.3) plotPad.Draw() ratioPad.Draw() else: plotPad = ROOT.TPad("plotPad", "plotPad", 0, 0, 1, 1) plotPad.Draw() expX = numpy.array(expectedx) expY = numpy.array(expectedy) GraphExp = TGraph(len(expX), expX, expY) GraphExp.SetLineWidth(3) GraphExp.SetLineStyle(2) GraphExp.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) obsX = numpy.array(observedx) obsY = numpy.array(observedy) if printStats: print "obsX: ", obsX if printStats: print "obsY: ", obsY if SMOOTH: smooth_obs = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs = smooth_obs.SmoothSuper(GraphObs_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs = TGraph(len(obsX), obsX, obsY) GraphObs.SetLineWidth(3) if not obs2 == "": ratio = [] ratiox = [] for index, val in enumerate(observedy): mass = observedx[index] foundIndex = -1 for index2, mass2 in enumerate(observedx2): if mass == mass2: foundIndex = index2 if foundIndex > 0: ratio.append(observedy2[foundIndex] / val) ratiox.append(mass) ratioA = numpy.array(ratio) ratioX = numpy.array(ratiox) obsX2 = numpy.array(observedx2) obsY2 = numpy.array(observedy2) ratioGraph = TGraph(len(ratioX), ratioX, ratioA) if printStats: print "obsX2: ", obsX2 if printStats: print "obsY2: ", obsY2 if SMOOTH: smooth_obs2 = TGraphSmooth("normal") GraphObs2_nonSmooth = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2 = smooth_obs2.SmoothSuper(GraphObs2_nonSmooth, "linear", 0, 0.005) else: GraphObs2 = TGraph(len(obsX2), obsX2, obsY2) GraphObs2.SetLineWidth(3) xSecCurves = [] xSecCurves.append(getFittedXSecCurve("CI_%s" % interference, 1.3)) #Draw the graphs: plotPad.SetLogy() DummyGraph = TH1F("DummyGraph", "", 100, 10, 46) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#Lambda [TeV]") if chan == "mumu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "95% CL limit on #sigma(pp#rightarrow CI+X#rightarrow#mu#mu +X) [pb]" ) elif chan == "elel": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "95% CL limit on #sigma(pp#rightarrow CI+X#rightarrowee +X) [pb]") elif chan == "elmu": DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "95% CL limit on #sigma(pp#rightarrow CI+X#rightarrow#font[12]{ll}) [pb]" ) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(10, 46) DummyGraph.SetMinimum(5e-4) DummyGraph.SetMaximum(1) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) DummyGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) DummyGraph.Draw() if (FULL): GraphErr2Sig.Draw("F") GraphErr1Sig.Draw("F") GraphExp.Draw("lpsame") else: if obs2 == "": GraphExp.Draw("lp") if not EXPONLY: GraphObs.Draw("plsame") if not obs2 == "": GraphObs2.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) GraphObs2.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) GraphObs2.Draw("plsame") for curve in xSecCurves: print curve.Eval(28) #curve.Draw() curve.Draw("sameR") plCMS = TPaveLabel(.15, .81, .25, .88, "CMS", "NBNDC") #plCMS.SetTextSize(0.8) plCMS.SetTextAlign(12) plCMS.SetTextFont(62) plCMS.SetFillColor(0) plCMS.SetFillStyle(0) plCMS.SetBorderSize(0) plCMS.Draw() plPrelim = TPaveLabel(.15, .76, .275, .82, "Supplementary", "NBNDC") plPrelim.SetTextSize(0.6) plPrelim.SetTextAlign(12) plPrelim.SetTextFont(52) plPrelim.SetFillColor(0) plPrelim.SetFillStyle(0) plPrelim.SetBorderSize(0) #plPrelim.Draw() cCL.SetTickx(1) cCL.SetTicky(1) cCL.RedrawAxis() cCL.Update() #leg=TLegend(0.65,0.65,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg = TLegend(0.440517, 0.523051, 0.834885, 0.878644, "", "brNDC") # leg=TLegend(0.55,0.55,0.87,0.87,"","brNDC") leg.SetTextSize(0.032) if not obs2 == "": if ratioLabel == "": ratioLabel = "Variant/Default" ratioLabels = ratioLabel.split("/") print ratioLabels leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "%s Observed 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[1], "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphObs2, "%s Observed 95%% CL limit" % ratioLabels[0], "l") else: if not EXPONLY: leg.AddEntry(GraphObs, "Obs. 95% CL limit", "l") leg.AddEntry(GraphExp, "Exp. 95% CL limit, median", "l") if (FULL): leg.AddEntry(GraphErr1Sig, "Exp. (68%)", "f") leg.AddEntry(GraphErr2Sig, "Exp. (95%)", "f") leg.AddEntry(xSecCurves[0], labels[interference], "l") leg.SetLineWidth(0) leg.SetLineStyle(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.Draw("hist") if "Moriond" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "35.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 36.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif "2017" in output: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "42.1 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 42.1 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") else: if (chan == "mumu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elel"): plLumi = TPaveLabel(.65, .905, .9, .99, "2.7 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee)", "NBNDC") elif (chan == "elmu"): plLumi = TPaveLabel( .4, .905, .9, .99, "12.4 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, ee) + 13.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV, #mu#mu)", "NBNDC") plLumi.SetTextSize(0.5) plLumi.SetTextFont(42) plLumi.SetFillColor(0) plLumi.SetBorderSize(0) plLumi.Draw() plotPad.RedrawAxis() if not obs2 == "": line = ROOT.TLine(200, 1, 5500, 1) line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.12, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(0.35) ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(000, "Y") ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(408, "Y") ratioPad.DrawFrame(200, 0.8, 5500, 1.2, "; ; %s" % ratioLabel) line.Draw("same") ratioGraph.Draw("sameP") cCL.Update() printPlots(cCL, output)