Beispiel #1
def add_flow(flow, use_cache_ssh_con=True):
    Add a flow
    :param flow: OpenFlow string
    :param use_cache_ssh_con: whether or not to use a cached SSH connection (set to False when used in a thread)
    get_ssh_con_master(cached=use_cache_ssh_con).exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " " + flow,
def delete_all_deployments():
    Deletes all k8s deployments who's name contains KUBE_DEPLOYMENT_PREFIX
    TODO: Grep only when deployment starts with the prefix, not anywhere. Also append "-" to the prefix
        "sudo kubectl delete deployment $(kubectl get deployments | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep "
def delete_deployment(deployment, use_cached_ssh_con=True):
    Delete deployment by it's details
    :param deployment: details as returned from create_deployment
    :param use_cached_ssh_con: whether or not to use a cached SSH connection (set to False when used in a thread)
        "sudo kubectl delete deployment \"" + deployment["name"] + "\"",
    dpdkr.add_free_port(deployment["dpdkr"])  # free dpdkr
Beispiel #4
def get_ovs_port_rxtx():
    Get amount of rx/tx bytes/pkts/drop/errs per OpenFlow port
    Note: DPDK Rings always have "0" as byte count, so packet count must be used
    :return: dictionary {ovsPortNr: {"rx": {"pkts":,"drop":,"errs":}, "tx": {"pkts":,"drop":,"errs":}} }
    # Form: "  port 123: rx pkts=1234, bytes=1234, drop=1234, errs=1234, ..."
    patternRx = re.compile("\s*port\s+(\d+): rx pkts=(\d+),.*?, drop=(\d+), errs=(\d+)")
    # Form: "            tx pkts=1234, bytes=1234, drop=1234, errs=1234, ..."
    patternTx = re.compile("\s*tx pkts=(\d+),.*?, drop=(\d+), errs=(\d+)")
    ret_dict = {}
    # sometimes this command fails, so keep executing it untill it succeeds.
    lines = get_ssh_con_master().exec("sudo ovs-ofctl dump-ports " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME, asArray=True, mayFail=False,
    Logger.log("Switch", "In get_ovs_port_rx_tx, lines = " + str(lines), 9)
    # loop over ssh output, match regex
    for i in range(0, len(lines)):
        matchRx = patternRx.match(lines[i])
        if matchRx:
            matchTx = patternTx.match(lines[i+1])
            ret_dict[int(matchRx.groups()[0])] = {
                "rx": {
                    "pkts": int(matchRx.groups()[1]),
                    "drop": int(matchRx.groups()[2]),
                    "errs": int(matchRx.groups()[3])
                "tx": {
                    "pkts": int(matchTx.groups()[0]),
                    "drop": int(matchTx.groups()[1]),
                    "errs": int(matchTx.groups()[2])
    return ret_dict
Beispiel #5
def get_ovs_to_dpdk_nr():
    Get the OpenFlow port number to DPDK number mapping from the switch
    :return: dictionary {ovs:dpdk,...}
    # lines always are in the form " 123(dpdk12)...."
    pattern = re.compile("\s(\d+)\(dpdk(\d+)\)")
    ret_dict = {}
    for line in get_ssh_con_master().exec("sudo ovs-ofctl show " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME, asArray=True, mayFail=False):
        match = pattern.match(line)
        if match:
            ret_dict[match.groups()[0]] = int(match.groups()[1])
    return ret_dict
Beispiel #6
def create_chain_flows(chain, deployments_per_component, is_incoming):
    Create all the flow rules for a single chain
    :param chain: List of component types. First element is the first component where the traffic enters, last component
    is the one where traffic exits
    :param deployments_per_component: list of deployments in a dictionary for each component
    :param is_incoming: whether this is an incoming or outgoing chain
    ssh_con = get_ssh_con_master()
    dpdk_to_ovs_nr = get_dpdk_to_ovs_nr()

    out_port = str(dpdk_to_ovs_nr[INTERNAL_DPDK_NR if is_incoming else EXTERNAL_DPDKR_NR])

    # create flow from dpdk0 -> multipath first component -> before table from first component
    first_component = chain[0]
    Logger.log("Flow", "Creating flows for first component " + str(first_component), 4)

    ssh_con.exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " " +
                 get_multipath_rule(chain, first_component, 1, is_incoming, dpdk_to_ovs_nr))

    # before table from first component -> rings for this component
    ssh_con.exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " \""
                 "table=" + KUBE_COMPONENT_TO_OVS_CONFIG[first_component]["beforeTable"] + ","
                 "reg" + KUBE_COMPONENT_TO_OVS_CONFIG[first_component]["register"] + "=0,"
                 "actions=output:" + str(deployments_per_component[first_component][0]["ovsPort"]) + "\"")

    # from the rings -> to the after table
    # ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "in_port=2,actions=resubmit(,3)"
    ssh_con.exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " \"in_port=" + str(
        deployments_per_component[first_component][0]["ovsPort"]) + ","
                                                                    "actions=resubmit(," +
                 KUBE_COMPONENT_TO_OVS_CONFIG[first_component]["afterTable"] + ")\"")

    prev_component = first_component
    for i in range(1, len(chain)):
        component = chain[i]
        Logger.log("Flow", "Creating flows for the next component " + str(component), 4)

        ssh_con.exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " " +
                     get_multipath_rule(chain, component, 1, is_incoming, dpdk_to_ovs_nr))

        # before table from component -> rings for this component
        ssh_con.exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " \""
                     "table=" + KUBE_COMPONENT_TO_OVS_CONFIG[component]["beforeTable"] + ","
                     "reg" + KUBE_COMPONENT_TO_OVS_CONFIG[component]["register"] + "=0,"
                     "actions=output:" + str(deployments_per_component[component][0]["ovsPort"]) + "\"")

        # from the rings -> to the after table
        # ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "in_port=2,actions=resubmit(,3)"
        ssh_con.exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " \"in_port=" + str(
            deployments_per_component[component][0]["ovsPort"]) + ","
                                                                  "actions=resubmit(," +
                     KUBE_COMPONENT_TO_OVS_CONFIG[component]["afterTable"] + ")\"")

        prev_component = component

    check_vlan = "dl_vlan="
    check_vlan += INCOMING_VLAN if is_incoming else OUTGOING_VLAN
    check_vlan += ","
    Logger.log("Flow", "Creating flow for last table to dpdk port", 4)
    ssh_con.exec("sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " \""
                 "table=" + KUBE_COMPONENT_TO_OVS_CONFIG[prev_component]["afterTable"] + "," +
                 check_vlan +
                 "actions=strip_vlan,output:" + out_port + "\"")
Beispiel #7
def delete_flow(flow):
    Delete a flow
    :param flow: OpenFlow string
    get_ssh_con_master().exec("sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME + " " + flow, mayFail=False)
Beispiel #8
def delete_all_flows():
    Deletes all flows from the OVS switch
    get_ssh_con_master().exec("sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows " + OVS_SWITCH_NAME, mayFail=True)