Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.address_space = SparseBytes()
     self.meta = SparseBytes(undefined_value=_META_VALUES["undefined"],
     self.processor = processors[0]  # A default processor value
     self.procedures = []
     self.proc_to_analyze = []
 def __init__(self):
     self.address_space = SparseBytes()
     self.meta = SparseBytes(undefined_value=_META_VALUES["undefined"],
     self.processor = processors[0]  # A default processor value
     self.procedures = []
     self.proc_to_analyze = []
class Document():

    """ A Document represents the virtual address space of the binary,
    with associated meta data like type (instruction start or body) """

    def __init__(self):
        self.address_space = SparseBytes()
        self.meta = SparseBytes(undefined_value=_META_VALUES["undefined"],
        self.processor = processors[0]  # A default processor value
        self.procedures = []
        self.proc_to_analyze = []

    # used by the loader to push address of procedure to analyze later
    def push_proc(self, address):

    def set_processor(self, processor):
        self.processor = processor

    def set_instruction(self, adr, size):
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["instruction"]
        for i in range(adr + 1, adr + size):

    # Used by the analyzer to mark a procedure start - loader please keep out
    def set_procedure(self, adr):
        print("Found proc at", hex(adr))
        self.meta[adr].procedure = True

    def is_instruction(self, adr):
        return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["instruction"]

    def set_instruction_body(self, adr):
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["instruction_body"]

    def is_instruction_body(self, adr):
        return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["instruction_body"]

    def set_data(self, adr):
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["data"]

    def is_data(self, adr):
        return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["data"]

    def is_undefined(self, adr):
            return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["undefined"]
        except KeyError:
            return True

    def write_byte(self, adr, byte):
        """Used by loaders to write a byte from binary to virtual
        address_space, defaulting to data"""
        self.address_space[adr] = byte
        # when a byte is written, it's data until proven otherwise
        self.meta[adr] = Meta(0)  # will create the page if empty
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["data"]

    def bytes_at(self, adr, length):
        """Returns a bytearray of bytes at adr, of length length,
        or less if the bytes weren't set"""
        for i in range(length):
            if self.is_undefined(adr + i):
                length = i
        return self.address_space.bytes_at(adr, length)

    def serialize(self, outpath):
        """ TODO: Save/pickle the document for future reopening"""
Beispiel #4
class Document():
    """ A Document represents the virtual address space of the binary,
    with associated meta data like type (instruction start or body) """
    def __init__(self):
        self.address_space = SparseBytes()
        self.meta = SparseBytes(undefined_value=_META_VALUES["undefined"],
        self.processor = processors[0]  # A default processor value
        self.procedures = []
        self.proc_to_analyze = []

    # used by the loader to push address of procedure to analyze later
    def push_proc(self, address):

    def set_processor(self, processor):
        self.processor = processor

    def set_instruction(self, adr, size):
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["instruction"]
        for i in range(adr + 1, adr + size):

    # Used by the analyzer to mark a procedure start - loader please keep out
    def set_procedure(self, adr):
        print("Found proc at", hex(adr))
        self.meta[adr].procedure = True

    def is_instruction(self, adr):
        return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["instruction"]

    def set_instruction_body(self, adr):
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["instruction_body"]

    def is_instruction_body(self, adr):
        return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["instruction_body"]

    def set_data(self, adr):
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["data"]

    def is_data(self, adr):
        return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["data"]

    def is_undefined(self, adr):
            return self.meta[adr].type == _META_VALUES["undefined"]
        except KeyError:
            return True

    def write_byte(self, adr, byte):
        """Used by loaders to write a byte from binary to virtual
        address_space, defaulting to data"""
        self.address_space[adr] = byte
        # when a byte is written, it's data until proven otherwise
        self.meta[adr] = Meta(0)  # will create the page if empty
        self.meta[adr].type = _META_VALUES["data"]

    def bytes_at(self, adr, length):
        """Returns a bytearray of bytes at adr, of length length,
        or less if the bytes weren't set"""
        for i in range(length):
            if self.is_undefined(adr + i):
                length = i
        return self.address_space.bytes_at(adr, length)

    def serialize(self, outpath):
        """ TODO: Save/pickle the document for future reopening"""