from Seq1 import Seq

print("----Exercise 7----")
bases = ["A", "C", "G", "T"]

s1 = Seq("")
s2 = Seq("ACTGA")
s3 = Seq("Invalid sequence")

print("Sequence 1", ": (Lenght: ", s1.len(), ")", s1)
print("Bases: ", s1.count())
print("Reverse: ", s1.reverse())
print("Sequence 2", ": (Lenght: ", s2.len(), ")", s2)
print("Bases: ", s2.count())
print("Reverse: ", s2.reverse())
print("Sequence 3", ": (Lenght: ", s3.len(), ")", s3)
print("Bases: ", s3.count())
print("Reverse: ", s3.reverse())
from Seq1 import Seq

print("----| Practice 1, Exerxise 4 |----")
s1 = Seq()
s2 = Seq("ACTGA")
s3 = Seq("Invalid sequence")
print("Sequence 1: (Length: ", s1.len(), ")", s1)
print("Sequence 2: (Length: ", s2.len(), ")", s2)
print("Sequence 3: (Length: ", s3.len(), ")", s3)
Beispiel #3
from Seq1 import Seq

print("------| ")
seq = Seq("ACTGA")
print("Sequence " + str(1) + ": (Length: " + str(seq.len()) + " ) " + str(seq))
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        #User line
        user_line = self.requestline.split(" ")

        #Take the symbol / out of the path
        path = user_line[1]

        #Read the text
        u_text = path.split('?')

        #Read the first thing of the text
        header = u_text[0]

        # Open the form1.html file
        # Read the index from the file
        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
        error_code = 404

        if header == "/":
            # Read the index from the file open
            contents = Path('form-4.html').read_text()
            error_code = 200

        elif header == "/ping":
            contents = """
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang = "en">
            <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                <title> PING </title >
            </head >
            <h2> PING OK!</h2>
            <p> The SEQ2 server in running... </p>
            <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        elif header == "/get":
            u_set = u_text[1]
            sets = u_set.split("&")
            key, value = sets[0].split("=")
            n = int(value)

            seq = SEQ_GET[n]

            # Html code
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GET </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence number {n}</h2>
                        <p> {seq} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        elif header == "/gene":
            u_set = u_text[1]
            sets = u_set.split("&")
            key, gene = sets[0].split("=")

            s = Seq()
            s.read_fasta(FOLDER + gene + EXT)
            gene_str = str(s)
            # html code
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GENE </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Gene: {gene}</h2>
                        <textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {gene_str} </textarea>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        elif header == "/operation":
            u_set = u_text[1]
            sets = u_set.split("&")
            key, seq = sets[0].split("=")
            key, op = sets[1].split("=")

            # -- Create the sequence
            s = Seq(seq)

            if op == "comp":
                resp = s.complement()
            elif op == "rev":
                resp = s.reverse()
                sl = s.len()
                ca = s.count_base('A')
                pa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / sl)
                cc = s.count_base('C')
                pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
                cg = s.count_base('G')
                pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
                ct = s.count_base('T')
                pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

                resp = f"""
                <p>Total length: {sl}</p>
                <p>A: {ca} ({pa}%)</p>
                <p>C: {cc} ({pc}%)</p>
                <p>G: {cg} ({pg}%)</p>
                <p>T: {ct} ({pt}%)</p>"""

            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> OPERATION </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence </h2>
                        <h2> Operation: </h2>
                        <h2> Result: </h2>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        # Generating the response message
        self.send_response(error_code)  # -- Status line: OK!

        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')
        command = self.requestline.split(' ')
        #Command 2 is used to delete the interrogation mark.
        command2 = command[1].split('?')
        #This is the content before interrogation mark.
        first_w = command2[0]
        output = Path('error.html').read_text()
        code = 404

        if first_w == "/":
            output = Path('ex4.html').read_text()
            code = 200

        elif first_w == '/ping':
            output = Path('ping.html').read_text()
            code = 200

        elif first_w == '/get':
            # This is the content after interrogation mark.
            after_int = command2[1]
            # After interrogation mark there are two words, a name and a the value of the name, that are separated by an equal mark.
            w1, w2 = after_int.split('=')
            x = int(w2)
            sequence_n = sequence[x]

            output = f'''<!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang = "en">
            <meta charset = "utf-8">
            <title> RESULT </title>
            <h2> Sequence number: {x} </h2>
            <p> {sequence_n} </p>
            <a href="/">Main page</a>
            code = 200

        elif first_w == '/gene':
            # This is the content after interrogation mark.
            after_int = command2[1]
            # After interrogation mark there are two words, a name and a the value of the name, that are separated by an equal mark.
            w1, w2 = after_int.split('=')
            seq = Seq()
            sequence_g = str(seq.read_fasta(FOLDER + w2 + EXT))

            output = f'''<!DOCTYPE html>
                       <html lang = "en">
                       <meta charset = "utf-8">
                       <title> RESULT </title>
                       <h2> Gene: {w2} </h2>
                       <p> {sequence_g} </p>
                       <a href="/">Main page</a>
            code = 200

        elif first_w == '/operation':
            final = ''
            # This is the content after interrogation mark.
            after_int = command2[1]
            check = after_int.split('&')
            # After interrogation mark there are two words, a name and a the value of the name, that are separated by an equal mark.
            w1, w2 = check[0].split('=')
            x1, x2 = check[1].split('=')  #x2 es la opción elegida.
            seq = Seq(w2)
            if x2 == 'Comp':
                final = seq.complement()
            elif x2 == 'Rev':
                final = seq.reverse()
            elif x2 == 'Info':
                length = seq.len()
                count_A = seq.count_base('A')
                count_C = seq.count_base('C')
                count_G = seq.count_base('G')
                count_T = seq.count_base('T')
                perc_A = round(((count_A * 100) / length), 3)
                perc_C = round(((count_C * 100) / length), 3)
                perc_G = round(((count_G * 100) / length), 3)
                perc_T = round(((count_T * 100) / length), 3)

                final = f'Total length: {length}\n A: {count_A} ({perc_A}%)\n C: {count_C} ({perc_C}%)\n G: {count_G} ({perc_G}%)\n T: {count_T} ({perc_T}%)'
                code = 200

            output = f'''<!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8"
                        <title> RESULT </title>
                        <h2> Sequence:</h2>
                        <p> {w2} </p>
                        <h2> Operation:</h2>
                        <p> {x2} </p>
                        <h2> Result: </h2>
                        <p> {final} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>


        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(output)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line

        # Analize the request line
        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')

        # Get the path. It always start with the / symbol
        path = req_line[1]

        # separamos el path,  lo que está antes del ? y lo que está depues
        arguments = path.split("?")

        action = arguments[0]
        sequences = [

        if path == "/":  # Manda la pg principal
            contents = Path("form-4.html").read_text()

            status = 200

        elif action == "/ping":  # Escribe en la pg principal
            # después del ?
            contents = """
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> PING </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> PING OK!</h2>
                        <p> The SEQ2 server in running... </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            status = 200
        elif action == "/get":
            # Coger lo que está despues del interrogante (n=2)
            number = arguments[1]
            # Coger el número que seleccionas
            n = int(number.split("=")[1])
            seq = sequences[n]
            # POnemos la f antes para que así te añada las seq y el número seleccionado
            contents = f""" 
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> Get </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence number {n}</h2>
                        <p>{seq} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            status = 200

        elif action == "/gene":
            gene_and_name = arguments[1]
            name = gene_and_name.split("=")[1]
            s = Seq("")
            s_str = str(s.read_fasta(FOLDER + name + TEXT))

            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GENE </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Gene: {name}</h2>
                        <textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {s_str} </textarea>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            status = 200
        elif action == "/operation":
            msg_op = arguments[1]
            # Cogemos msg = y el mensaje
            msg = msg_op.split("&")[0]
            # Ahora cogemos solo la cadena que se introduce
            gene = msg.split("=")[1]

            # Creamos la secuencia
            seq = Seq(gene)

            # la operación
            name_op = msg_op.split("&")[1]
            # Operación seleccionada
            operation_select = name_op.split("=")[1]
            if operation_select == "Info":
                seq_length = seq.len()
                number_of_A = seq.count_base("A")
                percentage_A = "{:.1f}".format(100 * number_of_A / seq_length)
                number_of_G = seq.count_base("G")
                percentage_G = "{:.1f}".format(100 * number_of_G / seq_length)
                number_of_T = seq.count_base("T")
                percentage_T = "{:.1f}".format(100 * number_of_T / seq_length)
                number_of_C = seq.count_base("C")
                percentage_C = "{:.1f}".format(100 * number_of_C / seq_length)

                contents_of_operations = f"""
                <p>Total length: {seq_length}</p>
                <p>A: {number_of_A} ({percentage_A}%)</p>
                <p>C: {number_of_C} ({percentage_C}%)</p>
                <p>G: {number_of_G} ({percentage_G}%)</p>
                <p>T: {number_of_T} ({percentage_T}%)</p>"""

            elif operation_select == "Comp":
                contents_of_operations = seq.complement()

            # Para cuendo sea operation_select == "Rev":
                contents_of_operations = seq.reverse()

            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> OPERATION </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence </h2>
                        <h2> Operation: </h2>
                        <h2> Result: </h2>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            status = 200

            # -- Resource NOT FOUND
            print("ERROR: Not found")

            # Message to send back to the clinet
            contents = Path("Error.html").read_text()

            # Status code is NOT FOUND
            status = 404

        # Generating the response message
        self.send_response(status)  # -- Status line: OK!

        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

    def do_GET(self):

        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        path = self.requestline.split()[1]
        arguments = path.split('?')
        firts_argument = arguments[0]

            if firts_argument == "/":
                contents = Path("main-page.html").read_text()

            elif firts_argument == "/listSpecies":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                parameters = second_argument.split("&")
                data = get_data(
                if len(parameters) == 2:
                    parameter_1, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    number = parameter_1.split("=")[1]
                    if json == "json=1":
                        list = []
                        counter = 0
                        if number == "":
                            for element in data:
                                counter += 1
                            contents = dict_listSpecies(number, list)
                        elif 267 >= int(number):
                            for element in data:
                                if counter < int(number):
                                    counter += 1
                                contents = dict_listSpecies(number, list)
                            for element in data:
                                counter += 1
                            contents = dict_listSpecies(number, list)
                        contents = Path("error.json").read_text()

                elif len(parameters) == 1:
                    number = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    contents = html_format("lightyellow", "List of species")
                    contents += f"""<h1> SPECIES ON DATABASE OF ENSEMBL </h1>"""
                    contents += f"""<p>Total number of species in the ensembl database is 267</p>"""
                    contents += f"""<p>The limit you have selected is: {number}</p>"""
                    contents += f"""<p>The names of the species are:</p>"""
                    if number == "":
                        for element in data:
                            contents += f"""<p> - {element["display_name"]}</p> """
                    elif 267 >= int(number):
                        counter = 0
                        for element in data:
                            if counter < int(number):
                                contents += f"""<p> - {element["display_name"]}</p> """
                            counter += 1
                        for element in data:
                            contents += f"""<p> - {element["display_name"]}</p> """

            elif firts_argument == "/karyotype":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                parameters = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(parameters) == 2:
                    parameter_1, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    specie = parameter_1.split("=")[1]
                    data = get_data(

                    if json == "json=1":
                        list = []
                        for element in data:
                        contents = dict_karyotype(list)

                        contents = Path("error.json").read_text()

                elif len(parameters) == 1:
                    specie = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    data = get_data(
                    karyotype = data["karyotype"]
                    contents = html_format("lightgreen", "Karyotype")
                    contents += f"""<h1> KARYOTYPE </h1>"""
                    contents += f"""<p>The names of the chromosomes from {specie} are:</p>"""
                    for chromosome in karyotype:
                        contents += f"""<p> - {chromosome}</p>"""

            elif firts_argument == "/chromosomeLength":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                arguments = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(arguments) == 3:
                    specie, chromo, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    specie_name = specie.split("=")[1]
                    chromo_name = chromo.split("=")[1]
                    data = get_data(

                    if json == "json=1":
                        info = data["top_level_region"]
                        contents = dict_chromosomeLength(0)
                        for element in info:
                            if element["name"] == chromo_name:
                                length = element["length"]
                                contents = dict_chromosomeLength(length)

                        contents = Path("error.json").read_text()

                elif len(arguments) == 2:
                    specie, chromo = second_argument.split("&")
                    specie_name = specie.split("=")[1]
                    chromo_name = chromo.split("=")[1]
                    data = get_data(
                    information = data["top_level_region"]
                    contents = html_format("salmon", "Chromosome length")
                    contents += "<h1> CHROMOSOME LENGTH </h1>"
                    for chromosome in information:
                        if chromosome["coord_system"] == "chromosome":
                            if chromosome["name"] == chromo_name:
                                c_lenght = chromosome['length']
                                contents += f"""<p> The length of the chromosome {chromo_name} is: {c_lenght}</p>"""

            elif firts_argument == "/geneSeq":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                parameters = second_argument.split("&")

                if len(parameters) == 2:
                    parameter_1, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    gene = parameter_1.split("=")[1]
                    gene_id = get_data(
                    data = get_data(
                    if json == "json=1":
                        contents = dict_geneSeq(data["seq"])
                        contents = Path("error.json").read_text()
                elif len(parameters) == 1:
                    gene = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    gene_id = get_data(
                    data = get_data(
                    contents = html_format("pink", "Sequences")
                    contents += "<h1> SEQUENCES OF HUMAN GENES </h1>"
                    contents += f'<p> The sequence of gene {gene} is: </p>'
                    contents += f'<textarea rows = "100" "cols = 500"> {data["seq"]} </textarea>'

            elif firts_argument == "/geneInfo":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                parameters = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(parameters) == 2:
                    parameter_1, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    gene = parameter_1.split("=")[1]
                    gene_id = get_data(
                    data = get_data(
                    if json == "json=1":
                        length = data["end"] - data["start"]
                        contents = dict_geneInfo(data["start"], data["end"],
                                                 length, data["id"],
                        contents = Path("error.json").read_text()

                elif len(parameters) == 1:
                    gene = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    gene_id = get_data(
                    data = get_data(
                    contents = html_format("plum", "Information")
                    contents += f'<h1>INFORMATION ABOUT HUMAN GENE {gene} </h1>'
                    contents += f'<p> The start point is: {data["start"]}</p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The end point is: {data["end"]}</p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The length of the gene is: {data["end"] - data["start"]}</p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The id of the gene is: {gene_id}</p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The gene is on chromosome {data["seq_region_name"]}</p>'

            elif firts_argument == "/geneCalc":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                parameters = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(parameters) == 2:
                    parameter_1, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    gene = parameter_1.split("=")[1]
                    gene_id = get_data(
                    data = get_data(
                    sequence = Seq(data["seq"])
                    if json == "json=1":
                        bases = []
                        for base in list_bases:
                        contents = dict_geneCalc(sequence.len(), bases)
                        contents = Path("error.json").read_text()

                elif len(parameters) == 1:
                    gene = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    gene_id = get_data(
                    data = get_data(
                    sequence = Seq(data["seq"])
                    contents = html_format("lightblue", "Calculations")
                    contents += F"<h1> CALCULATIONS OF GENE {gene}</h1>"
                    contents += f"<p> Total length: {sequence.len()} </p>"
                    contents += "<p> Percentage of its bases: </p>"
                    for base in list_bases:
                        contents += f"<p>- {base}: {sequence.seq_count_base(base)[1]}%</p>"

            elif firts_argument == "/geneList":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                parameters = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(parameters) == 4:
                    chromo, start, end, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    chromo_name = chromo.split("=")[1]
                    start_point = start.split("=")[1]
                    end_point = end.split("=")[1]
                    data = get_data(
                    if json == "json=1":
                        list = []
                        for gene in data:
                        contents = dict_geneList(list)
                        contents = Path("error.json").read_text()

                elif len(parameters) == 3:
                    chromo, start, end = second_argument.split("&")
                    chromo_name = chromo.split("=")[1]
                    start_point = start.split("=")[1]
                    end_point = end.split("=")[1]
                    data = get_data(
                    contents = html_format("peachpuff", "List of genes")
                    contents += "<h1> LIST OF GENES </h1>"
                    contents += f"<p> Here is the list of some genes from chromosome {chromo_name}:</p>"
                    for gene in data:
                        contents += f'<p> - {gene["external_name"]}</p>'

        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError, IndexError):
            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()

        endpoints = [
            "/", "/listSpecies", "/karyotype", "/chromosomeLength", "/geneSeq",
            "/geneInfo", "/geneCalc", "/geneList"

        if firts_argument in endpoints:
            if "json" in path:
                type = "application/json"
                type = "text/html"

        self.send_header('Content-Type', type)
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))
Beispiel #8
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method
        is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, "green")

        # We get the first request line and then the path, goes after /. We get the arguments that go after the ? symbol
        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')
        path = req_line[1]
        arguments = path.split('?')
        # Action is the first argument
        action = arguments[0]
        contents = Path('error.html').read_text()
        code = 200

        # First we open index.html if we don´t specify any action, this is the Index menu
        if action == "/":
            contents = Path('form-4.html').read_text()

        elif action == "/ping":
            contents = """<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Ping </title ></head >
            <body><h2> PING OK!</h2><p> The SEQ2 server in running.... </p><a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        elif action == "/get":

            # We get the arguments that go after the ? symbol
            get_value = arguments[1]

            # We get the seq index, after we have a couple of elements, the one which we need is the value of the index
            # position of the sequence
            seq_n = get_value.split('?')
            seq_name, index = seq_n[0].split("=")
            index = int(index)

            # Once we have the index we can get our sequence from Seq_List
            seq = Seq_List[index]

            # This is the html code that will show up once we are getting back the sequence we selected
            contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Get </title ></head >
            <body><h2> Sequence number {index}</h2><p> {seq} </p><a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        elif action == "/gene":

            # We get the arguments that go after the ? symbol
            gene_value = arguments[1]

            # After we have a couple of elements, the one which we need is the name of the gene, for reading the file
            # using the specific function from Seq class
            pairs = gene_value.split('&')
            gene_name, gene = pairs[0].split("=")

            # We call Seq class and read the file correspondent to the gene variable, we read the file, get the seq and
            # convert into string
            s = Seq()
            filename = Folder + gene + txt
            seq = Seq(s.read_fasta(filename))
            gene_seq = str(seq)

            # This is the html code that will show up once we are getting back the sequence we selected
            contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Gene </title ></head>
            <body><h2> Gene: {gene}</h2><textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {gene_seq} </textarea><br><br>
            <a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        elif action == "/operation":

            # We get the arguments that go after the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]

            # We have a couple of elements, we need the sequence that we previously wrote and the operation to perform
            # that we previously selected
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            seq_name, seq = pairs[0].split("=")
            op_name, op = pairs[1].split("=")

            # Using Seq class we transform the sequence we introduced. According to the operation we selected we will
            # use one function of the class or other
            seq = Seq(seq)
            if op == "rev":
                result = seq.reverse()
            elif op == "comp":
                result = seq.complement()
                length = seq.len()
                counter_a = seq.count_base('A')
                counter_g = seq.count_base('G')
                counter_c = seq.count_base('C')
                counter_t = seq.count_base('T')
                perc_a = 100 * counter_a / length
                perc_g = 100 * counter_g / length
                perc_c = 100 * counter_c / length
                perc_t = 100 * counter_t / length
                result = f"""<p>Total length: {length}</p><p>A: {counter_a} ({perc_a}%)</p><p>G: {counter_g} ({perc_g}%)
                </p><p>C: {counter_c} ({perc_c}%)</p><p>T: {counter_t} ({perc_t}%)</p>"""

            contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Operation </title >
            </head ><body><h2> Sequence </h2><p>{seq}</p><h2> Operation: </h2><p>{op}</p><h2> Result: </h2><p>{result}
            </p><br><br><a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        # Generating the response message
        self.send_response(code)  # -- Status line: OK!

        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

            termcolor.cprint("PING command!", 'green')
            response = "OK!\n"

        elif comp1 == "GET":
            for e in range(len(sequences)):
                if e == int(comp2):
                    termcolor.cprint("GET", 'green')
                    response = sequences[e]

        elif comp1 == "INFO":
            seq0 = Seq(comp2)
            termcolor.cprint("INFO", 'green')
            response = f"Sequence: {comp2} \n"
            response += f"Total length: {seq0.len()} \n"
            for e in bases:
                percentage = round(seq0.count_base(e) * (100 / seq0.len()), 2)
                response += f"{e}: {seq0.count_base(e)} ({percentage}%) \n"

        elif comp1 == "COMP":
            seq0 = Seq(comp2)
            termcolor.cprint("COMP", 'green')
            response = seq0.complement()

        elif comp1 == "REV":
            seq0 = Seq(comp2)
            termcolor.cprint("REV", 'green')
            response = seq0.reverse()

        elif comp1 == "GENE":
            seq0 = Seq("")
            seq0 = seq0.read_fasta(folder + comp2)
Beispiel #10
    def do_GET(self):
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')
        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')
        path = req_line[1]
        arguments = path.split('?')
        verb = arguments[0]
        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
        error_code = 404

        if verb == "/":
            contents = Path('form-4.html').read_text()
            error_code = 200
        elif verb == "/ping":
            contents = """
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang = "en">
            <meta charset = "utf-8" >
              <title> PING </title >
            </head >
            <h2> PING OK!</h2>
            <p> The SEQ2 server in running... </p>
            <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        elif verb == "/get":
            pair = arguments[1]
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            name, value = pairs[0].split("=")
            n = int(value)
            seq = SEQ_GET[n]
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GET </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence number {n}</h2>
                        <p> {seq} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        elif verb == "/gene":
            pair = arguments[1]
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            name, value = pairs[0].split("=")
            s = Seq()
            s.read_fasta(FOLDER + value + EXT)
            value_gene = str(s)
            contents = f"""
                            <!DOCTYPE html>
                            <html lang = "en">
                            <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                              <title> GET </title >
                            </head >
                            <h2> Gene: {value}</h2>
                            <p> {value_gene} </p>
                            <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        elif verb == "/operation":
            pair = arguments[1]
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            name, seq = pairs[0].split("=")
            name, op = pairs[1].split("=")
            s = Seq(seq)
            if op == "comp":
                result = s.seq_complement()
            elif op == "rev":
                result = s.seq_reverse()
                slen = s.len()
                ca = s.count_base('A')
                pa = round(100 * ca / slen, 1)
                cc = s.count_base('C')
                pc = round(100 * cc / slen, 1)
                cg = s.count_base('G')
                pg = round(100 * cg / slen, 1)
                ct = s.count_base('T')
                pt = round(100 * ct / slen, 1)

                result = f"""
                <p>Total length: {slen}</p>
                <p>A: {ca} ({pa}%)</p>
                <p>C: {cc} ({pc}%)</p>
                <p>G: {cg} ({pg}%)</p>
                <p>T: {ct} ({pt}%)</p>"""

            contents = f"""
                            <!DOCTYPE html>
                            <html lang = "en">
                            <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                              <title> OPERATION </title >
                            </head >
                            <h2> Sequence </h2>
                            <p> {seq} </p>
                            <h2> Operation </h2>
                            <p> {op} </p>
                            <h2> Result </h2>
                            <p> {result} </p>
                            <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))
Beispiel #11
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')

        args = (req_line[1]).split("?") #With this .split() we separate the instruction that the program has to perform from the input
        first_arg = args[0]
        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            if first_arg == "/": #This If will bring us to the main page were we choose what we are going to perform and the output
                contents = Path('listspecies.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('karyotype.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('chromosomeLength.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('geneseq.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('geneinfo.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('geneCalc.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('genelist.html').read_text()
                if first_arg in '/listSpecies':
                    ENDPOINT = '/info/species' #This is the ENSEMBL REST API endpoint that will get us the list of species
                    conn.request("GET", ENDPOINT + ALWAYS_PARAMS)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_ ="utf-8")
                    api_info = json.loads(data_)
                    if len(args) > 1:
                        args_2 = args #We change this to avoid the index out of range error
                        second_arg = args_2[1]
                        seq_args = second_arg.split("=")
                    list_species = []
                    if seq_args[1] == '' or (len(seq_args[1]) == 5 and 'json' in seq_args[1]): #This If includes any type of request line that doesn't have a limit, puts every species in a list
                        for e in api_info['species']:
                    else: #This Else will be used when we put a limit in a request line
                        if len(seq_args) == 3:
                            seq_args = (seq_args[1]).split('&')
                            sp_name = api_info['species']
                            counter = 0
                            for i in sp_name:
                                if counter < int(seq_args[0]):
                                    counter += 1
                            sp_name = api_info['species']
                            counter = 0
                            for i in sp_name:
                                if counter < int(seq_args[1]):
                                    counter += 1
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]: #This If is for the advanced part, when we want the output in json format
                        if len(args) == 1 or ('0123456789' not in seq_args[1]):
                            dict_json = {'ListSpecies': list_species}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                            dict_json = {'ListSpecies': {'Limit': seq_args[0], 'Species': list_species}}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                    else: #This is used when we don't select the json option, we just want it in HTML format
                        contents = """
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                            <title>LIST OF SPECIES</title>
                        <body style="background-color: lightblue;">
                        contents += f"<h2> Species List</h2>"
                        contents += f"<p>The total number of species in ensembl is: {len(api_info['species'])}</p>"
                        if not len(args) == 1 or ((args[1])[-1] == '='):
                            contents += f"<p>The limit the user has selected is: {seq_args[-1]}</p>"
                        for i in list_species:
                            contents += f"<p>-{i}</p>"
                        contents += '<a href="/">Main Page</a>'
                        contents += "</body></html>"
                elif first_arg in '/karyotype':
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("=")
                    if '&' in seq_args[1]: #This If is for the advanced part, will separate the species from the json=1 when the option is selected
                        sp_arg = (seq_args[1]).split('&')
                        sp_arg = sp_arg[0] #This will be the name of the species we are going to take the karyotype of
                        sp_arg = seq_args[-1]
                    ENDPOINT = '/info/assembly/'
                    PARAMS = sp_arg + ALWAYS_PARAMS
                    conn.request("GET", ENDPOINT + PARAMS)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_ ="utf-8")
                    api_info = json.loads(data_)
                    karyotype_list = []
                    for i in api_info['karyotype']: #This loop will store every chromosome in a list
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                        dict_json = {'species':{sp_arg:{'chromosomes': karyotype_list}}}
                        contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                        contents = """
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                        <body style="background-color: lightblue;">
                        contents += f"<h2> Karyotype of the species: {seq_args[-1]}</h2>" #The variable between the {} will be the name of the species, same as sp_arg
                        for e in karyotype_list:
                            contents += f"<p>{e}</p>"
                        contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                        contents += "</body></html>"
                elif first_arg in "/chromosomeLength":
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("=") #With this .split() we are getting the species and the chromosome together
                    args_def = seq_args[1].split("&")   #With this .split() we separate the species and chromosome
                    chromosome = seq_args[-1] #This variable will store the name of the chromosome
                    if 'json' in seq_args[2]: #This If will be used when we want the output in json format
                        args_json = seq_args[2].split('&')
                        chromosome = args_json[0]
                    ENDPOINT = '/info/assembly/'
                    PARAMS = args_def[0] + ALWAYS_PARAMS #args_def[0] is the name of the species that we want to know something about
                    conn.request("GET", ENDPOINT + PARAMS)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_ ="utf-8")
                    api_info = json.loads(data_)
                    chromo_length = ''
                    for e in api_info['top_level_region']: #The top_level_region key, refers to the chromosome of which we want to know the length about
                        if e['name'] == chromosome:
                            chromo_length += str(e['length'])
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]: #This if will be used when we check the json option
                        dict_json = {'species':{args_def[0]:{'Chromosome':{chromosome:{'The length of the chromosome is:': chromo_length}}}}}
                        contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                        contents = """
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                            <title>CHROMOSOME LENGTH</title>
                        <body style="background-color: lightblue;">
                        contents += f"<h2> Chromosome: {seq_args[-1]} Species: {args_def[0]}</h2>"
                        contents += f"<p>The length of the chromosome is:   {chromo_length}</p>"
                        contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                        contents += "</body></html>"
                elif first_arg == "/geneList":
                    ENDPOINT = '/overlap/region/human/'
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("&") #With this .split(), we put on a list the arguments; start, end and chromosome
                    values_for_params = []
                    contents = """
                    <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <html lang="en">
                        <meta charset="utf-8">
                        <title>GENE LIST</title>
                    <body style="background-color: lightblue;">
                    for e in seq_args: #In this for we are putting on a list only the numbers, with the earlier .split() we got together the value it self and the name for ex. start=300
                        e = e.split('=')
                    PARAMS = values_for_params[0] + ':' + values_for_params[1] + '-' + values_for_params[2] + '?feature=gene;content-type=application/json'
                    conn.request("GET", ENDPOINT + PARAMS)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_1 ="utf-8")
                    api_info_genelist = json.loads(data_1)
                    contents += f"<h2>The genes in the chromosome {values_for_params[0]} that start at {values_for_params[1]} and end at {values_for_params[2]} are:</h2>"
                    gene_in_chromo = []
                    for i in api_info_genelist: #In this loop we put on a list the different genes in the range and the chromosome selected in the main page
                        contents += f"<p>{i['external_name']}</p>"
                    contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                    contents += "</body></html>"
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:  #This if will be used when we check the json option
                        contents = ''
                        dict_json = {'chromosome': values_for_params[0], 'Start': values_for_params[1], 'End': values_for_params[2], 'Genes': gene_in_chromo}
                        contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                else: #In this else, as you can see, we are acceding to two dictionaries already without caring about the endpoint, that is because they will be used in al three endpoints
                    ENDPOINT1 = '/xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/'
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("=")
                    gene_name = seq_args[1] #With the .split() above and this slicing, gene_name is going to be the name of the gene that we write in the main page
                    if 'json' in seq_args[1]: #This If is from the advanced section, will separte the json=1 of the gene name when the option is selected
                        args_json = seq_args[1].split('&')
                        gene_name = args_json[0]
                    PARAMS1 = gene_name + ALWAYS_PARAMS
                    conn.request("GET", ENDPOINT1 + PARAMS1)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_1 ="utf-8")
                    api_info_id = json.loads(data_1)
                    gene_id = api_info_id[0]
                    gene_id = gene_id['id']
                    ENDPOINT2 = '/sequence/id/'
                    PARAMS2 = gene_id + ALWAYS_PARAMS
                    conn.request("GET", ENDPOINT2 + PARAMS2)
                    resp2 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_2 ="utf-8")
                    api_info_seq = json.loads(data_2)
                    contents = """
                    <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <html lang="en">
                        <meta charset="utf-8">
                    <body style="background-color: lightblue;">
                    if first_arg == "/geneSeq":
                        gene_seq = ''
                        gene_seq += api_info_seq['seq']  #gene_seq will be the sequence of bases of the selected gene
                        if 'json=1' in req_line[1]: #This if will be used when we check the json option
                            dict_json = {'Gene name:':{gene_name:{'Sequence':gene_seq}}}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                            contents += f"<h2>The sequence of the gene {gene_name}</h2>"
                            contents += f"<textarea readonly rows = 20 cols = 80>{gene_seq}</textarea>"
                            contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                            contents += "</body></html>"
                    elif first_arg == '/geneInfo':
                        ENDPOINT3 = '/lookup/id/' #This is an extra dictionary that we will ned for this specific endpoint
                        PARAMS3 = gene_id + ALWAYS_PARAMS
                        conn.request("GET", ENDPOINT3 + PARAMS3)
                        resp3 = conn.getresponse()
                        data_3 ="utf-8")
                        api_info_gene = json.loads(data_3)
                        seq0 = Seq(api_info_seq['seq']) #We import the class Seq from Seq1, it will be useful for the things we have to do in this endpoint
                        if 'json=1' in req_line[1]: #This if will be used when we check the json option
                            dict_json = {'gene': gene_name, 'Start': api_info_gene['start'], 'End': api_info_gene['end'], 'Length': seq0.len(), 'Chromosome': api_info_gene['seq_region_name'], 'ID': gene_id}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                            contents += f"<h2>Information about the gene: {gene_name}</h2>"
                            contents += f"<p>The start: {api_info_gene['start']}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>The end: {api_info_gene['end']}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>The length of the gene's sequence is: {seq0.len()}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>This gene is located in the chromosome: {api_info_gene['seq_region_name']}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>The ID of the gene is: {gene_id}</p>"
                            contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                            contents += "</body></html>"
                    elif first_arg == "/geneCalc":
                        seq0 = Seq(api_info_seq['seq']) #We import the class Seq from Seq1, it will be useful for the things we have to do in this endpoint
                        if 'json=1' in req_line[1]: #This if will be used when we check the json option
                            for e in bases:
                                contents += f"<p>{e} : {seq0.count_base(e)} ({round(seq0.count_base(e) * (100 / seq0.len()), 2)}%)</p>"
                            dict_json = {'Gene': gene_name, 'Length': seq0.len(), 'A':{seq0.count_base('A'): {'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('A') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}, 'C':{seq0.count_base('C'): {'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('C') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}, 'T':{seq0.count_base('T'): {'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('T') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}, 'G':{seq0.count_base('G'): {'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('G') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                        else: #This will be used when the json option is not selected
                            contents += f"<h2>Some calculations of the gene: {gene_name}</h2>"
                            contents += f"<p>The length of the sequence is: {seq0.len()}</p>"
                            for e in bases:
                                contents += f"<p>{e} : {seq0.count_base(e)} ({round(seq0.count_base(e)*(100/seq0.len()), 2)}%)</p>"
                            contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                            contents += "</body></html>"

        #All the exceptions below, are to avoid certain type of errors, instead of that it will send you tu the error page
        except ValueError:
            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"<p>This is a ValueError type </p>"

        except KeyError:
            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"<p>This is a KeyError type </p>"

        except IndexError:
            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"<p>This is an IndexError type </p>"
        except TypeError:
            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"<p>This is a TypeError type </p>"

        # Read the index from th
        # Define the content-type header:
        if 'json=1' in req_line:
            self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

            self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
            self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

Beispiel #12
                response = list_sequences[int(argument)] + "\n"
            except IndexError:
                response = "The number you have introduced is out of range\n"
            except ValueError:
                response = "The sequence introduces must be a number\n"

        elif command == "INFO":
            s = Seq(argument)
            if s.create_dict() == True:
                response = "THE SEQUENCE SELECTED IS WRONG\n"
                response = str(s.len()) + "\n" + str(s.count_bases()) + "\n"

        elif command == "COMP":
            s = Seq(argument)
                response = str(s.seq_complement()) + "\n"
            except ValueError:

        elif command == "REV":
            s = Seq(argument)

            response = str(s.seq_reverse()) + "\n"
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""
        connection = http.client.HTTPConnection(SERVER)
        # We just print a message
        print("GET received! Request line:")

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint("  " + self.requestline, 'green')

        # Print the command received (should be GET)
        print("  Command: " + self.command)

        # Print the resource requested (the path)
        termcolor.cprint("  Path: " + self.path, "blue")

        # we are creating a parse object (easier way to work with the elements of the path
        o = urlparse(self.path)
        path_name = o.path
        arguments = parse_qs(o.query)
        print("Resource requested: ", path_name)
        print("Parameters: ", arguments)
        context = {}
            if path_name == "/":
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
            elif path_name == "/listSpecies":
                ENDPOINT = "/info/species"
                connection.request("GET", ENDPOINT + Parameters)
                response = connection.getresponse()
                response_dict = json.loads(
                species_list = []
                amount_species = len(response_dict["species"])
                context["amount_species"] = amount_species
                limit = int(arguments["limit"][0])
                context["limit"] = limit
                for n in range(0, limit):
                context["names"] = species_list
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
            elif path_name == "/karyotype":
                ENDPOINT = "info/assembly/"
                specie = arguments["species"][0]
                connection.request("GET", ENDPOINT + specie + Parameters)
                response = connection.getresponse()
                response_dict = json.loads(
                karyotype = response_dict["karyotype"]
                context["species"] = arguments["species"][0]
                context["karyotype"] = karyotype
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
            elif path_name == "/chromosomeLength":
                ENDPOINT = "info/assembly/"
                specie = arguments["species"][0]
                connection.request("GET", ENDPOINT + specie + Parameters)
                response = connection.getresponse()
                response_dict = json.loads(
                chromosome = arguments["chromosome"][0]
                for n in range(0, len(response_dict["top_level_region"])):
                    if chromosome == response_dict["top_level_region"][n][
                        length = response_dict["top_level_region"][n]["length"]
                context["length"] = length
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
            elif path_name == "/geneSeq":
                ENDPOINT = "/sequence/id/"
                gene = arguments["gene"][0]
                id = DICT_GENES[gene]
                connection.request("GET", ENDPOINT + id + Parameters)
                response = connection.getresponse()
                response_dict = json.loads(
                context["seq"] = response_dict["seq"]
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
            elif path_name == "/geneInfo":
                ENDPOINT = "/sequence/id/"
                gene = arguments["gene"][0]
                id = DICT_GENES[gene]
                connection.request("GET", ENDPOINT + id + Parameters)
                response = connection.getresponse()
                response_dict = json.loads(
                info = response_dict["desc"].split(":")
                context["dict_info"] = {
                    "Name": info[1],
                    "ID": id,
                    "Start": info[3],
                    "End": info[4],
                    "Length": (int(info[4]) - int(info[3]) + 1)
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
            elif path_name == "/geneCalc":
                ENDPOINT = "/sequence/id/"
                gene = arguments["gene"][0]
                id = DICT_GENES[gene]
                connection.request("GET", ENDPOINT + id + Parameters)
                response = connection.getresponse()
                response_dict = json.loads(
                sequence = Seq(response_dict["seq"])
                dict_bases = Seq.count(sequence)
                percentage = Seq.percentage(sequence)
                context["length"] = Seq.len(sequence)
                context["bases"] = {
                    str(dict_bases["A"]) + " (" + str(percentage[0]) + "%)",
                    str(dict_bases["C"]) + " (" + str(percentage[1]) + "%)",
                    str(dict_bases["T"]) + " (" + str(percentage[2]) + "%)",
                    str(dict_bases["G"]) + " (" + str(percentage[3]) + "%)"
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
                contents = su.read_template_html_file(
        except KeyError:
            contents = su.read_template_html_file("./html/ERROR.html").render()
        except IndexError:
            contents = su.read_template_html_file("./html/ERROR.html").render()
        # Generating the response message
        self.send_response(200)  # -- Status line: OK!

        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(contents.encode()))

        # The header is finished
        )  # we always need to call the end headers method which forces to create an empty line of the HTTP message

        # Send the response message
        ))  # wfile acts like a socket, its just something that we can write on

        # IN this simple server version:
        # We are NOT processing the client's request
Beispiel #14
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # -- Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        # -- Analyze the request line
        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')

        # -- Get the path. It always start with the / symbol
        path = req_line[1]

        # --  Check all the arguments
        arguments = path.split('?')

        # -- The verb is located as the first argument
        verb = arguments[0]

        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
        status = 404

        # -- Gives a response depending of the existence of de
        if verb == '/':
            # OPen form-1 file (HTML)
            contents = Path('form-4.html').read_text()
            # Status code
            status = 200
        elif verb == '/ping':
            # Verification page to show that the server is on-line
            contents = '''
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang='en'>
                            <meta charset='utf-8'>
                        <h2> Ping Ok! </h2>
                        <p> The Seq2 server is running correctly... </p>
                        <h2>Received message:</h2>
                        <a href='/'>Main page</a>
            status = 200
        elif verb == '/get':
            pair = arguments[1]
            tpe = pair.split('?')
            ind, value = tpe[0].split('=')
            n = int(value)
            # -- Get sequence
            seq = seq_num[n]

            # -- HTML
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GET </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence number {n}</h2>
                        <p> {seq} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            status = 200

        elif verb == '/gene':
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value
            name, gene = pairs[0].split('=')

            s = Seq()
            s = s.read_fasta(folder + gene)
            gene_str = str(s)
            # -- Generate the html code
            contents = f"""
                                   <!DOCTYPE html>
                                   <html lang = "en">
                                   <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                                     <title> GENE </title >
                                   </head >
                                   <h2> Gene: {gene}</h2>
                                   <textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {gene_str} </textarea>
                                   <a href="/">Main page</a>
            status = 200
        elif verb == '/operation':
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value, and the operation name w/ the chosen operation
            name, seq = pairs[0].split('=')
            o_name, operation = pairs[1].split('=')
            seq = Seq(seq)
            if operation == 'Rev':
                result = seq.reverse()
            elif operation == 'Comp':
                result = seq.complement()
                # We calculate the length, amount of bases and the percentage they occupy in the sequence
                g_len = seq.len()
                counter = seq.count()
                per_a = 100 * int(counter['A']) / g_len
                per_c = 100 * int(counter['C']) / g_len
                per_t = 100 * int(counter['T']) / g_len
                per_g = 100 * int(counter['G']) / g_len
                result = f"""
                    <p>Total length: {g_len}</p>
                    <p>A: {counter['A']} ({per_a}%)</p>
                    <p>C: {counter['C']} ({per_c}%)</p>
                    <p>G: {counter['T']} ({per_t}%)</p>
                    <p>T: {counter['G']} ({per_g}%)</p>"""
            contents = f"""
                <!DOCTYPE html>
                <html lang = "en">
                <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                    <title> Operations </title >
                </head >
                <h2> Seq:</h2>
                <h2> Operation: </h2>
                <h2> Result: </h2>
                <a href="/">Main page</a>
            status = 200
        # -- Generating the response message

        # -- Define the content-type header:
        content_type = 'text/html'
        self.send_header('Content-Type', content_type)
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(contents.encode()))

        # -- The header is finished

        # -- Send the response message

Beispiel #15
from Seq1 import Seq
print("-----| Exercise 1 |------")
seq_1 = Seq("ACTGA")
print("Sequence", 1, ": (Length:",  seq_1.len(), ")",  seq_1)
Beispiel #16
from Seq1 import Seq
print('--------|exercise 1|------')
seq = Seq('ACTGA')
print('Sequence ' + str(1) + ': (length: ' + str(seq.len()) + ') ' + str(seq))
Beispiel #17
# pip install termcolor
from Seq1 import Seq

print('-----EXERCISE 1 -----')
seq = Seq('ACTGA')
print('Sequence ' + str(1) + ': (Length '+ str(seq.len()) + ' ) ' + str(seq))

print('-----EXERCISE 2-3 -----')
s1 = Seq()
s2 = Seq('ACTG')
s3 = Seq('Invalid Sequence')

print('Sequence 1:', s1)
print('Sequence 2:', s2)
print('Sequence 3:', s3)

print('-----EXERCISE 4 -----')
s1 = Seq()
s2 = Seq('ACTG')
s3 = Seq('Invalid Sequence')

print('Sequence ' + str(1) + ': (Length '+ str(s1.len()) + ' ) ' + str(s1))
print('Sequence ' + str(2) + ': (Length '+ str(s2.len()) + ' ) ' + str(s2))
print('Sequence ' + str(3) + ': (Length '+ str(s3.len()) + ' ) ' + str(s3))

Beispiel #18
            termcolor.cprint("PING command!", 'yellow')
            output += "OK!\n"

        elif x1 == 'GET':
            for element in range(len(genes)):
                if element == int(x2):
                    termcolor.cprint('GET!', 'yellow')
                    output += genes[element]

        elif x1 == 'INFO':
            sequence = Seq(x2)
            termcolor.cprint('INFO!', 'yellow')
            print('Sequence: ', x2)
            print("Total length: ", sequence.len())
            output += f'Sequence: {x2}\n'
            output += f'Total length: {sequence.len()}\n'
            for element in bases:
                    f'{element}: {sequence.count_base(element)} ({sequence.count_base(element)*100/sequence.len()}%)'
                output += f'{element}: {sequence.count_base(element)} ({sequence.count_base(element)*100/sequence.len()}%)\n'

        elif x1 == 'COMP':
            sequence = Seq(x2)
            termcolor.cprint('COMP!', 'yellow')
            output += sequence.complement()

        elif x1 == 'REV':
Beispiel #19
        # PING command
        if "PING" == service:
            response = "OK!\n"  # Return response OK!!

        # GET command
        elif "GET" == service:
            response = seq_list[int(argument)]

        # INFO command
        elif "INFO" == service:
            seq_info = Seq(argument)  # argument is the sequence
            count_bases_string = ""

            for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
                s_base = str(base) + ": " + str(count) + " (" + str(
                    round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)) + "%)" + "\n"
                count_bases_string += s_base

            response = ("Sequence: " + str(seq_info) + "\n" +
                        "Total length: " + str(seq_info.len()) + "\n" +

        elif "COMP" == service:
            seq_comp = Seq(argument)
            response = seq_comp.complement() + "\n"

        elif "REV" == service:
            seq_rev = Seq(argument)
            response = seq_rev.reverse() + "\n"

        elif "GENE" == service:
Beispiel #20
            elif command[1] == "3":
                print(list_seq[3], "\n")
                response = list_seq[3]

            elif command[1] == "4":
                print(list_seq[4], "\n")
                response = list_seq[4]

        elif command[0] == "INFO":
            termcolor.cprint("INFO", 'green')

            sequence = Seq(li_command[1])
            print("Sequence: ", sequence)
            print("Total lenght: ", sequence.len())
            a_count = sequence.count_base('A')
            c_count = sequence.count_base('C')
            g_count = sequence.count_base('G')
            t_count = sequence.count_base('T')
            a_percent = (100 * a_count / sequence.len())
            c_percent = (100 * c_count / sequence.len())
            g_percent = (100 * g_count / sequence.len())
            t_percent = (100 * t_count / sequence.len())

            print("A:", a_count, "(", round(a_percent, 2), "%)")
            print("C:", c_count, "(", round(c_percent, 2), "%)")
            print("G:", g_count, "(", round(g_percent, 2), "%)")
            print("T:", t_count, "(", round(t_percent, 2), "%)")

            response = f"""Sequence: {sequence}
Beispiel #21

    r1 = conn.getresponse()
    print(f"Response received!: {r1.status} {r1.reason}")
    data1 =
    gene = json.loads(data1)

    termcolor.cprint("Gene", 'green', end="")
    print(f": {name}")
    termcolor.cprint("Description", 'green', end="")
    print(f": {gene['desc']}")

    genestr = gene['seq']
    s = Seq(genestr)

    length = s.len()
    termcolor.cprint("Total length", 'green', end="")
    print(f": {length}")

    for e in BASES:
        count = s.count_base(e)
        percentage = round(s.count_base(e) * (100 / s.len()), 2)
        termcolor.cprint(f"{e}", 'blue', end="")
        print(f": {count} ({percentage}%)")

    dictionary = s.seq_count()
    list_values = list(dictionary.values())
    max_base = max(list_values)

    termcolor.cprint("Most frequent base", 'green', end="")
    print(f": {BASES[list_values.index(max_base)]}")
Beispiel #22
from Seq1 import Seq
print("----- | Practice 1, Exercise 4 | ------")
s1 = Seq()
s2 = Seq("ACTGA")
s3 = Seq("Invalid sequence")

print("Sequence " + str(1) + ": (Length: " + str(s1.len()) + " ) " + str(s1))
print("Sequence " + str(2) + ": (Length: " + str(s2.len()) + " ) " + str(s2))
print("Sequence " + str(3) + ": (Length: " + str(s3.len()) + " ) " + str(s3))
Beispiel #23
    # Create a variable with the data,
    # form the JSON received
    gene = json.loads(data1)

    termcolor.cprint("Gene", 'green', end="")
    print(f": {name}")
    termcolor.cprint("Description", 'green', end="")
    print(f": {gene['desc']}")

    gene_str = gene['seq']

    # Create the object sequence from the string
    s = Seq(gene_str)

    sl = s.len()
    ca = s.count_base('A')
    pa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / sl)
    cc = s.count_base('C')
    pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
    cg = s.count_base('G')
    pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
    ct = s.count_base('T')
    pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

    termcolor.cprint("Total length", 'green', end="")
    print(f": {sl}")

    termcolor.cprint("A", 'blue', end="")
    print(f": {ca} ({pa}%)")
    termcolor.cprint("C", 'blue', end="")
# -- Read the response's body
content =

# -- Create a variable with the data,
# -- form the JSON received
gene = json.loads(content)

termcolor.cprint("Gene:", "green", end="")
termcolor.cprint("Description:", "green", end="")

body = gene["seq"]
seq = Seq(body)
l = seq.len()
A_COUNTER = seq.count_base('A')
C_COUNTER = seq.count_base('C')
G_COUNTER = seq.count_base('G')
T_COUNTER = seq.count_base('T')
A_PER = 100 * A_COUNTER / l
C_PER = 100 * C_COUNTER / l
G_PER = 100 * G_COUNTER / l
T_PER = 100 * T_COUNTER / l

print(f"""Total length: {l} 
T: {T_COUNTER} ({T_PER}%)""")
from Seq1 import Seq

#--Main prog
print("-----|Practice 1, Exercise 5|-----")

s1 = Seq("")
s2 = Seq("ACTGA")
s3 = Seq("Invalid sequence")

print("Sequence", 1, ": (Length:", s1.len(), ")", s1)
    f"A: {s1.count_base('A')} , C: {s1.count_base('C')} , T: {s1.count_base('T')} , G: {s1.count_base('G')}"

print("Sequence", 2, ": (Length:", s2.len(), ")", s2)
    f"A: {s2.count_base('A')} , C: {s2.count_base('C')} , T: {s2.count_base('T')} , G: {s2.count_base('G')}"

print("Sequence", 3, ": (Length:", s3.len(), ")", s3)
    f"A: {s3.count_base('A')} , C: {s3.count_base('C')} , T: {s3.count_base('T')} , G: {s3.count_base('G')}"
data1 =

GENE = json.loads(data1)

termcolor.cprint("Gene", 'green', end="")
print(f": {NAME}")
termcolor.cprint("Description", 'green', end="")
print(f": {GENE['desc']}")

GENE_SEQ = GENE['seq']

# -- Create the object sequence from the string
s = Seq(GENE_SEQ)

s_length = s.len()
ca = s.count_base('A')
pa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / s_length)
cc = s.count_base('C')
pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / s_length)
cg = s.count_base('G')
pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / s_length)
ct = s.count_base('T')
pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / s_length)

termcolor.cprint("Total lengh", 'green', end="")
print(f": {s_length}")

termcolor.cprint("A", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {ca} ({pa}%)")
termcolor.cprint("C", 'blue', end="")
Beispiel #27
termcolor.cprint(gene2, 'blue')

termcolor.cprint('The beginning of the gene is: ', 'magenta', end='')
termcolor.cprint(info_dict['desc'].split(':')[3], 'blue')

termcolor.cprint('The end of the gene is:  ', 'magenta', end='')
termcolor.cprint(info_dict['desc'].split(':')[4], 'blue')

termcolor.cprint('The chromosome name is: ', 'magenta', end='')
termcolor.cprint(info_dict['desc'].split(':')[1], 'blue')

termcolor.cprint('The ID is: ', 'magenta', end='')
termcolor.cprint(info_dict['id'], 'blue')

termcolor.cprint('The length is: ', 'magenta', end='')
termcolor.cprint(gene2_object.len(), 'blue')

endpoint6 = "/geneCalc?gene=FXN"
    conn.request("GET", endpoint6 + PARAM)  # send the request
except ConnectionRefusedError:
    print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")

calc_response = conn.getresponse()
print(f"Response received!: {calc_response.status} {calc_response.reason}\n")

calc_dict = json.loads(
from Seq1 import Seq

print("-----|Practice 1, Exercise 9|-----")

folder = "../Session-04/"
filename = "U5.txt"
FILENAME = folder + filename
s = Seq()
s1 = Seq(s.read_fasta(FILENAME))

print("Sequence 1", ": (Length:", s1.len(), ")", (s1))
print(f"Bases: {s1.count()}")
print(f"Reverse: {s1.reverse()}")
print(f"Comp: {s1.complement()}")
Beispiel #29
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method in the HTTP protocol request"""
        global seq_args
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')

        args = (req_line[1]).split("?")
        first_arg = args[0]


            if first_arg == "/":
                contents = Path('listspecies.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('karyotype.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('chromosomelength.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('geneseq.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('geneinfo.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('geneCalc.html').read_text()
                contents += Path('genelist.html').read_text()
                if first_arg in '/listSpecies':
                    endpoint = '/info/species'
                    conn.request("GET", endpoint + INITIAL_PARAMETERS)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_read ="utf-8")
                    api_info = json.loads(data_read)
                    if len(args) > 1:
                        args_2 = args
                        second_arg = args_2[1]
                        seq_args = second_arg.split("=")
                    list_species = []
                    if seq_args[1] == '' or (len(seq_args[1]) == 5 and 'json' in seq_args[1]):
                        for e in api_info['species']:
                        if len(seq_args) == 3:
                            seq_args = (seq_args[1]).split('&')
                            sp_name = api_info['species']
                            counter = 0
                            for i in sp_name:
                                if counter < int(seq_args[0]):
                                    counter += 1
                            sp_name = api_info['species']
                            counter = 0
                            for i in sp_name:
                                if counter < int(seq_args[1]):
                                    counter += 1
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                        if len(args) == 1 or ('0123456789' not in seq_args[1]):
                            dict_json = {'ListSpecies': list_species}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                            dict_json = {'ListSpecies': {'Limit': seq_args[0], 'Species': list_species}}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                        contents = """
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                            <title>LIST OF SPECIES</title>
                        <body style="background-color: yellow;">
                        contents += f"<h2> Species List</h2>"
                        contents += f"<p>The total number of species in ensemble is: {len(api_info['species'])}</p>"
                        if not len(args) == 1 or ((args[1])[-1] == '='):
                            contents += f"<p>Limit: {seq_args[-1]}</p>"
                        for i in list_species:
                            contents += f"<p>-{i}</p>"
                        contents += '<a href="/">Main Page</a>'
                        contents += "</body></html>"
                elif first_arg in '/karyotype':
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("=")
                    if '&' in seq_args[1]:
                        sp_arg = (seq_args[1]).split('&')
                        sp_arg = sp_arg[0]
                        sp_arg = seq_args[-1]
                    endpoint = '/info/assembly/'
                    params = sp_arg + INITIAL_PARAMETERS
                    conn.request("GET", endpoint + params)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_read ="utf-8")
                    api_info = json.loads(data_read)
                    karyotype_list = []
                    for i in api_info['karyotype']:
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                        dict_json = {'species': {sp_arg: {'chromosomes': karyotype_list}}}
                        contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                        contents = """
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                        <body style="background-color: yellow;">
                        contents += f"<h2> Karyotype of the species: {seq_args[-1]}</h2>"
                        for n in karyotype_list:
                            contents += f"<p>{n}</p>"
                        contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                        contents += "</body></html>"
                elif first_arg in "/chromosomeLength":
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("=")
                    args_def = seq_args[1].split("&")
                    chromosome = seq_args[-1]
                    if 'json' in seq_args[2]:
                        args_json = seq_args[2].split('&')
                        chromosome = args_json[0]
                    endpoint = '/info/assembly/'
                    params = args_def[0] + INITIAL_PARAMETERS
                    conn.request("GET", endpoint + params)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_read ="utf-8")
                    api_info = json.loads(data_read)
                    chromosome_length = ''
                    for e in api_info['top_level_region']:
                        if e['name'] == chromosome:
                            chromosome_length += str(e['length'])
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                        dict_json = {'species': {args_def[0]: {
                            'Chromosome': {chromosome: {'The length of the chromosome is:': chromosome_length}}}}}
                        contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                        contents = """
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                            <title>CHROMOSOME LENGTH</title>
                        <body style="background-color: yellow;">
                        contents += f"<h2> Chromosome: {seq_args[-1]} Species: {args_def[0]}</h2>"
                        contents += f"<p>The length of the chromosome is:   {chromosome_length}</p>"
                        contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                        contents += "</body></html>"
                elif first_arg == "/geneList":
                    endpoint = '/overlap/region/human/'
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("&")

                    contents = """
                    <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <html lang="en">
                        <meta charset="utf-8">
                        <title>CHROMOSOME LENGTH</title>
                    <body style="background-color: yellow;">
                    for e in seq_args:
                        e = e.split('=')
                    params = values_for_params[0] + ':' + values_for_params[1] + '-' + values_for_params[2] + '?feature=gene;content-type=application/json '
                    conn.request("GET", endpoint + params)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_1 ="utf-8")
                    api_info_of_genelist = json.loads(data_1)
                    contents += f"<h2>The genes in the chromosome {values_for_params[0]} that start at {values_for_params[1]} and end at {values_for_params[2]} are:</h2> "
                    gene_in_chromosome = []
                    for i in api_info_of_genelist:
                        contents += f"<p>{i['external_name']}</p>"
                    contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                    contents += "</body></html>"
                    if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                        dict_json = {'chromosome': values_for_params[0], 'Start': values_for_params[1],
                                     'End': values_for_params[2], 'Genes': gene_in_chromosome}
                        contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                    endpoint_1 = '/xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/'
                    second_arg = args[1]
                    seq_args = second_arg.split("=")
                    gene_name = seq_args[1]
                    if 'json' in seq_args[1]:
                        args_json = seq_args[1].split('&')
                        gene_name = args_json[0]
                    params_1 = gene_name + INITIAL_PARAMETERS
                    conn.request("GET", endpoint_1 + params_1)
                    resp1 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_1 ="utf-8")
                    api_info_id = json.loads(data_1)
                    gene_id = api_info_id[0]
                    gene_id = gene_id['id']
                    endpoint_2 = '/sequence/id/'
                    params_2 = gene_id + INITIAL_PARAMETERS
                    conn.request("GET", endpoint_2 + params_2)
                    resp2 = conn.getresponse()
                    data_2 ="utf-8")
                    api_info_seq = json.loads(data_2)
                    contents = """
                    <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <html lang="en">
                        <meta charset="utf-8">
                    <body style="background-color: yellow;">
                    if first_arg == "/geneSeq":
                        gene_seq = ''
                        gene_seq += api_info_seq['seq']
                        if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                            dict_json = {'Gene name:': {gene_name: {'Sequence': gene_seq}}}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                            contents += f"<h2>The sequence of the gene {gene_name}</h2>"
                            contents += f"<textarea readonly rows = 20 cols = 80>{gene_seq}</textarea>"
                            contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                            contents += "</body></html>"
                    elif first_arg == '/geneInfo':
                        endpoint_3 = '/lookup/id/'
                        params_3 = gene_id + INITIAL_PARAMETERS
                        conn.request("GET", endpoint_3 + params_3)
                        resp3 = conn.getresponse()
                        data_3 ="utf-8")
                        api_info_gene = json.loads(data_3)
                        seq0 = Seq(api_info_seq['seq'])
                        if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                            dict_json = {'gene': gene_name, 'Start': api_info_gene['start'],
                                         'End': api_info_gene['end'],
                                         'Length': seq0.len(), 'Chromosome': api_info_gene['seq_region_name'],
                                         'ID': gene_id}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                            contents += f"<h2>Information about the gene: {gene_name}</h2>"
                            contents += f"<p>The start: {api_info_gene['start']}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>The end: {api_info_gene['end']}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>The length of the gene's sequence is: {seq0.len()}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>This gene is located in the chromosome: {api_info_gene['seq_region_name']}</p>"
                            contents += f"<p>The ID of the gene is: {gene_id}</p>"
                            contents += '<a href="/">Main page</a>'
                            contents += "</body></html>"
                    elif first_arg == "/geneCalc":
                        seq0 = Seq(api_info_seq['seq'])
                        if 'json=1' in req_line[1]:
                            for e in bases:
                                contents += f"<p>{e} : {seq0.count_base(e)} ({round(seq0.count_base(e) * (100 / seq0.len()), 2)}%)</p> "
                            dict_json = {'Gene': gene_name, 'Length': seq0.len(), 'A': {seq0.count_base('A'): {
                                'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('A') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}, 'C': {
                                seq0.count_base('C'): {
                                    'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('C') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}, 'T': {
                                seq0.count_base('T'): {
                                    'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('T') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}, 'G': {
                                seq0.count_base('G'): {
                                    'Percentage': (round(seq0.count_base('G') * (100 / seq0.len()), 2))}}}
                            contents = json.dumps(dict_json)
                            contents += f"<h2>Some calculations of the gene: {gene_name}</h2>"
                            contents += f"<p>The length of the sequence is: {seq0.len()}</p>"
                            for e in bases:
                                contents += f"<p>{e} : {seq0.count_base(e)} ({round(seq0.count_base(e) * (100 / seq0.len()), 2)}%)</p>"

        except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError):
            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()

        if 'json=1' in req_line:
            self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

            self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
            self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

Beispiel #30
from Seq1 import Seq

seq = Seq("ACTGA")
print("Sequence 1: (Length:", seq.len(), ")", seq)