Beispiel #1
def _(s):
    if s == '':
        return s
    assert s
    # Do translation of the given string into the current language, and do
    # Ping-string interpolation into the resulting string.
    # This lets you write something like:
    #     now = time.ctime(time.time())
    #     print _('The current time is: %(now)s')
    # and have it Just Work.  Note that the lookup order for keys in the
    # original string is 1) locals dictionary, 2) globals dictionary.
    # First, get the frame of the caller
    frame = sys._getframe(1)
    # A `safe' dictionary is used so we won't get an exception if there's a
    # missing key in the dictionary.
    dict = SafeDict(frame.f_globals.copy())
    # Translating the string returns an encoded 8-bit string.  Rather than
    # turn that into a Unicode, we turn any Unicodes in the dictionary values
    # into encoded 8-bit strings.  BAW: Returning a Unicode here broke too
    # much other stuff and _() has many tentacles.  Eventually I think we want
    # to use Unicode everywhere.
    tns = _translation.gettext(s)
    charset = _translation.charset()
    if not charset:
        charset = 'us-ascii'
    for k, v in dict.items():
        if isinstance(v, UnicodeType):
            dict[k] = v.encode(charset, 'replace')
    return tns % dict
Beispiel #2
 def findtext(self, template, dict=None):
     """Make some text from a template file. Once the templatefile is found,
         string substitution is performed by interpolation in `dict'."""
     if dict is not None:
             sdict = SafeDict(dict)
                 text = sdict.interpolate(template)
             except UnicodeError:
                 # Try again after coercing the template to unicode
                 utemplate = unicode(template, 'utf-8', 'replace')
                 text = sdict.interpolate(utemplate)
         except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
             # The template is really screwed up
             raise Exception, "This template is really screwed up"
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.cache = SafeDict([])