Beispiel #1

# Collection PFCandidates from a DR=0.8 cone about the jet axis and make new
# faux jets with this collection
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauJetRegionProducer_cfi import RecoTauJetRegionProducer
recoTauAK4PFJets08Region = RecoTauJetRegionProducer.clone(

from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_pp_on_XeXe_2017_cff import pp_on_XeXe_2017
from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_pp_on_AA_2018_cff import pp_on_AA_2018
for e in [pp_on_XeXe_2017, pp_on_AA_2018]:
    e.toModify(recoTauAK4PFJets08Region, minJetPt=999999.0)

# Reconstruct the pi zeros in our pre-selected jets.
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauPiZeroProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros = ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros.clone()
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros.jetSrc = PFRecoTauPFJetInputs.inputJetCollection

# import charged hadrons
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.PFRecoTauChargedHadronProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons
ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons = ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons.clone()

#------------------ Produce combinatoric base taus------------------------------
# These jets form the basis of the HPS & TaNC taus.  There are many taus
# produced for each jet, which are cleaned by the respective algorithms.
# We split it into different collections for each different decay mode.

from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauCombinatoricProducer_cfi import combinatoricRecoTaus, combinatoricModifierConfigs
combinatoricRecoTaus = combinatoricRecoTaus.clone()
Beispiel #2
# least one constituent with pt > 5.  This cut should be 100% efficient w.r.t a
# lead pion selection.
# After the basic preselection has been applied to the jets, the pizeros inside
# the jet are reconstructed.

# Collection PFCandidates from a DR=0.8 cone about the jet axis and make new
# faux jets with this collection
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauJetRegionProducer_cfi import RecoTauJetRegionProducer
recoTauAK4PFJets08Region76xReMiniAOD = RecoTauJetRegionProducer.clone(

# Reconstruct the pi zeros in our pre-selected jets.
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauPiZeroProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros76xReMiniAOD = ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros.clone()
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros76xReMiniAOD.jetSrc = PFRecoTauPFJetInputs.inputJetCollection

# import charged hadrons
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.PFRecoTauChargedHadronProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons
ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons76xReMiniAOD = ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons.clone(

#------------------ Produce combinatoric base taus------------------------------
# These jets form the basis of the HPS & TaNC taus.  There are many taus
# produced for each jet, which are cleaned by the respective algorithms.
# We split it into different collections for each different decay mode.

from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauCombinatoricProducer_cfi import combinatoricRecoTaus, combinatoricModifierConfigs
# lead pion selection.
# After the basic preselection has been applied to the jets, the pizeros inside
# the jet are reconstructed.

# Collection PFCandidates from a DR=0.8 cone about the jet axis and make new
# faux jets with this collection
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauJetRegionProducer_cfi import RecoTauJetRegionProducer
recoTauAK4PFJets08Region76xReMiniAOD = RecoTauJetRegionProducer.clone(
    src = PFRecoTauPFJetInputs.inputJetCollection

# Reconstruct the pi zeros in our pre-selected jets.
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauPiZeroProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros76xReMiniAOD = ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros.clone()
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros76xReMiniAOD.jetSrc = PFRecoTauPFJetInputs.inputJetCollection

# import charged hadrons
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.PFRecoTauChargedHadronProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons
ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons76xReMiniAOD = ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons.clone()

#------------------ Produce combinatoric base taus------------------------------
# These jets form the basis of the HPS & TaNC taus.  There are many taus
# produced for each jet, which are cleaned by the respective algorithms.
# We split it into different collections for each different decay mode.

from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauCombinatoricProducer_cfi import combinatoricRecoTaus, combinatoricModifierConfigs
combinatoricRecoTaus76xReMiniAOD = combinatoricRecoTaus.clone()
Beispiel #4
# lead pion selection.
# After the basic preselection has been applied to the jets, the pizeros inside
# the jet are reconstructed.

# Collection PFCandidates from a DR=0.8 cone about the jet axis and make new
# faux jets with this collection
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauJetRegionProducer_cfi import RecoTauJetRegionProducer
recoTauAK4PFJets08Region = RecoTauJetRegionProducer.clone(
    src = PFRecoTauPFJetInputs.inputJetCollection

# Reconstruct the pi zeros in our pre-selected jets.
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauPiZeroProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros = ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros.clone()
ak4PFJetsLegacyHPSPiZeros.jetSrc = PFRecoTauPFJetInputs.inputJetCollection

# import charged hadrons
from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.PFRecoTauChargedHadronProducer_cfi import ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons
ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons = ak4PFJetsRecoTauChargedHadrons.clone()

#------------------ Produce combinatoric base taus------------------------------
# These jets form the basis of the HPS & TaNC taus.  There are many taus
# produced for each jet, which are cleaned by the respective algorithms.
# We split it into different collections for each different decay mode.

from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauCombinatoricProducer_cfi import combinatoricRecoTaus, combinatoricModifierConfigs
combinatoricRecoTaus = combinatoricRecoTaus.clone()