Beispiel #1
    leptons = filter(lambda l: looseMuID(l) or looseEleID(l), allLeptons)

#LepGood_mcMatchId Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake for Leptons after the preselection 
#LepGood_mcMatchAny  Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom for Leptons after the preselection
#LepGood_mcMatchTau True if the leptons comes from a tau for Leptons after the preselection

#    for l in leptons:
#      if (l['mcMatchAny']==0 and (not (l['mcMatchId']==0))) or ( (not l['mcMatchAny']==0) and (l['mcMatchId']==0)):
#        print "Match?",l

    looseMu = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==13 and l['miniRelIso']<0.4 and l['pt']>15, allLeptons)
    looseEle= filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==11 and l['miniRelIso']<0.4 and l['pt']>15, allLeptons)
    mu      = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==13, leptons)
    ele     = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==11, leptons)
    tau     = getGoodTaus(chain) 

#RECO mathes
    muMatched   = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchAny'])==1, mu)
    eleMatched  = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchAny'])==1, ele)
    tauMatched  = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchId'])>=1, tau)
    genParts = getGenPartsAll(chain)
    status1MuEle        =   filter(lambda p: abs(p['pdgId']) in [11,13] and p['status']==1 and p['pt']>10, genParts)
    genLeptons          =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) in [24] and abs(p['pdgId']) in lepPdgs, genParts)]
    genLeptonsFromTau   =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) in [15] and abs(p['pdgId']) in lepPdgs, genParts)]
    genNeutrinosFromW   =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) ==24 and abs(p['pdgId']) in nuPdgs, genParts)]
    genNeutrinosFromTau =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) ==15 and abs(p['pdgId']) in nuPdgs, genParts)]
    otherNeutrinos      =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['pdgId']) in nuPdgs, genParts) if not descendDecay(q, genParts) in genNeutrinosFromW+genNeutrinosFromTau]
    genEle =                [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) in [24] and abs(p['pdgId'])==11 , genParts)]
    genMu=                  [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) in [24] and abs(p['pdgId'])==13 , genParts)]
Beispiel #2
        #LepGood_mcMatchTau True if the leptons comes from a tau for Leptons after the preselection

        #    for l in leptons:
        #      if (l['mcMatchAny']==0 and (not (l['mcMatchId']==0))) or ( (not l['mcMatchAny']==0) and (l['mcMatchId']==0)):
        #        print "Match?",l

        looseMu = filter(
            lambda l: abs(l['pdgId']) == 13 and l['miniRelIso'] < 0.4 and l[
                'pt'] > 15, allLeptons)
        looseEle = filter(
            lambda l: abs(l['pdgId']) == 11 and l['miniRelIso'] < 0.4 and l[
                'pt'] > 15, allLeptons)
        mu = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId']) == 13, leptons)
        ele = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId']) == 11, leptons)
        tau = getGoodTaus(chain)

        #RECO mathes
        muMatched = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchAny']) == 1, mu)
        eleMatched = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchAny']) == 1, ele)
        tauMatched = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchId']) >= 1, tau)
        genParts = getGenPartsAll(chain)
        status1MuEle = filter(
            lambda p: abs(p['pdgId']) in [11, 13] and p['status'] == 1 and p[
                'pt'] > 10, genParts)
        genLeptons = [
            descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(
                lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) in [24] and abs(p['pdgId']) in
                lepPdgs, genParts)
Beispiel #3
        deltaMet = sqrt((met*cos(metPhi)-genMet*cos(genMetPhi))**2+(met*sin(metPhi)-genMet*sin(genMetPhi))**2)
        jets = filter(lambda j:j['pt']>30 and abs(j['eta'])<2.4 and j['id'], getJets(s.chain, jetColl="JetGood"))

        allLeptons = getLeptons(s.chain, collVars=leptonVars+['mcMatchId','mcMatchAny','mcMatchTau','mcPt','ip3d', 'relIso03', 'relIso04', 'jetPtRatiov1', 'jetPtRelv1', 'jetPtRelv2', 'jetPtRatiov2', 'jetBTagCSV', 'jetDR'])
        leptons = filter(lambda l: looseMuID(l) or looseEleID(l), allLeptons)

#LepGood_mcMatchId Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in s.chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake for Leptons after the preselection
#LepGood_mcMatchAny  Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom for Leptons after the preselection
#LepGood_mcMatchTau True if the leptons comes from a tau for Leptons after the preselection

        looseMu = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==13 and l['miniRelIso']<0.4 and l['pt']>15, allLeptons)
        looseEle= filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==11 and l['miniRelIso']<0.4 and l['pt']>15, allLeptons)
        mu      = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==13, leptons)
        ele     = filter(lambda l: abs(l['pdgId'])==11, leptons)
        tau     = getGoodTaus(s.chain)

#multi-iso minValues
        min_jetPtRatiov2 = min(l['jetPtRatiov2'] for l in leptons)
        min_jetPtRelv2   = min(l['jetPtRelv2'] for l in leptons)

#RECO matches
        muMatched   = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchAny'])==1, mu)
        eleMatched  = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchAny'])==1, ele)
        tauMatched  = filter(lambda l: abs(l['mcMatchId'])>=1, tau)
        genParts = getGenPartsAll(s.chain)
        status1MuEle        =   filter(lambda p: abs(p['pdgId']) in [11,13] and p['status']==1 and p['pt']>10, genParts)
        genLeptons          =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) in [24] and abs(p['pdgId']) in lepPdgs, genParts)]
        genLeptonsFromTau   =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) in [15] and abs(p['pdgId']) in lepPdgs, genParts)]
        genNeutrinosFromW   =   [descendDecay(q, genParts) for q in filter(lambda p: abs(p['motherId']) ==24 and abs(p['pdgId']) in nuPdgs, genParts)]