Beispiel #1
    def run(self):
        tmp = Wdir('tmp_')

        # Compile all the sources.  This method will not work if there are
        # sources that are not in the "." directory, but since executabes are
        # processed next, there will be an error if not all sources are
        # compiled.
        project = gprfor(self.sources, srcdirs=[".."], main_cargs=self.options)
        gprbuild(project, gargs=["-bargs", "-z"])

        # If requested, check at least one non statement SCO in alis
        if self.ensure_dcscos:
            for ali in self.alis:
                thistest.fail_if(not match('^C[^S ]', ali, re.MULTILINE),
                                 "couldn't find non-statement SCO in %s" % ali)

        # Run xcov map-routines and check absence of errors
        mapoutput = do(
            ] + self.execs))

        maperrors = [
            str(m) for m in re.findall(r"(\*\*\*|\!\!\!)(.*)", mapoutput)

            "expect no map-routines error for %s" % ", ".join(self.sources))

Beispiel #2
    def gen_xcov_reports(self):
        """Generate the reports against which we will check expectation
        specs. Request the report format, saved as test.rep, and the xcov
        format (.ad?.xcov outputs) if we're not in qualification mode"""

        # Determine what options we are going to provide as the
        # assessement's inputs.

        # For a single driver, we always rely on a trace as input and we
        # produce a checkpoint for possible future consolidation if the
        # current execution mode calls for it:

        checkpoints = thistest.options.consolidate == 'checkpoints'

        single_driver = no_ext(self.drivers[0]) if self.singletest() else None

        use_checkpoint_inputs = checkpoints and not single_driver

        # We request traces as input with "@inputs.list", where the file
        # contains the list of traces to use, derived from the set of drivers.
        # We request checkpoints as inputs with "[email protected]",
        # where the file contains the list of checkpoints to use, derived
        # from the set of drivers as well:

        (input_opt, input_fn) = \
            ("--checkpoint=", ckptname_for) if use_checkpoint_inputs \
            else ("", tracename_for)

        inputs = "%s@" % input_opt + list_to_file([
            self.awdir_for(no_ext(main)) + input_fn(no_ext(main))
            for main in self.drivers
        ], "inputs.list")

        # We don't need and don't want to pass SCO options when using
        # checkpoints as inputs:

        report_options = self.scoptions if not use_checkpoint_inputs else []

        report_options.extend(['-o', 'test.rep'])

        if single_driver and checkpoints:
            report_options.append("--save-checkpoint=%s" %


        # Now produce an alternate .xcov output format, unless we are
        # performing a qualification run, for which that format isn't
        # appropriate.

        if thistest.options.qualif_level:

        xcov_options = self.scoptions if not use_checkpoint_inputs else []

        self.gen_one_xcov_report(inputs, format="xcov", options=xcov_options)
Beispiel #3
    def mode_coverage_sco_options(self):

        # Units of interest are conveyed at instrumentation time
        # and the corresponding SCOs are held by the instrumentation
        # checkpoints.

        instr_checkpoints_opt = "--isi=@%s" % list_to_file(
            [self.abdir_for(pgm) + self.ISI_FILE
             for pgm in self.programs()], "isi-files.list")

        return [instr_checkpoints_opt]
Beispiel #4
    def mode_coverage_sco_options(self):
        # If we have a request for specific options, honor that.  Otherwise,
        # if we are requested to convey unit of interest through project file
        # attributes, use our build project file which has been amended for
        # that. Otherwise, fallback to --scos with a list of ALIs we compute
        # here:

        if self.covctl and self.covctl.gprsw:
            return self.covctl.gprsw.as_strings
        elif self.gprmode:
            return ["-P%s" % self.gpr]
            return ["--scos=@%s" % list_to_file(self.ali_list(), "alis.list")]
Beispiel #5
from import TestCase
from SCOV.tctl import CovControl
from SUITE.context import thistest
from SUITE.cutils import Wdir, list_to_file

wd = Wdir()

# Check on lone node unit only


    ulist_in="../" + list_to_file(["ops"]), xreports=["", "ops.adb"]))

# Check on lone node + child unit
    covcontrol=CovControl(ulist_in="../" +
                          list_to_file(["ops", "ops.andthen"]),
                          xreports=["", "ops.adb", "ops-andthen.adb"]))

# Check on lone child unit only
    covcontrol=CovControl(ulist_in="../" + list_to_file(["ops.andthen"]),

Beispiel #6
from import TestCase
from SCOV.tctl import CovControl
from SUITE.context import thistest
from SUITE.cutils import Wdir, list_to_file

base_out = ["support", "test_or_ft", "test_and_tt", "test_and_tf"]

wd = Wdir()

# Check on lone node unit only
    covcontrol=CovControl(ulist_out="../" + list_to_file(base_out + ["ops"]),
                          xreports=["ops-andthen.adb", "ops-orelse.adb"]))

# Check on child units only
    ulist_out="../" + list_to_file(base_out + ["ops.orelse", "ops.andthen"]),
    xreports=["", "ops.adb"]))

# Check on root + child unit
    covcontrol=CovControl(ulist_out="../" +
                          list_to_file(base_out + ["ops", "ops.andthen"]),

Beispiel #7
    def gen_xcov_reports(self):
        """Generate the reports against which we will check expectation
        specs. Request the report format, saved as test.rep, and the xcov
        format (.ad?.xcov outputs) if we're not in qualification mode"""

        # Determine what options we are going to provide as the
        # assessement's inputs.

        # For a single driver, we always rely on a trace as input and we
        # produce a checkpoint for possible future consolidation if the
        # current execution mode calls for it:

        checkpoints = thistest.options.consolidate == 'checkpoints'

        single_driver = no_ext(self.drivers[0]) if self.singletest() else None

        use_checkpoint_inputs = checkpoints and not single_driver

        # We request traces as input with "@inputs.list", where the file
        # contains the list of traces to use, derived from the set of drivers.
        # We request checkpoints as inputs with "[email protected]",
        # where the file contains the list of checkpoints to use, derived
        # from the set of drivers as well:

        (input_opt, input_fn) = \
            ("--checkpoint=", ckptname_for) if use_checkpoint_inputs \
            else ("", self.mode_tracename_for)

        inputs = "%s@%s" % (input_opt,
                                self.awdir_for(pgm) + input_fn(pgm)
                                for pgm in self.programs()
                            ], "inputs.list"))

        # Determine what command line options we'll pass to designate units of
        # interest and maybe produce a coverage checkpoint. We don't need and
        # don't want to pass SCO options when using checkpoints as inputs.

        sco_options = ([] if use_checkpoint_inputs else

        save_checkpoint_options = ([
            "--save-checkpoint=%s" % ckptname_for(single_driver)
        ] if single_driver and checkpoints else [])

        # Now produce the --annotate=report format:

                                 options=sco_options +
                                 save_checkpoint_options + ['-o', 'test.rep'])

        # Then an alternate .xcov output format, unless we are performing a
        # qualification run, for which that format isn't appropriate. No need
        # to regenerate a coverage checkpoint there - it would convey the same
        # as what the --annotate=report already produced if a checkpoint is
        # needed.

        if thistest.options.qualif_level:

        self.gen_one_xcov_report(inputs, format="xcov", options=sco_options)
Beispiel #8
    def run(self):
        """Evaluate source coverage as exercised by self.drivers"""


        # Whatever the kind of test, we get to a Working Directory and
        # switch back when done:

        # Compute our GPR now, which we will need for build of single tests
        # and/or analysis later on if in gprmode.  Turn inlining off for the
        # driver unit, so we exercise the functional code as separately
        # compiled, not as an inlined version of it in a non-representative
        # driver context.

        # Most of the tests with coverage control operate within
        # an extra subdir level
        this_depth = (thistest.depth + 1 if self.covctl else thistest.depth)

        self.gpr = gprfor(
            srcdirs=["../" * n + "src" for n in range(1, this_depth)],
            langs=["Ada", "C"],
            deps=self.covctl.deps if self.covctl else (),
            extra=self.covctl.gpr() if self.covctl else "")

        # For single tests (no consolidation), we first need to build,
        # producing the binary to execute and the ALIs files, then to gnatcov
        # run to get an execution trace.  All these we already have for
        # consolidation tests, and there's actually no need to build if we
        # were provided a bin directory to reuse:

        if self.singletest() and not self.wdctl.reuse_bin:
            gprbuild(self.gpr, extracargs=self.extracargs)

        # Compute the gnatcov command line argument we'll pass to convey
        # the set of scos to operate upon.  Note that we need these for
        # both gnatcov run and gnatcov coverage.

        thistest.gprmode = (thistest.options.gprmode
                            or (self.covctl and self.covctl.requires_gpr()))

        self.scoptions = (
            to_list(self.covctl.scoptions) if
            (self.covctl and self.covctl.scoptions) else
            ["-P%s" % self.gpr] if thistest.gprmode else
            ["--scos=@%s" % list_to_file(self.ali_list(), "alis.list")])

        # Remember which of these indicate the use of project files, which
        # might influence default output dirs for example.

        self.gproptions = [
            opt for opt in self.scoptions if opt.startswith("-P")

        # Do gnatcov run now unless we're consolidating.  We'll just reuse
        # traces from previous executions in the latter case.

        if self.singletest():

        # At this point, we have everything we need for the analysis. Either
        # from the just done build+run in the single test case, or from
        # previous such sequences in the consolidation case.  Run gnatcov
        # coverage to get actual coverage reports and check against our
        # Xpectation specs.



        # Let callers retrieve execution data at will
        return self