Beispiel #1
def process_args(args):
    """Process parsed comand line arguments.

        args (argparse.Namespace or dict like): Parsed input arguments.

        c ( Config paramaters.
        out_path (str): Path to save models and logging.
        audio_path (str): Path to save generated test audios.
        c_logger (TTS.utils.console_logger.ConsoleLogger): Class that does
            logging to the console.
        tb_logger (TTS.utils.tensorboard.TensorboardLogger): Class that does
            the TensorBoard loggind.
    if isinstance(args, tuple):
        args, coqpit_overrides = args
    if args.continue_path:
        # continue a previous training from its output folder
        experiment_path = args.continue_path
        args.config_path = os.path.join(args.continue_path, "config.json")
        args.restore_path, best_model = get_last_checkpoint(args.continue_path)
        if not args.best_path:
            args.best_path = best_model
    # setup output paths and read configs
    config = load_config(args.config_path)
    # override values from command-line args
    config.parse_known_args(coqpit_overrides, relaxed_parser=True)
    if config.mixed_precision:
        print("   >  Mixed precision mode is ON")
    experiment_path = args.continue_path
    if not experiment_path:
        experiment_path = create_experiment_folder(config.output_path,
                                                   config.run_name, args.debug)
    audio_path = os.path.join(experiment_path, "test_audios")
    # setup rank 0 process in distributed training
    tb_logger = None
    if args.rank == 0:
        os.makedirs(audio_path, exist_ok=True)
        new_fields = {}
        if args.restore_path:
            new_fields["restore_path"] = args.restore_path
        new_fields["github_branch"] = get_git_branch()
        # if model characters are not set in the config file
        # save the default set to the config file for future
        # compatibility.
        if config.has("characters_config"):
            used_characters = parse_symbols()
            new_fields["characters"] = used_characters
        copy_model_files(config, experiment_path, new_fields)
        os.chmod(audio_path, 0o775)
        os.chmod(experiment_path, 0o775)
        tb_logger = TensorboardLogger(experiment_path, model_name=config.model)
        # write model desc to tensorboard
        tb_logger.tb_add_text("model-config", f"<pre>{config.to_json()}</pre>",
    c_logger = ConsoleLogger()
    return config, experiment_path, audio_path, c_logger, tb_logger
Beispiel #2
    OUT_PATH = args.continue_path
    if args.continue_path == '':
        OUT_PATH = create_experiment_folder(c.output_path, c.run_name,

    AUDIO_PATH = os.path.join(OUT_PATH, 'test_audios')

    c_logger = ConsoleLogger()

    if args.rank == 0:
        os.makedirs(AUDIO_PATH, exist_ok=True)
        new_fields = {}
        if args.restore_path:
            new_fields["restore_path"] = args.restore_path
        new_fields["github_branch"] = get_git_branch()
        copy_model_files(c,  args.config_path,
                         OUT_PATH, new_fields)
        os.chmod(AUDIO_PATH, 0o775)
        os.chmod(OUT_PATH, 0o775)

        LOG_DIR = OUT_PATH
        tb_logger = TensorboardLogger(LOG_DIR, model_name='VOCODER')

        # write model desc to tensorboard
        tb_logger.tb_add_text('model-description', c['run_description'], 0)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Beispiel #3
def process_args(args, model_class):
    """Process parsed comand line arguments based on model class (tts or vocoder).

        args (argparse.Namespace or dict like): Parsed input arguments.
        model_type (str): Model type used to check config parameters and setup
            the TensorBoard logger. One of ['tts', 'vocoder'].

        ValueError: If `model_type` is not one of implemented choices.

        c ( Config paramaters.
        out_path (str): Path to save models and logging.
        audio_path (str): Path to save generated test audios.
        c_logger (TTS.utils.console_logger.ConsoleLogger): Class that does
            logging to the console.
        tb_logger (TTS.utils.tensorboard.TensorboardLogger): Class that does
            the TensorBoard loggind.
    if args.continue_path:
        args.output_path = args.continue_path
        args.config_path = os.path.join(args.continue_path, "config.json")
        args.restore_path, best_model = get_last_checkpoint(args.continue_path)
        if not args.best_path:
            args.best_path = best_model

    # setup output paths and read configs
    c = load_config(args.config_path)
    _ = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    if 'mixed_precision' in c and c.mixed_precision:
        print("   >  Mixed precision mode is ON")

    out_path = args.continue_path
    if not out_path:
        out_path = create_experiment_folder(c.output_path, c.run_name,

    audio_path = os.path.join(out_path, "test_audios")

    c_logger = ConsoleLogger()
    tb_logger = None

    if args.rank == 0:
        os.makedirs(audio_path, exist_ok=True)
        new_fields = {}
        if args.restore_path:
            new_fields["restore_path"] = args.restore_path
        new_fields["github_branch"] = get_git_branch()
        # if model characters are not set in the config file
        # save the default set to the config file for future
        # compatibility.
        if model_class == 'tts' and 'characters' not in c:
            used_characters = parse_symbols()
            new_fields['characters'] = used_characters
        copy_model_files(c, args.config_path, out_path, new_fields)
        os.chmod(audio_path, 0o775)
        os.chmod(out_path, 0o775)

        log_path = out_path

        tb_logger = TensorboardLogger(log_path, model_name=model_class.upper())

        # write model desc to tensorboard
        tb_logger.tb_add_text("model-description", c["run_description"], 0)

    return c, out_path, audio_path, c_logger, tb_logger
Beispiel #4
def process_args(args, config=None):
    """Process parsed comand line arguments and initialize the config if not provided.
        args (argparse.Namespace or dict like): Parsed input arguments.
        config (Coqpit): Model config. If none, it is generated from `args`. Defaults to None.
        c ( Config paramaters.
        out_path (str): Path to save models and logging.
        audio_path (str): Path to save generated test audios.
        c_logger (TTS.utils.console_logger.ConsoleLogger): Class that does
            logging to the console.
        dashboard_logger (WandbLogger or TensorboardLogger): Class that does the dashboard Logging
        - Interactive config definition.
    if isinstance(args, tuple):
        args, coqpit_overrides = args
    if args.continue_path:
        # continue a previous training from its output folder
        experiment_path = args.continue_path
        args.config_path = os.path.join(args.continue_path, "config.json")
        args.restore_path, best_model = get_last_checkpoint(args.continue_path)
        if not args.best_path:
            args.best_path = best_model
    # init config if not already defined
    if config is None:
        if args.config_path:
            # init from a file
            config = load_config(args.config_path)
            # init from console args
            from TTS.config.shared_configs import BaseTrainingConfig  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

            config_base = BaseTrainingConfig()
            config = register_config(config_base.model)()
    # override values from command-line args
    config.parse_known_args(coqpit_overrides, relaxed_parser=True)
    experiment_path = args.continue_path
    if not experiment_path:
        experiment_path = get_experiment_folder_path(config.output_path,
    audio_path = os.path.join(experiment_path, "test_audios")
    config.output_log_path = experiment_path
    # setup rank 0 process in distributed training
    dashboard_logger = None
    if args.rank == 0:
        new_fields = {}
        if args.restore_path:
            new_fields["restore_path"] = args.restore_path
        new_fields["github_branch"] = get_git_branch()
        # if model characters are not set in the config file
        # save the default set to the config file for future
        # compatibility.
        if config.has("characters") and config.characters is None:
            used_characters = parse_symbols()
            new_fields["characters"] = used_characters
        copy_model_files(config, experiment_path, new_fields)
        dashboard_logger = logger_factory(config, experiment_path)
    c_logger = ConsoleLogger()
    return config, experiment_path, audio_path, c_logger, dashboard_logger