print("\nFEWPOINTS") idcons.useFewPointsAlgorithm() mols = idcons.update(system) print(mols) printMolecules(mols) print("\nMANYPOINTS") idcons.useManyPointsAlgorithm() mols = idcons.update(system) print(mols) printMolecules(mols) print("\nAPPLICATION TEST") idcons = IdentityConstraint( [centers[99], centers[100], centers[101], centers[102]], system[MGIdx(0)] ) mols = idcons.update(system) print("\nDEFAULT") print(mols) printMolecules(mols) print("\nUPDATING SYSTEM") print(system.version()) system.update(mols) print(system.version()) mols = idcons.update(system) print("\nPOST-UPDATE") print(mols) printMolecules(mols)
sampler = PrefSampler(mol0, cljff[MGIdx(0)], 200*angstrom2) sampler.updateFrom(system) mol0 = PartialMolecule(mol0) mol1 = PartialMolecule(mol1) mol2 = PartialMolecule(mol2) p0 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol0) p1 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol1) p2 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol2) print(p0, p1, p2, p0+p1+p2) mol1 = mol1.move().translate( Vector(1,0,0) ).commit() system.update(mol1) sampler.updateFrom(system) p0 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol0) p1 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol1) p2 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol2) print(p0, p1, p2, p0+p1+p2) mol0 = mol0.move().translate( Vector(1,0,0) ).commit() system.update(mol0) sampler.updateFrom(system) p0 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol0) p1 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol1)
def readXmlParameters(pdbfile, xmlfile): # 1) Read a pdb file describing the system to simulate p = PDB2(pdbfile) s = p.toSystem() molecules = s.molecules() #print (molecules) with open(pdbfile, "r") as f: for line in f: if line.split()[0] == "CRYST1": print(line) pbc_x = float(line.split()[1]) pbc_y = float(line.split()[2]) pbc_z = float(line.split()[3]) space = PeriodicBox(Vector(pbc_x, pbc_y, pbc_z)) break else: space = Cartesian() #print("space:", space) system = System() # 2) Now we read the xml file, and store parameters for each molecule import xml.dom.minidom as minidom xmldoc = minidom.parse(xmlfile) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: TYPE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_type = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Type') dicts_type = [] for items in itemlist_type: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_type.append(d) dicts_tp = str(dicts_type).split() #print (dicts_tp) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: ATOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_atom = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Atom') dicts_atom = [] for items in itemlist_atom: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_atom.append(d) dicts_at = str(dicts_atom).split() #print (dicts_at) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: BOND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_bond = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Bond') dicts_bond = [] for items in itemlist_bond: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_bond.append(d) dicts_b = str(dicts_bond).split() #print (dicts_b) nbond = itemlist_bond.length #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: ANGLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_angle = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Angle') dicts_angle = [] for items in itemlist_angle: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_angle.append(d) dicts_ang = str(dicts_angle).split() #print (dicts_angle) nAngles = itemlist_angle.length #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: PROPER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_proper = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Proper') dicts_proper = [] for items in itemlist_proper: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_proper.append(d) dicts_pr = str(dicts_proper).split() #print (dicts_pr) nProper = itemlist_proper.length #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: IMPROPER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_improper = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Improper') dicts_improper = [] for items in itemlist_improper: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_improper.append(d) dicts_impr = str(dicts_improper).split() #print (dicts_impr) nImproper = itemlist_improper.length #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: VIRTUAL SITES ~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_VirtualSite = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('VirtualSite') dicts_virtualsite = [] for items in itemlist_VirtualSite: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_virtualsite.append(d) #dicts_vs = str(dicts_virtualsite).split() #print (dicts_vs) nVirtualSites = itemlist_VirtualSite.length v_site_CLJ = [] for i in range(0, int(len(dicts_atom))): if dicts_atom[i]['type'][0] == 'v': v_site_CLJ = dicts_atom[i] dicts_virtualsite.append(v_site_CLJ) for i in range(0, len(itemlist_VirtualSite)): dicts_virtualsite[i].update( dicts_virtualsite[i + len(itemlist_VirtualSite)]) dicts_virtualsite[i].update( dicts_virtualsite[i + 2 * len(itemlist_VirtualSite)]) dict_vs = [] for i in range(0, len(itemlist_VirtualSite)): dicts_virtualsite[i] dict_vs.append(dicts_virtualsite[i]) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: RESIDUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_residue = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Residue') dicts_residue = [] for items in itemlist_residue: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_residue.append(d) dicts_res = str(dicts_residue).split() #print (dicts_res) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG NAME: NON BONDED FORCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itemlist_nonbond = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('NonbondedForce') dicts_nonb = [] for items in itemlist_nonbond: d = {} for a in items.attributes.values(): d[] = a.value dicts_nonb.append(d) dicts_nb = str(dicts_nonb).split() #print (dicts_nb) nNonBonded = itemlist_nonbond.length # 3) Now we create an Amberparameters object for each molecule molnums = molecules.molNums() newmolecules = Molecules() for molnum in molnums: mol = #print (mol) # Add potential virtual site parameters if len(dicts_virtualsite) > 0: mol = mol.edit().setProperty( "virtual-sites", vsiteListToProperty(dict_vs)).commit() # We populate the Amberparameters object with a list of bond, angle, dihedrals # We look up parameters from the contents of the xml file # We also have to set the atomic parameters (q, sigma, epsilon) editmol = mol.edit() mol_params = AmberParameters(editmol) #SireMol::AmberParameters() atoms = editmol.atoms() # We update atom parameters see setAtomParameters in SireIO/amber.cpp l2122 natoms = editmol.nAtoms() #print("number of atoms is %s" %natoms) #natoms don't include the virtual sites! # Loop over each molecule in the molecules object opls = [] for i in range(0, int(len(dicts_atom) / 2)): opl = {} opl = dicts_atom[i]['type'] opls.append(opl) name = [] for i in range(0, int(len(dicts_atom) / 2)): nm = {} nm = dicts_atom[i]['name'] name.append(nm) two = [] #print(len(name)) for i in range(0, len(name)): t = (opls[i], name[i]) two.append(t) import numpy as np atom_sorted = [] for j in range(0, len(two)): for i in range(int(len(dicts_atom) / 2), len(dicts_atom)): if dicts_atom[i]['type'] == two[j][0]: dic_a = {} dic_a = dicts_atom[i] atom_sorted.append(dic_a) type_sorted = [] for j in range(0, len(two)): for i in range(0, int(len(dicts_type))): if dicts_type[i]['name'] == two[j][0]: dic_t = {} dic_t = dicts_type[i] type_sorted.append(dic_t) print(" ") print("There are ", natoms, " atoms in this molecule. ") print("*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*") for atom in atoms: editatom = editmol.atom(atom.index()) i = int(str(atom.number()).split('(')[1].replace(")", " ")) editatom.setProperty( "charge", float(atom_sorted[i - 1]['charge']) * mod_electron) editatom.setProperty("mass", float(type_sorted[i - 1]['mass']) * g_per_mol) editatom.setProperty( "LJ", LJParameter( float(atom_sorted[i - 1]['sigma']) * 10 * angstrom, float(atom_sorted[i - 1]['epsilon']) / 4.184 * kcal_per_mol)) editatom.setProperty("ambertype", dicts_atom[i - 1]['type']) editmol = editatom.molecule() # Now we create a connectivity see setConnectivity in SireIO/amber.cpp l2144 # XML data tells us how atoms are bonded in the molecule (Bond 'from' and 'to') if natoms > 1: print("Set up connectivity") con = [] for i in range(0, int(nbond / 2)): if natoms > 1: connect_prop = {} connect_prop = dicts_bond[i]['from'], dicts_bond[i]['to'] con.append(connect_prop) conn = Connectivity( for j in range(0, len(con)): conn.connect(atoms[int(con[j][0])].index(), atoms[int(con[j][1])].index()) editmol.setProperty("connectivity", conn.commit()).commit() mol = editmol.setProperty("connectivity", conn.commit()).commit() system.update(mol) # Now we add bond parameters to the Sire molecule. We also update amberparameters see SireIO/amber.cpp l2154 internalff = InternalFF() bondfuncs = TwoAtomFunctions(mol) r = internalff.symbols().bond().r() for j in range(0, len(con)): bondfuncs.set( atoms[int(con[j][0])].index(), atoms[int(con[j][1])].index(), float(dicts_bond[j + len(con)]['k']) / (2 * 100 * 4.184) * (float(dicts_bond[j + len(con)]['length']) * 10 - r)**2) bond_id = BondID(atoms[int(con[j][0])].index(), atoms[int(con[j][1])].index()) mol_params.add( bond_id, float(dicts_bond[j + len(con)]['k']) / (2 * 100 * 4.184), float(dicts_bond[j + len(con)]['length']) * 10) editmol.setProperty("bonds", bondfuncs).commit() molecule = editmol.commit() mol_params.getAllBonds() editmol.setProperty( "amberparameters", mol_params).commit() # Weird, should work - investigate ? molecule = editmol.commit() # Now we add angle parameters to the Sire molecule. We also update amberparameters see SireIO/amber.cpp L2172 if natoms > 2: print("Set up angles") anglefuncs = ThreeAtomFunctions(mol) at1 = [] for i in range(0, nAngles): a1 = {} to_str1 = str(re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_angle[i]['class1']))) if dicts_atom[i]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ a1 = int( to_str1.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: #if QUBE_ a1 = int( to_str1.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) at1.append(a1) at2 = [] for i in range(0, nAngles): a2 = {} to_str2 = str(re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_angle[i]['class2']))) if dicts_atom[i]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ a2 = int( to_str2.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: #if QUBE_ a2 = int( to_str2.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) at2.append(a2) at3 = [] for i in range(0, nAngles): a3 = {} to_str3 = str(re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_angle[i]['class3']))) if dicts_atom[i]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ a3 = int( to_str3.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: #if QUBE_ a3 = int( to_str3.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) at3.append(a3) theta = internalff.symbols().angle().theta() for j in range(0, nAngles): anglefuncs.set( atoms[at1[j]].index(), atoms[at2[j]].index(), atoms[at3[j]].index(), float(dicts_angle[j]['k']) / (2 * 4.184) * ((float(dicts_angle[j]['angle']) - theta)**2)) angle_id = AngleID(atoms[int(at1[j])].index(), atoms[int(at2[j])].index(), atoms[int(at3[j])].index()) mol_params.add(angle_id, float(dicts_angle[j]['k']) / (2 * 4.184), float(dicts_angle[j]['angle'])) # Now we add dihedral parameters to the Sire molecule. We also update amberparameters see SireIO/amber.cpp L2190 if natoms > 3: print("Set up dihedrals") di1 = [] for i in range(0, nProper): d1 = {} to_str1 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_proper[i]['class1']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d1 = int( to_str1.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: #if QUBE_ d1 = int( to_str1.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di1.append(d1) di2 = [] for i in range(0, nProper): d2 = {} to_str2 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_proper[i]['class2']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d2 = int( to_str2.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: #if QUBE_ d2 = int( to_str2.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di2.append(d2) di3 = [] for i in range(0, nProper): d3 = {} to_str3 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_proper[i]['class3']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d3 = int( to_str3.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: #if QUBE_ d3 = int( to_str3.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di3.append(d3) di4 = [] for i in range(0, nProper): d4 = {} to_str4 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_proper[i]['class4']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d4 = int( to_str4.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: #if QUBE_ d4 = int( to_str4.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di4.append(d4) dihedralfuncs = FourAtomFunctions(mol) phi = internalff.symbols().dihedral().phi() for i in range(0, nProper): if atoms[int(di1[i])].index() != atoms[int(di4[i])].index(): dihedral_id = DihedralID(atoms[int(di1[i])].index(), atoms[int(di2[i])].index(), atoms[int(di3[i])].index(), atoms[int(di4[i])].index()) dih1 = float(dicts_proper[i]['k1']) / 4.184 * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_proper[i]['periodicity1']) * phi - float(dicts_proper[i]['phase1']))) dih2 = float(dicts_proper[i]['k2']) / 4.184 * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_proper[i]['periodicity2']) * phi - float(dicts_proper[i]['phase2']))) dih3 = float(dicts_proper[i]['k3']) / 4.184 * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_proper[i]['periodicity3']) * phi - float(dicts_proper[i]['phase3']))) dih4 = float(dicts_proper[i]['k4']) / 4.184 * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_proper[i]['periodicity4']) * phi - float(dicts_proper[i]['phase4']))) dih_fun = dih1 + dih2 + dih3 + dih4 dihedralfuncs.set(dihedral_id, dih_fun) for t in range(1, 5): mol_params.add( dihedral_id, float(dicts_proper[i]['k%s' % t]) / 4.184, int(dicts_proper[i]['periodicity%s' % t]), float(dicts_proper[i]['phase%s' % t])) print("Set up impropers") di_im1 = [] for i in range(0, nImproper): d1 = {} to_str1 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_improper[i]['class1']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d1 = int( to_str1.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: d1 = int( to_str1.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di_im1.append(d1) di_im2 = [] for i in range(0, nImproper): d2 = {} to_str2 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_improper[i]['class2']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d2 = int( to_str2.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: d2 = int( to_str2.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di_im2.append(d2) di_im3 = [] for i in range(0, nImproper): d3 = {} to_str3 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_improper[i]['class3']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d3 = int( to_str3.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: d3 = int( to_str3.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di_im3.append(d3) di_im4 = [] for i in range(0, nImproper): d4 = {} to_str4 = str( re.findall(r"\d+", str(dicts_improper[i]['class4']))) if dicts_atom[0]['type'][0] == 'o': #if opls_ d4 = int( to_str4.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace( "'", "")) - 800 else: d4 = int( to_str4.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "")) di_im4.append(d4) improperfuncs = FourAtomFunctions(mol) phi_im = internalff.symbols().improper().phi() for i in range(0, nImproper): improper_id = ImproperID(atoms[int(di_im2[i])].index(), atoms[int(di_im3[i])].index(), atoms[int(di_im1[i])].index(), atoms[int(di_im4[i])].index()) imp1 = float(dicts_improper[i]['k1']) * (1 / 4.184) * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_improper[i]['periodicity1']) * phi_im - float(dicts_improper[i]['phase1']))) imp2 = float(dicts_improper[i]['k2']) * (1 / 4.184) * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_improper[i]['periodicity2']) * phi_im - float(dicts_improper[i]['phase2']))) imp3 = float(dicts_improper[i]['k3']) * (1 / 4.184) * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_improper[i]['periodicity3']) * phi_im - float(dicts_improper[i]['phase3']))) imp4 = float(dicts_improper[i]['k4']) * (1 / 4.184) * (1 + Cos( int(dicts_improper[i]['periodicity4']) * phi_im - float(dicts_improper[i]['phase4']))) imp_fun = imp1 + imp2 + imp3 + imp4 improperfuncs.set(improper_id, imp_fun) #print(improperfuncs.potentials()) for t in range(1, 5): mol_params.add( improper_id, float(dicts_improper[i]['k%s' % t]) * (1 / 4.184), int(dicts_improper[i]['periodicity%s' % t]), float(dicts_improper[i]['phase%s' % t])) mol = editmol.setProperty("bond", bondfuncs).commit() mol = editmol.setProperty("angle", anglefuncs).commit() mol = editmol.setProperty("dihedral", dihedralfuncs).commit() mol = editmol.setProperty("improper", improperfuncs).commit() system.update(mol) # Now we work out non bonded pairs see SireIO/amber.cpp L2213 print("Set up nbpairs") print("*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*") ## Define the bonded pairs in a list that is called are12 #print("Now calculating 1-2 intercactions") are12 = [] for i in range(0, natoms): for j in range(0, natoms): if conn.areBonded(atoms[i].index(), atoms[j].index()) == True: #ij = {} ij = (i, j) are12.append(ij) are12_bckup = are12[:] #print("Now calculating 1-3 intercactions") are13 = [] for i in range(0, natoms): for j in range(0, natoms): if conn.areAngled(atoms[i].index(), atoms[j].index()) == True: ij = {} ij = (i, j) are13.append(ij) are13_bckup = are13[:] # print("Now calculating 1-4 intercactions") are14 = [] for i in range(0, natoms): for j in range(0, natoms): if conn.areDihedraled( atoms[i].index(), atoms[j].index()) == True and conn.areAngled( atoms[i].index(), atoms[j].index()) == False: ij = {} ij = (i, j) are14.append(ij) are14_bckup = are14[:] # print("Now calculating the non-bonded intercactions") bonded_pairs_list = are12_bckup + are13_bckup + are14_bckup nb_pair_list = [] for i in range(0, natoms): #print("i=",i) for j in range(0, natoms): if i != j and (i, j) not in bonded_pairs_list: nb_pair_list.append((i, j)) are_nb_bckup = nb_pair_list[:] nbpairs = CLJNBPairs(, CLJScaleFactor(0, 0)) #print("Now setting 1-2 intercactions") for i in range(0, len(are12)): scale_factor1 = 0 scale_factor2 = 0 nbpairs.set(atoms.index(int(are12[i][0])), atoms.index(int(are12[i][1])), CLJScaleFactor(scale_factor1, scale_factor2)) #print("Now setting 1-3 intercactions") for i in range(0, len(are13)): scale_factor1 = 0 scale_factor2 = 0 nbpairs.set(atoms.index(int(are13[i][0])), atoms.index(int(are13[i][1])), CLJScaleFactor(scale_factor1, scale_factor2)) # print("Now setting 1-4 intercactions") for i in range(0, len(are14)): scale_factor1 = 1 / 2 scale_factor2 = 1 / 2 nbpairs.set(atoms.index(int(are14[i][0])), atoms.index(int(are14[i][1])), CLJScaleFactor(scale_factor1, scale_factor2)) mol_params.add14Pair( BondID(atoms.index(int(are14[i][0])), atoms.index(int(are14[i][1]))), scale_factor1, scale_factor2) # print("Now setting non-bonded intercactions") #print("*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*") for i in range(0, len(nb_pair_list)): scale_factor1 = 1 scale_factor2 = 1 nbpairs.set(atoms.index(int(nb_pair_list[i][0])), atoms.index(int(nb_pair_list[i][1])), CLJScaleFactor(scale_factor1, scale_factor2)) # print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`") mol = editmol.setProperty("intrascale", nbpairs).commit() system.update(mol) #print("Setup name of qube FF") mol = mol.edit().setProperty("forcefield", ffToProperty("qube")).commit() system.update(mol) molecule = editmol.commit() newmolecules.add(molecule) return (newmolecules, space)
sampler = PrefSampler(mol0, cljff[MGIdx(0)], 200 * angstrom2) sampler.updateFrom(system) mol0 = PartialMolecule(mol0) mol1 = PartialMolecule(mol1) mol2 = PartialMolecule(mol2) p0 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol0) p1 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol1) p2 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol2) print(p0, p1, p2, p0 + p1 + p2) mol1 = mol1.move().translate(Vector(1, 0, 0)).commit() system.update(mol1) sampler.updateFrom(system) p0 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol0) p1 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol1) p2 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol2) print(p0, p1, p2, p0 + p1 + p2) mol0 = mol0.move().translate(Vector(1, 0, 0)).commit() system.update(mol0) sampler.updateFrom(system) p0 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol0) p1 = sampler.probabilityOf(mol1)
rbmc.setReflectionSphere(center_point, 7.5*angstrom) moves = SameMoves(rbmc) PDB().write(grid_system.molecules(), "test0000.pdb") t = QTime() for i in range(1,11): print("Moving the system...") t.start() grid_system = moves.move(grid_system, 1000, False) ms = t.elapsed() print(("Moves complete! Took %d ms" % ms)) print(("GRID: ",grid_system.energies())) exp_system.update( grid_system.molecules() ) print(("EXPT: ",exp_system.energies())) print(("\nGrid energy equals: %s. Explicit energy equals: %s." % \ (, diff = - print(("The difference is %s\n" % diff)) PDB().write(grid_system.molecules(), "test%0004d.pdb" % i) # Save and restore the two systems from binary import Sire.Stream print("Saving the grid system...") (grid_system, exp_system), "test/SireMM/testgrid.s3" ) print("Reloading the grid system...")
rbmc.setReflectionSphere(center_point, 7.5*angstrom) moves = SameMoves(rbmc) PDB().write(grid_system2.molecules(), "test0000.pdb") t = QTime() for i in range(1,11): print("Moving the system...") t.start() grid_system2 = moves.move(grid_system2, 1000, False) ms = t.elapsed() print("Moves complete! Took %d ms" % ms) print("NEW GRIDFF: ",grid_system2.energies()) grid_system.update( grid_system2.molecules() ) print("OLD GRIDFF: ",grid_system.energies()) print("\nOld GridFF energy equals: %s. New GridFF energy equals: %s." % \ (, diff = - print("The difference is %s\n" % diff) PDB().write(grid_system2.molecules(), "test%0004d.pdb" % i) # Save and restore the two systems from binary import Sire.Stream print("Saving the systems...") (grid_system, grid_system2), "test/SireMM/testgrid.s3" ) print("Reloading the grid system...")