def _loadBasicRegistrationStream():
    """Loads the basic services for RegistrationStreamSvc"""

    ## make sure we have been -at least- minimally correctly configured
    import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob

    ## get a handle on the top-level Algorithm sequence
    from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
    topSequence = AlgSequence()

    # Example for Event Collection Registration
    # For each output collection, use a separate registration stream
    # Run RegistrationStream as an algorithm
    from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
    topSequence += RegistrationStream("RegStream1",

    # # backward compat
    RegStream1 = topSequence.RegStream1

    # List of DO's to register:

    # First element is used to obtain a token to the DataHeader
    RegStream1.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]
    # The second element is the AthenaAttributeList to be written into the
    # collection as the tag:
    RegStream1.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag"]

    msg.debug("Loading basic services for RegistrationStream... [DONE]")
Stream1.ItemList += ["EventInfo#*"]

topSequence += Stream1

# Event tag collection registration
# Registration stream:
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamLCGTool
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool

RegStreamTool1 = RegistrationStreamLCGTool("LCGTool")
RegStreamTool1.OutputCollection = "ToolSupremacy.root"

RegStream1 = RegistrationStream("RegStream1")

RegStream1.OutputLevel = INFO
RegStream1.Tool = RegStreamTool1

# Specifies whether collection references input or output data file:
    RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = WriteInputHeader
    RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = FALSE
if inCollType == "MonteCarlo":
    RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = FALSE

# Output collection name:
    RegStream1.OutputCollection = OutColl
WriteTag = AthPoolEx__WriteTag( "WriteTag" )
WriteTag.Magic = 1
topSequence += WriteTag

from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
Stream2 = AthenaPoolOutputStream ( "Stream2" , "SimplePoolFileB.root" , True )
Stream2.WritingTool.AttributeListKey = "RunEventTag"

# Event Collection Registration
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool
TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")

from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
RegStream2 = RegistrationStream( "RegStream2" , CollectionType="ExplicitROOT" , Tool=TagTool )
RegStream2.WriteInputDataHeader = False
RegStream2.OutputCollection = "SimplePoolCollection2.root"
RegStream2.CollectionOpenMode = "UPDATE"
RegStream2.ItemList += [ "DataHeader#Stream2" ]
RegStream2.ItemList += [ "TagAthenaAttributeList#RunEventTag" ]
topSequence += RegStream2

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
svcMgr.PoolSvc.OutputLevel = 2
svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.OutputLevel = 2
topSequence.WriteData.OutputLevel = 2
Stream2.OutputLevel = 2
Beispiel #4
# Consequently, should have 3 output files
#    Numbers 3, 4, from PassAll and 1 from Passnone
#  Now configure output collection
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool

TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")
#TagTool.FragmentByGroup = True

#topSequence    += ["RegistrationStream/FullColl" ]
FullColl = RegistrationStream("FullColl")
FullColl.OutputCollection = "SplittableCollection.root"
#FullColl.ItemList        += [ "DataHeader#*" ]
FullColl.ItemList += ["DataHeader#DataStream"]
FullColl.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag"]
FullColl.ItemList += ["CollectionMetadataContainer#*"]
FullColl.AcceptAlgs = ["PassAllFilter"]
#FullColl.Tool = TagTool

# Now put full veto to make sure vetos work on collections
#topSequence    += ["RegistrationStream/NullColl" ]
NullColl = RegistrationStream("NullColl")
NullColl.OutputCollection = "NullableCollection.root"
NullColl.ItemList += ["DataHeader#DataStream"]
NullColl.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag"]
NullColl.OutputLevel = INFO
athOutSeq += Bad

# Now do collections
# Explicit (i.e. not just files) collections (ROOT)
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamLCGTool
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool

TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")
TagTool.OutputLevel = INFO

# bit 1
CollBit1 = RegistrationStream("CollBit1")
CollBit1.CollectionType = "ExplicitROOT"
#CollBit1.OutputCollection = "AthenaPoolMultiTest_Split1"; # The output file name
CollBit1.OutputCollection = "Collection_Split1.root"
CollBit1.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]
CollBit1.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag"]
CollBit1.ItemList += ["CollectionMetadataContainer#*"]
CollBit1.OutputLevel = INFO
CollBit1.AcceptAlgs = ["Splitter1"]
#CollBit1.CollectionOpenMode = "UPDATE"

# bit ( 2 | 3 )
Coll23 = RegistrationStream("Coll23")
Coll23.CollectionType = "ExplicitROOT"
Coll23.OutputCollection = "Collection_Split23.root"
Coll23.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]
Beispiel #6
from AthenaPoolMultiTest.AthenaPoolMultiTestConf import *

RunEventTagWriter = RunEventTagWriter("RunEventTagWriter")
#RunEventTagWriter.OutputLevel = DEBUG

topSequence += RunEventTagWriter

from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool

TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")
#TagTool.PrimaryKey = ['RunNumber','EventNumber']

# output a collection to test multi input metadata copy
FullColl = RegistrationStream("FullColl")
FullColl.WriteInputDataHeader = TRUE
FullColl.OutputCollection = "CheckCollections.root"
FullColl.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]
FullColl.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#RunEventTag"]
FullColl.Tool = TagTool
FullColl.OutputLevel = DEBUG

athRegSeq += FullColl

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit = 5000
svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit = 5000
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
Beispiel #7
from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "Stream1" )
Stream1.OutputFile =   "SimplePoolFile.root"
# List of DO's to write out

# Must make sure that no OutStream's have been declared
theApp.OutStream    = []; 

# Event Collection Registration
# Run OutputStream as an algorithm
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
RegStream1 = RegistrationStream( "RegStream1" )
RegStream1.CollectionType   = "ExplicitROOT" 
RegStream1.OutputCollection = "NewEventCollection" 
RegStream1.OutputLevel = INFO
# List of DO's to register
RegStream1.ItemList += [ "DataHeader#*" ]
# Key name of AthenaAttributeList used for the tag:
RegStream1.ItemList += [ "AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag" ]
topSequence += RegStream1

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit  = 100000
svcMgr.ClassIDSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
from AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithms.AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithmsConf import AthPoolEx__PassNoneFilter
topSequence += AthPoolEx__PassNoneFilter("PassNoneFilter")

Stream3 = AthenaPoolOutputStream("Stream3", "EmptyPoolFile.root", True)
Stream3.RequireAlgs = ["PassNoneFilter"]

# Event Collection Registration
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool
TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")

from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
RegStream1 = RegistrationStream("RegStream1",
RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = False
RegStream1.OutputCollection = "SimplePoolCollection1.root"
RegStream1.ItemList += ["DataHeader#Stream1"]
RegStream1.ItemList += ["TagAthenaAttributeList#" + MagicWriteTag.Key]
topSequence += RegStream1

RegStream2 = RegistrationStream("RegStream2",
RegStream2.WriteInputDataHeader = False
RegStream2.OutputCollection = "SimplePoolCollection2.root"
RegStream2.ItemList += ["DataHeader#Stream2"]
RegStream2.ItemList += ["TagAthenaAttributeList#RunEventTag"]
topSequence += RegStream2
from AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithms.AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithmsConf import AthPoolEx__ReadData
topSequence += AthPoolEx__ReadData("ReadData")

from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream("Stream1", "SimplePoolFromRaw.root", True)
Stream1.MetadataItemList += ["ByteStreamMetadataContainer#*"]

from AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithms.AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithmsConf import AthPoolEx__WriteTag
topSequence += AthPoolEx__WriteTag("WriteTag")

from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool
TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")

from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
RegStream1 = RegistrationStream("RegStream1",
RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = False
RegStream1.OutputCollection = "SimpleRawCollection.root"
RegStream1.ItemList += ["DataHeader#Stream1"]
RegStream1.ItemList += ["TagAthenaAttributeList#RunEventTag"]
topSequence += RegStream1

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
svcMgr.PoolSvc.OutputLevel = 2
svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.OutputLevel = 2
svcMgr.MetaDataSvc.OutputLevel = 2
topSequence.ReadBs.OutputLevel = 2
Beispiel #10

# Converters:
include( "EventAthenaPool/" )

# Event Collection Registration
# Run OutputStream as an algorithm
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamLCGTool

TagTool = RegistrationStreamLCGTool("RegistrationStreamLCGTool")

RegStream1 = RegistrationStream( "RegStream1" )
RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = True
RegStream1.Tool = TagTool

# Full path name of output collection:
  RegStream1.OutputCollection = Out
  RegStream1.OutputCollection = "test.coll.root"

# Collection type (ExplicitROOT, ExplicitMySQL or ExplicitMySQLlt):
  RegStream1.CollectionType = Type
  RegStream1.CollectionType = "ExplicitROOT"
#RegStream.RequireAlgs          = []

# List of Algorithms that this stream is vetoed by
#RegStream.VetoAlgs             = []

# Example for Event Collection Registration
# For each output collection, use a separate registration stream
# Run RegistrationStream as an algorithm
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream

topSequence += RegistrationStream("RegStream1",

## backward compat
RegStream1 = topSequence.RegStream1

# List of DO's to register:

# First element is used to obtain a token to the DataHeader
RegStream1.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]
# The second element is the AthenaAttributeList to be written into the
# collection as the tag:
RegStream1.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag"]

## the following is to examplify how one would filter the output based on
## the decision of some selection algorithm
from AthenaPoolMultiTest.AthenaPoolMultiTestConf import RunEventTagWriter

theApp.TopAlg += ["RunEventTagWriter"]

# Converters:


# Event Collection Registration
# Run OutputStream as an algorithm
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream

RegStream1 = RegistrationStream("RegStream1")
RegStream1.OutputLevel = INFO
RegStream1.CollectionType = "ExplicitROOT"
RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = True
RegStream1.OutputCollection = "test.coll"
# The output file name
# List of DO's to register
RegStream1.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]
# Key name of AthenaAttributeList used for the tag:
RegStream1.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#RunEventTag"]

topSequence += RegStream1

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
Stream1.WritingTool = "AthenaPoolOutputStreamTool"
# Set processing stage name for <>_ref
Stream1.ProcessingTag = 'PROP_ONLY'
Stream1.OutputFile = "OutputData.root"
# List of data objects to be persistified:
Stream1.ItemList += ["EventInfo#*"]


# Event tag collection registration
# Registration stream:
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream

RegStream1 = RegistrationStream( "RegStream1" )

# List of data object references to be added to collection:
RegStream1.ItemList += [ "DataHeader#*" ]
RegStream1.ItemList +=  [ "AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag" ]
# Output collection type:
RegStream1.CollectionType = "ExplicitROOT"
# Output collection database connection string:
RegStream1.Connection = ""
# Output collection name:
RegStream1.OutputCollection = "OutputCollection"
# Output collection open mode:
RegStream1.CollectionOpenMode = "CREATE_AND_OVERWRITE"
# Specifies whether collection references input or output data file:
RegStream1.WriteInputDataHeader = FALSE
# Reference to input file