Beispiel #1
def compute_dt_matrices(A, B, h, TV=False):
    # variable declaration
    t0 = 0.0  # start time
    T = 1  # end time
    n, m = B.shape

    # Matrix declaration
    x0 = np.random.random(n)
    Csurface = np.random.random((m, n))

    # Declaration of the Dynamical System
    if TV:
        processDS = SK.FirstOrderLinearDS(x0, A)
        processDS = SK.FirstOrderLinearTIDS(x0, A)
    # Model
    process = SK.Model(t0, T)
    # time discretisation
    processTD = SK.TimeDiscretisation(t0, h)
    # Creation of the Simulation
    processSimulation = SK.TimeStepping(processTD, 0)
    processSimulation.setName("plant simulation")
    # Declaration of the integrator
    processIntegrator = SK.ZeroOrderHoldOSI(processDS)

    rel = SK.FirstOrderLinearTIR(Csurface, B)
    nslaw = SK.RelayNSL(m)
    inter = SK.Interaction(m, nslaw, rel)

    # process.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem().insertInteraction(inter, True)
    process.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem().link(inter, processDS)
    process.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem().setControlProperty(inter, True)
    # Initialization

    # Main loop
    Ad = SK.getMatrix(processIntegrator.Ad(processDS)).copy()
    Bd = SK.getMatrix(processIntegrator.Bd(processDS)).copy()

    return (Ad, Bd)
Beispiel #2
def test_xml1():
    ''' the BouncingBall '''

    bouncingBall = buildModelXML('./data/BBallTS.xml')
    # --- Get the simulation ---
    s = bouncingBall.simulation()

    dsN = SK.dynamicalSystems(bouncingBall.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem().topology().dSG(0))[0].number()
    ball = bouncingBall.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem().dynamicalSystem(dsN)

    N = 2000  # Number of time steps
    # saved in a matrix dataPlot

    outputSize = 4
    dataPlot = np.zeros((N + 1, outputSize))

    q = ball.q()
    v = ball.velocity()
    p = ball.p(1)

    dataPlot[0, 0] = bouncingBall.t0()
    dataPlot[0, 1] = q[0]
    dataPlot[0, 2] = v[0]
    dataPlot[0, 3] = p[0]

    print("====> Start computation ...")
    # --- Time loop  ---
    k = 1
    while s.hasNextEvent():
        # --- Get values to be plotted ---
        dataPlot[k, 0] = s.nextTime()
        dataPlot[k, 1] = q[0]
        dataPlot[k, 2] = v[0]
        dataPlot[k, 3] = p[0]
        k += 1

    print("End of computation - Number of iterations done: {:}".format(k))
    print("====> Output file writing ...")
    dataPlot.resize(k, outputSize)
    np.savetxt("BBallTS.dat", dataPlot)

    # Comparison with a reference file
    dataPlotRef = SK.getMatrix(SK.SimpleMatrix('./data/BBallTSXML.ref'))
    if np.linalg.norm(dataPlot - dataPlotRef, ord=np.inf) > 1e-12:
        print(dataPlot - dataPlotRef)
        print("ERROR: The result is rather different from the reference file.")
Beispiel #3
def test_xml5():
    ''' Bouncing Ball ED '''
    # --- buildModelXML loading from xml file ---
    bouncingBall = buildModelXML("./data/BBallED.xml")

    # --- Get and initialize the simulation ---
    s = bouncingBall.simulation()
    dsN = SK.dynamicalSystems(bouncingBall.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem().topology().dSG(0))[0].number()
    ball = bouncingBall.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem().dynamicalSystem(dsN)

    # --- Get the values to be plotted ---
    # . saved in a matrix dataPlot

    N = 12368  # Number of saved points: depends on the number of events ...
    outputSize = 5
    dataPlot = np.zeros((N + 1, outputSize))

    q = ball.q()
    v = ball.velocity()
    p = ball.p(1)
    f = ball.p(2)

    dataPlot[0, 0] = bouncingBall.t0()
    dataPlot[0, 1] = q[0]
    dataPlot[0, 2] = v[0]
    dataPlot[0, 3] = p[0]
    dataPlot[0, 4] = f[0]

    print("====> Start computation ... ")
    # --- Time loop  ---
    eventsManager = s.eventsManager()
    numberOfEvent = 0
    k = 0
    nonSmooth = False

    while s.hasNextEvent():
        k += 1

        if eventsManager.nextEvent().getType() == 2:
            nonSmooth = True

        # If the treated event is non smooth, the pre-impact state has been solved in memory vectors during process.
        if nonSmooth:
            dataPlot[k, 0] = s.startingTime()
            dataPlot[k, 1] = ball.qMemory().getSiconosVector(1)[0]
            dataPlot[k, 2] = ball.velocityMemory().getSiconosVector(1)[0]
            k += 1
            nonSmooth = False
        dataPlot[k, 0] = s.startingTime()
        dataPlot[k, 1] = q[0]
        dataPlot[k, 2] = v[0]
        dataPlot[k, 3] = p[0]
        dataPlot[k, 4] = f[0]
        numberOfEvent += 1

    # --- Output files ---
    dataPlot.resize(k, outputSize)
    np.savetxt("BBallED.dat",  dataPlot)
    # Comparison with a reference file
    dataPlotRef = SK.getMatrix(SK.SimpleMatrix("./data/BouncingBallEDXml.ref"))

    if np.linalg.norm(dataPlot - dataPlotRef, ord=np.inf) > 1e-11:
        print("Warning. The results is rather different from the reference file.")
        print(np.linalg.norm(dataPlot - dataPlotRef, ord=np.inf))