def get_switched(): x_ = x shape = tf.shape(x) n_batch = tf.shape(x)[data.batch_dim_axis] n_time = tf.shape(x)[data.time_dim_axis] take_rnd_mask = tf.less( tf.random.uniform(shape=shape, minval=0., maxval=1.), 0.05) take_blank_mask = tf.less( tf.random.uniform(shape=shape, minval=0., maxval=1.), 0.5) rnd_label = tf.random.uniform(shape=shape, minval=0, maxval=eval("target_num_labels"), dtype=tf.int32) rnd_label = where_bc(take_blank_mask, eval("targetb_blank_idx"), rnd_label) x_ = where_bc(take_rnd_mask, rnd_label, x_) x_ = eval("random_mask")(x_, batch_axis=data.batch_dim_axis, axis=data.time_dim_axis, min_num=0, max_num=tf.maximum( tf.shape(x)[data.time_dim_axis] // (50 // time_factor), 1), max_dims=20 // time_factor, mask_value=eval("targetb_blank_idx")) # x_ = tf.Print(x_, ["switch", x[0], "to", x_[0]], summarize=100) return x_
def _mask(x, batch_axis, axis, pos, max_amount): """ :param tf.Tensor x: (batch,time,feature) :param int batch_axis: :param int axis: :param tf.Tensor pos: (batch,) :param int|tf.Tensor max_amount: inclusive """ from import v1 as tf ndim = x.get_shape().ndims n_batch = tf.shape(x)[batch_axis] dim = tf.shape(x)[axis] amount = tf.random_uniform(shape=(n_batch, ), minval=1, maxval=max_amount + 1, dtype=tf.int32) pos2 = tf.minimum(pos + amount, dim) idxs = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, dim), 0) # (1,dim) pos_bc = tf.expand_dims(pos, 1) # (batch,1) pos2_bc = tf.expand_dims(pos2, 1) # (batch,1) cond = tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(idxs, pos_bc), tf.less(idxs, pos2_bc)) # (batch,dim) if batch_axis > axis: cond = tf.transpose(cond) # (dim,batch) cond = tf.reshape(cond, [ tf.shape(x)[i] if i in (batch_axis, axis) else 1 for i in range(ndim) ]) from TFUtil import where_bc x = where_bc(cond, 0.0, x) return x
def targetb_search_or_fallback(source, **kwargs): import tensorflow as tf from TFUtil import where_bc ts_linear = source(0) # (B,T) ts_search = source(1) # (B,T) l = source(2, auto_convert=False) # (B,) return where_bc(tf.less(l[:, None], 0.01), ts_search, ts_linear)
def _mask(x, axis, pos, max_amount): from import v1 as tf ndim = x.get_shape().ndims cond = _get_mask(x, axis, pos, max_amount) cond = tf.reshape( cond, [tf.shape(x)[i] if i in (0, axis) else 1 for i in range(ndim)]) from TFUtil import where_bc x = where_bc(cond, 0.0, x) return x
def __init__(self, sources, seed=None, use_time_mask=None, \ infer_threshold=None, first_reset_value=1., exp_energy_cumsum=False, sigmoid_energy_cumprod=False, **kwargs): assert sources super(GatedRecurrentContextLayer, self).__init__(sources=sources, **kwargs) from TFUtil import where_bc energy_data = concat_sources([self.sources[0] ]) # (enc-T,B,H), not (B,enc-T,H) assert energy_data.dtype.startswith("float") energy = energy_data.placeholder #(enc-T,B,H) axis = 0 #energy_data.batch_ndim - 1 orig_time_axis = self._get_axis_to_reduce(input_data=energy_data, axis="T", exception_prefix=self) if orig_time_axis == 1: # this case, transpose placeholder (B,enc-T,H)->(enc-T,B,H) print( "original time axis of energy was 1, and is changed with 0-th axis! (to make (enc-T,B,H))" ) energy = tf.transpose(energy, perm=(1, 0, 2)) energy_shape = tf.shape(energy) #shape is (enc-T,B,H) # from TFUtil import check_shape_equal assert energy_data.have_time_axis() # if the time-axis is static, we can skip the masking if use_time_mask is None: use_time_mask = energy_data.is_axis_dynamic(orig_time_axis) if use_time_mask: assert energy_data.is_axis_dynamic( orig_time_axis ), "%s: use_time_mask True, dyn time axis expected" % self energy_mask = energy_data.get_sequence_mask_broadcast( axis=orig_time_axis) if orig_time_axis == 1: # (B,enc-T,H)->(enc-T,B,H) energy_mask = tf.transpose(energy_mask, perm=(1, 0, 2)) energy = where_bc(energy_mask, energy, float("-inf"), name="energy_masked") ### Attention # Add sigmoid noise only at training network = self.sources[0].network #(enc-T,B,H) def safe_cumprod(x, *args, **kwargs): with tf.name_scope(None, "SafeCumprod", [x]): x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") import numpy as np tiny = np.finfo(x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype).tiny return tf.exp( tf.cumsum(tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(x, tiny, 1)), *args, **kwargs)) if exp_energy_cumsum and sigmoid_energy_cumprod: assert False, "Use only 1 among exp_energy_cumsum or sigmoid_energy_cumprod." elif sigmoid_energy_cumprod: sigmoid_energy = tf.sigmoid(energy) #(enc-T,B,H) reset = safe_cumprod(sigmoid_energy) #(enc-T,B,H) elif exp_energy_cumsum: exp_energy = tf.exp(-energy) exp_energy_accum = tf.cumsum( exp_energy, axis=0) #(enc-T,B,H), increasing as time goes reset = 1. / ( 1. + exp_energy_accum ) #(enc-T,B,H), 0~1, decreasing from 1 to 0 as time goes else: reset = tf.sigmoid(energy) #(enc-T,B,H), 0~1 # def substitute(x, time_pads=[0, 0], value=0.): T = tf.shape(x)[0] x_left = tf.fill([time_pads[0], energy_shape[1], energy_shape[2]], value) x_middle = x[time_pads[0]:T - time_pads[1], :, :] x_right = tf.fill([time_pads[1], energy_shape[1], energy_shape[2]], value) return tf.concat([x_left, x_middle, x_right], axis=axis) if first_reset_value is not None: reset = substitute(reset, time_pads=[1, 0], value=first_reset_value) # if ((network.train_flag is None or network.train_flag is False) and infer_threshold is not None): print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("--------------------INFER_simple_thresholding-------------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") low_threshold_point = get_endpoint_compare_to( reset, infer_threshold, "l", "first") before_low_threshold = tf.cumsum(low_threshold_point, axis=0, reverse=True) reset = before_low_threshold * reset # safe_cumprod computes cumprod in logspace with numeric checks cumprod_1mreset = safe_cumprod(1 - reset, axis=axis, exclusive=True, reverse=True) #(enc-T,B,H) #(45,1,132) # Compute recurrence relation solution weights = reset * cumprod_1mreset ### if orig_time_axis == 1: # this case, transpose placeholder (enc-T,B,H)->(B,enc-T,H) weights = tf.transpose(weights, perm=(1, 0, 2)) weights = tf.reshape(weights, [tf.shape(weights)[0], tf.shape(weights)[1], 1]) self.output.placeholder = weights #(enc-T,B,H)
def __init__(self, sources, energy_factor=None, sigmoid_noise=1.0, seed=None,\ chunk_size=1, test_same_as_train=False, use_time_mask=None, train_cumcalc_mode="recursive", **kwargs): assert sources super(MonotonicHardAttention2Layer, self).__init__(sources=sources, **kwargs) from TFUtil import where_bc energy_data = concat_sources([self.sources[0] ]) # (enc-T,B,H), not (B,enc-T,H) assert energy_data.dtype.startswith("float") previous_attention_data = concat_sources([self.sources[1] ]) #(enc-T,B,H) axis = 0 #energy_data.batch_ndim - 1 energy = energy_data.placeholder #(enc-T,B,H) chunk_energy = None if chunk_size is not None and isinstance( chunk_size, (int, float)) and chunk_size > 1: chunk_size = int(chunk_size) chunk_energy_data = concat_sources( [self.sources[2]]) #if chunk_size > 1 else None #(enc-T,B,H) chunk_energy = chunk_energy_data.placeholder orig_time_axis = self._get_axis_to_reduce(input_data=energy_data, axis="T", exception_prefix=self) if orig_time_axis == 1: # this case, transpose placeholder (B,enc-T,H)->(enc-T,B,H) print( "original time axis of energy was 1, and is changed with 0-th axis! (to make (enc-T,B,H))" ) energy = tf.transpose(energy, perm=(1, 0, 2)) if chunk_energy is not None: print(" =>(did same for chunk_energy)") chunk_energy = tf.transpose(chunk_energy, perm=(1, 0, 2)) previous_attention = previous_attention_data.placeholder #(enc-T,B,H) orig_time_axis_prevatt = self._get_axis_to_reduce( input_data=previous_attention_data, axis="T", exception_prefix=self) if orig_time_axis_prevatt == 1: # this case, transpose placeholder (B,enc-T,H)->(enc-T,B,H) print( "original time axis of previous_attention was 1, and is changed with 0-th axis! (to make (enc-T,B,H))" ) previous_attention = tf.transpose(previous_attention, perm=(1, 0, 2)) energy_shape = tf.shape(energy) #shape is (enc-T,B,H) init_ones = tf.ones([1, energy_shape[1], energy_shape[2]], dtype=energy.dtype) #(1,B,H) init_zeros = tf.zeros( [energy_shape[0] - 1, energy_shape[1], energy_shape[2]], dtype=energy.dtype) #(enc-T - 1,B,H) init_attention = tf.concat([init_ones, init_zeros], axis=axis) previous_attention = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(previous_attention)), tf.constant(0., dtype=previous_attention.dtype)), true_fn=lambda: init_attention, false_fn=lambda: previous_attention, ) from TFUtil import check_shape_equal assert energy_data.have_time_axis() assert previous_attention_data.have_time_axis() # if the time-axis is static, we can skip the masking if use_time_mask is None: use_time_mask = energy_data.is_axis_dynamic(orig_time_axis) if use_time_mask: assert energy_data.is_axis_dynamic( orig_time_axis ), "%s: use_time_mask True, dyn time axis expected" % self energy_mask = energy_data.get_sequence_mask_broadcast( axis=orig_time_axis) if orig_time_axis == 1: # (B,enc-T,H)->(enc-T,B,H) energy_mask = tf.transpose(energy_mask, perm=(1, 0, 2)) energy = where_bc(energy_mask, energy, float("-inf"), name="energy_masked") if chunk_energy is not None: chunk_energy = where_bc(energy_mask, chunk_energy, float("-inf"), name="chunk_energy_masked") if energy_factor: energy = tf.multiply(energy, energy_factor, name="energy_scaled") if chunk_energy is not None: chunk_energy = tf.multiply(chunk_energy, energy_factor, name="chunk_energy_scaled") ### main part ( # Add sigmoid noise only at training network = self.sources[0].network score = energy #(enc-T,B,H) if network.train_flag is not False: print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("---------- NOW TRAIN TIME !!!!!!(sigmoide noise add)------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") if sigmoid_noise > 0: noise = tf.random.normal(tf.shape(score), dtype=score.dtype, seed=seed) score += sigmoid_noise * noise # Calculate p_choose_i if (network.train_flag is not False or test_same_as_train): print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("---------- NOW TRAIN TIME !!!!!!(p=sigmoid(score))--------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") p_choose_i = tf.sigmoid(score) #(enc-T,B,H) else: print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("---------- NOW TEST TIME !!!!!!(p=1(score>0))------------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") if True: p_choose_i = tf.cast(score > 0, score.dtype) #(enc-T,B,H) else: #sampling (not to be used) p_choose_i = tf.sigmoid(1. * score) #(enc-T,B,H) z = tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(score), dtype=score.dtype, seed=seed) #(enc-T,B,H) p_choose_i = tf.cast(p_choose_i > z, score.dtype) # Calculate weights if (network.train_flag is not False or test_same_as_train) and train_cumcalc_mode == "recursive": assert False, "Recursive mode is not implemented yet." print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("---------------- NOW TRAIN TIME !!!!!!(recursive)---------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") # Use .shape[0].value when it's not None, or fall back on symbolic shape batch_size = p_choose_i.shape[1].value or tf.shape(p_choose_i)[1] num_heads = p_choose_i.shape[2].value or tf.shape(p_choose_i)[2] # Compute [1, 1 - p_choose_i[0], 1 - p_choose_i[1], ..., 1 - p_choose_i[-2]] shifted_1mp_choose_i = tf.concat([ tf.ones((1, batch_size, num_heads)), 1 - p_choose_i[:-1, :, :] ], axis=0) #(B,H,enc-T) # Compute attention distribution recursively as # q[i] = (1 - p_choose_i[i])*q[i - 1] + previous_attention[i] # attention[i] = p_choose_i[i]*q[i] weights = p_choose_i * tf.transpose( tf.scan( # Need to use reshape to remind TF of the shape between loop # iterations lambda x, yz: tf.reshape(yz[0] * x + yz[1], (batch_size, num_heads)), # Loop variables yz[0] and yz[1] [ # (enc-T,B,H) tf.transpose(shifted_1mp_choose_i, perm=(0, 1, 2)), tf.transpose(previous_attention, perm=(0, 1, 2)) ], # Initial value of x is just zeros tf.zeros((batch_size, num_heads)), #(B,H) swap_memory=True, parallel_iterations=1, ), # (enc-T,B,H) perm=(0, 1, 2)) elif (network.train_flag is not False or test_same_as_train) and train_cumcalc_mode == "parallel": print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("---------------- NOW TRAIN TIME !!!!!!(parallel)----------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") def safe_cumprod(x, *args, **kwargs): with tf.name_scope(None, "SafeCumprod", [x]): x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") import numpy as np tiny = np.finfo(x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype).tiny return tf.exp( tf.cumsum(tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(x, tiny, 1)), *args, **kwargs)) # safe_cumprod computes cumprod in logspace with numeric checks cumprod_1mp_choose_i = safe_cumprod( 1 - p_choose_i, axis=axis, exclusive=True) #(enc-T,B,H) #(45,1,132) # Compute recurrence relation solution weights = p_choose_i * cumprod_1mp_choose_i * tf.cumsum( previous_attention / # Clip cumprod_1mp to avoid divide-by-zero tf.clip_by_value(cumprod_1mp_choose_i, 1e-10, 1.), axis=axis) #(enc-T,B,H) elif (network.train_flag is not False or test_same_as_train): assert False, "train_cumcalc_mode must be in [\"recuresive\",\"parallel\"]" else: print("----------------------------------------------------------") print("---------------- NOW TEST TIME !!!!!!!--------------------") print("----------------------------------------------------------") ####### ORIG(openseq2seq) ########## # p_choose_i : [0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0] # tf.cumsum(prev_att) : [0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1] # 1-p_choose_i : [1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1] # tf.cumprod('') : [1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0] #weights = p_choose_i * tf.cumsum(previous_attention, axis=axis) *\ # tf.cumprod(1 - p_choose_i, axis=axis, exclusive=True) #(enc-T,B,H) ######## ADDED ######## prev_att_existance = tf.cast( previous_attention > 0., dtype=tf.float32 ) #e.g. [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0] => [0, 1, 1, 1, 0] reverse_filter = tf.cumsum( prev_att_existance, axis=axis, exclusive=True, reverse=True) #e.g. [0, 1, 1, 1, 0] => [3, 2, 1, 0, 0] reverse_filter_existance = tf.cast( reverse_filter > 0., dtype=tf.float32) #e.g. [3, 2, 1, 0, 0] => [1, 1, 1, 0, 0] filter_existance = 1 - reverse_filter_existance #e.g. [1, 1, 1, 0, 0] => [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] previous_hard_attention = prev_att_existance * filter_existance #e.g. [0, 1, 1, 1, 0] * [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0] # p_choose_i : [1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0] # prev_attention : [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0] # p_c *tf.cumsum('') : [0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0] # tf.cumprod(1-('')) : [1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0] # weights : [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0] cs_hard_attention = p_choose_i * tf.cumsum(previous_hard_attention, axis=axis) #(enc-T,B,H) weights = cs_hard_attention * tf.cumprod( 1 - cs_hard_attention, axis=axis, exclusive=True) #(enc-T,B,H) ############################## if isinstance(chunk_size, (int, float)) and chunk_size > 1: alpha = weights #(enc-T,B,H), only one t_i among enc-T is 1, others are 0. alpha_shape = tf.shape(alpha) if (network.train_flag is not False or test_same_as_train): def moving_sum(x, b, f): #x:(T,B,C) x_shape = tf.shape(x) x = tf.transpose(x, perm=(1, 0, 2)) #(T,B,C)->(B,T,C) I = tf.expand_dims( tf.eye(x_shape[2]), axis=0 ) #(1,C,C), no operation applied on head dimension filt_half = max(b, f) - 1 #assume b,f are not tensors filt = tf.concat( [ tf.zeros([filt_half - (b - 1), 1, 1], dtype=x.dtype), tf.ones([(b - 1) + (1) + (f - 1), 1, 1], dtype=x.dtype), tf.zeros([filt_half - (f - 1), 1, 1], dtype=x.dtype) ], axis=0, ) W = I * filt #(2*max(b,f)-1, C, C) return tf.transpose( tf.nn.conv1d(x, W, stride=1, padding="SAME"), #(B,T,C) perm=(1, 0, 2) #(B,T,C)->(T,B,C) ) #zero-padding is enough, assuming that exp(u) comes in as input. (exp(-inf)==0) exp_u = tf.exp(chunk_energy) #(enc-T,B,H) beta = exp_u * moving_sum( alpha / (moving_sum(exp_u, chunk_size, 1) + 1e-6), 1, chunk_size) #(enc-T,B,H) else: t = tf.argmax(alpha, axis=0) #(B,H) chunk_energy_mask = tf.logical_or( tf.sequence_mask( t + 1 - chunk_size, maxlen=alpha_shape[0], name='chunk_energy_mask_pre'), #(B,H,enc-T), bool tf.logical_not( tf.sequence_mask(t + 1, maxlen=alpha_shape[0], name='chunk_energy_mask_post') ) #(B,H,enc-T), bool ) chunk_energy_mask = tf.where( tf.transpose(chunk_energy_mask, perm=(2, 0, 1)), #(B,H,enc-T) => (enc-T,B,H) x=tf.ones(alpha_shape, dtype=tf.float32) * float('-inf'), y=tf.zeros(alpha_shape, dtype=tf.float32), ) # softmax over (t_i-chunk_size+1,t_i) chunk_energy += chunk_energy_mask #(enc-T,B,H) beta = tf.where( tf.ones_like(alpha) * tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(alpha), axis=0, keepdims=True) > 0., #(enc-T,B,H) x=tf.nn.softmax(chunk_energy, axis=0), y=tf.zeros_like(chunk_energy)) weights = beta ############################################ if orig_time_axis == 1: # this case, transpose placeholder (enc-T,B,H)->(B,enc-T,H) weights = tf.transpose(weights, perm=(1, 0, 2)) weights = tf.reshape(weights, [tf.shape(weights)[0], tf.shape(weights)[1], 1]) self.output.placeholder = weights #(enc-T,B,H)