Beispiel #1
def test_cr(TOP, CRD, PERT, RULE):
    combining_rules = Parameter(
        "combining rules", RULE,
        """Combining rules to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")

    amber = Amber()

    (molecules, space) = amber.readCrdTop(CRD, TOP)
    system = createSystemFreeEnergy(molecules, PERT)

    system = setupForceFieldsFreeEnergy(system, space, RULE)
    if random_seed.val:
        ranseed = random_seed.val
        ranseed = RanGenerator().randInt(100000, 1000000)

    moves = setupMovesFreeEnergy(system, ranseed, reference.val,
                                 lambda_val.val, RULE)

    # Get energy from Sire
    nrg_sire =
    # Get energy from SOMD
    mdmoves = moves.moves()[0]
    integrator = mdmoves.integrator()
    nrg_somd = integrator.getPotentialEnergy(system)

    if (RULE == 'arithmetic'):
        global diff_arith
        diff_arith = (nrg_sire - nrg_somd).value()

        print("* The energy from Sire is: %s" % nrg_sire)
        print("* The energy from SOMD is: %s" % nrg_somd)

            " For the arithmetic combining rules the single point energy difference between sire and somd at lambda %s is %s "
            % (lambda_val.val, diff_arith))
    elif (RULE == 'geometric'):
        global diff_geom
        diff_geom = (nrg_sire - nrg_somd).value()

        print("* The energy from Sire is: %s" % nrg_sire)
        print("* The energy from SOMD is: %s" % nrg_somd)

            " For the geometric combining rules the single point energy difference between sire and somd at lambda %s is %s "
            % (lambda_val.val, diff_geom))
Beispiel #2
# Evaluates electrostatics corrections to free energy changes
import os, sys, random
import math
import mdtraj
from Sire.Tools.OpenMMMD import *
from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters
# from Sire.Tools.LJcutoff import getFreeEnergy, resample

solvent_residues = ["WAT", "ZBK", "ZBT", "CYC"]
ion_residues = ["Cl-", "Na+"]
DIME = 97

model_eps = Parameter("model_eps", 78.4,
                      """The dielectric constant of the modelled solvent.""")
trajfile = Parameter("trajfile", "traj000000001.dcd",
                     """File name of the trajectory to process.""")

stepframe = Parameter(
    "step_frame", 20,
    """The number of frames to step to between two succcessive evaluations.""")
simfile = Parameter(
    "simfile", "sim.cfg",
    """ Configuration file with distance restraints dictionary""")
topfile = Parameter(
    "topfile", "",
    """File name of the topology file containing the system to be simulated."""
crdfile = Parameter(
    "crdfile", "SYSTEM.crd",
Beispiel #3
from Sire.Config import *

from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters, readParams

temperature = 298 * kelvin
## the dielectric for the reaction field
kb = 0.0019872041 # Boltzmann constant kcal/mol K
IONS_RESNAMES = ["Na+","Cl-"]
shift_delta = Parameter("shift delta", 2.0,
                        """Value of the Lennard-Jones softcore parameter.""")

coulomb_power = Parameter("coulomb power", 0,
                          """Value of the Coulombic softcore parameter.""")

combining_rules = Parameter("combining rules", "arithmetic",
                            """Combining rules to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")
def createSystem(molecules):
    #print("Applying flexibility and zmatrix templates...")
    print("Creating the system...")

    moleculeNumbers = molecules.molNums()
    moleculeList = []

    for moleculeNumber in moleculeNumbers:
Beispiel #4
import Sire.Config
import Sire.Stream

from Sire.Tools.AmberLoader import *
from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters

import os
import shutil
import copy


cutoff_method = Parameter(
    "cutoff method", "shift electrostatics",
    """Method used to apply the non-bonded electrostatic cutoff.""")

rf_dielectric = Parameter(
    "reaction field dielectric", 78.3,
    """Dielectric constant to use if the reaction field cutoff method is used."""

coul_cutoff = Parameter("coulomb cutoff", 15 * angstrom,
                        """Coulomb cutoff length""")

lj_cutoff = Parameter("LJ cutoff", 15 * angstrom,
                      """Lennard Jones cutoff length""")

grid_spacing = Parameter(
    "grid spacing", 1.0 * angstrom,
Beispiel #5
import numpy as np
#    import mdtraj
#except ImportError:
#    print (" depends on a working install of the python module mdtraj. Please install mdtraj in your sire python.")
#    sys.exit(-1)
#    import numpy as np
#except ImportError:
#    print (" depends on a working install of the python module mdtraj. Please install mdtraj in your sire python.")
#    sys.exit(-1)

bulk_rho = Parameter("bulk_rho", 1.0 * gram/(centimeter*centimeter*centimeter)\
                     ,"""The density of buk solvent.""")

trajfile = Parameter("trajfile", "traj000000001.dcd",
                     """File name of the trajectory to process.""")
stepframe = Parameter(
    "step_frame", 1,
    """The number of frames to step to between two succcessive evaluations.""")

def setupLJFF(system, space, cutoff=10 * angstrom):

    print("Creating force fields... ")

    solutes = system[MGName("solutes")]
    solute = system[MGName("solute_ref")]
    solute_hard = system[MGName("solute_ref_hard")]
Beispiel #6
    shutil = Sire.try_import("shutil")

    numpy = Sire.try_import("numpy")

# Constant for conversion
NM_TO_ANG = 10.0

trajfile = Parameter("trajfile", "traj000000001.dcd",
                    """File name of the trajectory to process.""")

stepframe = Parameter("step_frame",1,"""The number of frames to step to between two succcessive evaluations.""")
simfile  = Parameter("simfile", "sim.cfg", """ Configuration file with distance restraints dictionary""")
topfile = Parameter("topfile", "",
                    """File name of the topology file containing the system to be simulated.""")
buffer = Parameter("buffer", 5.0, """Buffer to be added to coordinates to create domain of integration""")
delta_trans = Parameter("dtrans", 0.20, """Step size for translational volume elements, in Angstrom""")
norient = Parameter("norient", 4, """Number of orientations per [0,2pi] Euler Angles interval""")
temperature = Parameter("temperature",298 * kelvin,"""The temperature of the system""")

verbose = Parameter("verbose", False, """Print debug output""")

def averageCoordinates(restr_dict):
    r"""This function computes the average x,y and z coordinates for host atoms
Beispiel #7
from Sire.System import *
from Sire.Move import *
from Sire.MM import *
from Sire.FF import *
from Sire.Units import *
from Sire.Vol import *
from Sire.Maths import *
from Sire.Base import *
from Sire.Qt import *
from Sire.ID import *
from Sire.Config import *
from Sire.Analysis import *

from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters

cutoff_type = Parameter("cutoff type", "cutoffperiodic",
                        """The cutoff method to use during the simulation.""")

cutoff_dist = Parameter(
    "cutoff distance", 10 * angstrom,
    """The cutoff distance to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")

rf_dielectric = Parameter(
    "reaction field dielectric", 78.3,
    """Dielectric constant to use if the reaction field cutoff method is used."""

use_restraints = Parameter(
    "use restraints", False,
    """Whether or not to use harmonic restaints on the solute atoms.""")

combining_rules = Parameter(
Beispiel #8
from Sire.Maths import *
from Sire.Base import *
from Sire.Qt import *
from Sire.ID import *
from Sire.Config import *

import Sire.Stream

from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters
from Sire.Tools.WaterChanger import convertTip3PtoTip4P

# Parameters used by this module  #

dobonds = Parameter("move bonds", True,
                    """Whether or not to move the ligands bonds""")
doangles = Parameter("move angles", True,
                     """Whether or not to move the ligands angles""")
dodihedrals = Parameter("move dihedrals", True,
                        """Whether or not to move the ligands dihedrals""")

water_model = Parameter(
    "water model", None,
    """The water model to use. Note, by default the water model is read from
                           the protein and water crd/top files. If you want to force a change
                           in water model, then set it here, e.g. if you are loading a TIP3P box
                           but want to use TIP4P, then set this parameter to "tip4p"."""

BASE_DIHEDRALH_FLEX = Parameter("h dihedral flex", 30 * degrees,
                                "Base dihedral rotation for H")
Beispiel #9
def estimateDG(topfile=None,crdfile=None,pertfile=None,
    This subroutine loads a trajectory for an alchemical state, and a list of
    ligand molecules
    For each frame of the trajectory
        for each perturbed ligand
          Align the perturbed ligand onto reference ligand.
          Generate K poses
          Accumulate exp energy difference
    Estimate (w bootstrapping) free energy difference & uncertainties
    print ("HELLO ESTIMATE DG")
    # Setup system describing alchemical state
    amber = Amber()
    (molecules, space) = amber.readCrdTop(crdfile, topfile)
    morphfile = Parameter("morphfile",pertfile,""".""")
    system = createSystemFreeEnergy(molecules, morphfile=morphfile)
    cutoff_type = Parameter(".","cutoffperiodic",""".""")
    cutoff_dist = Parameter(".",10*angstrom,""".""")
    rf_dielectric = Parameter(".",82.0,""".""")
    shift_delta = Parameter(".",2.0,""".""")
    coulomb_power = Parameter(".",0,""".""")
    combining_rules = Parameter(".","arithmetic",""".""")
    lambda_val = Parameter(".",0.0,""".""")
    system = setupForceFieldsFreeEnergy(system, space, cutoff_type=cutoff_type,
    # Load ligands library
    # FIX ME ! Don't include ligands that have already been simulated !
    library = loadLibrary(librarypath)
    library_deltaenergies = {}
    # library_deltaenergies contain the list of computed energy differences
    for ligand in library:
        library_deltaenergies[ligand] = []
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    # Now scan trajectory
    start_frame = 1
    end_frame = 3
    step_frame = 1

    trajfile = Parameter(".",trajfile,""".""")
    mdtraj_trajfile =,'r')
    nframes = len(mdtraj_trajfile)
    if end_frame > (nframes - 1):
        end_frame = nframes - 1
    current_frame = start_frame

    energies = {}
    for (ID, ligand) in library:
        energies[ID] = []
    while (current_frame <= end_frame):
        print ("#Processing frame %s " % current_frame)
        frames_xyz, cell_lengths, cell_angles =
        system = updateSystemfromTraj(system, frames_xyz, cell_lengths, cell_angles)
        ref_ligand = system[MGName("solutes")].molecules().first().molecule()
        ref_nrg =
        print (ref_nrg)
        for (ID, ligand) in library:
            # Align ligand onto reference ligand
            mapping = AtomMCSMatcher(1*second).match(ref_ligand, PropertyMap(), ligand, PropertyMap())
            mapper = AtomResultMatcher(mapping)
            # This does a RB alignment
            # TODO) Explore optimised alignment codes
            # For instance could construct aligned ligand by reusing MCSS coordinates
            # and completing topology for variable part using BAT internal coordinates
            # Also, better otherwise never get intramolecular energy variations !
            # Basic test...SAME LIGAND should give 0 energy difference ! 
            # FIXME) Return multiple coordinates and update system in each instance
            aligned_ligand = ligand.move().align(ref_ligand, AtomMatchInverter(mapper))
            #print ("coordinates").toVector())
            #print ("####")
            #print ("coordinates").toVector())
            # FIXME) Optimise for speed
            new_system = System()
            new_space ="space")
            new_system.add( system[MGName("solvent")] )
            sols = MoleculeGroup("solutes")
            solref = MoleculeGroup("solute_ref")
            solhard = MoleculeGroup("solute_ref_hard")
            soltodummy = MoleculeGroup("solute_ref_todummy")
            solfromdummy = MoleculeGroup("solute_ref_fromdummy")
            #print ("###")
            # DONE) Optimise for speed, only doing ligand energies
            #print (new_system[MGName("solutes")].first().molecule().property("coordinates").toVector())
            new_system = setupForceFieldsFreeEnergy(new_system, new_space, cutoff_type=cutoff_type,
            new_nrg =
            print (new_nrg)
            energies[ID].append( new_nrg - ref_nrg )
            # for each conformation generated
            #     consider further optimisation (rapid MC --> if loaded flex files?)
            #     update 'perturbed' group with aligned ligand coordinates
            #     compute 'perturbed' energy
            #     accumulate 'perturbed' - reference
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        current_frame += step_frame
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    # Now convert accumulated data int

    return 0
Beispiel #10
from Sire.Qt import *
from Sire.ID import *
from Sire.Config import *
from Sire.Analysis import *
from Sire.Tools.DCDFile import *
from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters
import Sire.Stream
import time
import numpy as np

#       Config file parameters          #

combining_rules = Parameter(
    "combining rules", "geometric",
    """Combining rules to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")

cutoff_type = Parameter("cutoff type", "nocutoff",
                        """The cutoff method to use during the simulation.""")

cutoff_dist = Parameter(
    "cutoff distance", 500 * angstrom,
    """The cutoff distance to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")

use_restraints = Parameter(
    "use restraints", False,
    """Whether or not to use harmonic restaints on the solute atoms.""")

def createSystem(molecules):
Beispiel #11
from Sire.Qt import *
from Sire.ID import *
from Sire.Config import *
from Sire.Analysis import *
from Sire.Tools.DCDFile import *
from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters
import Sire.Stream
import time
import numpy as np

#   Config file parameters
gpu = Parameter(
    "gpu", 0, """The device ID of the GPU on which to run the simulation.""")

rf_dielectric = Parameter(
    "reaction field dielectric", 78.3,
    """Dielectric constant to use if the reaction field cutoff method is used."""

temperature = Parameter("temperature", 25 * celsius,
                        """Simulation temperature""")

pressure = Parameter("pressure", 1 * atm, """Simulation pressure""")

topfile = Parameter(
    "topfile", "",
    """File name of the topology file containing the system to be simulated."""
Beispiel #12
from Sire.Tools.AmberLoader import *
from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters

import os
import shutil
import copy

# We will use the waterbox held in the WSRC tools directory
wsrc_tools_dir = "%s/Tools/WSRC" % Sire.Config.share_directory


cutoff_method = Parameter(
    "cutoff method", "shift electrostatics",
    """Method used to apply the non-bonded electrostatic cutoff.""")

rf_dielectric = Parameter(
    "reaction field dielectric", 78.3,
    """Dielectric constant to use if the reaction field cutoff method is used."""

coul_cutoff = Parameter("coulomb cutoff", 15 * angstrom,
                        """Coulomb cutoff length""")

lj_cutoff = Parameter("LJ cutoff", 15 * angstrom,
                      """Lennard Jones cutoff length""")

grid_spacing = Parameter(
    "grid spacing", 1.0 * angstrom,
Beispiel #13
from BioSimSpace._SireWrappers import System as _System
from BioSimSpace._Exceptions import IncompatibleError as _IncompatibleError
from BioSimSpace.Types import Length as _Length
from BioSimSpace._Exceptions import AlignmentError as _AlignmentError
from BioSimSpace._Exceptions import MissingSoftwareError as _MissingSoftwareError
from BioSimSpace._SireWrappers import Molecule as _Molecule
from BioSimSpace import IO as _IO
from BioSimSpace import Units as _Units
from BioSimSpace import _Utils as _Utils

#       Config file parameters          #

combining_rules = Parameter(
    "combining rules", "geometric",
    """Combining rules to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")

cutoff_type = Parameter("cutoff type", "nocutoff",
                        """The cutoff method to use during the simulation.""")

cutoff_dist = Parameter(
    "cutoff distance", 500 * angstrom,
    """The cutoff distance to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")

use_restraints = Parameter(
    "use restraints", False,
    """Whether or not to use harmonic restaints on the solute atoms.""")

perturbed_resnum = Parameter(
    "perturbed residue number", 1,
    import mdtraj
except ImportError:
    print (" depends on a working install of the python module mdtraj. Please install mdtraj in your sire python.")

    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    print (" depends on a working install of the python module mdtraj. Please install mdtraj in your sire python.")

## Free energy specific keywords
cutoff_type = Parameter("cutoff type", "cutoffperiodic", """The cutoff method to use during the simulation.""")

cutoff_dist = Parameter("cutoff distance", 12 * angstrom,
                        """The cutoff distance to use for the non-bonded interactions.""")

topfile = Parameter("topfile", "",
                    """File name of the topology file containing the system to be simulated.""")

crdfile = Parameter("crdfile", "SYSTEM.crd",
                    """File name of the coordinate file containing the coordinates of the
                       system to be simulated.""")

morphfile = Parameter("morphfile", "MORPH.pert",
                      """Name of the morph file containing the perturbation to apply to the system.""")

#lambda_val = Parameter("lambda_val", 0.0,
Beispiel #15
    import ast
except ImportError:
        " depends on a working install of the python module ast. Please install ast in your sire python."

    import shutil
except ImportError:
        " depends on a working install of the python module shutil. Please install shutil in your sire python."

trajfile = Parameter("trajfile", "traj000000001.dcd",
                     """File name of the trajectory to process.""")

stepframe = Parameter(
    "step_frame", 1,
    """The number of frames to step to between two succcessive evaluations.""")
simfile = Parameter(
    "simfile", "sim.cfg",
    """ Configuration file with distance restraints dictionary""")
topfile = Parameter(
    "topfile", "",
    """File name of the topology file containing the system to be simulated."""

buff = Parameter(
    "buff", 5.0,
    """Buffer to be added to coordinates to create domain of integration""")
from Sire.Qt import *
from Sire.ID import *
from Sire.Config import *
from Sire.Analysis import *
from Sire.Tools.DCDFile import *
from Sire.Tools import Parameter, resolveParameters
import Sire.Stream
import time
import numpy as np

#       Config file parameters          #  

gpu = Parameter("gpu", 0, """The device ID of the GPU on which to run the simulation.""")

platform = Parameter("platform", "OpenCL", """Which OpenMM platform should be used to perform the dynamics.""")

timestep = Parameter("timestep", 2 * femtosecond, """Timestep for the dynamics simulation.""")

temperature = Parameter("temperature", 25 * celsius, """Simulation temperature""")

pressure = Parameter("pressure", 1 * atm, """Simulation pressure""")

rf_dielectric = Parameter("reaction field dielectric", 78.3,
                          """Dielectric constant to use if the reaction field cutoff method is used.""")

combining_rules = Parameter("combining rules", "arithmetic",