Beispiel #1
from Signal import Signal
from Model import Model
import time

# These constants are also defined in the Signal module 
# Don't change here unless you also change them there
numTrials = 100
nstep = 1000
timelength = 1000
trainFrac = .7

start_time = time.time()

sig = Signal(numTrials,nstep,timelength,trainFrac,stdev=5)

uArray,yArray,tauArray,KpArray,train,test = sig.MIMO_simulation(inDim=1,outDim=1)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# These two lines are for training the model based on nstep and the sig data
# Only uncomment if you want to train and not predict
trainModel = Model(nstep)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# In this case, since we are only loading the model, not trying to train it,
# we can use function simulate and preprocess 
xData,yData = sig.MIMO_validation()

# Initialize the models that are saved using the parameters declared above
Beispiel #2
 def MIMO_probability_estimate(self):    
     """ Simulates 1000 system responses with specified quantity of 
     noise, predicts response with saved model and plots prediction
     and validation data  points and coefficient of determination."""
     if not(path.exists(self.errorCSV)):
         print("No simulation for these parameters exists in Uncertainty data. Proceeding with simulation")
         # Initialize the models that are saved using the parameters declared above
         predictor = Model(self.nstep)
         deviations = np.arange(0,self.maxError)
         stdev = np.array([0])
         b_predicted = np.array([0])
         a_predicted = np.array([0])
         b_true_value = np.array([0])
         a_true_value = np.array([0])
         for deviation in deviations:
             numTrials = self.numTrials; nstep = self.nstep
             timelength = self.timelength; trainFrac = self.trainFrac
             # then simulates using the initialized model
             sig = Signal(numTrials,nstep,timelength,trainFrac,stdev=deviation)
             # In this case, since we are only loading the model, not trying to train it,
             # we can use function simulate and preprocess
             xData,yData = sig.MIMO_validation()
             # Function to make predictions based off the simulation 
             error = np.concatenate((predictor.errors,error))
             b_predicted = np.concatenate((predictor.b_model_predictionictions.ravel(),b_predicted))
             a_predicted = np.concatenate((predictor.a_model_predictionictions.ravel(),a_predicted))
             b_true_value = np.concatenate((sig.aVals.ravel(),b_true_value))
             a_true_value = np.concatenate((sig.aVals.ravel(),a_true_value))
             stdev = np.concatenate((np.full_like(predictor.errors,deviation),stdev))
         # Transfer to pandas to save to CSV
         sd = pd.DataFrame()
         sd['b_model_prediction'] = b_predicted
         sd['a_model_prediction'] = a_predicted
         sd['b_true_value'] = b_true_value
         sd['a_true_value'] = a_true_value
         sd.to_csv(self.errorCSV, index=False)
     # If the simulation does exist for this set of parameters,
     # load from CSV and plot
         print("Data exists for the parameters, proceeding to producing uncertainty estimate")
             sd = pd.read_csv(self.errorCSV).drop(['Unnamed: 0'],axis=1)
             sd = pd.read_csv(self.errorCSV)
     # Plot histogram and predicted/true parameters
     self.errorDict = {}  
     pathPrefix = self.prefix+"MIMO/Plots/"
     prefixes = ['b','a']
     for (i,prefix) in enumerate(prefixes):
         sd[prefix+'Error'] = (sd[prefix+'Pred']-sd[prefix+'True'])
         h = np.std(sd[prefix+'Error'])
         self.errorDict[prefix] = h
         if self.plotUncertainty:
             plt.hist(sd[prefix+'Error'],bins=100,label='Max Error = %i%%' % self.maxError)
             plt.xlabel('Standard Error in '+ prefix)
             plt.ylabel("Frequency Distribution")
             savePath = pathPrefix + "histogram_" + prefix + ".png"
                      label='Max Error = %i%%' % self.maxError)
                      label="r\u00b2 = %.3f" % r2_score(sd[prefix+'True'],sd[prefix+'Pred']))
             plt.plot(np.linspace(1,10),np.linspace(1,10)+h,'g--',label="Stdev = %.3f" % h)
             plt.ylabel("Predicted Value of "+prefix)
             plt.xlabel("True Value of "+prefix)
             savePath = pathPrefix + "determination_" + prefix + ".png"
Beispiel #3
from Signal import Signal
from Model import Model
import time

# These constants are also defined in the Signal module
# Don't change here unless you also change them there
numTrials = 100
nstep = 1000
timelength = 1000
trainFrac = .7

start_time = time.time()

sig = Signal(numTrials, nstep, timelength, trainFrac, stdev=0)

sig.MIMO_simulation(inDim=5, outDim=5)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# These two lines are for training the model based on nstep and the sig data
# Only uncomment if you want to train and not predict
trainModel = Model(nstep)
trainModel.train_MIMO(sig, epochs=25)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

# In this case, since we are only loading the model, not trying to train it,
# we can use function simulate and preprocess
xData,yData = sig.MIMO_validation()

# Initialize the models that are saved using the parameters declared above
predictor = Model(nstep)