def dijkstraAlg(self, startCity, endCity, adjList):
       Finds the shortest path between two cities
       pQueue = Queue.PriorityQueue()
       for adj in adjList[startCity]:
           adj.accumDist = adj.distance
           pQueue.put((adj.accumDist, adj))
       for iter in adjList:
           for adjC in adjList[iter]:
               if adjC.startCity == startCity:
                   adjC.accumDist = adj.distance
                   newAdj = Route(adjC.endCity, adjC.startCity, adjC.accumDist)
                   pQueue.put((adjC.accumDist, newAdj))
       itEdge = pQueue.get()
       adj = itEdge[1]
       while adj.endCity != endCity:
           itEdge[1].visited = True
           for adj in adjList[itEdge[1].endCity]:
               adj.parent = itEdge[1]
               if adj.visited == False:
                   adj.accumDist = adj.parent.accumDist + adj.distance
                   if adj.endCity == endCity:
                   for iter in adjList[adj.endCity]:
                       if iter.accumDist < adj.accumDist and iter.visited == True:
                           adj.parent = iter
                   pQueue.put((adj.accumDist, adj))
           for iter in adjList:
               for adjC in adjList[iter]:
                   if adjC.endCity == itEdge[1].endCity:
                       newAdj = Route(adjC.endCity, adjC.startCity, adjC.distance)
                       newAdj.parent = itEdge[1]
                       if newAdj.visited == False:
                           newAdj.accumDist = newAdj.distance + newAdj.parent.accumDist
                           if newAdj.startCity == endCity:
                               adj = newAdj
                           for iter in adjList[newAdj.endCity]:
                               if iter.accumDist < newAdj.accumDist and iter.visited == True:
                                   newAdj.parent = iter 
                           pQueue.put((adjC.accumDist, newAdj))  
           itEdge = pQueue.get()
       print 'Done! The path is:'
       print adj.endCity
       print adj.startCity
       while adj.startCity != startCity:
           adj = adj.parent
           print adj.endCity
           print adj.startCity