def __init__(self, camera_transform, hazard_labels=[1, 4, 5, 10, 11], horizon=0.2, update_rate=10, debug=False): '''Initializes the BackseatDriver to provide safety reports. Once initialized, the member function get_safety_estimate must be called by the user to get safety estimates, and the depth_callback, semantic_segmentation_callback, and update_planned_trajectory callbacks must be called to provide the BackseatDriver with the requisite data. @param camera_transform: the carla.Transform representing the pose of the camera in the ego vehicle frame. @param hazard_labels: a list of integers describing semantic segmentation labels to avoid hitting (e.g. other cars, pedestrians). Defaults to [1, 4, 5, 10, 11], which avoids: 1: buildings 4: pedestrians 5: poles 10: vehicles 11: walls @param horizon: the maximum distance from the camera that will checked for collision (in km). This saves lots of computation by avoiding checking for collision with the sky. Defaults to 0.2 km (200 m). @param update_rate: in Hz, the frequency at which we update @param debug: set to True to enable debug logging. ''' # Since we receive data from semantic segmentation and depth cameras # asynchronously, we need to create dictionaries to store the images # (indexed by frame) self.depth_data = dict() self.semantic_data = dict() # Initialize a place to store the trajectory self.trajectory = np.array([]) # Save the transform from the vehicle to the camera self.camera_transform = camera_transform # Save the hazard labels self.hazard_labels = hazard_labels # Save the horizon self.max_depth = horizon # Save debug status self.debug = debug # Save information for timing updates self.last_update = time.time() assert (update_rate > 0) self.update_period = 1 / update_rate # Instantiate a RefineNet instance print("before refine net init") self.refNet = RefineNet() print("after init")
def main(_): # 数据 data = PascalVocData(conf=configure()) # net, refine_net = RefineNet(data, conf=data.conf) # # runner runner = Runner(data=data, net=refine_net, conf=data.conf) runner.train() pass
def main(_): with tf.get_default_graph().as_default(): input_images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, None, 3], name='input_images') logits = RefineNet.predict(input_images) pred = tf.argmax(logits, dimension=3) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables()) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: ckpt_state = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_path) model_path = os.path.join( FLAGS.checkpoint_path, os.path.basename(ckpt_state.model_checkpoint_path)) print('Restore from {}'.format(model_path)) saver.restore(sess, model_path) im_fn_list = get_images() for im_fn in im_fn_list: im = cv2.imread(im_fn)[:, :, ::-1] im_resized, (ratio_h, ratio_w) = resize_image(im, size=32) start = time.time() pred_re =[pred], feed_dict={input_images: [im_resized]}) pred_re = np.array(np.squeeze(pred_re)) img = Visualize.visualize_segmentation_adaptive( pred_re, pascal_segmentation_lut()) _diff_time = time.time() - start cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(FLAGS.result_path, os.path.basename(im_fn)), img) print('{}: cost {:.0f}ms'.format(im_fn, _diff_time * 1000)) pass pass pass pass
import os import sys sys.path += ["/opt/carla/PythonAPI/carla_scripts/light-weight-refinenet"] from RefineNet import RefineNet import numpy as np from PIL import Image import time start = time.time() refNet = RefineNet() init_end = time.time() img_path = "../examples/imgs/cogProject/personInRoad.jpg" img = np.array( seg = refNet.do_segmentation(np.array( segment_end = time.time() print(seg) print("Init_time = {}, segment_time = {}, input.shape = {} shape = {}".format( init_end - start, segment_end - init_end, img.shape, seg.shape))
class BackseatDriver: '''The BackseatDriver collects semantic segmentation, depth, and planned trajectory data at whatever rate it is published, then exposes a callback for querying its own estimate of the safety of planned trajectories (i.e. if the planned trajectory will result in a future collision and if so, how long until that predicted collision) at a constant rate. Each BackseatDriver will provide two functions (`depth_callback` and `semantic_segmentation_callback`) that should be used as callbacks and called on new depth and semantic segmentation images whenever those images become available. BackseatDriver will save these data and use the most recent frame for which both images are available to generate its collision warnings. In addition to these two callbacks, BackseatDriver exposes the `update_planned_trajectory` function, which should be called to inform the BackseatDriver of the intended trajectory. This trajectory (expressed in the ego-vehicle frame) will be checked for collision against the segmented point cloud generated with data supplied to the two callbacks described above. Finally, the BackseatDriver exposes a callback `get_safety_estimate` that can be registered with `carla.World.on_tick`. When called, the `get_safety_estimate` function will print a safety report and return the distance until collision (which might be `float('inf')` if no collision is forseen). ''' def __init__(self, camera_transform, hazard_labels=[1, 4, 5, 10, 11], horizon=0.2, update_rate=10, debug=False): '''Initializes the BackseatDriver to provide safety reports. Once initialized, the member function get_safety_estimate must be called by the user to get safety estimates, and the depth_callback, semantic_segmentation_callback, and update_planned_trajectory callbacks must be called to provide the BackseatDriver with the requisite data. @param camera_transform: the carla.Transform representing the pose of the camera in the ego vehicle frame. @param hazard_labels: a list of integers describing semantic segmentation labels to avoid hitting (e.g. other cars, pedestrians). Defaults to [1, 4, 5, 10, 11], which avoids: 1: buildings 4: pedestrians 5: poles 10: vehicles 11: walls @param horizon: the maximum distance from the camera that will checked for collision (in km). This saves lots of computation by avoiding checking for collision with the sky. Defaults to 0.2 km (200 m). @param update_rate: in Hz, the frequency at which we update @param debug: set to True to enable debug logging. ''' # Since we receive data from semantic segmentation and depth cameras # asynchronously, we need to create dictionaries to store the images # (indexed by frame) self.depth_data = dict() self.semantic_data = dict() # Initialize a place to store the trajectory self.trajectory = np.array([]) # Save the transform from the vehicle to the camera self.camera_transform = camera_transform # Save the hazard labels self.hazard_labels = hazard_labels # Save the horizon self.max_depth = horizon # Save debug status self.debug = debug # Save information for timing updates self.last_update = time.time() assert (update_rate > 0) self.update_period = 1 / update_rate # Instantiate a RefineNet instance print("before refine net init") self.refNet = RefineNet() print("after init") def log(self, message, emergency=False): '''Logs a message to the console if debug logging is enabled. @param message: the string message to print @param emergency: a boolean that should be set to true to ignore current debug settings (usually we don't print unless debug is enabled. Setting this to true prints anyway) ''' # Do not print if debug is not enabled. if not (emergency or self.debug): return # Otherwise, add a timestamp to the message and print it flag = "" if emergency: flag = "[ALERT]" print(flag + "[BackseatDriver]" + time.strftime("[%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S]: ", time.localtime()) + message) def depth_callback(self, depth_data): '''Receives depth data asynchronously and saves it. @param depth_data: a carla.Image object containing a depth image. These data should be encoded as an 18-bit number, with the 8 least-significant bits in the red, channel, the next 8 least-significant bits in the green channel, and the 8 most-significant bits in the blue channel. The depth should measure distance perpendicular to the camera plane (note: this is different from Euclidean distance). ''' # Save the depth data along with its frame self.depth_data[depth_data.frame] = depth_data self.log("Received depth data for frame: " + str(depth_data.frame)) def semantic_segmentation_callback(self, image_data): '''Receives semantic segmentation data asynchronously and saves it. @param image_data: a carla.Image object containing the RGB image. We'll run it through RefineNet and save it here. TODO: Confirm label encoding with Lars ''' # Convert the image to an RGB numpy array rgb_image = to_rgb_array(image_data) # Segment that image semantic_data = self.refNet.do_segmentation(rgb_image) # Save the depth data along with its frame self.semantic_data[image_data.frame] = semantic_data self.log("Received semantic data for frame: " + str(image_data.frame)) def update_planned_trajectory(self, trajectory): ''' "Files a flight plan" by telling the backseat driver what trajectory the car plans to follow in the near future. Following the common convention, the trajectory should be expressed in the ego vehicle frame. @param trajectory: an Nx4 numpy array, where each row is (t, x, y, theta) denoting a time-indexed list of trajectory waypoints, where - t is the time of the waypoint. - x, y, theta denotes the 2D pose of the vehicle at this waypoint, where (x, y, theta) = (0, 0, 0) is the current location of the vehicle (with the x-axis pointing along the current driving direction of the car). ''' assert (trajectory.shape[1] == 4) self.trajectory = trajectory self.log("Received trajectory with " + str(len(self.trajectory)) + "waypoints") def get_safety_estimate(self, world_snapshot): ''' Checks for collision between the planned trajectory and the environment, as perceived via a depth camera and semantic segmentation. Should be run via carla.World.on_tick. Relies on data gathered by the depth_callback, semantic_segmentation_callback, and update_planned_trajectory functions. @param world_snapshot: a carla.WorldSnapshot provided by the on_tick callback manager. ''' # Skip if not enough time has elapsed since last update if time.time() - self.last_update < self.update_period: return self.last_update = time.time() # We have to start by getting the most recent frame for which both # semantic segmentation and depth data is stored. Recall that we've # stored these data indexed by integer frame numbers, so we want # the highest frame number # Sort depth frame numbers in descending order depth_frame_numbers = sorted(list(self.depth_data.keys()), reverse=True) # Then scoot down the list until we find one with matching semantic # segmentation data matching_frame_found = False for frame_number in depth_frame_numbers: if frame_number in self.semantic_data: matching_frame_found = True break # If we didn't find a matching frame, we can't do anything if not matching_frame_found: self.log("No matching frames found. Can't make a safety estimate!") return # Otherwise, we can generate the safety estimate distance_to_collision = np.inf if matching_frame_found: # Get the depth and semantic data from storage, and extract a # timestamp and other useful metadata for this frame depth_data = self.depth_data[frame_number] semantic_data = self.semantic_data[frame_number] # get the timestamp for these data and metadata timestamp = depth_data.timestamp # To save memory, now clear both storage dictionaries of any # frames less than the current frame number frames_to_delete = [ key for key in self.depth_data.keys() if key < frame_number ] for frame in frames_to_delete: self.depth_data.pop(frame, None) frames_to_delete = [ key for key in self.semantic_data.keys() if key < frame_number ] for frame in frames_to_delete: self.depth_data.pop(frame, None) # At this point, we have the depth and semantic data that we # want to fuse into a segmented point cloud. # 1) The semantic data is in an RGB array # containing the label in the red channel (for interface with # the depth_to_local_point_cloud function) # 2) Create a point cloud that contains only points # that we labelled as hazards self.log("Making point cloud for frame " + str(frame_number)) # Consider the following as hazards: # 1: buildings # 4: pedestrians # 5: poles # 10: vehicles # 11: walls point_cloud = depth_to_local_point_cloud( depth_data, semantic_data, max_depth=self.max_depth, hazard_labels=self.hazard_labels) # We want to check the trajectory (starting at the current time) # for collision. Skip if no waypoints left # Iterate through the rows of self.trajectory to find the first # waypoint with after the current timestamp start_index = None for i in range(self.trajectory.shape[0]): if self.trajectory[i, 0] >= timestamp: start_index = i break if not start_index: self.log(("No trajectory waypoints left." "Cannot generate safety report!")) # Create the sub-trajectory to pass to the collision checker # Currently, the collision checker only considers x, y, and theta sub_trajectory = self.trajectory[start_index:, 1:] print(sub_trajectory.shape) # Call the collision checker on the sub_trajectory distance_to_collision = get_collision(point_cloud.array.tolist(), sub_trajectory.tolist()) if distance_to_collision != np.inf: self.log( ("WARNING: collision predicted! Distance remaining (m): " + str(distance_to_collision)), emergency=True) else: self.log("No collision predicted.") return distance_to_collision
pass # 每一类的iou和 miou def compute_IoU_per_class(self, confusion_matrix): mIoU = 0 for i in range( # IoU = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive + false_negative) TP = confusion_matrix[i, i] FP = np.sum(confusion_matrix[:, i]) - TP FN = np.sum(confusion_matrix[i]) - TP IoU = TP / (TP + FP + FN) print('class {}: {}'.format(i, IoU)) mIoU += IoU / self.conf.num_classes print('mIoU: %.3f' % mIoU) pass pass if __name__ == "__main__": # 数据 data = PascalVocData(conf=configure()) # net, refine_net = RefineNet(data, conf=data.conf) # runner runner = Runner(data=data, net=refine_net, conf=data.conf) runner.test() pass