def runBackup( self ):
		"""Begin rsync backup.
			This will process each path in self.rsyncPaths
			and use rsync to 'pull' the contents to the
			backup server.
		# First make the folder to store the backups (and logs) on the backup server
		# as rsync will not log to the as-of-yet uncreated folder
		command =  ['mkdir', '-p', self.backupPath]

		self.log("Creating remote backup path.")
		stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshExecute( ' '.join(command), exitOnException=True )
		errors = '\n'.join(stderr.readlines())
		if errors:
			self.error("Failed to make the remote backup directory:\n" + errors, exit=True)
		# loop through the paths and rsync them one by one
		# In the future this will be replaced by using an 'includes' file and one command only
		for path in self.rsyncPaths:
			command = [ 'rsync', "-e'ssh -i "+self.ssh_key+"'" ]
			command.extend( self.rsyncArgs )
			command.extend( [ '--log-file=' + str(self.logFile) ] )
			command.extend( [ self.liveUser + '@' + self.liveHost + ':"\'' + path + '\'"', '"'+self.backupPath+'"' ] )
			self.log("Using: " + ' '.join( command ))
			#Consider using 'exitOnException=False' so that this doesn't die and exit
			#if only one rsync path fails to be backed up
			self.runCommandTransport( ' '.join( command ), self.logFile, exitOnException=True )

		#Transfer the main log to the backup server for storage
		self.log("Transferring the main log to the server.", 'debug')
		os.system( "cp -f " + global_log_file + " /tmp/temp_backup.log" )
							"/logs/" + str(self.ap) + "_" + global_log_file[ global_log_file.rfind('/') + 1 : ],
		if self.progress_window != None:
	def runRestore( self ):
		"""Begin rsync restore.
			This will restore everything for the particular
			appointment number to the root of the local drive.
		# First make sure the folder on the backup server exists for the appointment specified
		self.log( "Checking if there are backups on the remote server." )
		if not self.remotePathExists( self.backupPath ):
			self.error("No backups for " + str(self.ap) + " on backup server!", exit=True)
		if self.rsyncPaths[-1] != "/":
			self.rsyncPaths += "/"
		command = [ 'rsync', "-e'ssh -i "+self.ssh_key+"'" ]
		command.extend( self.rsyncArgs )
		command.extend( [ '--log-file=' + self.restoreLogFull ] )
		# self.rsyncPaths should be the path to the drive we are restoring to (in a string)
		command.extend( [ '"' + self.backupPath + '"',
						self.liveUser  + '@' + self.liveHost + ':"\'' + self.rsyncPaths + '\'"' ] )
		command.extend( [ '--exclude "' + self.restoreLog + '"'  ] )
		self.log("Using: " + ' '.join( command ))
		self.runCommandTransport( ' '.join( command ), self.restoreLogFull, exitOnException=True )
		# Transfer the restore log
		self.log("Copying restore log to local machine: " + self.restoreLog)
		self.transferFile( self.rsyncPaths + self.restoreLog, self.restoreLogFull, False )
		#Transfer the main log to the backup server for storage
		self.log("Transferring the main log to the backup server.", 'debug')
		os.system( "cp -f " + global_log_file + " /tmp/temp_backup.log" )
							"/logs/" + str(self.ap) + "_" + global_log_file[ global_log_file.rfind('/') + 1 : ],
		# Cleanup
		if self.progress_window != None: