Beispiel #1
class DBHelper():

    def __init__(self, databaseName, sizesFilename, peopleFilename,

        self.databaseName = databaseName

        # (!) change this line to make it work
        # connect with database
        self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",
                                  db=self.databaseName) = IO()

        sizesDataLines =
        peopleDataLines =
        sizeCatalogDataLines =

        self.sizes = Sizes(sizesDataLines)
        self.people = People(peopleDataLines)
        self.sizeCatalog = SizeCatalog(sizeCatalogDataLines)

    # constructs the db schema
    def constructDbSchema(self):


        #	self.populateUsers()
        brand_ids = self.populateBrands()
        label_ids = self.populateLabels()
        clotheCategories_ids = self.populateClotheCategories()
        entriesDict = self.populateSizeCatalogEntryTable(
            brand_ids, label_ids, clotheCategories_ids)


    # populates the clothe_category_to_parent table
    def populateClotheCategories(self):

        parentClotheCategories_ids = self.populateParentClotheCategoriesTable()
        clotheCategories_ids = self.populateClotheCategoriesTable()

        for clotheCategory in self.sizes.clotheCategoriesInvertedIndex.keys():

            if clotheCategory in clotheCategories_ids.keys():
                clothe_category_id = clotheCategories_ids[clotheCategory]

                for parent in self.sizes.clotheCategoriesInvertedIndex[

                    if parent in parentClotheCategories_ids.keys():
                        parent_clothe_category_id = parentClotheCategories_ids[

                            clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id)

        return clotheCategories_ids

    # populates the parent_clothe_category table
    def populateParentClotheCategoriesTable(self):

        parentClotheCategories_ids = {}

        for parentClotheCategory in self.sizes.getParentClotheCategories():

            clotheCategory_entry_id = self.insertIntoParentClotheCategoryTable(

                parentClotheCategory] = clotheCategory_entry_id

        return parentClotheCategories_ids

    # populates the clothe_category table
    def populateClotheCategoriesTable(self):

        clotheCategories_ids = {}

        clotheCategories = self.sizes.getClotheCategoriesList()

        for clotheCategory in clotheCategories:

            clotheCategory_entry_id = self.insertIntoClotheCategoryTable(

            clotheCategories_ids[clotheCategory] = clotheCategory_entry_id

        return clotheCategories_ids

    # populates the label table
    def populateLabels(self):

        label_ids = {}

        labels = self.sizes.getLabels()

        for label in labels:

            label_entry_id = self.insertIntoLabelTable(label)

            label_ids[label] = label_entry_id

        return label_ids

    # populates the brand and url table
    def populateBrands(self):

        brand_ids = {}

        urls = self.sizes.getUrls(self.sizes.getBrands())

        for brand in urls.keys():

            brand_entry_id = self.insertIntoBrandTable(brand)

            brand_ids[brand] = brand_entry_id

            self.insertIntoUrlTable(urls[brand], brand_entry_id)

        return brand_ids

    # popoluates user and size table
    def populateUsers(self):

        sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

        for line in self.people.peopleDataLines:

            columns = line.split("\t")

            username = "******" + columns[0]
            password = "******" + columns[0]

            user_entry_id = self.insertIntoUserTable(username, password)

            self.insertIntoSizeTable(user_entry_id, columns[1:], sizeTypesList)

    # insert entry into size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category table
    def insertIntoSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryTable(
            self, size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(
            size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # insert entry into clothe_category_to_parent table
    def insertIntoClotheCategoryToParentTable(self, clothe_category_id,

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getClotheCategoryToParentInsertionQuery(
            clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # insert entry into parent_clothe_category table
    def insertIntoParentClotheCategoryTable(self, parentClotheCategory):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getParentClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # insert entry into clothe_category table
    def insertIntoClotheCategoryTable(self, clotheCategory):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(clotheCategory)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # insert entry into label table
    def insertIntoLabelTable(self, label):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getLabelInsertionQuery(label)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # insert entry into brand table
    def insertIntoBrandTable(self, brand):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getBrandInsertionQuery(brand)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # returns a brand insertion query
    def getBrandInsertionQuery(self, brand):

        value = '"' + brand + '"'

        query = 'insert into brand (name) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # returns a label insertion query
    def getLabelInsertionQuery(self, label):

        value = '"' + label + '"'

        query = 'insert into label (name) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # returns a size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category insertion query
    def getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(
            self, size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id):

        value = str(size_catalog_entry_id) + ", " + str(clothe_category_id)

        query = 'insert into size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category (size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # returns a clothe_category_to_parent insertion query
    def getClotheCategoryToParentInsertionQuery(self, clothe_category_id,

        value = str(clothe_category_id) + ", " + str(parent_clothe_category_id)

        query = 'insert into clothe_category_to_parent (clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # returns a parent_clothe_category insertion query
    def getParentClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(self, parentClotheCategory):

        value = '"' + parentClotheCategory + '"'

        query = 'insert into parent_clothe_category (name) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # returns a clothe_category insertion query
    def getClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(self, clotheCategory):

        value = '"' + clotheCategory + '"'

        query = 'insert into clothe_category (name) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # insert entry into url table
    def insertIntoUrlTable(self, url, brand_id):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getUrlInsertionQuery(url, brand_id)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # returns a url insertion query
    def getUrlInsertionQuery(self, url, brand_id):

        value = '"' + url + '", ' + str(brand_id)

        query = 'insert into url (link, brand_id) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # insert entry into size table
    def insertIntoSizeTable(self, user_id, sizes, sizeTypesList):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getSizeInsertionQuery(user_id, sizes, sizeTypesList)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # returns a size insertion query
    def getSizeInsertionQuery(self, user_id, sizes, sizeTypesList):

        value = str(user_id) + ', '

        for size in sizes:
            value += str(size) + ', '

        query = 'insert into size (user_id, '

        for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

            sizeType = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")

            query += sizeType + "_point,"

        query = query[:-1]

        query += ') values(' + value[:-2] + ')'

        return query

    # insert entry into user table
    def insertIntoUserTable(self, username, password):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getUserInsertionQuery(username, password)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # returns a user insertion query
    def getUserInsertionQuery(self, username, password):

        value = '"' + username + '", "' + password + '"'

        query = 'insert into user (username, password) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # creates the patent_clothe_category table
    def createParentClotheCategoryTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getParentClotheCategoryCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the clothe_category_to_parent table
    def createClotheCategoryToParentTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getClotheCategoryToParentCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category table
    def createSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the clothe_category table
    def createClotheCategoryTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getClotheCategoryCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the label table
    def createLabelTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getLabelCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the user table
    def createUserTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getUserCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the size table
    def createSizeTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getSizeCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the users_logs table
    def createUsersLogsTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getUsersLogsCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the brand table
    def createBrandTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getBrandCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates the url table
    def createUrlTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getUrlCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # populates the size_catalog_entry table
    def populateSizeCatalogEntryTable(self, brand_ids, label_ids,

        entriesDict = {}

        for line in self.sizeCatalog.sizeCatalogDataLines:

            columns = line.split("\t")

            clothe_category_column = columns[0]
            label = columns[1]
            size_category = columns[2]
            size_type_projection = columns[3]
            brand = columns[4]
            parts = columns[5].split("\n")
            url = parts[0]

            value = '"' + size_type_projection + '", "' + size_category + '", ' + str(
                brand_ids[brand]) + ', ' + str(label_ids[label])

            entry_id = self.insertIntoSizeCatalogEntryTable(value)

            key = clothe_category_column + " : " + label + " : " + size_category + " : " + brand + " : " + url

            entriesDict[key] = entry_id

            for clotheCategory in self.sizes.splitClotheCategory(

                    entry_id, clotheCategories_ids[clotheCategory])

        return entriesDict

    # insert entry into size_catalog_entry table
    def insertIntoSizeCatalogEntryTable(self, value):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryInsertionQuery(value)


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]

        entry_id = cur.lastrowid


        return entry_id

    # populate sizeTypes table
    def populateSizeTypesTables(self, entriesDict):

        sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

        for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

            values = []

            for line in self.sizes.sizesDataLines:

                columns = line.split('\t')

                if columns[0] == sizeType:

                    limits = columns[1].split('-')
                    sc = columns[6].split('\n')

                    left_limit = limits[0]
                    right_limit = limits[1]
                    label = columns[2]
                    brand = columns[3]
                    url = columns[4]
                    clothe_category = columns[5]
                    size_category = sc[0]

                    key = clothe_category + " : " + label + " : " + size_category + " : " + brand + " : " + url

                    value = str(entriesDict[key]
                                ) + ', ' + left_limit + ', ' + right_limit


            tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")

            self.insertIntoTable(tableName, values)

    # insert entries into sizeType table
    def insertIntoTable(self, tableName, values):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        for value in values:

            query = self.getSizeTypeInsertionQuery(tableName, value)


            for row in cur.fetchall():
                print row[0]


    # returns a size_catalog_entry insertion query
    def getSizeCatalogEntryInsertionQuery(self, value):

        query = 'insert into size_catalog_entry (size_type_projection, size_category, brand_id, label_id) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # returns a query for the insertion of a sizeType table
    def getSizeTypeInsertionQuery(self, tableName, value):

        query = 'insert into ' + tableName + ' (size_catalog_entry_id, left_limit, right_limit) values(' + value + ')'

        return query

    # create sizeTypes tables
    def createSizeTypesTables(self):

        sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

        for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

            tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")


    def createSizeTypeTable(self, tableName):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getSizeTypeCreationQuery(tableName)

        print query


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # create size_catalog_entry table
    def createSizeCatalogEntryTable(self):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryCreationQuery()


        for row in cur.fetchall():
            print row[0]


    # creates an index to a specific column, for all sizeType tables
    def createSizeTypesIndexes(self, columnName):

        sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

        for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

            tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")

            self.createIndex(tableName, columnName)

    # creates an index for a table to a specific column
    def createIndex(self, tableName, columnName):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = 'alter table ' + tableName + ' add index (' + columnName + ')'



    # drops an index to a specific column, for all sizeType tables
    def dropSizeTypesIndexes(self, columnName):

        sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

        for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

            tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")

            self.dropIndex(tableName, columnName)

    # drops an index for a table to a specific column
    def dropIndex(self, tableName, columnName):

        cur = self.db.cursor()

        query = 'drop index ' + columnName + ' on ' + tableName



    # returns a query for the creation of the parent_clothe_category table
    def getParentClotheCategoryCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table parent_clothe_category ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "name varchar(255) not null"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category table
    def getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryCreationQuery(self):

        query = (
            "create table size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category ("
            "size_catalog_entry_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
            "clothe_category_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
            "foreign key (size_catalog_entry_id) references size_catalog_entry(id),"
            "foreign key (clothe_category_id) references  clothe_category(id),"
            "primary key (size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id)"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the clothe_category_to_parent table
    def getClotheCategoryToParentCreationQuery(self):

        query = (
            "create table clothe_category_to_parent ("
            "clothe_category_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
            "parent_clothe_category_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
            "foreign key (clothe_category_id) references clothe_category(id),"
            "foreign key (parent_clothe_category_id) references parent_clothe_category(id),"
            "primary key (clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id)"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the clothe_category table
    def getClotheCategoryCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table clothe_category ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "name varchar(255) not null"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the label table
    def getLabelCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table label ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "name varchar(255) not null"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the user table
    def getUserCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table users ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "username varchar(255) not null,"
                 "email varchar(255) not null unique,"
                 "password varchar(60) not null,"
                 "dob date,"
                 "gender varchar(10) not null,"
                 "created_at timestamp not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"
                 "updated_at timestamp not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"
                 "remember_token varchar(100)"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the size table
    def getSizeCreationQuery(self):

        sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

        query = ("create table sizes ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "user_id int(10) unsigned not null unique, ")

        for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

            sizeType = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")
            sizeType = sizeType.lower()

            query += sizeType + " float, "

        query += "foreign key (user_id) references users(id) )"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the brand table
    def getBrandCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table brand ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "name varchar(255) not null"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the users_logs table
    def getUsersLogsCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table users_logs ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "user_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
                 "time timestamp not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"
                 "action varchar(30) not null,"
                 "details varchar(511),"
                 "foreign key (user_id) references users(id)"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of the url table
    def getUrlCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table url ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "brand_id int(10) unsigned not null unique,"
                 "link varchar(511),"
                 "foreign key (brand_id) references brand(id)"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of a sizeType table
    def getSizeTypeCreationQuery(self, tableName):

        query = (
            "create table " + tableName + " ("
            "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
            "size_catalog_entry_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
            "left_limit float not null,"
            "right_limit float not null,"
            "foreign key (size_catalog_entry_id) references size_catalog_entry(id)"

        return query

    # returns a query for the creation of a size_catalog_entry table
    def getSizeCatalogEntryCreationQuery(self):

        query = ("create table size_catalog_entry ("
                 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
                 "size_type_projection varchar(255) not null,"
                 "size_category varchar(255) not null,"
                 "brand_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
                 "label_id int(10) unsigned not null, "
                 "foreign key (brand_id) references brand(id),"
                 "foreign key (label_id) references label(id)"

        return query

    # returns a "find a specific clothe_category" query
    def getClotheCategoryQuery(self, clotheCategory, sizes, personSizes):

        tableName = ""

        parts = sizes[0].split(' ')
        tableName = parts[0]

        for i in range(len(parts)):
            if i != 0:
                tableName = tableName + '_' + parts[i]

        query = 'select brand, url from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[sizes[
            0]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit) and (clothe_category="' + clotheCategory + '")'

        if len(sizes) > 1:

            query = '(' + query + ')'

            for i in range(2, len(sizes)):

                tableName = ""

                parts = sizes[i].split(' ')
                tableName = parts[0]

                for i in range(len(parts)):
                    if i != 0:
                        tableName = tableName + '_' + parts[i]

                query += ' union '

                query += '(select brand, url from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[
                        i]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit) and (clothe_category="' + clotheCategory + '"))'

        return query

    # returns a "match any clothe" query
    def getMatchClotheQuery(self, sizes, personSizes):

        query = 'select clothe_category, label, size_category, brand, url from SIZE_CATALOG '
        query += 'where (, SIZE_CATALOG.size_type_projection) IN '

        # construct the fits_user table on the fly
        query += '( select size_id, group_concat(size_type ORDER BY size_type ASC) from ( '

        tableName = sizes[0].replace(" ", "_")

        query += '(select size_id, "' + tableName + '" as size_type from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[
            sizes[0]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit))'

        if len(sizes) > 1:

            #	query = '(' + query + ')'

            for i in range(2, len(sizes)):

                tableName = sizes[i - 1].replace(" ", "_")

                query += ' union '

                query += '(select size_id, "' + tableName + '" as size_type from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[
                    sizes[i - 1]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit))'

        query += ' ) fits_user GROUP BY size_id'

        query += ' )'

        return query

    # submit a query to database
    def queryDB(self, query):

        #	print query + "\n"

        cur = self.db.cursor()


        #	for row in cur.fetchall():
        #	    	print row

        #	print "\n\n"

Beispiel #2
class DBHelper():

	def __init__(self, databaseName, sizesFilename, peopleFilename, sizeCatalogFilename):

		self.databaseName = databaseName

		# (!) change this line to make it work
		# connect with database
		self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="root", db=self.databaseName) = IO()

		sizesDataLines =
		peopleDataLines =
		sizeCatalogDataLines =

		self.sizes = Sizes(sizesDataLines)
		self.people = People(peopleDataLines)
		self.sizeCatalog = SizeCatalog(sizeCatalogDataLines)

	# constructs the db schema
	def constructDbSchema(self):

	#	self.populateUsers()
		brand_ids = self.populateBrands()
		label_ids = self.populateLabels()
		clotheCategories_ids = self.populateClotheCategories()
		entriesDict = self.populateSizeCatalogEntryTable(brand_ids, label_ids, clotheCategories_ids)


	# populates the clothe_category_to_parent table
	def populateClotheCategories(self):

		parentClotheCategories_ids = self.populateParentClotheCategoriesTable()
		clotheCategories_ids = self.populateClotheCategoriesTable()

		for clotheCategory in self.sizes.clotheCategoriesInvertedIndex.keys():

			if clotheCategory in clotheCategories_ids.keys():
				clothe_category_id = clotheCategories_ids[clotheCategory]

				for parent in self.sizes.clotheCategoriesInvertedIndex[clotheCategory]:

					if parent in parentClotheCategories_ids.keys():
						parent_clothe_category_id = parentClotheCategories_ids[parent]

						self.insertIntoClotheCategoryToParentTable(clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id)

		return clotheCategories_ids

	# populates the parent_clothe_category table
	def populateParentClotheCategoriesTable(self):

		parentClotheCategories_ids = {}

		for parentClotheCategory in self.sizes.getParentClotheCategories():
			clotheCategory_entry_id = self.insertIntoParentClotheCategoryTable(parentClotheCategory)

			parentClotheCategories_ids[parentClotheCategory] = clotheCategory_entry_id

		return parentClotheCategories_ids		

	# populates the clothe_category table
	def populateClotheCategoriesTable(self):
		clotheCategories_ids = {}

		clotheCategories = self.sizes.getClotheCategoriesList()

		for clotheCategory in clotheCategories:
			clotheCategory_entry_id = self.insertIntoClotheCategoryTable(clotheCategory)

			clotheCategories_ids[clotheCategory] = clotheCategory_entry_id

		return clotheCategories_ids

	# populates the label table
	def populateLabels(self):

		label_ids = {}

		labels = self.sizes.getLabels( )

		for label in labels:

			label_entry_id = self.insertIntoLabelTable(label)
			label_ids[label] = label_entry_id

		return label_ids

	# populates the brand and url table
	def populateBrands(self):

		brand_ids = {}

		urls = self.sizes.getUrls( self.sizes.getBrands() )

		for brand in urls.keys():

			brand_entry_id = self.insertIntoBrandTable(brand)

			brand_ids[brand] = brand_entry_id

			self.insertIntoUrlTable(urls[brand], brand_entry_id)

		return brand_ids

	# popoluates user and size table
	def populateUsers(self):

		sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

		for line in self.people.peopleDataLines:

			columns = line.split("\t")	

			username = "******" + columns[0]
			password = "******" + columns[0] 

			user_entry_id = self.insertIntoUserTable(username, password)

			self.insertIntoSizeTable(user_entry_id, columns[1:], sizeTypesList)

	# insert entry into size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category table
	def insertIntoSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryTable(self, size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# insert entry into clothe_category_to_parent table
	def insertIntoClotheCategoryToParentTable(self, clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getClotheCategoryToParentInsertionQuery(clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# insert entry into parent_clothe_category table
	def insertIntoParentClotheCategoryTable(self, parentClotheCategory):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getParentClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(parentClotheCategory)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# insert entry into clothe_category table
	def insertIntoClotheCategoryTable(self, clotheCategory):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(clotheCategory)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# insert entry into label table
	def insertIntoLabelTable(self, label):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getLabelInsertionQuery(label)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# insert entry into brand table
	def insertIntoBrandTable(self, brand):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getBrandInsertionQuery(brand)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# returns a brand insertion query
	def getBrandInsertionQuery(self, brand):

		value = '"' + brand + '"'

		query = 'insert into brand (name) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# returns a label insertion query
	def getLabelInsertionQuery(self, label):

		value = '"' + label + '"'

		query = 'insert into label (name) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# returns a size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category insertion query
	def getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(self, size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id):

		value = str(size_catalog_entry_id) + ", " + str(clothe_category_id)

		query = 'insert into size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category (size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# returns a clothe_category_to_parent insertion query
	def getClotheCategoryToParentInsertionQuery(self, clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id):

		value = str(clothe_category_id) + ", " + str(parent_clothe_category_id)

		query = 'insert into clothe_category_to_parent (clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# returns a parent_clothe_category insertion query
	def getParentClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(self, parentClotheCategory):

		value = '"' + parentClotheCategory + '"'

		query = 'insert into parent_clothe_category (name) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# returns a clothe_category insertion query
	def getClotheCategoryInsertionQuery(self, clotheCategory):

		value = '"' + clotheCategory + '"'

		query = 'insert into clothe_category (name) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# insert entry into url table
	def insertIntoUrlTable(self, url, brand_id):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getUrlInsertionQuery(url, brand_id)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]


	# returns a url insertion query
	def getUrlInsertionQuery(self, url, brand_id):

		value = '"' + url + '", ' + str(brand_id)

		query = 'insert into url (link, brand_id) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# insert entry into size table
	def insertIntoSizeTable(self, user_id, sizes, sizeTypesList):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getSizeInsertionQuery(user_id, sizes, sizeTypesList)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]


	# returns a size insertion query
	def getSizeInsertionQuery(self, user_id, sizes, sizeTypesList):

		value = str(user_id) + ', '

		for size in sizes:
			value += str(size) + ', ' 		

		query = 'insert into size (user_id, '

		for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

			sizeType = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")

			query += sizeType + "_point,"

		query = query[:-1]

		query += ') values('  + value[:-2] +  ')'

		return query

	# insert entry into user table
	def insertIntoUserTable(self, username, password):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getUserInsertionQuery(username, password)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# returns a user insertion query
	def getUserInsertionQuery(self, username, password):

		value = '"' + username + '", "' + password + '"'

		query = 'insert into user (username, password) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# creates the patent_clothe_category table
	def createParentClotheCategoryTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getParentClotheCategoryCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the clothe_category_to_parent table
	def createClotheCategoryToParentTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getClotheCategoryToParentCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category table
	def createSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the clothe_category table
	def createClotheCategoryTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getClotheCategoryCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the label table
	def createLabelTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getLabelCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the user table
	def createUserTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getUserCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the size table
	def createSizeTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getSizeCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the users_logs table
	def createUsersLogsTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getUsersLogsCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the brand table
	def createBrandTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getBrandCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates the url table
	def createUrlTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getUrlCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# populates the size_catalog_entry table
	def populateSizeCatalogEntryTable(self, brand_ids, label_ids, clotheCategories_ids):

		entriesDict = {}

		for line in self.sizeCatalog.sizeCatalogDataLines:

			columns = line.split("\t")

			clothe_category_column = columns[0]
			label = columns[1]
			size_category = columns[2]
			size_type_projection = columns[3]
			brand = columns[4]
			parts = columns[5].split("\n")
			url = parts[0]

			value = '"' + size_type_projection + '", "' + size_category + '", ' + str(brand_ids[brand]) + ', ' + str(label_ids[label])

			entry_id = self.insertIntoSizeCatalogEntryTable(value)

			key = clothe_category_column + " : " + label + " : " + size_category + " : " + brand + " : " + url 

			entriesDict[key] = entry_id


			for clotheCategory in self.sizes.splitClotheCategory(clothe_category_column):

				self.insertIntoSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryTable(entry_id, clotheCategories_ids[clotheCategory])

		return entriesDict

	# insert entry into size_catalog_entry table
	def insertIntoSizeCatalogEntryTable(self, value):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryInsertionQuery(value)


		for row in cur.fetchall():
		    	print row[0]

		entry_id = cur.lastrowid 


		return entry_id

	# populate sizeTypes table
	def populateSizeTypesTables(self, entriesDict):

		sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

		for sizeType in sizeTypesList:
			values = []

			for line in self.sizes.sizesDataLines:

				columns = line.split('\t')

				if columns[0] == sizeType:

					limits = columns[1].split('-')
					sc = columns[6].split('\n')

					left_limit = limits[0]
					right_limit = limits[1]
					label = columns[2]
					brand = columns[3]
					url = columns[4]
					clothe_category = columns[5]
					size_category = sc[0]

					key = clothe_category + " : " + label + " : " + size_category + " : " + brand + " : " + url  

					value = str(entriesDict[key]) + ', ' + left_limit + ', ' + right_limit


			tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")
			self.insertIntoTable(tableName, values)

	# insert entries into sizeType table
	def insertIntoTable(self, tableName, values):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		for value in values:
			query = self.getSizeTypeInsertionQuery(tableName, value)

			for row in cur.fetchall():
		    		print row[0]


	# returns a size_catalog_entry insertion query
	def getSizeCatalogEntryInsertionQuery(self, value):

		query = 'insert into size_catalog_entry (size_type_projection, size_category, brand_id, label_id) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# returns a query for the insertion of a sizeType table
	def getSizeTypeInsertionQuery(self, tableName, value):

		query = 'insert into ' + tableName + ' (size_catalog_entry_id, left_limit, right_limit) values('  + value +  ')'

		return query

	# create sizeTypes tables
	def createSizeTypesTables(self):
		sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

		for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

			tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")


	def createSizeTypeTable(self, tableName):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getSizeTypeCreationQuery(tableName)

		print query


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# create size_catalog_entry table
	def createSizeCatalogEntryTable(self):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 

		query = self.getSizeCatalogEntryCreationQuery()


		for row in cur.fetchall() :
		    print row[0]


	# creates an index to a specific column, for all sizeType tables
	def createSizeTypesIndexes(self, columnName):

		sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

		for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

			tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")

			self.createIndex(tableName, columnName)

	# creates an index for a table to a specific column
	def createIndex(self, tableName, columnName):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 	

		query = 'alter table ' + tableName + ' add index (' + columnName +')'	



	# drops an index to a specific column, for all sizeType tables
	def dropSizeTypesIndexes(self, columnName):

		sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

		for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

			tableName = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")

			self.dropIndex(tableName, columnName)

	# drops an index for a table to a specific column
	def dropIndex(self, tableName, columnName):

		cur = self.db.cursor() 	

		query = 'drop index ' + columnName + ' on ' + tableName	



	# returns a query for the creation of the parent_clothe_category table
	def getParentClotheCategoryCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table parent_clothe_category ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "name varchar(255) not null"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category table
	def getSizeCatalogEntryToClotheCategoryCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table size_catalog_entry_to_clothe_category ("
			 "size_catalog_entry_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
			 "clothe_category_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
			 "foreign key (size_catalog_entry_id) references size_catalog_entry(id),"
			 "foreign key (clothe_category_id) references  clothe_category(id),"
			 "primary key (size_catalog_entry_id, clothe_category_id)"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the clothe_category_to_parent table
	def getClotheCategoryToParentCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table clothe_category_to_parent ("
			 "clothe_category_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
			 "parent_clothe_category_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
			 "foreign key (clothe_category_id) references clothe_category(id),"
			 "foreign key (parent_clothe_category_id) references parent_clothe_category(id),"
			 "primary key (clothe_category_id, parent_clothe_category_id)"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the clothe_category table
	def getClotheCategoryCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table clothe_category ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "name varchar(255) not null"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the label table
	def getLabelCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table label ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "name varchar(255) not null"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the user table
	def getUserCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table users ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "username varchar(255) not null,"
			 "email varchar(255) not null unique,"
			 "password varchar(60) not null,"
			 "dob date,"
			 "gender varchar(10) not null,"
			 "created_at timestamp not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"
			 "updated_at timestamp not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"
			 "remember_token varchar(100)"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the size table
	def getSizeCreationQuery(self):

		sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

		query = ("create table sizes ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "user_id int(10) unsigned not null unique, ")

		for sizeType in sizeTypesList:

			sizeType = sizeType.replace(" ", "_")
			sizeType = sizeType.lower()

			query += sizeType + " float, "

		query += "foreign key (user_id) references users(id) )"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the brand table
	def getBrandCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table brand ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "name varchar(255) not null"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the users_logs table
	def getUsersLogsCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table users_logs ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "user_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
			 "time timestamp not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"
			 "action varchar(30) not null,"
			 "details varchar(511),"
		         "foreign key (user_id) references users(id)"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of the url table
	def getUrlCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table url ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "brand_id int(10) unsigned not null unique,"
			 "link varchar(511),"
		         "foreign key (brand_id) references brand(id)"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of a sizeType table
	def getSizeTypeCreationQuery(self, tableName):

		query = ("create table " + tableName + " ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "size_catalog_entry_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
			 "left_limit float not null,"
			 "right_limit float not null,"
			 "foreign key (size_catalog_entry_id) references size_catalog_entry(id)"

		return query

	# returns a query for the creation of a size_catalog_entry table
	def getSizeCatalogEntryCreationQuery(self):

		query = ("create table size_catalog_entry ("
			 "id int(10) unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,"
			 "size_type_projection varchar(255) not null,"
			 "size_category varchar(255) not null,"
			 "brand_id int(10) unsigned not null,"
			 "label_id int(10) unsigned not null, "
			 "foreign key (brand_id) references brand(id),"
			 "foreign key (label_id) references label(id)"

		return query

	# returns a "find a specific clothe_category" query
	def getClotheCategoryQuery(self, clotheCategory, sizes, personSizes):

		tableName = ""

		parts = sizes[0].split(' ')
		tableName = parts[0]

		for i in range(len(parts)):
			if i != 0:
				tableName = tableName + '_' +  parts[i]

		query = 'select brand, url from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[sizes[0]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit) and (clothe_category="' + clotheCategory + '")'

		if len(sizes) > 1:

			query = '(' + query + ')'

			for i in range(2,len(sizes)):

				tableName = ""

				parts = sizes[i].split(' ')
				tableName = parts[0]

				for i in range(len(parts)):
					if i != 0:
						tableName = tableName + '_' +  parts[i]

				query += ' union '

				query += '(select brand, url from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[sizes[i]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit) and (clothe_category="' + clotheCategory + '"))'

		return query	

	# returns a "match any clothe" query
	def getMatchClotheQuery(self, sizes, personSizes):

		query = 'select clothe_category, label, size_category, brand, url from SIZE_CATALOG '
		query += 'where (, SIZE_CATALOG.size_type_projection) IN '

		# construct the fits_user table on the fly  
		query += '( select size_id, group_concat(size_type ORDER BY size_type ASC) from ( '

		tableName = sizes[0].replace(" ", "_")

		query += '(select size_id, "' + tableName + '" as size_type from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[sizes[0]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit))'

		if len(sizes) > 1:

		#	query = '(' + query + ')'

			for i in range(2,len(sizes)):

				tableName = sizes[i-1].replace(" ", "_")

				query += ' union '

				query += '(select size_id, "' + tableName + '" as size_type from ' + tableName + ' where (' + personSizes[sizes[i-1]] + ' between left_limit and right_limit))'

		query += ' ) fits_user GROUP BY size_id'

		query += ' )'

		return query

	# submit a query to database
	def queryDB(self, query):

	#	print query + "\n"

		cur = self.db.cursor() 


	#	for row in cur.fetchall():
	#	    	print row

	#	print "\n\n"

class Generator():

	def __init__(self, sizesFilename): = IO()

		dataLines =

		self.sizes = Sizes(dataLines)

	# generates more brands data
	def GenerateBrands(self, number, outFilename):

		clotheSizeCategories = self.sizes.getSizeCats()
		clotheSizeTypes = self.sizes.getSizeTypes()

		for i in range(number):

			brand = 'brand_'+ str(i)
			url = 'url_' + str(i)

			offset = round(random.random(), 2)

			brandLines = self.PopulateBrand(brand, url, clotheSizeTypes, clotheSizeCategories, offset), brandLines, 'a')

	# generates more people data
	def GeneratePeople(self, numPeople, outFilename):

		sizeTypesList = self.sizes.getSizeTypesList()

		peopleLines = self.PopulatePeople(numPeople, sizeTypesList), sizeTypesList), peopleLines, 'a')

	def PopulatePeople(self, numPeople, sizeTypesList):

		lines = []

		sizesBounds = self.sizes.getSizesBounds()

		for i in range(numPeople):

			line = ""

			line = str(i)

			for size in sizeTypesList:

				line += '\t' + str( random.uniform(sizesBounds[size][0], sizesBounds[size][1]) )		


		return lines

	def PopulateBrand(self, brand, url, catSizeTypes, catSizeCategories, offset):

		outLines = []
		for clotheCat in catSizeTypes:

			sizeTypes = catSizeTypes[clotheCat]
			sizeCats = catSizeCategories[clotheCat]

			for sizeCat in sizeCats:

				for sizeType in sizeTypes:

					sizesList = self.sizes.getSizes(clotheCat, sizeCat, sizeType)

					for size in sizesList:

						ss = size.split('-')

						newSize = str( float(ss[0])+float(offset) ) + '-' + str( float(ss[1])+float(offset) )

						outLines.append( sizeType + '\t' + newSize + '\t' + '-' + '\t' + brand 
									+ '\t' + url + '\t' + clotheCat + '\t' + sizeCat )
		return outLines