Beispiel #1
def empty(vehicle,settings=None):
    """ This is for an arbitrary aircraft configuration. 
        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo                              [kilograms]
            wt_pax - weight of all the passengers                                                          [kilogram]
            wt_bag - weight of all the baggage                                                             [kilogram]
            wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried                                                           [kilogram]
            wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft                                              [kilograms]
    Properties Used:
    # Unpack inputs
    Nult       = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim       = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW        = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf      = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    wt_cargo   = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_pax    = vehicle.passengers
    ctrl_type  =
    ac_type    =
    S_gross_w  = vehicle.reference_area
    Wings = SUAVE.Components.Wings
    Nets  = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Networks
    # Set the factors
    if settings == None:
        wt_factors = Data()
        wt_factors.main_wing = 0.
        wt_factors.empennage = 0.
        wt_factors.fuselage  = 0.
        wt_factors = settings.weight_reduction_factors   
    # Prime the totals
    wt_main_wing       = 0.0
    wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
    wt_vtail_tot       = 0.0
    wt_propulsion      = 0.0
    wt_fuselage        = 0.0
    wt_rudder          = 0.0
    s_tail             = 0.0
    S_main_sum         = 0.0
    mac_main_w         = 0.0
    main_origin        = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
    # Work through the propulsions systems
    for prop in vehicle.propulsors:
        if isinstance(prop,Nets.Turbofan) or isinstance(prop,Nets.Turbojet_Super):
            num_eng                   = prop.number_of_engines
            thrust_sls                = prop.sealevel_static_thrust
            wt_engine_jet             = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
            wt_prop                   = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(wt_engine_jet,num_eng)
            if num_eng == 0.:
                wt_prop = 0.
            prop.mass_properties.mass = wt_prop
            wt_propulsion             += wt_prop
    # Go through all the wings, except horizontal tail
    for wing in vehicle.wings:
        # Common Wing Parameters
        S     = wing.areas.reference
        mac   = wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic
        b     = wing.spans.projected
        t_c   = wing.thickness_to_chord
        sweep = wing.sweeps.quarter_chord
        # Main Wing
        if isinstance(wing,Wings.Main_Wing):

            # Unpack main wing specific parameters
            lambda_w      = wing.taper
            area_fraction = S/S_gross_w
            # Calculate the weights
            rho      = Aluminum().density
            sigma    = Aluminum().yield_tensile_strength            
            wt_wing  = wing_main.wing_main(wing,Nult,TOW,wt_zf,rho,sigma,area_fraction)
            # Apply weight factor
            wt_wing  = wt_wing*(1.-wt_factors.main_wing)

            if np.isnan(wt_wing):
                wt_wing = 0.
            # Pack and sum
            wing.mass_properties.mass = wt_wing
            wt_main_wing += wt_wing
            S_main_sum   += S
            mac_main_w   += mac*S
            main_origin  += wing.origin[0][0]*S
        # Vertical Tail
        if isinstance(wing,Wings.Vertical_Tail):       
            # Unpack vertical tail specific parameters
            t_tail = wing.t_tail  
            # Calculate the weights
            tv     = tail_vertical(S,Nult,b,TOW,t_c,sweep,S_gross_w,t_tail)
            # Apply weight factor
            wt_rud      = tv.wt_rudder*(1.-wt_factors.empennage)
            wt_vert_str = tv.wt_tail_vertical*(1.-wt_factors.empennage)
            # See if there is a rudder attached, if not add one
            if len(wing.control_surfaces)==0:
                rudder = SUAVE.Components.Wings.Control_Surfaces.Rudder()
                rudder = wing.control_surfaces.values()[0]
            # Pack and sum
            wing.mass_properties.mass   = wt_vert_str
            rudder.mass_properties.mass = wt_rudder
            wt_vtail_tot += wt_vert_str + wt_rud
            wt_rudder    += wt_rud
            s_tail       += S
    mac_main_w  = mac_main_w/S_main_sum
    main_origin = main_origin/S_main_sum
    # Go through all the wings and find horizontal tails
    for wing in vehicle.wings:    
            # Horizontal Tail    
            if isinstance(wing,Wings.Horizontal_Tail):
                # Unpack horizontal tail specific parameters
                h_tail_exposed = / wing.areas.wetted
                l_w2h          = wing.origin[0][0] + wing.aerodynamic_center[0] - main_origin[0]
                if np.isnan(mac_main_w):
                    mac_main_w = 0.
                if np.isnan(l_w2h):
                    l_w2h = 0.
                # Calculate the weights
                wt_horiz = tail_horizontal(b,sweep,Nult,S,TOW,mac_main_w,mac,l_w2h,t_c, h_tail_exposed)   
                # Apply weight factor
                wt_horiz = wt_horiz*(1.-wt_factors.empennage)
                # Pack and sum
                wing.mass_properties.mass = wt_horiz
                wt_tail_horizontal += wt_horiz
                s_tail             += S
    # Fuselages
    for fuse in vehicle.fuselages:
        # Unpack
        S_fus      = fuse.areas.wetted
        diff_p_fus = fuse.differential_pressure
        w_fus      = fuse.width
        h_fus      = fuse.heights.maximum
        l_fus      =
        wing_c_r   = vehicle.wings.main_wing.chords.root
        if np.isnan(wing_c_r):
            wing_c_r = 0.
        wt_fuse = tube(S_fus,diff_p_fus,w_fus,h_fus,l_fus,Nlim,wt_zf,wt_main_wing,wt_propulsion,wing_c_r) 
        wt_fuse = wt_fuse*(1.-wt_factors.fuselage)
        fuse.mass_properties.mass = wt_fuse
        wt_fuselage += wt_fuse 
    # Landing Gear
    wt_landing_gear = landing_gear.landing_gear(TOW)   
    # Systems
    output_2        = systems(num_pax, ctrl_type, s_tail, S_gross_w, ac_type)
    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty        = (wt_main_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + wt_vtail_tot)     

    # packup outputs
    output                   = payload.payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax,wt_cargo)
    output.wing              = wt_main_wing
    output.fuselage          = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion        = wt_propulsion
    output.main_gear         = wt_landing_gear * 0.9
    output.nose_gear         = wt_landing_gear * 0.1
    output.horizontal_tail   = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail     = wt_vtail_tot
    output.rudder            = wt_rudder           = output_2.wt_systems       
    output.systems_breakdown = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems   = output_2.wt_flt_ctrl    
    output.systems_breakdown.apu               = output_2.wt_apu         
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics        = output_2.wt_hyd_pnu     
    output.systems_breakdown.instruments       = output_2.wt_instruments 
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics          = output_2.wt_avionics    
    output.systems_breakdown.optionals         = output_2.wt_opitems     
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical        = output_2.wt_elec        
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner   = output_2.wt_ac          
    output.systems_breakdown.furnish           = output_2.wt_furnish    
    control_systems        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    control_systems.tag    = 'control_systems'
    electrical_systems     = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems.tag = 'electrical_systems'
    passengers             = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers.tag         = 'passengers'
    furnishings            = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings.tag        = 'furnishings'
    air_conditioner        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner.tag    = 'air_conditioner'
    fuel                   = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel.tag               = 'fuel'
    apu                    = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu.tag                = 'apu'
    hydraulics             = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics.tag         = 'hydraulics'
    optionals              = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    optionals.tag          = 'optionals'
    avionics               = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    main_gear              = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Main_Landing_Gear()
    nose_gear              = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Nose_Landing_Gear()
    #assign output weights to objects
    main_gear.mass_properties.mass                                   = output.main_gear
    nose_gear.mass_properties.mass                                   = output.nose_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass                             = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass                          = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass                                  = output.pax + output.bag
    furnishings.mass_properties.mass                                 = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass                                    = output.systems_breakdown.avionics \
        + output.systems_breakdown.instruments                  
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass                             = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass                                        = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass                                         = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass                                  = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    optionals.mass_properties.mass                                   = output.systems_breakdown.optionals
    #assign components to vehicle        = control_systems     = electrical_systems               = avionics            = furnishings             = passengers        = air_conditioner                   = fuel                    = apu             = hydraulics              = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear.nose_landing_gear = nose_gear
    vehicle.landing_gear.main_landing_gear = main_gear
    return output    
Beispiel #2
def empty(vehicle):
    """ This is for a BWB aircraft configuration. 
         calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft
        engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
            thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine                                        [Newtons]

        wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
            gross_area - wing gross area                                                                   [meters**2]
            span - span of the wing                                                                        [meters]
            taper - taper ratio of the wing                                                                [dimensionless]
            t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing                                                     [dimensionless]
            sweep - sweep angle of the wing                                                                [radians]
            mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing                                                       [meters]
            r_c - wing root chord                                                                          [meters]

        aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
            Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                                                           [dimensionless]
            Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft                                   [dimensionless]
            TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft                                                   [kilograms]
            zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft                                                 [kilograms]
            num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft                                                    [dimensionless]
            num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft                                                 [dimensionless]
            wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft                              [kilograms]
            num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft                                          [dimensionless]
            ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
            ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
                "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst"        [dimensionless]

         fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
            area - fuselage wetted area                                                                    [meters**2]
            diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential                                                [Pascal]
            width - width of the fuselage                                                                  [meters]
            height - height of the fuselage                                                                [meters]
            length - length of the fuselage                                                                [meters]   
        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo                              [kilograms]
            wt_pax - weight of all the passengers                                                          [kilogram]
            wt_bag - weight of all the baggage                                                             [kilogram]
            wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried                                                           [kilogram]
            wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft                                              [kilograms]
    Properties Used:

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    wt_cargo = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_pax = vehicle.passengers
    ctrl_type =
    ac_type =

    num_seats = vehicle.passengers
    bwb_aft_centerbody_area = vehicle.fuselages[
    bwb_aft_centerbody_taper = vehicle.fuselages[
    bwb_cabin_area = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage_bwb'].cabin_area

    propulsor_name = list(vehicle.propulsors.keys())[0]  #obtain the key f
    #for the propulsor for assignment purposes

    propulsors = vehicle.propulsors[propulsor_name]
    num_eng = propulsors.number_of_engines
    if propulsor_name == 'turbofan' or propulsor_name == 'Turbofan':
        # thrust_sls should be sea level static thrust. Using design thrust results in wrong propulsor
        # weight estimation. Engine sizing should return this value.
        # for now, using thrust_sls = design_thrust / 0.20, just for optimization evaluations
        thrust_sls = propulsors.sealevel_static_thrust
        wt_engine_jet = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(
            wt_engine_jet, num_eng)
        propulsors.mass_properties.mass = wt_propulsion

    else:  #propulsor used is not a turbo_fan; assume mass_properties defined outside model
        wt_propulsion = propulsors.mass_properties.mass

        if wt_propulsion == 0:
                "Propulsion mass= 0; there is no Engine Weight being added to the Configuration",

    S_gross_w = vehicle.reference_area

    if 'main_wing' not in vehicle.wings:
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
            "There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration",

        b = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].taper
        t_c_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.root
        S_h = vehicle.wings[
            'main_wing'].areas.reference * 0.01  # control surface area on bwb
        wt_wing = wing_main.wing_main(S_gross_w, b, lambda_w, t_c_w, sweep_w,
                                      Nult, TOW, wt_zf)
        vehicle.wings['main_wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing

    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear = landing_gear.landing_gear(TOW)
    wt_cabin = cabin(bwb_cabin_area, TOW)
    wt_aft_centerbody = aft_centerbody(num_eng, bwb_aft_centerbody_area,
                                       bwb_aft_centerbody_taper, TOW)
    output_2 = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_gross_w, ac_type)

    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty = (wt_wing + wt_cabin + wt_aft_centerbody + wt_landing_gear +
                wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems)
    vehicle.fuselages['fuselage_bwb'].mass_properties.mass = wt_cabin

    # packup outputs
    output = payload.payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax, wt_cargo)
    output.wing = wt_wing
    output.fuselage = wt_cabin + wt_aft_centerbody
    output.propulsion = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear = wt_landing_gear = output_2.wt_systems
    output.systems_breakdown = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems = output_2.wt_flt_ctrl
    output.systems_breakdown.apu = output_2.wt_apu
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics = output_2.wt_hyd_pnu
    output.systems_breakdown.instruments = output_2.wt_instruments
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics = output_2.wt_avionics
    output.systems_breakdown.optionals = output_2.wt_opitems
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical = output_2.wt_elec
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner = output_2.wt_ac
    output.systems_breakdown.furnish = output_2.wt_furnish

    #define weights components

        landing_gear_component = vehicle.landing_gear  #landing gear previously defined
    except AttributeError:  # landing gear not defined
        landing_gear_component = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
        vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component

    control_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    optionals = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()

    #assign output weights to objects
    landing_gear_component.mass_properties.mass = output.landing_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass = output.pax + output.bag
    furnishings.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass               = output.systems_breakdown.avionics \
        + output.systems_breakdown.instruments
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    optionals.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.optionals

    #assign components to vehicle
    vehicle.control_systems = control_systems
    vehicle.electrical_systems = electrical_systems
    vehicle.avionics = avionics
    vehicle.furnishings = furnishings
    vehicle.passenger_weights = passengers
    vehicle.air_conditioner = air_conditioner
    vehicle.fuel = fuel
    vehicle.apu = apu
    vehicle.hydraulics = hydraulics
    vehicle.optionals = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component

    return output
Beispiel #3
def empty(vehicle):
    """ This is for a BWB aircraft configuration. 
         calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft
        engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
            thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine                                        [Newtons]

        wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
            gross_area - wing gross area                                                                   [meters**2]
            span - span of the wing                                                                        [meters]
            taper - taper ratio of the wing                                                                [dimensionless]
            t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing                                                     [dimensionless]
            sweep - sweep angle of the wing                                                                [radians]
            mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing                                                       [meters]
            r_c - wing root chord                                                                          [meters]

        aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
            Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                                                           [dimensionless]
            Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft                                   [dimensionless]
            TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft                                                   [kilograms]
            zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft                                                 [kilograms]
            num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft                                                    [dimensionless]
            num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft                                                 [dimensionless]
            wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft                              [kilograms]
            num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft                                          [dimensionless]
            ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
            ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
                "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst"        [dimensionless]

         fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
            area - fuselage wetted area                                                                    [meters**2]
            diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential                                                [Pascal]
            width - width of the fuselage                                                                  [meters]
            height - height of the fuselage                                                                [meters]
            length - length of the fuselage                                                                [meters]   
        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo                              [kilograms]
            wt_pax - weight of all the passengers                                                          [kilogram]
            wt_bag - weight of all the baggage                                                             [kilogram]
            wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried                                                           [kilogram]
            wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft                                              [kilograms]
    Properties Used:

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult       = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim       = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW        = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf      = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    wt_cargo   = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_pax    = vehicle.passengers
    ctrl_type  =
    ac_type    =
    num_seats                = vehicle.passengers
    bwb_aft_centerbody_area  = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage_bwb'].aft_centerbody_area
    bwb_aft_centerbody_taper = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage_bwb'].aft_centerbody_taper
    bwb_cabin_area           = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage_bwb'].cabin_area
    propulsor_name = list(vehicle.propulsors.keys())[0] #obtain the key f
    #for the propulsor for assignment purposes
    propulsors     = vehicle.propulsors[propulsor_name]
    num_eng        = propulsors.number_of_engines
    if propulsor_name=='turbofan' or propulsor_name=='Turbofan':
        # thrust_sls should be sea level static thrust. Using design thrust results in wrong propulsor 
        # weight estimation. Engine sizing should return this value.
        # for now, using thrust_sls = design_thrust / 0.20, just for optimization evaluations
        thrust_sls                       = propulsors.sealevel_static_thrust
        wt_engine_jet                    = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion                    = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(wt_engine_jet,num_eng)
        propulsors.mass_properties.mass  = wt_propulsion 
    else: #propulsor used is not a turbo_fan; assume mass_properties defined outside model
        wt_propulsion                    = propulsors.mass_properties.mass

        if wt_propulsion==0:
            warnings.warn("Propulsion mass= 0; there is no Engine Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
    S_gross_w  = vehicle.reference_area

    if 'main_wing' not in vehicle.wings:
        wt_wing  = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        b          = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w   = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].taper
        t_c_w      = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w    = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_w      = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r   = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.root
        S_h        = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].areas.reference*0.01 # control surface area on bwb
        wt_wing    = wing_main.wing_main(S_gross_w,b,lambda_w,t_c_w,sweep_w,Nult,TOW,wt_zf)
        vehicle.wings['main_wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing        

    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear    = landing_gear.landing_gear(TOW)
    wt_cabin           = cabin(bwb_cabin_area, TOW)
    wt_aft_centerbody  = aft_centerbody(num_eng, bwb_aft_centerbody_area, bwb_aft_centerbody_taper, TOW)
    output_2           = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h , S_gross_w, ac_type)

    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_cabin + wt_aft_centerbody + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems)
    vehicle.fuselages['fuselage_bwb'].mass_properties.mass = wt_cabin 

    # packup outputs
    output                                      = payload.payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax,wt_cargo)
    output.wing                                 = wt_wing
    output.fuselage                             = wt_cabin + wt_aft_centerbody
    output.propulsion                           = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear                         = wt_landing_gear                              = output_2.wt_systems       
    output.systems_breakdown                    = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems    = output_2.wt_flt_ctrl 
    output.systems_breakdown.apu                = output_2.wt_apu         
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics         = output_2.wt_hyd_pnu     
    output.systems_breakdown.instruments        = output_2.wt_instruments 
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics           = output_2.wt_avionics    
    output.systems_breakdown.optionals          = output_2.wt_opitems     
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical         = output_2.wt_elec        
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner    = output_2.wt_ac          
    output.systems_breakdown.furnish            = output_2.wt_furnish    
    #define weights components

        landing_gear_component=vehicle.landing_gear #landing gear previously defined
    except AttributeError: # landing gear not defined
    control_systems                             = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems                          = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers                                  = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings                                 = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner                             = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel                                        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu                                         = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics                                  = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    optionals                                   = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics                                    = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    #assign output weights to objects
    landing_gear_component.mass_properties.mass = output.landing_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass        = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass     = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass             = output.pax + output.bag
    furnishings.mass_properties.mass            = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass               = output.systems_breakdown.avionics \
        + output.systems_breakdown.instruments  
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass        = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass                   = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass                    = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass             = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    optionals.mass_properties.mass              = output.systems_breakdown.optionals

    #assign components to vehicle
    vehicle.control_systems                     = control_systems
    vehicle.electrical_systems                  = electrical_systems
    vehicle.avionics                            = avionics
    vehicle.furnishings                         = furnishings
    vehicle.passenger_weights                   = passengers 
    vehicle.air_conditioner                     = air_conditioner
    vehicle.fuel                                = fuel
    vehicle.apu                                 = apu
    vehicle.hydraulics                          = hydraulics
    vehicle.optionals                           = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear                        = landing_gear_component

    return output
Beispiel #4
def empty(vehicle, settings=None):
    """ This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.        

        calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft
      engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
          thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine                [Newtons]

      wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
          gross_area - wing gross area                                           [meters**2]
          span - span of the wing                                                [meters]
          taper - taper ratio of the wing                                        [dimensionless]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing                             [dimensionless]
          sweep - sweep angle of the wing                                        [radians]
          mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing                               [meters]
          r_c - wing root chord                                                  [meters]

      aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
          Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                                   [dimensionless]
          Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft           [dimensionless]
          TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft                           [kilograms]
          zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft                         [kilograms]
          num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft                            [dimensionless]
          num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft                         [dimensionless]
          wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft      [kilograms]
          num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft                  [dimensionless]
          ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
          ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
              "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst"        [dimensionless]
          w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center)  [meters]

      fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
          area - fuselage wetted area                                            [meters**2]
          diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential                        [Pascal]
          width - width of the fuselage                                          [meters]
          height - height of the fuselage                                        [meters]
          length - length of the fuselage                                        [meters]                     

          area - area of the horizontal tail                                     [meters**2]
          span - span of the horizontal tail                                     [meters]
          sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail                                   [radians]
          mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail                    [meters]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail                  [dimensionless]
          exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail                   [dimensionless]

          area - area of the vertical tail                                       [meters**2]
          span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical                  [meters]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail                    [dimensionless]
          sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail                               [radians]
          t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes"           [dimensionless]
          main_wing                                                              [dimensionless] (.1 is a 10% weight reduction)
          empennage                                                              [dimensionless] (.1 is a 10% weight reduction)
          fuselage                                                               [dimensionless] (.1 is a 10% weight reduction)

        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo    [kilograms]
            wt_pax - weight of all the passengers                                [kilogram]
            wt_bag - weight of all the baggage                                   [kilogram]
            wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried                                 [kilogram]
            wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft                    [kilograms]
    Properties Used:

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax = vehicle.passengers
    wt_cargo = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type =
    ac_type =

    if settings == None:
        wt_factors = Data()
        wt_factors.main_wing = 0.
        wt_factors.empennage = 0.
        wt_factors.fuselage = 0.
        wt_factors = settings.weight_reduction_factors

    propulsor_name = list(vehicle.propulsors.keys())[
        0]  #obtain the key for the propulsor for assignment purposes

    propulsors = vehicle.propulsors[propulsor_name]
    num_eng = propulsors.number_of_engines
    if propulsor_name == 'turbofan' or propulsor_name == 'Turbofan':
        # thrust_sls should be sea level static thrust. Using design thrust results in wrong propulsor
        # weight estimation. Engine sizing should return this value.
        # for now, using thrust_sls = design_thrust / 0.20, just for optimization evaluations
        thrust_sls = propulsors.sealevel_static_thrust
        wt_engine_jet = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(
            wt_engine_jet, num_eng)
        propulsors.mass_properties.mass = wt_propulsion

    else:  #propulsor used is not a turbo_fan; assume mass_properties defined outside model
        wt_propulsion = propulsors.mass_properties.mass

        if wt_propulsion == 0:
                "Propulsion mass= 0 ;e there is no Engine Weight being added to the Configuration",

    S_gross_w = vehicle.reference_area
    if 'main_wing' not in vehicle.wings:
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
            "There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration",

        b = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].taper
        t_c_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.root
        wt_wing = wing_main.wing_main(S_gross_w, b, lambda_w, t_c_w, sweep_w,
                                      Nult, TOW, wt_zf)
        wt_wing = wt_wing * (1. - wt_factors.main_wing)
        vehicle.wings['main_wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing

    S_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].differential_pressure
    w_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].width
    h_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.maximum
    l_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage']

    if 'horizontal_stabilizer' not in vehicle.wings:
        wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
        S_h = 0.0
            "There is no Horizontal Tail Weight being added to the Configuration",

        S_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        sweep_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        t_c_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings[
            'horizontal_stabilizer'] / vehicle.wings[
        l_w2h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].origin[
            0] + vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[
                0] - vehicle.wings['main_wing'].origin[0] - vehicle.wings[
                        0]  #Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
        wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h, sweep_h, Nult, S_h, TOW,
                                             mac_w, mac_h, l_w2h, t_c_h,
        wt_tail_horizontal = wt_tail_horizontal * (1. - wt_factors.empennage)
            'horizontal_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal

    if 'vertical_stabilizer' not in vehicle.wings:
        output_3 = Data()
        output_3.wt_tail_vertical = 0.0
        output_3.wt_rudder = 0.0
        S_v = 0.0
            "There is no Vertical Tail Weight being added to the Configuration",

        S_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        t_c_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        t_tail = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].t_tail
        output_3 = tail_vertical(S_v, Nult, b_v, TOW, t_c_v, sweep_v,
                                 S_gross_w, t_tail)
        wt_vtail_tot = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder
        wt_vtail_tot = wt_vtail_tot * (1. - wt_factors.empennage)
            'vertical_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_vtail_tot

    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear = landing_gear.landing_gear(TOW)

    wt_fuselage = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus, w_fus, h_fus, l_fus, Nlim, wt_zf,
                       wt_wing, wt_propulsion, wing_c_r)
    wt_fuselage = wt_fuselage * (1. - wt_factors.fuselage)
    output_2 = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)

    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + wt_vtail_tot)
    vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage

    # packup outputs
    output = payload.payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax, wt_cargo)
    output.wing = wt_wing
    output.fuselage = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear = wt_landing_gear
    output.horizontal_tail = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail = output_3.wt_tail_vertical * (1. -
    output.rudder = output_3.wt_rudder * (1. - wt_factors.empennage) = output_2.wt_systems
    output.systems_breakdown = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems = output_2.wt_flt_ctrl
    output.systems_breakdown.apu = output_2.wt_apu
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics = output_2.wt_hyd_pnu
    output.systems_breakdown.instruments = output_2.wt_instruments
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics = output_2.wt_avionics
    output.systems_breakdown.optionals = output_2.wt_opitems
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical = output_2.wt_elec
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner = output_2.wt_ac
    output.systems_breakdown.furnish = output_2.wt_furnish

    #define weights components

        landing_gear_component = vehicle.landing_gear  #landing gear previously defined
    except AttributeError:  # landing gear not defined
        landing_gear_component = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
        vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component

    control_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    optionals = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    rudder = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()

    #assign output weights to objects
    landing_gear_component.mass_properties.mass = output.landing_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass = output.pax + output.bag
    furnishings.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass                                    = output.systems_breakdown.avionics \
        + output.systems_breakdown.instruments
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    optionals.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.optionals
    rudder.mass_properties.mass = output.rudder

    #assign components to vehicle
    vehicle.control_systems = control_systems
    vehicle.electrical_systems = electrical_systems
    vehicle.avionics = avionics
    vehicle.furnishings = furnishings
    vehicle.passenger_weights = passengers
    vehicle.air_conditioner = air_conditioner
    vehicle.fuel = fuel
    vehicle.apu = apu
    vehicle.hydraulics = hydraulics
    vehicle.optionals = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component
    vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].rudder = rudder

    return output
Beispiel #5
def empty(vehicle):
    """ This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.        

        calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft
      engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
          thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine                [Newtons]

      wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
          gross_area - wing gross area                                           [meters**2]
          span - span of the wing                                                [meters]
          taper - taper ratio of the wing                                        [dimensionless]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing                             [dimensionless]
          sweep - sweep angle of the wing                                        [radians]
          mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing                               [meters]
          r_c - wing root chord                                                  [meters]

      aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
          Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                                   [dimensionless]
          Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft           [dimensionless]
          TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft                           [kilograms]
          zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft                         [kilograms]
          num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft                            [dimensionless]
          num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft                         [dimensionless]
          wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft      [kilograms]
          num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft                  [dimensionless]
          ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
          ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
              "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst"        [dimensionless]
          w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center)  [meters]

      fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
          area - fuselage wetted area                                            [meters**2]
          diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential                        [Pascal]
          width - width of the fuselage                                          [meters]
          height - height of the fuselage                                        [meters]
          length - length of the fuselage                                        [meters]                     

          area - area of the horizontal tail                                     [meters**2]
          span - span of the horizontal tail                                     [meters]
          sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail                                   [radians]
          mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail                    [meters]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail                  [dimensionless]
          exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail                   [dimensionless]

          area - area of the vertical tail                                       [meters**2]
          span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical                  [meters]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail                    [dimensionless]
          sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail                               [radians]
          t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes"           [dimensionless]

        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo    [kilograms]
            wt_pax - weight of all the passengers                                [kilogram]
            wt_bag - weight of all the baggage                                   [kilogram]
            wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried                                 [kilogram]
            wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft                    [kilograms]
    Properties Used:

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult       = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim       = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW        = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf      = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax    = vehicle.passengers
    wt_cargo   = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats  = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type  =
    ac_type    =         
    propulsor_name = vehicle.propulsors.keys()[0] #obtain the key for the propulsor for assignment purposes
    propulsors     = vehicle.propulsors[propulsor_name]
    num_eng        = propulsors.number_of_engines
    if propulsor_name=='turbofan' or propulsor_name=='Turbofan':
        # thrust_sls should be sea level static thrust. Using design thrust results in wrong propulsor 
        # weight estimation. Engine sizing should return this value.
        # for now, using thrust_sls = design_thrust / 0.20, just for optimization evaluations
        thrust_sls                       = propulsors.sealevel_static_thrust
        wt_engine_jet                    = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion                    = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(wt_engine_jet,num_eng)
        propulsors.mass_properties.mass  = wt_propulsion 
    else: #propulsor used is not a turbo_fan; assume mass_properties defined outside model
        wt_propulsion                   = propulsors.mass_properties.mass

        if wt_propulsion==0:
            warnings.warn("Propulsion mass= 0 ;e there is no Engine Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
    S_gross_w  = vehicle.reference_area
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('main_wing'):
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        b          = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w   = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].taper
        t_c_w      = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w    = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_w      = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r   = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.root
        wt_wing    = wing_main.wing_main(S_gross_w,b,lambda_w,t_c_w,sweep_w,Nult,TOW,wt_zf)
        vehicle.wings['main_wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing        

    S_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].differential_pressure
    w_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].width
    h_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.maximum
    l_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage']

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('horizontal_stabilizer'):
        wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
        S_h = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Horizontal Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        S_h            = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_h            = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        sweep_h        = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_h          = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        t_c_h          = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'] / vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.wetted
        l_w2h          = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].origin[0] + vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[0] - vehicle.wings['main_wing'].origin[0] - vehicle.wings['main_wing'].aerodynamic_center[0] #Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
        wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h,sweep_h,Nult,S_h,TOW,mac_w,mac_h,l_w2h,t_c_h, h_tail_exposed)                
        vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal        

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('vertical_stabilizer'):   
        output_3                  = Data()
        output_3.wt_tail_vertical = 0.0
        output_3.wt_rudder        = 0.0
        S_v                       = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Vertical Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
        S_v        = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_v        = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        t_c_v      = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_v    = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        t_tail     = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].t_tail  
        output_3   = tail_vertical(S_v,Nult,b_v,TOW,t_c_v,sweep_v,S_gross_w,t_tail)
        vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder
    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear    = landing_gear.landing_gear(TOW)
    wt_fuselage        = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus,w_fus,h_fus,l_fus,Nlim,wt_zf,wt_wing,wt_propulsion, wing_c_r) 
    output_2           = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)  

    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder) 
    vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage

    # packup outputs
    output                   = payload.payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax,wt_cargo)
    output.wing              = wt_wing
    output.fuselage          = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion        = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear      = wt_landing_gear
    output.horizontal_tail   = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail     = output_3.wt_tail_vertical
    output.rudder            = output_3.wt_rudder           = output_2.wt_systems       
    output.systems_breakdown = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems   = output_2.wt_flt_ctrl    
    output.systems_breakdown.apu               = output_2.wt_apu         
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics        = output_2.wt_hyd_pnu     
    output.systems_breakdown.instruments       = output_2.wt_instruments 
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics          = output_2.wt_avionics    
    output.systems_breakdown.optionals         = output_2.wt_opitems     
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical        = output_2.wt_elec        
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner   = output_2.wt_ac          
    output.systems_breakdown.furnish           = output_2.wt_furnish    
    #define weights components

        landing_gear_component=vehicle.landing_gear #landing gear previously defined
    except AttributeError: # landing gear not defined
    control_systems   = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems= SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings       = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner   = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel              = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu               = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    optionals         = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    rudder            = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics          = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    #assign output weights to objects
    landing_gear_component.mass_properties.mass                      = output.landing_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass                             = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass                          = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass                                  = output.pax + output.bag
    furnishings.mass_properties.mass                                 = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass                                    = output.systems_breakdown.avionics \
        + output.systems_breakdown.instruments                  
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass                             = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass                                        = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass                                         = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass                                  = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    optionals.mass_properties.mass                                   = output.systems_breakdown.optionals
    rudder.mass_properties.mass                                      = output.rudder
    #assign components to vehicle
    vehicle.control_systems                     = control_systems
    vehicle.electrical_systems                  = electrical_systems
    vehicle.avionics                            = avionics
    vehicle.furnishings                         = furnishings
    vehicle.passenger_weights                   = passengers 
    vehicle.air_conditioner                     = air_conditioner
    vehicle.fuel                                = fuel
    vehicle.apu                                 = apu
    vehicle.hydraulics                          = hydraulics
    vehicle.optionals                           = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear                        = landing_gear_component
    vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].rudder = rudder

    return output