Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, request):
     self.userinfo = UserInfo.getUserInfo(request)
     FileManager.__init__(self, self.userinfo.getHomePath())
Beispiel #2
    def getAuth(userinfo, fullPath, mode = 0x07):
        조회 대상에 대하여 소유한 권한을 RWD 튜플로 반환한다.
        if userinfo.isYeoman() or mode == 0x04 and userinfo.isMetic() : 
            return (True, True, True)
        readable    = not (mode & 0x04) | userinfo.isMetic()
        writeable   = not (mode & 0x02)
        deletable   = not (mode & 0x01)
        normFullPath = os.path.normpath(fullPath)
        descriptor  = None
        file_id     = index.dir_get(fullPath)
        # 재귀적으로 권한 추출 시 사용자 홈 이상으로는 올라갈 수 없음.
        # info("ROOT : " + userinfo.getHomePath())
        # info("COMP : " + normFullPath)
        if normFullPath == userinfo.getHomePath() :
            inheritable = False
        else :
            inheritable = True
        if file_id is not None and file_id >= 0 :
            try :
                descriptor = FileDescriptor.objects.get(file_id=file_id)
                readable    |= descriptor.readable
                writeable   |= descriptor.writeable
                deletable   |= descriptor.deletable
                if not (readable and writeable and deletable) :
                    users = []
                    for user in UserGroups.objects.filter(user=userinfo) :
                    for userAuthority in UserAuthority.objects.filter(username__in=users, file_id=file_id) :    
                        readable    |= userAuthority.readable
                        writeable   |= userAuthority.writeable
                        deletable   |= userAuthority.deletable
                        if readable and writeable and deletable :
                if not (readable and writeable and deletable) and inheritable and descriptor.inherit :
                    auth_inherit = Directory.getAuth(userinfo, FileManager.getParent(fullPath))
                    readable    |= auth_inherit[0]
                    writeable   |= auth_inherit[1]
                    deletable   |= auth_inherit[2]
            except Exception as err:
                error("auth.dir.get : " + err.__str__())
        elif not userinfo.isGuest() or config.USING_GUEST :
            readable    = config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_READABLE
            writeable   = config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_WRITEABLE
            deletable   = config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_DELETABLE
            # 상속받는 경우        
            if not(readable and writeable and deletable) and inheritable and config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_INHERIT :
                auth_inherit = Directory.getAuth(userinfo, FileManager.getParent(fullPath))
                readable    |= auth_inherit[0]
                writeable   |= auth_inherit[1]
                deletable   |= auth_inherit[2]
        # 만약 guest 활성화 되어있다면 GUEST HOME 에 대한 파일 조회 권한만 부여 한다.            
        if userinfo.isGuest() and normFullPath == config.getHomeGuest() :
            readable = True 
        return (readable, writeable, deletable)
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, request):
     self.userinfo = UserInfo.getUserInfo(request)
     FileManager.__init__(self, self.userinfo.getHomePath())
Beispiel #4
    def getAuth(userinfo, fullPath, mode=0x07):
        조회 대상에 대하여 소유한 권한을 RWD 튜플로 반환한다.
        if userinfo.isYeoman() or mode == 0x04 and userinfo.isMetic():
            return (True, True, True)

        readable = not (mode & 0x04) | userinfo.isMetic()
        writeable = not (mode & 0x02)
        deletable = not (mode & 0x01)

        normFullPath = os.path.normpath(fullPath)

        descriptor = None
        file_id = index.dir_get(fullPath)

        # 재귀적으로 권한 추출 시 사용자 홈 이상으로는 올라갈 수 없음.
        # info("ROOT : " + userinfo.getHomePath())
        # info("COMP : " + normFullPath)
        if normFullPath == userinfo.getHomePath():
            inheritable = False
            inheritable = True

        if file_id is not None and file_id >= 0:
                descriptor = FileDescriptor.objects.get(file_id=file_id)

                readable |= descriptor.readable
                writeable |= descriptor.writeable
                deletable |= descriptor.deletable

                if not (readable and writeable and deletable):
                    users = []
                    for user in UserGroups.objects.filter(user=userinfo):

                    for userAuthority in UserAuthority.objects.filter(
                            username__in=users, file_id=file_id):
                        readable |= userAuthority.readable
                        writeable |= userAuthority.writeable
                        deletable |= userAuthority.deletable

                        if readable and writeable and deletable:

                if not (readable and writeable
                        and deletable) and inheritable and descriptor.inherit:
                    auth_inherit = Directory.getAuth(
                        userinfo, FileManager.getParent(fullPath))
                    readable |= auth_inherit[0]
                    writeable |= auth_inherit[1]
                    deletable |= auth_inherit[2]

            except Exception as err:
                error("auth.dir.get : " + err.__str__())

        elif not userinfo.isGuest() or config.USING_GUEST:
            readable = config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_READABLE
            writeable = config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_WRITEABLE
            deletable = config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_DELETABLE

            # 상속받는 경우
            if not (readable and writeable and deletable
                    ) and inheritable and config.DEFAULT_AUTH_DIR_INHERIT:
                auth_inherit = Directory.getAuth(
                    userinfo, FileManager.getParent(fullPath))

                readable |= auth_inherit[0]
                writeable |= auth_inherit[1]
                deletable |= auth_inherit[2]

        # 만약 guest 활성화 되어있다면 GUEST HOME 에 대한 파일 조회 권한만 부여 한다.
        if userinfo.isGuest() and normFullPath == config.getHomeGuest():
            readable = True

        return (readable, writeable, deletable)