def test_calculate_total_product__if_non_list_value__exception_thrown(self):
        1. Create object of Sortings class
        2. Initialize list with int value
        3. Call calculate_total_product()

        Expected result: Exception thrown
        sortings = Sortings()
        sortings.list = 165

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as actual:

        self.assertEqual("Can not calculate total product for object of type not 'list'", actual.exception.message)
    def test_calculate_total_product__if_list_of_lists_values__exception_thrown(self):
        1. Create object of Sortings class
        2. Initialize list with list of lists
        3. Call calculate_total_product()

        Expected result: Exception thrown
        sortings = Sortings()
        sortings.list = [[-100, -2, 10, -3, 2]]

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as actual:

        self.assertEqual("An input list should contain only numeric values", actual.exception.message)
    def test_calculate_total_product__if_empty_list__exception_thrown(self):
        1. Create object of Sortings class
        2. Initialize list by empty list
        3. Call calculate_total_product()

        Expected result: Exception thrown
        sortings = Sortings()
        sortings.list = []

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as actual:

        self.assertEqual("Can not calculate total product of an empty list", actual.exception.message)
    def test_calculate_total_product__if_one_positive_value__returns_this_value(self):
        1. Create object of Sortings class
        2. Initialize list with one positive value
        3. Call calculate_total_product()

        Expected result: This value returned
        sortings = Sortings()
        sortings.list = [11]
        actual_result = sortings.calculate_total_product()
        self.assertEqual(11, actual_result)
    def test_calculate_total_product__if_0_among_values__returns_0(self):
        1. Create object of Sortings class
        2. Initialize list with positive values and 0
        3. Call calculate_total_product()

        Expected result: 0 returned
        sortings = Sortings()
        sortings.list = [2, 10, 3, 0]

        actual_result = sortings.calculate_total_product()

        self.assertEqual(0, actual_result)
    def test_calculate_total_product__if_3_negative_values__returns_negative_product(self):
        1. Create object of Sortings class
        2. Initialize list with mix of negative and positive values
        3. Call calculate_total_product()

        Expected result: Correct total returned
        sortings = Sortings()
        sortings.list = [-2, -10, -3]

        actual_result = sortings.calculate_total_product()

        self.assertEqual(-60, actual_result)
    def test_calculate_total_product__returns_total_product(self):
        1. Create object of Sortings class
        2. Initialize list with int values
        3. Call calculate_total_product()

        Expected result: Correct value of total product returned
        sortings = Sortings()
        sortings.list = [444, 1, 2, 3]

        actual_result = sortings.calculate_total_product()

        self.assertEqual(2664, actual_result)