Beispiel #1
def getPiconName(serviceName):
	#remove the path and name fields, and replace ':' by '_'
	sname = '_'.join(GetWithAlternative(serviceName).split(':', 10)[:10])
	pngname = findPicon(sname)
	if not pngname:
		fields = sname.split('_', 3)
		if len(fields) > 2:
			if fields[0] != '1':
				#fallback to 1 for other reftypes
				fields[0] = '1'
				pngname = findPicon('_'.join(fields))
			if not pngname and fields[2] != '2':
				#fallback to 1 for tv services with nonstandard servicetypes
				fields[2] = '1'
				pngname = findPicon('_'.join(fields))
	if not pngname: # picon by channel name
		name = ServiceReference(serviceName).getServiceName()
		name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(name, 'utf_8', errors='ignore')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
		piconname = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '', name.replace('&', 'and').replace('+', 'plus').replace('*', 'star').lower())
		if piconname:
			pngname = findPicon(piconname)
			if not pngname and len(piconname) > 2 and name.endswith('hd'):
				pngname = findPicon(piconname[:-2])
			if not pngname: # try picon by channel name without last word
				piconname = ' '.join(name.split(' ')[:-1])
				piconname = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '', piconname.replace('&', 'and').replace('+', 'plus').replace('*', 'star').lower())
				pngname = findPicon(piconname)
	if not pngname:
		tmp = resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_SKIN, "picon_default.png")
		if pathExists(tmp):
			pngname = tmp
			pngname = resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE, "skin_default/picon_default.png")
	return pngname
Beispiel #2
def getPiconName(serviceName):
    #remove the path and name fields, and replace ':' by '_'
    sname = '_'.join(GetWithAlternative(serviceName).split(':', 10)[:10])
    pngname = findPicon(sname)
    if not pngname:
        fields = sname.split('_', 3)
        if len(fields) > 2:
            if fields[0] != '1':
                #fallback to 1 for other reftypes
                fields[0] = '1'
                pngname = findPicon('_'.join(fields))
            if not pngname and fields[2] != '2':
                #fallback to 1 for tv services with nonstandard servicetypes
                fields[2] = '1'
                pngname = findPicon('_'.join(fields))
    if not pngname:  # picon by channel name
        name = ServiceReference(serviceName).getServiceName()
        name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',
                                     unicode(name, 'utf_8',
                                                 'ASCII', 'ignore')
        piconname = re.sub(
            '[^a-z0-9]', '',
            name.replace('&', 'and').replace('+',
        if piconname:
            pngname = findPicon(piconname)
            if not pngname and len(piconname) > 2 and name.endswith('hd'):
                pngname = findPicon(piconname[:-2])
            if not pngname:  # try picon by channel name without last word
                piconname = ' '.join(name.split(' ')[:-1])
                piconname = re.sub(
                    '[^a-z0-9]', '',
                    piconname.replace('&', 'and').replace('+', 'plus').replace(
                        '*', 'star').lower())
                pngname = findPicon(piconname)
    if not pngname:
        tmp = resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_SKIN, "picon_default.png")
        if pathExists(tmp):
            pngname = tmp
            pngname = resolveFilename(SCOPE_SKIN_IMAGE,
    return pngname