Beispiel #1
    def description(self):
        """This read-only attribute is a sequence of 7-item sequences.

        Each of these sequences contains information describing one result column:

        - name
        - type_code
        - display_size (None in current implementation)
        - internal_size (None in current implementation)
        - precision (None in current implementation)
        - scale (None in current implementation)
        - null_ok (always True in current implementation)

        This attribute will be ``None`` for operations that do not return rows or if the cursor has
        not had an operation invoked via the :py:meth:`execute` method yet.

        The ``type_code`` can be interpreted by comparing it to the Type Objects specified in the
        section below.
        if self._operationHandle is None or not self._operationHandle.hasResultSet:
            return None
        if self._description is None:
            req = ttypes.TGetResultSetMetadataReq(self._operationHandle)
            response = self._connection.client.GetResultSetMetadata(req)
            columns = response.schema.columns
            self._description = []
            for col in columns:
                precision = None
                scale = None
                varchar = None
                primary_type_entry = col.typeDesc.types[0]
                if primary_type_entry.primitiveEntry is None:
                    # All fancy stuff maps to string
                    type_code = ttypes.TTypeId._VALUES_TO_NAMES[
                    type_id = primary_type_entry.primitiveEntry.type
                    type_code = ttypes.TTypeId._VALUES_TO_NAMES[type_id]
                    typeQualifiers = primary_type_entry.primitiveEntry.typeQualifiers
                    if typeQualifiers and typeQualifiers.qualifiers:
                        if constants.PRECISION in typeQualifiers.qualifiers:
                            precision = typeQualifiers.qualifiers[
                            scale = typeQualifiers.qualifiers[
                        elif constants.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH in typeQualifiers.qualifiers:
                            varchar = typeQualifiers.qualifiers[
                    (col.columnName.decode('utf-8'), type_code.decode('utf-8'),
                     varchar, None, precision, scale, True))
        return self._description
Beispiel #2
    def description(self):
        """This read-only attribute is a sequence of 7-item sequences.

        Each of these sequences contains information describing one result column:

        - name
        - type_code
        - display_size (None in current implementation)
        - internal_size (None in current implementation)
        - precision (None in current implementation)
        - scale (None in current implementation)
        - null_ok (always True in current implementation)

        This attribute will be ``None`` for operations that do not return rows or if the cursor has
        not had an operation invoked via the :py:meth:`execute` method yet.

        The ``type_code`` can be interpreted by comparing it to the Type Objects specified in the
        section below.
        if self._operationHandle is None or not self._operationHandle.hasResultSet:
            return None
        if self._description is None:
            req = ttypes.TGetResultSetMetadataReq(self._operationHandle)
            response = self._connection.client.GetResultSetMetadata(req)
            columns = response.schema.columns
            self._description = []
            # If it's a cypher query, column comment is not null
            self._column_comments = [
                col.comment for col in response.schema.columns
                if col.comment is not None

            for col in columns:
                primary_type_entry = col.typeDesc.types[0]
                if primary_type_entry.primitiveEntry is None:
                    # All fancy stuff maps to string
                    type_code = ttypes.TTypeId._VALUES_TO_NAMES[
                    type_id = primary_type_entry.primitiveEntry.type
                    type_code = ttypes.TTypeId._VALUES_TO_NAMES[type_id]
                     if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else col.columnName,
                     type_code.decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else
                     type_code, None, None, None, None, True))
        return self._description