def buildparsetree(exp): plist = exp.split() pstack = Stack() tree = BinaryTree('') pstack.push(tree) current_tree = tree for item in plist: if item == '(': current_tree.insert_left('') pstack.push(current_tree) current_tree = current_tree.get_lc() elif item not in ['+', '-', '*', '/', ')']: current_tree.set_root(float(item)) current_tree = pstack.pop() elif item in ['+', '-', '*', '/']: current_tree.set_root(item) current_tree.insert_right('') pstack.push(current_tree) current_tree = current_tree.get_rc() elif item == ')': current_tree = pstack.pop() else: raise ValueError return tree
def convertbase2(n): a=Stack() binstring="" while n>0: a.push(n%2) n=n//2 while not a.isEmpty(): binstring+=str(a.pop()) return binstring
def int_to_bin(value): stack = Stack() num = int(value) binary_num = '' while num > 0: stack.push(num % 2) num //= 2 while stack.contains_items(): binary_num += str(stack.pop()) return binary_num
def base_converter(): stack = Stack() digits = '0123456789ABCDEF' num = int(raw_input('Enter a number to convert: ')) base = int(raw_input('Enter a base to convert to: ')) new_num = '' while num > 0: stack.push(num % base) num //= base while stack.contains_items(): new_num += str(digits[stack.pop()]) return new_num
def base_converter(): stack = Stack() digits = "0123456789ABCDEF" num = int(raw_input("Enter a number in base-10 to convert: ")) base = int(raw_input("Enter a base to convert it to: ")) new_num = "" while num > 0: stack.push(num % base) num //= base while stack.contains_items(): new_num += str(digits[stack.pop()]) print new_num
def postfixxer(prefix): s=Stack() l=len(prefix) for i in range(l-1,-1,-1): if(isOperator(prefix[i])): temp=s.pop() temp2=temp+s.pop()+prefix[i] s.push(temp2) else: s.push(prefix[i]) return s.peek()
def infixxer(postfix): s = Stack() l = len(postfix) for i in range(l): if (isOperator(postfix[i])): temp = s.pop() temp2 = '(' + s.pop() + postfix[i] + temp + ')' s.push(temp2) else: s.push(postfix[i]) return s.peek()
def prefixxer(postfix): s = Stack() l = len(postfix) for i in range(l): if (isOperator(postfix[i])): temp = '' temp2 = '' temp = s.pop() temp2 = postfix[i] + s.pop() + temp s.push(temp2) else: s.push(postfix[i]) return s.peek()
def postfix_evaluator(statement): operands_stack = Stack() statement_list = statement.split(' ') operators_dict = {'*': operator.mul, '/': operator.div, '+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub} for char in statement_list: if char in operators_dict and operands_stack.size() >= 2: b = operands_stack.pop() a = operands_stack.pop() operands_stack.push(operators_dict[char](a,b)) else: operands_stack.push(float(char)) return operands_stack.pop()
def solve(self): """ Function to solve a sudoku puzzle using DFS (I think). Function modifies and returns a completed puzzle. """ storage = Stack() attempt = self.trial(storage) while not attempt.is_solved(): if len(storage) == 0: print "This sudoku puzzle is not solvable." return self else: (board, cell, moves) = storage.pop() board.set_pos(cell[0], cell[1], moves[0]) if len(moves) > 1: storage.push((board.clone(), cell, moves[1:])) attempt = board.trial(storage) print "Solution found." self = attempt return self
def revertOrder(a_list): the_stack = Stack() the_reverted_cards = [] for i in a_list: the_stack.push(i) while not the_stack.is_empty(): the_reverted_cards.append(the_stack.pop()) return the_reverted_cards
def paren_checker(string): stack = Stack() for char in string: if char == '(': stack.push(char) elif char == ')': if stack.contains_items(): stack.pop() else: return 'Unbalanced' if stack.contains_items(): return 'Unbalanced' else: return 'Balanced'
class PalindromeChecker: # Initializtion/Constructor def __init__(self): self.stringToCheck = None self.stringStack = Stack() self.isPalindrome = False # This method checks if a string (argument) # is a palindrome. The method returns a # boolean. def checkString(self, string): # Initialize return value to be True booleanValue = True # Show string to be evaluated print "Checking string %s" % string # Remove punctuations string = re.sub('[!@#$.?,]', '', string) # Set the attribute self.stringToCheck = string.lower() # Fill the stack for eachChar in self.stringToCheck: self.stringStack.push(eachChar) #print self.stringStack.printStack() for eachChar in self.stringToCheck: if eachChar != self.stringStack.pop(): booleanValue = False # return boolean return booleanValue
def Evaluate(self, postfix): opStack = Stack() tokenList = postfix.split() for token in tokenList: if self.__is_number(token) or token == "pi" or token == "e": if token == "pi": token = np.pi elif token == "e": token = np.e opStack.push(float(token)) else: op2 = opStack.pop() op1 = opStack.pop() result = self.__doMath(token, op1, op2) opStack.push(result) return opStack.pop()
def base_converter(): stack = Stack() digits = '0123456789ABCDEF' num = int(raw_input('Enter a number in base-10 to convert: ')) base = int(raw_input('Enter a base to convert it to: ')) new_num = '' while num > 0: stack.push(num % base) num //= base while stack.contains_items(): new_num += str(digits[stack.pop()]) print new_num
def general_checker(string): stack = Stack() opens = '([{<' closes = ')]}>' for char in string: if char in opens: stack.push(char) elif char in closes: if not stack.contains_items(): return "Stack prematurely empty. Unbalanced." else: prior = stack.pop() return match_checker(char, prior) # returns Balanced or Unbalanced if stack.contains_items(): return 'Unbalanced' else: return 'Balanced'
def postfix(infix): #op stack is where we store left parentheses, it will count #how much we need to pop when we hit a right parenthesis opstack=Stack() #output will be the return of all our values output=[] #splits up the infix notation equation input1=list(infix) #declare a dict prec={} #determine the level of precedence for operators prec['*']=3 prec['/']=3 prec['+']=2 prec['-']=2 prec['(']=1 for i in input1: #append non operators/ parenthesises into output if i in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1023456789': output.append(i) #if is a left parenthesis, append it to the stack elif i =='(': opstack.push(i) #if it is a right parenthesis, #pop a left parenthesis out of the stack elif i==')': topToken=opstack.pop() #while the top of the stack is NOT a left parenthesis and #is an operator, keep on popping that shit into the output while topToken !="(": output.append(topToken) topToken=opstack.pop() #else if it is an operator else: #while the opstack is NOT empty and and the operator's precident in the stack #is GREATER than the operator currently being iterated on #pop that operator into the stack while (not opstack.isEmpty()) and (prec[opstack.peek()]) >=prec[i]: output.append(opstack.pop()) #otherwise, just push the current operator into the stack opstack.push(i) #and this last while loop is to get out the remaining operators at the end while not opstack.isEmpty(): output.append(opstack.pop()) return " ".join(output)
def __init__(self): self.stringToCheck = None self.stringStack = Stack() self.isPalindrome = False
# This program displays the first 50 prime numbers # And ses a stack to store the prime numbers # Import Stack class from StackClass import Stack # Create stack to store prime numbers stack = Stack() # Define isPrime with num as a parameter # This function returns True if the number is prime and false is not def isPrime(num): for i in range(2, num // 2 + 1): if num % i == 0: return False return True # Define primeNum function # Set accumalator name to 'num' with a value of 2 # Create while statement that calls the getSize method from the Stack class # only if the numbers are below 50 # Create if statement within while statement that if num == 2 or isPrime == True # then push num to the stack by calling the push method # Have num increment by 1 so that each number can be checked if isPrime or not # Print the stack while size of the stack if below 50 def primeNum(): num = 2 while stack.getSize() < 50: if num == 2 or isPrime(num) == True:
def postfix_from(self, infix): infix = self.__prepare(infix) prec = {} prec["^"] = 4 prec["*"] = 3 prec["/"] = 3 prec["+"] = 2 prec["-"] = 2 prec["("] = 1 opStack = Stack() postfixList = [] tokenList = infix.split() for token in tokenList: if self.__is_number(token) or token == "pi" or token == "e": postfixList.append(token) elif token == '(': opStack.push(token) elif token == ')': topToken = opStack.pop() while topToken != '(': postfixList.append(topToken) topToken = opStack.pop() else: while (not opStack.isEmpty()) and \ (prec[opStack.peek()] >= prec[token]): postfixList.append(opStack.pop()) opStack.push(token) while not opStack.isEmpty(): postfixList.append(opStack.pop()) return " ".join(postfixList)
def stackCards(a_list): the_stack = Stack() for i in a_list: the_stack.push(i) return the_stack
def postfix_converter(infixstring): op_stack = Stack() output_list = [] infix_list = infixstring.split(' ') operators = '*/+-' for char in infix_list: if char == '(': op_stack.push(char) elif char == ')': prior_op = op_stack.pop() while prior_op != '(': output_list.append(prior_op) prior_op = op_stack.pop() elif char in operators: if op_stack.contains_items() and op_stack.peek() in '*/': output_list.append(op_stack.pop()) op_stack.push(char) else: op_stack.push(char) else: output_list.append(char) while op_stack.contains_items(): output_list.append(op_stack.pop()) return " ".join(output_list)
"""Qustions. A Python programm to perform various operations on a stack using Stack Class""" #Using the Stack Class of Program from StackClass import Stack # Create empty stack object s = Stack() #Display Menu Choice = 0 while Choice < 5: print('_______Stack Operation_______') print('1. Push Element') print('2. Pop Element') print('3. Peep Element') print('4. Search for Element') print('5. Exit') Choice = int(input('Enter your Choice:')) # Perform a task depending on user choice if Choice == 1: element = int(input('Enter Element:')) s.__push__(element) elif Choice == 2: element = s.pop() if element == -1: print('The Stack Is Empty') else: print('Popped element=', element) elif Choice == 3: element = s.peep() print('Topmost Element=', element) elif Choice == 4:
############################################## # # Programmer: Stanley Wong # File: # Description: Python Stack Driver # ############################################## from StackClass import Stack myStack = Stack() myStack.push(22) myStack.push(33) myStack.push(44) myStack.pop() myStack.push(99) myStack.push(55) myStack.push(88) myStack.pop() myStack.push(77) myStack.push(11) myStack.pop() myStack.push(88) myStack.printStack()