Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, galaxy1, galaxy2, snap, IncludeCompanion=False):
        # initialize with:
        # galaxy1, string that contains the name of the galaxy USED TO FIND THE CENTER OF MASS i.e. "MW"
        #galaxy2, string that contains name of other galaxy
        # snap, integer that gives the snapshot number, corresponding to time
        # IncludeCompanion, to develop a mass profile that includes the mass of both galaxies

        self.IncludeCompanion = IncludeCompanion
        # use galaxy and snap to reconstruct string name
        ilbl1 = '000' + str(snap)
        # remove all but three last digits
        ilbl1 = ilbl1[-3:]
        self.filename1 = "./HighRes/%s_" % (galaxy1) + ilbl1 + '.txt'
        #print (self.filename) #troubleshooting
        # usual file reading
        self.time1, self.total1, self.data1 = Read(self.filename1)
        self.gname1 = galaxy1
        # pull data values. no need to distinguish by particle type (yet)
        self.m1 = self.data1['m']
        self.x1 = self.data1['x']
        self.y1 = self.data1['y']
        self.z1 = self.data1['z']
        self.R1 = np.sqrt(self.x1**2 + self.y1**2 + self.z1**2)
        self.vx1 = self.data1['vx']
        self.vy1 = self.data1['vy']
        self.vz1 = self.data1['vz']
        self.V1 = np.sqrt(self.vx1**2 + self.vy1**2 + self.vz1**2)
        #print self.z #troubleshoot

        self.diskindex = np.where(self.data1['type'] == 2)

        # repeat above with second galaxy
        # use galaxy and snap to reconstruct string name
        ilbl2 = '000' + str(snap)
        # remove all but three last digits
        ilbl2 = ilbl2[-3:]
        self.filename2 = "./HighRes/%s_" % (galaxy2) + ilbl2 + '.txt'
        #print (self.filename) #troubleshooting
        # usual file reading
        self.time2, self.total2, self.data2 = Read(self.filename2)
        self.gname2 = galaxy2

        if (self.IncludeCompanion is True):
            # only do  this part if you actually need it
            # pull data values. no need to distinguish by particle type (yet)
            self.m2 = self.data2['m']
            self.x2 = self.data2['x']
            self.y2 = self.data2['y']
            self.z2 = self.data2['z']
            self.R2 = np.sqrt(self.x2**2 + self.y2**2 + self.z2**2)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):
            galaxy = string containing abbreviated galaxy name
            examples are MW, M31,M33
            snap = snap number defining the timestep
        # reconstruct data filename from args
        # add a string of the filenumber to the value "000"
        snapstring = '000' + str(snap)
        # remove all but the last 3 digits
        snapstring = snapstring[-3:]
        self.filename = "%s_" % (galaxy) + snapstring + ".txt"

        # read in data
        time, total, data = Read(self.filename)
        # save and give x, y, z appropriate units
        self.x = data['x'] * u.kpc
        self.y = data['y'] * u.kpc
        self.z = data['z'] * u.kpc

        # save mass (in 1e10 Msun, but no astropy units)
        self.m = data['m']

        # save particle types
        self.type = data['type']

        # save galaxy name
        self.gname = galaxy
Beispiel #3
def ComponentMass(filename, parttype):
    # Inputs:
    #    filename is the name of the galaxy from which the data will be read
    #    parttype is the particle type to get the masses of
    #    halo is type 1, disk is type 2, bulge is type 3
    # Returns:
    #    total mass of particles of given type in 10^12 solar masses

    # Need to read file and assign outputs of Read function
    # time is time in 10 Myr, number is total number of particles, data is data array
    # data array has particle masses, which will be of interest here
    time, number, data = Read(filename)

    # set up an index which specifies all of the particles of the given type in data array
    index = (np.where(data['type'] == parttype))

    # define 'mass' as an array which will be extended in a for loop with all particle masses
    # by iterating the loop over every value in 'index'
    mass = []
    for i in index:

    # 'mass' should now be a list of all particle masses of a given type. Now will sum all
    # of these masses and return the total mass, dividing by 100 gets mass in units of
    # x 10^12 solar masses, as the masses in the data array are in units of 10^10 solar
    # masses. np.around rounds the answer to 3 decimal places

    return np.around(sum(mass) / 100., 3) * u.solMass
Beispiel #4
def ComponentMass(filename, particle_type):

    time, total, data =  Read(filename)
    index = np.where(data['type'] == particle_type) #select only particle type
    m_tot = np.sum(data['m'][index]) * 1e10 * u.Msun #sum all masses of particle type, put into units of solar mass

    return np.around(m_tot, 3) #round to 3 decimal places
def ParticleInfo(filename, ptype, pnum):  # defining function
    time, number, data = Read(
    )  # assigns variables to output of Read function, will only use 'data' in this function
    index = np.where(
        data['type'] == ptype
    )  # creates index array based on particle type specified so that first and last entries correspond to the position of the first
    # and last particles of that type in the file
    m = data['m'][index[0][pnum - 1]] * (
    ) * u.solMass  # gets mass of specified particle. '[0]' is needed to specify row of index matrix '[pnum-1]' shifts the index so that
    # the number inputted actually corresponds to that number particle in the list. gives mass units of 10^10 solar masses
    x = data['x'][index[0][
        pnum -
        1]]  # getting position and velocity components for particle in the same way mass was retrieved.
    y = data['y'][index[0][pnum - 1]]
    z = data['z'][index[0][pnum - 1]]
    vx = data['vx'][index[0][pnum - 1]]
    vy = data['vy'][index[0][pnum - 1]]
    vz = data['vz'][index[0][pnum - 1]]
    r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 +
             z**2) * u.kpc  # gets magnitude of position, assigns units of kpc
    v = sqrt(
        vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2
    ) * / u.s  # gets magnitude of velocity, assigns units of km/s
    rround = np.around(r, 3)  # rounds position magnitude to 3 decimal places
    vround = np.around(v, 3)  # rounds velocity magnitude to 3 decimal places
    msci = "{:e}".format(
        m)  # makes it so mass is displayed in scientific notation
    return rround, vround, msci  # gives rounded position magnitude, rounded velocity magnitude, and particle mass as outputs
def ParticleInfo(filename, particle_type, particle_num):
    #read in the text file
    time, part_total, data = Read(filename)
    #make an index to only select the particle type we want
    index = np.where(data['type'] == particle_type)
    #make new arrays only with the data from the desired particle type
    xnew = data['x'][index]
    ynew = data['y'][index]
    znew = data['z'][index]

    vxnew = data['vx'][index]
    vynew = data['vy'][index]
    vznew = data['vz'][index]

    mnew = data['m'][index]
    #pull the desired particle's information from the reduced arrays
    xpos = xnew[particle_num]
    ypos = ynew[particle_num]
    zpos = znew[particle_num]
    xvel = vxnew[particle_num]
    yvel = vynew[particle_num]
    zvel = vznew[particle_num]
    mass = mnew[particle_num]
    #acquire the final3D position from the 3 listed positions
    pos = np.round((np.sqrt(xpos**2 + ypos**2 + zpos**2)), 3)
    pos = pos * u.kpc
    #acquire the final 3D velocity from the 3 listed components
    vel = np.round((np.sqrt(xvel**2 + yvel**2 + zvel**2)), 3)
    vel = vel * / u.s
    #return the information as a tuple
    return pos, vel, mass
def ParticleInfo(filename, ptype, pnum):
    Get a particle's distance, velocity, and mass.
    ptype can be integer (1, 2, 3) or string (halo, disk, bulge).
    :param filename: file path to data file
    :param ptype: particle type; halo (1), disk (2), or bulge (3) 
    :param pnum: particle number; index starts at 1.
    :return: distance, velocity, mass
    # If ptype is string, then reassign according to indexing rule
    if isinstance(ptype, str):
        if ptype.lower() == 'halo':
            ptype = 1
        elif ptype.lower() == 'disk':
            ptype = 2
        elif ptype.lower() == 'bulge':
            ptype = 3
            raise ValueError('Wrong particle type')

    # Read data file, and index corresponding particle number/type
    time, total, data = Read(filename)
    particle = data[data['type'] == ptype][pnum - 1]

    # Calculate the rounded distance/velocity vector magnitudes, and get mass (w/ Msun units)
    distance = np.round(
        np.sqrt(particle[2]**2 + particle[3]**2 + particle[4]**2), 3)
    velocity = np.round(
        np.sqrt(particle[5]**2 + particle[6]**2 + particle[7]**2), 3)
    mass = particle[1] * 1e10 * u.M_sun

    # Return calculated values with units
    return distance * u.kpc, velocity * / u.s, mass
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, filename, particletype):
        #filename- for this we are using MW_000.txt, M31_000.txt, and M33_000.txt
        #particle type: 1.0=halo, 2.0=disk, 3.0=bulge
        #sets indices

        #read data from user given file (detailed in filename above)
        self.time,, = Read(filename)

        #creates an array with the user specified particle type
        self.index = np.where(['type'] == particletype)

        #storing the mass, position, and velocities of a particle
        #Same idea as in HW2 ParticleProperties- this time just defining with self

        self.m =['m'][self.index]
        #x,y,z position
        self.x =['x'][self.index]
        self.y =['y'][self.index]
        self.z =['z'][self.index]
        #x,y,z velocity
        self.Vx =['vx'][self.index]
        self.Vy =['vy'][self.index]
        self.Vz =['vz'][self.index]
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, filename, ptype):
        Initializing the object
        filename : name of the file containing galaxy info. Type = str
        ptype    : Particle type. Possible values are 'Halo', 'Disk' or 'Bulge'. Type = str

        # read in the file and particle type
        self.time,, = Read(filename)

        #create an array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
        self.index = np.where(['type'] == ptype)

        # store the mass, positions, velocities of only the particles of the given type
        kms = / u.s  #creating km/s unit for velocity
        self.m =['m'][self.index] * u.Msun * 1e10
        self.x =['x'][self.index] * u.kpc
        self.y =['y'][self.index] * u.kpc
        self.z =['z'][self.index] * u.kpc
        self.vx =['vx'][self.index] * kms
        self.vy =['vy'][self.index] * kms
        self.vz =['vz'][self.index] * kms
Beispiel #10
def ComponentMass(filename, ParticleType):
    #filename: for this Hw it is either MW_000.txt,M31_000.txt, or M33_000.txt
    #particle type: 1.0 for Halo, 2.0 for Disk, or 3.0 for Bulge
    #Mass: units of 10e12Msun, rounded to 3 decimal places

    #reading in the return values from ReadFile code (part 2 of HW)
    time, total, data = Read(filename)

    #this creates an index based on the particle type input
    index = np.where(data['type'] == ParticleType)

    #creates an array with all of the mass values from a specific particle type input
    mass = data['m'][index]

    mass2 = mass * 1e-2
    #this is to correct for the units because the given mass value is in 1e10

    #To find the total mass of a specific type of particle, using the sum
    #function to add up every mass value created from the array
    TotalMass = np.around((sum(mass2) * 1e12 * u.Msun), 3)
    #multiplying constant at the end to put in units of 10e12Msun

    return TotalMass
def ParticleInfo(filename, particleType, particleNumber):

    #First Column type: Particle Type. Type 1 = Dark Matter, Type 2 = Disk Stars, Type 3 = Bulge Stars

    time, total, data = Read(filename)

    index = np.where(data['type'] == particleType)

    # Fetch appropriate variables of a particular particle number within the given particleType and add units
    # NOTE: particleNumber refers to the number of particle OF THE GIVEN particleType
    # For clarity
    # data 					matrix representation of dataset from filename
    # data['x']				list of all 'x' values from dataset
    # data['x'][index]		list of all 'x' values that have 'type' == particleType
    # data['x'][index][n]	nth element of the list of all 'x' values that have 'type' == particleType
    pos_x = float(data['x'][index][particleNumber]) * u.kpc
    pos_y = float(data['y'][index][particleNumber]) * u.kpc
    pos_z = float(data['z'][index][particleNumber]) * u.kpc

    vel_x = float(data['vx'][index][particleNumber]) * ( / u.s)
    vel_y = float(data['vy'][index][particleNumber]) * ( / u.s)
    vel_z = float(data['vz'][index][particleNumber]) * ( / u.s)

    mass = (float(data['m'][index][particleNumber]) * 10**10) * u.Msun

    # caluclate magnitudes (if needed) and round values to three decimal places
    position = np.around(np.sqrt(pos_x**2 + pos_y**2 + pos_z**2), 3)
    velocity = np.around(np.sqrt(vel_x**2 + vel_y**2 + vel_z**2), 3)
    mass = np.around(mass, 3)

    # return values for future use.
    return position, velocity, mass
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):
        # Inputs:
        #    galaxy = name of galaxy
        #    snap = snapshot number
        # Returns:
        #    Important data from snapshot text files

        # Add string of filenumber to value 000
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap)

        # Remove all but last 3 digits of string
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]

        # Assign filename based on snapshot and galaxy inputs
        self.filename = 'C:/Users/Jimmy/400B_Lilly/' + '%s_' % (
            galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'

        # Read data in the given file using Read
        self.time,, = Read(self.filename)

        # Save galaxy name as global variable
        self.gname = galaxy

        self.x =['x'] * u.kpc
        self.y =['y'] * u.kpc
        self.z =['z'] * u.kpc
        self.m =['m']
Beispiel #13
def ParticleInfo(PType, PNum, filename):
    # read in the file 
    time, total, data = Read(filename)

    #create an array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
    index = np.where(data['type'] == PType)

    # create new arrays with the m, x, y, z, 
    # vx, vy, vz of just the Ptype desired
    # Add units using Astropy
    # Recall Mass was stored in units of Msun/1e10
    mnew = data['m'][index]*1e10*u.Msun
    xnew = data['x'][index]*u.kpc
    ynew = data['y'][index]*u.kpc
    znew = data['z'][index]*u.kpc
    vxnew = data['vx'][index]*
    vynew = data['vy'][index]*
    vznew = data['vz'][index]*
    # 3D position
    # Value is rounded to 3 decimal places.
    R3D = np.round(np.sqrt(xnew[PNum-1]**2 + ynew[PNum-1]**2 + znew[PNum-1]**2),3)
    # 3D velocity
    # Value is rounded to 3 decimal places.
    V3D = np.round(np.sqrt(vxnew[PNum-1]**2 + vynew[PNum-1]**2 + vznew[PNum-1]**2),3)
    # Mass
    # Value is rounded to 3 decimal places
    Mass = np.round(mnew[PNum-1],3)
    return R3D, V3D, Mass
def ParticleInfo(filename, ind):
    A function that provides information about requested particle.
    filename : name of the file containing galaxy info. Type = str
    ind      : index of the particle for which information is requested. Type = int
    x, y, z    : Distance of partcle from center in kpc. Type = Quantity
    vx, vy, vz : Velocity of particle in km/s. Type = Quantity
    mass       : Mass of particle in solar mass. Type = Quantity

    time, N, data = Read(
        filename)  #acquiring particle data from MW_000.txt file

    #collecting position information and setting correct unit (Kpc)
    x = data['x'][ind] * u.kpc
    y = data['y'][ind] * u.kpc
    z = data['z'][ind] * u.kpc

    #collecting velocity information and setting correct unit (Km/s)
    kms = / u.s
    vx = data['vx'][ind] * kms
    vy = data['vy'][ind] * kms
    vz = data['vz'][ind] * kms

    #collecting mass information and setting correct unit (M_sun)
    mass = data['m'][ind] * u.M_sun

    return x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mass
Beispiel #15
def ParticleInfo(filename,particletype):
    # read in all data
    time, n_particles, data = Read(filename)

    # save row indices of all particles of given type
    ind = np.where(data['type'] == ParticleTypes[particletype])

    # calculate and store array of distances
    # also round final magnitude to 3 decimal places
    x = data['x'][ind]
    y = data['y'][ind]
    z = data['z'][ind]
    distances = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)*u.kpc
    distances = np.around(distances,3)

    # calculate and store velocity magnitudes
    # round to 3 places
    vx = data['vx'][ind]
    vy = data['vy'][ind]
    vz = data['vz'][ind]
    velocities = np.sqrt(vx**2+vy**2+vz**2)*(
    velocities = np.around(velocities,3)

    # store masses, in units of solar masses
    # data is stored in units of 10^10 solar masses
    masses = data['m'][ind]
    masses = masses * 10**10 * u.M_sun

    return distances, velocities, masses
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):
        # Initialize the instance of this Class with the following properties:
        # galaxy :  string, e.g. "MW"
        #  snap :  integer, e.g  1

        # determine the filename
        # Determine Filename
        # add a string of the filenumber to the value "000"
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap)
        # remove all but the last 3 digits
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        # create filenames
        self.filename = '%s_HR_' % (galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'
        #print 'reading',self.filename

        # read in the file
        self.time,, = Read(self.filename)

        # store the mass, positions, velocities of all particles
        self.m =['m']  #*u.Msun
        self.x =['x'] * u.kpc
        self.y =['y'] * u.kpc
        self.z =['z'] * u.kpc

        # store galaxy name
        self.gname = galaxy
Beispiel #17
def ComponentMass(filename, p_type):
    t, p, d = (Read(filename))  # use readfile function

    index = np.where(
        d['type'] == p_type)  #index the file according to particle type
    m_comp = d['m'][index] * 1e-2  #get the numbers to look right
    sum_m_comp = np.sum(m_comp)  #sum all components of the same index
    return (sum_m_comp)
    def __init__(self, filename, ptype):
        # read in the file and particle type
        self.time,, = Read(filename)

        #create an array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
        self.index = np.where(['type'] == ptype)

        # store the mass, positions, velocities of only the particles of the given type
        self.m =['m'][self.index]
Beispiel #19
def ComponentMass(X, Ptype):

    #    data = np.genfromtxt(X,dtype=None,names=True,skip_header=3)
    time, total, data = Read(X)

    index = np.where(data['type'] == Ptype)

    mass = data['m'][index] * u.M_sun / 100

    TotMass = np.around(sum(mass), decimals=3)

    return TotMass
Beispiel #20
def ParticleInfo(filename, partype, parnumber):
    time, total, dat = Read(filename)
    #this will pull the data from the Read function

    #now we have to initialize the position and velocity function so they are 0 at the start and not
    #a random variable
    x = 0
    y = 0
    z = 0
    vx = 0
    vy = 0
    vz = 0

    #we have to define a way to pull the information from the Read file and import it into the code
    #to perform these tasks
    index = np.where(dat['type'] == partype)

    #now we are defining the position and velocities using this index
    xnew = dat['x'][index] * u.kpc
    ynew = dat['y'][index] * u.kpc
    znew = dat['z'][index] * u.kpc
    vxnew = dat['vx'][index] * / u.s
    vynew = dat['vy'][index] * / u.s
    vznew = dat['vz'][index] * / u.s

    #now we define the components of any given particle from the data set
    xcomp = xnew[parnumber]
    ycomp = ynew[parnumber]
    zcomp = znew[parnumber]
    vxcomp = vxnew[parnumber]
    vycomp = vynew[parnumber]
    vzcomp = vznew[parnumber]

    #using this information we can calculate the distance and velocity of the particle in 3D
    d = 0  #making sure the variable is initially set to 0 for proper calculations
    d = np.around((xcomp**2 + ycomp**2 + zcomp**2)**0.5,
                  3)  #the equation for distance is sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)

    #to convert from kpc to lyr
    print(np.around(, 3))

    #velocity is calculated the same
    v = 0
    v = np.around((vxcomp**2 + vycomp**2 + vzcomp**2)**0.5, 3)

    #the mass of the particle is given, we just need to define it
    #the units are given in 10^10 solar masses
    m = dat['m'][index] * 10**10 * u.solMass
    mass = m[parnumber]

    return d, v, mass
Beispiel #21
def ParticleInfo(filename,ptype,pnum):
    # Inputs:
    #    filename is the name of the text file
    #    ptype is the number that represents the particle type (1=DarkMatter,2=DiskStars,3=BulgeStars)
    #    pnum is the number of particle desired from a type (ex: 10th Disk particle would be pnum = 10)
    # Return:
    #    distance is the magnitude of the 3D distance of the particle (kpc)
    #    velocity is the magnitude of the 3D velocity of the particle (km/s)
    #    mass is the mass of the particle (Msun)
    # Function from "" used to store time, number of particles and data from the file.
    # Only data is needed, which stores the desired values (type, mass, distance and velocity in x,y,z) for each particle
    time,particlenumber,data = Read(filename)

    # Filter out all other types 
    index = np.where(data['type'] == ptype)
    #Create a new list of values for the filtered type

    # Store new values of distances
    xnew = data['x'][index]
    ynew = data['y'][index]
    znew = data['z'][index]

    # Store new values of velocities
    vxnew = data['vx'][index]
    vynew = data['vy'][index]
    vznew = data['vz'][index]

    #Store new values of mass
    mnew = data['m'][index]

    # Output 0 in the case that pnum is not with in the range of the length of the new list
    if(index[0].size < pnum or pnum < 1):
        return 0, 0, 0

    # Store the values from the desired particle number
    # Calculate magnitude of the 3D distance (kpc)
    #    r = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
    # Note that if we want the 100th particle, the index in Python would be 99, hence the "pnum-1"
    distance = np.around(np.sqrt((xnew[pnum-1])**2 + (ynew[pnum-1])**2 + (znew[pnum-1])**2),3) * u.kpc

    # Calculate magnitude of 3D velocity (km/s)
    #    vr = sqrt(vx^2+vy^2vz^2)
    velocity = np.around(np.sqrt((vxnew[pnum-1])**2 + (vynew[pnum-1])**2 + (vznew[pnum-1])**2),3) *

    # Mass (Msun) 
    mass = np.around((mnew[pnum-1] * 1e10),3) * u.solMass

    return distance,velocity,mass
Beispiel #22
    def __init__(self, galaxy, snap):

        ilbl = '000' + str(snap)       #FILENAME RECONSTRUCTION

        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        self.filename = '%s_'%(galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'

         # read in the file and particle type
        self.time,, = Read(self.filename)

        self.gname = galaxy
Beispiel #23
def ComponentMass(filename, PType):
    # function to compute the mass of all particles of a given type for a given galaxy
    # input:  filename (str) ,  Particle type (1,2,3)
    # output: Mass in units of 1e12 Msun.

    # read in the file
    time, total, data = Read(filename)

    # gather particles with the same type and sum up the mass
    # we can directly round the result and adjust the units
    mass = np.round(data[data['type'] == PType]['m'].sum() * 1e10 / 1e12, 3)

    # return the mass
    return mass
def ReadMass(snap, limit):
    #Inputs: snap -- time step we want to study M33 at
    #        limit -- distance in kpc from the COM that defines the core of M33
    #Outputs: m -- float, total dark matter mass within limit

    # Determine Filename
    # add a string of the filenumber to the value "000"
    ilbl = '000' + str(snap)
    # remove all but the last 3 digits
    ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
    # create filenames
    filename = '%s_' % ('M33') + ilbl + '.txt'
    path = '/home/jcalahan/HighRes/' + filename

    # read in the file
    time, total, data = Read(path)

    #create an array to store indexes of dark matter particles
    index = np.where(data['type'] == 1)

    # store the mass and positions of only the particles of the given type
    m = data['m'][index]
    x = data['x'][index]
    y = data['y'][index]
    z = data['z'][index]

    #Find COM postion of disk particles --> center of the galaxy
    COM = CenterOfMass(path, 2)
    COMP = COM.COM_P(.2, 4.0)  #<--using values from HW6

    #Define the time this snap is at
    t = time / u.Myr / 1000.  #Gyr

    # store distances of particles from COM (array)
    dist = np.sqrt((x - COMP[0])**2 + (y - COMP[1])**2 + (z - COMP[2])**2)

    #Initilize total mass
    mass = 0

    # 1 particle of dark matter mass (assuming all dark matter particles have the same mass)
    dm_mass = m[0]

    #if a particle is within the limit, add a dark matter mass to total mass
    for d in dist:
        if d <= limit:
            mass = mass + dm_mass

    return mass * (1e10), t
Beispiel #25
def ComponentMass(File, PType):

    time, total, data = Read(File)  #reading the data we need from the ReadFile

    index = np.where(
        data['type'] == PType
    )  #creates an array to store indexes of particles of desired PType

    mnew = data['m'][
        index] * 1e10 * u.Msun  #returns mass in solar mass units of the PType

    # Mass value rounded to 3 decimal places
    Mass = np.sum(mnew)

    return Mass
Beispiel #26
def ComponentMass(filename,particle_type):
    # Inputs:
    #      filename = name of the file to read.
    #       particle_type = galaxy component: 1 = Halo, 2 = Disk, 3 = Bulge.
    # Returns:
    #       total mass of the galaxy component.
    time, particles, data = Read(filename)
    # finding a particular particle_type.
    index = np.where(data['type']== particle_type)
    mass = data['m'][index]
    comp_mass = sum(mass)/1e2*u.Msun # in units of Msun/1e12. 
    # NOTE:In the file, the mass is already in units of Msun/1e10.
    return np.around(comp_mass*1e12,3) #rounding off the component mass to 3 decimal places.
Beispiel #27
    def __init__(self, filename, ptype):

        # Read data in the given file using Read
        self.time,, = Read(filename)

        # Create array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
        self.index = np.where(['type'] == ptype)

        # Store the positions, velocities, and mass of only the particles of the given type
        self.x =['x'][self.index]
        self.y =['y'][self.index]
        self.z =['z'][self.index]
        self.vx =['vx'][self.index]
        self.vy =['vy'][self.index]
        self.vz =['vz'][self.index]
        self.m =['m'][self.index]
Beispiel #28
    def __init__(self, filename, ptype):
        # read in the file and particle type
        self.time,, = Read(filename)

        #create an array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
        self.index = np.where(['type'] == ptype)

        # store the mass, positions, velocities of particles
        self.m =['m'][self.index]
        self.x =['x'][self.index]
        self.y =['y'][self.index]
        self.z =['z'][self.index]
        self.vx =['vx'][self.index]
        self.vy =['vy'][self.index]
        self.vz =['vz'][self.index]
        self.position = np.column_stack([self.x, self.y, self.z])
        self.velocity = np.column_stack([self.vx, self.vy, self.vz])
def ComponentMass(filename, particletype):
    #particletype is the location or type or particle in the galaxy(Halo, disk, bulge)
    #filename is the name of the file that contains the data
    #returns the summed mass of all the particles of a given type in 1e12 Msun (converted from 1e10 Msun)
    #read in file
    time, total, data = Read(filename)
    #store indeices of a certain particle type
    index = np.where(data['type'] == particletype)
    #create a new array with the masses of each particle of the given type
    #mass is stored in units of 1e10 Msun
    mdata = data['m'][index] * 1e10 * u.Msun
    #get total mass
    mtotal = np.round(np.sum(mdata))
    #perform conversion * u.Msun)
    return mtotal
Beispiel #30
def ParticleInfo(particle_type, particle_num): #returns properties for any particle

    time, total, data = Read('/home/agibbs/MW_000.txt')

    #separate data types and particle types
    index = np.where(data['type'] == particle_type)

    x = np.around( data['x'][index] * u.kpc, 3 ) #only of particle type, keep 3 decimals, units kpc
    y = np.around( data['y'][index] * u.kpc, 3 )
    z = np.around( data['z'][index] * u.kpc, 3 )
    vx = np.around( data['vx'][index] * / u.s, 3 )
    vy = np.around( data['vy'][index] * / u.s, 3 )
    vz = np.around( data['vz'][index] * / u.s, 3 )
    m = data['m'][index] * 1e10  * u.Msun

    n = particle_num #to make the next line shorter
    return x[n], y[n], z[n], vx[n], vy[n], vz[n], m[n]