Beispiel #1
class RasterShape(object):
    Provide a object to make it more convenient to deal with a raster and a

    rds : RasterDS or string or QGIS raster layer
        If `rds` is a RasterDS, then yay. If not, try to make a RasterDS out of
        whatever `rds` is. RasterDS can take a filepath to a GDAL compatible
        raster (like a GeoTiff) or a QGIS raster layer.
    shp : GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame or string (filepath to a shapefile)
        If `shp` is a GeoDataFrame, that will be used. Otherwise `shp` will be
        assumed to be a filepath string and will be handed to
    gdf_query : string or None
        A string for the pandas query method:
        Where a single geometry is used in a method: If `None` is passed, the
        first geometry in the GeoDataFrame will be used. If a query is passed,
        the first geometry in the query results will be used.
    def __init__(self, rds, shp, gdf_query=None):
        if type(rds).__name__ == 'RasterDS':
            self.rds = rds
            self.rds = RasterDS(rds)

        if type(shp).__name__ == 'GeoDataFrame':
            self.gdf = shp
            self.gdf = gpd.read_file(shp)

    def geometry_subset(self, gdf_query=None, all_touched=False):
        if gdf_query == None:
            geom = self.gdf.ix[0].geometry
            geom = gdf.query(gdf_query).ix[0].geometry

        return self.rds.geometry_subset(geom, all_touched=all_touched)
Beispiel #2
class RasterShape(object):
    Provide a object to make it more convenient to deal with a raster and a

    rds : RasterDS or string or QGIS raster layer
        If `rds` is a RasterDS, then yay. If not, try to make a RasterDS out of
        whatever `rds` is. RasterDS can take a filepath to a GDAL compatible
        raster (like a GeoTiff) or a QGIS raster layer.
    shp : GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame or string (filepath to a shapefile)
        If `shp` is a GeoDataFrame, that will be used. Otherwise `shp` will be
        assumed to be a filepath string and will be handed to
    gdf_query : string or None
        A string for the pandas query method:
        Where a single geometry is used in a method: If `None` is passed, the
        first geometry in the GeoDataFrame will be used. If a query is passed,
        the first geometry in the query results will be used.
    def __init__(self, rds, shp, gdf_query=None):
        if type(rds).__name__ == 'RasterDS':
            self.rds = rds
            self.rds = RasterDS(rds)

        if type(shp).__name__ == 'GeoDataFrame':
            self.gdf = shp
            self.gdf = gpd.read_file(shp)

    def geometry_subset(self, gdf_query=None, all_touched=False):
        if gdf_query == None:
            geom = self.gdf.ix[0].geometry
            geom = gdf.query(gdf_query).ix[0].geometry

        return self.rds.geometry_subset(geom, all_touched=all_touched)
Beispiel #3
class RasterShape(object):
    Provide a object to make it more convenient to deal with a raster and a

    rds : RasterDS or string or QGIS raster layer
        If `rds` is a RasterDS, then yay. If not, try to make a RasterDS out of
        whatever `rds` is. RasterDS can take a filepath to a GDAL compatible
        raster (like a GeoTiff) or a QGIS raster layer.
    shp : GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame or string (filepath to a shapefile)
        If `shp` is a GeoDataFrame, that will be used. Otherwise `shp` will be
        assumed to be a filepath string and will be handed to
    gdf_query : string or None
        A string for the pandas query method:
        Where a single geometry is used in a method: If `None` is passed, the
        first geometry in the GeoDataFrame will be used. If a query is passed,
        the first geometry in the query results will be used.
    def __init__(self, rds, shp, gdf_query=None):
        if type(rds).__name__ == 'RasterDS':
            self.rds = rds
            self.rds = RasterDS(rds)

        if type(shp).__name__ == 'GeoDataFrame':
            self.gdf = shp
            self.gdf = gpd.read_file(shp)

    def geometry_subset(self, gdf_query=None, all_touched=False):
        if gdf_query == None:
            geom = self.gdf.ix[0].geometry
            geom = gdf.query(gdf_query).ix[0].geometry

        return self.rds.geometry_subset(geom, all_touched=all_touched)

    def rmse(self, rast_col='Raster Value', point_col='Point Value'):
        df = self.gdf
        df[rast_col] = self.point_sample()
        errs = (df[point_col] - df[rast_col])
        return np.sqrt(np.square(errs).sum() / float(errs.count()))

    def rsquared(self, rast_col='Raster Value', point_col='Point Value'):
        df = self.gdf
        df[rast_col] = self.point_sample()
        return df[[rast_col,point_col]].corr().ix[0,1]**2

    def point_sample(self):
        If `self.shp` is a point shapefile, sample `self.rds` at each point and
        return a `geopandas.GeoSeries` of the results.
        gser = self.gdf.geometry.apply(lambda p: self.rds.value_at_point(p))
        gser[gser==self.rds.band_array.fill_value] = np.nan
        return gser

    def seaborn_jointplot(self, rast_col='Raster Value', point_col='Point Value'):
        import seaborn as sns
        df = self.gdf
        df[rast_col] = self.point_sample()
        def r2(x,y):
            return stats.pearsonr(x,y)[0] ** 2
        fig = sns.jointplot(rast_col, point_col, data=df, kind='reg',
        return fig

    def hexbin_plot(self, rast_col='Raster Value', point_col='Point Value'):
        df = self.gdf
        df[rast_col] = self.point_sample()
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
        mapa = ax.hexbin(df[point_col],df[rast_col],mincnt=1,bins=None,gridsize=500,\
        dmin = df[point_col].min()
        dmax = df[point_col].max()
        ax.set_title(r"RMSE: {:.2f}, $R^2$: {:.2f}".format(self.rmse(rast_col,point_col),\
        return fig
class ParameterEstimator(RasterShape):
    An object to simplify the process of estimating some apparent optical
    properties (AOPs). Most importantly, the diffuse attenuation coefficient (K).
    I need to add more documentation.
    def __init__(self, img_rds, depth_rds, sand_shp, gdf_query=None,
                 depth_range=None, surface_refraction=False,
        self.surf_reflectance = surface_reflectance
        self.surf_refraction = surface_refraction
        self.depth_range = depth_range
        if type(img_rds).__name__ == 'RasterDS':
            self.img_rds = img_rds
            self.img_rds = RasterDS(img_rds)

        if type(depth_rds).__name__ == 'RasterDS':
            self.depth_rds = depth_rds
            self.depth_rds = RasterDS(depth_rds)

        if type(sand_shp).__name__ == 'GeoDataFrame':
            self.gdf = sand_shp
            self.gdf = gpd.read_file(sand_shp)

        self.gdf_query = gdf_query
        # self.full_image_array = self.img_rds.band_array


    def copy(self, gdf_query="unchanged", depth_range="unchanged",
             surface_refraction="unchanged", surface_reflectance="unchanged"):
        if gdf_query is "unchanged":
            gdf_query = self.gdf_query
        if depth_range is "unchanged":
            depth_range = self.depth_range
        if surface_refraction is "unchanged":
            surface_refraction = self.surf_refraction
        if surface_reflectance is "unchanged":
            surface_reflectance = self.surf_reflectance
        return ParameterEstimator(self.img_rds, self.depth_rds, self.gdf,
                                  gdf_query, depth_range, surface_refraction,

    def _unequal_image_subset(self):
        The image array masked outside of the geometry. The mask on this array
        may not match the mask on the depth array.
        # print "Image Shape: {}".format(self.img_rds.geometry_subset(self.geometry).shape)
        return self.img_rds.geometry_subset(self.geometry)

    def _unequal_depth_subset(self):
        The depth array masked outside of the geometry. The mask on this array
        may not match the mask on the image array.
        darr = self.depth_rds.geometry_subset(self.geometry).squeeze()
        if type(self.depth_range).__name__ != 'NoneType':
            darr =, *self.depth_range)
        # print "Depth Shape: {}".format(darr.shape)
        return darr

    def set_depth_range(self, depth_range):
        self.depth_range = depth_range

    def _set_arrays(self):
        imarr, darr = equalize_array_masks(self._unequal_image_subset, self._unequal_depth_subset)
        fullim = self.img_rds.band_array
        if self.surf_refraction:
            imarr = surface_refraction_correction(imarr)
            fullim = surface_refraction_correction(fullim)
        if self.surf_reflectance:
            acceptable = ['ndarray','list','tuple']
            if type(self.surf_reflectance).__name__ in acceptable:
                imarr = surface_reflectance_correction(imarr, self.surf_reflectance)
                fullim = surface_reflectance_correction(fullim, self.surf_reflectance)
            elif self.surf_reflectance == True:
                imarr = surface_reflectance_correction(imarr)
                fullim = surface_reflectance_correction(fullim)
                raise TypeError("If self.surf_reflectance doesn't evaluate to \
                            False, then it should be an ndarray, a list, or a \
        self.image_subset_array = imarr
        self.full_image_array = fullim
        self.depth_subset_array = darr.squeeze()
        return True

    def same_resolution(self, print_res=False):
        Check if the gdal geotransforms match for the rasters. If they match,
        the resolutions are the same.
        gt1 = np.array(self.img_rds.gdal_ds.GetGeoTransform())[[1,5]]
        gt2 = np.array(self.depth_rds.gdal_ds.GetGeoTransform())[[1,5]]
        if print_res:
            print gt1, gt2
        return np.allclose(gt1, gt2)

    def geometry(self):
        Return a single geometry from `self.gdf` (the GeoDataFrame representation
        of `sand_shp`). If `gdf_query` has not been set, the geometry returned
        will just be the first geometry in `sand_shp`. If `gdf_query` has been
        set, the returned geometry will be the first one returned by that query.

            A geometry shapely ( geometry

        if self.gdf_query == None:
            geom = self.gdf.ix[0].geometry
            geom = self.gdf.query(self.gdf_query).iloc[0].geometry
        return geom

    def deep_water_means(self, p=10, win_size=3, win_percentage=50):
        This is really the darkest pixel means base on brightness. In some cases
        this may select shallow water over a dark bottom rather than selecting
        deep water. If you're using this for the Lyzenga log transformation, you
        probably don't want that. For more information see the docstrings in
        `OpticalRS.Lyzenga2006`. You can use `dark_pixel_array` to figure out
        which pixels are actually being selected.
        dpa = dark_pixel_array(self.full_image_array, p=p, win_size=win_size,
        deep_water_means = dpa.reshape(-1,dpa.shape[-1]).mean(0)

    def dark_percentile(self, p=1):
        This is a simpler alternative (of sorts) to `deep_water_means`. Rather
        than using a version of Lyzenga's criteria to select the pixels, this
        method just chooses gives the `p`th percetile of each band. This method
        assumes that land has been masked from the image (shadows on land can be
        darker than water and that could throw off the returns).

        If you subtract these values from the image bands and curve fit, you'll
        get `Rinf` values close to zero. This is like having the deep water as
        completely black. The left over signal might approximate just what's
        reflected from the bottom. ...or not. This is just something I messed
        around with a bit.
        # I had problems trying to subtract these values as type float64 from
        # a float32 image so I'm casting them to float32 here.
        return band_percentiles(self.full_image_array, p=p).astype(np.float32)

    def linear_parameters(self, deep_water_means=None, geometric_factor=2.0):
        if type(deep_water_means).__name__ == 'NoneType':
            dwm = self.deep_water_means()
            dwm = deep_water_means
        X = - dwm)
        # X, Xdepth = equalize_array_masks(X, self.depth_subset_array)
        Xdepth = self.depth_subset_array
        params = regressions(Xdepth, X)
        Kg_arr = -1 * params[0]
        n_pix = X.reshape(-1,X.shape[-1]).count(0)
        nbands = np.atleast_3d(X).shape[-1]
        pardf = pd.DataFrame(Kg_arr, columns=["Kg"],
        pardf['K'] = pardf.Kg / geometric_factor
        pardf['nPix'] = n_pix
        return pardf

    def linear_fit_plot(self, deep_water_means=None, visible_only=True):
        if type(deep_water_means).__name__ == 'NoneType':
            dwm = self.deep_water_means()
            dwm = deep_water_means
        X = - dwm)
        Xdepth = self.depth_subset_array
        fig = regression_plot(Xdepth, X, visible_only=visible_only)
        return fig
        # return X, Xdepth

    def curve_fit_parameters(self, geometric_factor=2.0):
        paramdf = param_df(self.depth_subset_array, self.image_subset_array,
        return paramdf

    def curve_fit_plots(self, params=None, plot_params=True,
                        ylabel='Reflectance', visible_only=True):
        return albedo_parameter_plots(self.image_subset_array,
                                        self.depth_subset_array, params=params,
                                        plot_params=plot_params, ylabel=ylabel,

    def K_comparison_plot(self, paramdf, columns='K',
                       figure_title="$K$ Estimates vs. $K$ Values from Jerlov"):
        return jerlov_Kd_plot(paramdf, columns, figure_title)
Beispiel #5
class ParameterEstimator(RasterShape):
    An object to simplify the process of estimating some apparent optical
    properties (AOPs). Most importantly, the diffuse attenuation coefficient (K).
    I need to add more documentation.
    def __init__(self, img_rds, depth_rds, sand_shp, gdf_query=None,
                 depth_range=None, surface_refraction=False,
        self.surf_reflectance = surface_reflectance
        self.surf_refraction = surface_refraction
        self.depth_range = depth_range
        if type(img_rds).__name__ == 'RasterDS':
            self.img_rds = img_rds
            self.img_rds = RasterDS(img_rds)

        if type(depth_rds).__name__ == 'RasterDS':
            self.depth_rds = depth_rds
            self.depth_rds = RasterDS(depth_rds)

        if type(sand_shp).__name__ == 'GeoDataFrame':
            self.gdf = sand_shp
            self.gdf = gpd.read_file(sand_shp)

        self.gdf_query = gdf_query
        # self.full_image_array = self.img_rds.band_array


    def copy(self, gdf_query="unchanged", depth_range="unchanged",
             surface_refraction="unchanged", surface_reflectance="unchanged"):
        if gdf_query is "unchanged":
            gdf_query = self.gdf_query
        if depth_range is "unchanged":
            depth_range = self.depth_range
        if surface_refraction is "unchanged":
            surface_refraction = self.surf_refraction
        if surface_reflectance is "unchanged":
            surface_reflectance = self.surf_reflectance
        return ParameterEstimator(self.img_rds, self.depth_rds, self.gdf,
                                  gdf_query, depth_range, surface_refraction,

    def _unequal_image_subset(self):
        The image array masked outside of the geometry. The mask on this array
        may not match the mask on the depth array.
        # print "Image Shape: {}".format(self.img_rds.geometry_subset(self.geometry).shape)
        return self.img_rds.geometry_subset(self.geometry)

    def _unequal_depth_subset(self):
        The depth array masked outside of the geometry. The mask on this array
        may not match the mask on the image array.
        darr = self.depth_rds.geometry_subset(self.geometry).squeeze()
        if type(self.depth_range).__name__ != 'NoneType':
            darr =, *self.depth_range)
        # print "Depth Shape: {}".format(darr.shape)
        return darr

    def set_depth_range(self, depth_range):
        self.depth_range = depth_range

    def _set_arrays(self):
        imarr, darr = equalize_array_masks(self._unequal_image_subset, self._unequal_depth_subset)
        fullim = self.img_rds.band_array
        if self.surf_refraction:
            imarr = surface_refraction_correction(imarr)
            fullim = surface_refraction_correction(fullim)
        if self.surf_reflectance:
            acceptable = ['ndarray','list','tuple']
            if type(self.surf_reflectance).__name__ in acceptable:
                imarr = surface_reflectance_correction(imarr, self.surf_reflectance)
                fullim = surface_reflectance_correction(fullim, self.surf_reflectance)
            elif self.surf_reflectance == True:
                imarr = surface_reflectance_correction(imarr)
                fullim = surface_reflectance_correction(fullim)
                raise TypeError("If self.surf_reflectance doesn't evaluate to \
                            False, then it should be an ndarray, a list, or a \
        self.image_subset_array = imarr
        self.full_image_array = fullim
        self.depth_subset_array = darr.squeeze()
        return True

    def same_resolution(self, print_res=False):
        Check if the gdal geotransforms match for the rasters. If they match,
        the resolutions are the same.
        gt1 = np.array(self.img_rds.gdal_ds.GetGeoTransform())[[1,5]]
        gt2 = np.array(self.depth_rds.gdal_ds.GetGeoTransform())[[1,5]]
        if print_res:
            print gt1, gt2
        return np.allclose(gt1, gt2)

    def geometry(self):
        Return a single geometry from `self.gdf` (the GeoDataFrame representation
        of `sand_shp`). If `gdf_query` has not been set, the geometry returned
        will just be the first geometry in `sand_shp`. If `gdf_query` has been
        set, the returned geometry will be the first one returned by that query.

            A geometry shapely ( geometry

        if self.gdf_query == None:
            geom = self.gdf.ix[0].geometry
            geom = gdf.query(self.gdf_query).ix[0].geometry
        return geom

    def deep_water_means(self, p=10, win_size=3, win_percentage=50):
        This is really the darkest pixel means base on brightness. In some cases
        this may select shallow water over a dark bottom rather than selecting
        deep water. If you're using this for the Lyzenga log transformation, you
        probably don't want that. For more information see the docstrings in
        `OpticalRS.Lyzenga2006`. You can use `dark_pixel_array` to figure out
        which pixels are actually being selected.
        dpa = dark_pixel_array(self.full_image_array, p=p, win_size=win_size,
        deep_water_means = dpa.reshape(-1,dpa.shape[-1]).mean(0)

    def dark_percentile(self, p=1):
        This is a simpler alternative (of sorts) to `deep_water_means`. Rather
        than using a version of Lyzenga's criteria to select the pixels, this
        method just chooses gives the `p`th percetile of each band. This method
        assumes that land has been masked from the image (shadows on land can be
        darker than water and that could throw off the returns).

        If you subtract these values from the image bands and curve fit, you'll
        get `Rinf` values close to zero. This is like having the deep water as
        completely black. The left over signal might approximate just what's
        reflected from the bottom. ...or not. This is just something I messed
        around with a bit.
        # I had problems trying to subtract these values as type float64 from
        # a float32 image so I'm casting them to float32 here.
        return band_percentiles(self.full_image_array, p=p).astype(np.float32)

    def linear_parameters(self, deep_water_means=None, geometric_factor=2.0):
        if type(deep_water_means).__name__ == 'NoneType':
            dwm = self.deep_water_means()
            dwm = deep_water_means
        X = - dwm)
        # X, Xdepth = equalize_array_masks(X, self.depth_subset_array)
        Xdepth = self.depth_subset_array
        params = regressions(Xdepth, X)
        Kg_arr = -1 * params[0]
        n_pix = X.reshape(-1,X.shape[-1]).count(0)
        nbands = np.atleast_3d(X).shape[-1]
        pardf = pd.DataFrame(Kg_arr, columns=["Kg"],
        pardf['K'] = pardf.Kg / geometric_factor
        pardf['nPix'] = n_pix
        return pardf

    def linear_fit_plot(self, deep_water_means=None, visible_only=True):
        if type(deep_water_means).__name__ == 'NoneType':
            dwm = self.deep_water_means()
            dwm = deep_water_means
        X = - dwm)
        Xdepth = self.depth_subset_array
        fig = regression_plot(Xdepth, X, visible_only=visible_only)
        return fig
        # return X, Xdepth

    def curve_fit_parameters(self, geometric_factor=2.0):
        paramdf = param_df(self.depth_subset_array, self.image_subset_array,
        return paramdf

    def curve_fit_plots(self, params=None, plot_params=True,
                        ylabel='Reflectance', visible_only=True):
        return albedo_parameter_plots(self.image_subset_array,
                                        self.depth_subset_array, params=params,
                                        plot_params=plot_params, ylabel=ylabel,

    def K_comparison_plot(self, paramdf, columns='K',
                       figure_title="$K$ Estimates vs. $K$ Values from Jerlov"):
        return jerlov_Kd_plot(paramdf, columns, figure_title)