Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, iface: QgisInterface, version: str, plugin_dir: str,
                 isBatch: bool) -> None:
        """Initialise class variables."""
        settings = QSettings()
        if settings.contains('/QSWATPlus/SWATPlusDir'):
            SWATPlusDir = settings.value('/QSWATPlus/SWATPlusDir')
            SWATPlusDir = Parameters._SWATPLUSDEFAULTDIR
            if os.path.isdir(SWATPlusDir):
        if not os.path.isdir(SWATPlusDir):
                '''Cannot find SWATPlus directory, expected to be {0}.
Please use the Parameters form to set its location.'''.format(SWATPlusDir),
            self.SWATPlusDir = ''
        ## SWATPlus directory
        self.SWATPlusDir = SWATPlusDir
        ## Directory containing QSWAT plugin
        self.plugin_dir = plugin_dir
        ## Databases directory: part of plugin
        # containing template project and reference databases, plus soil database for STATSGO and SSURGO
        self.dbPath = QSWATUtils.join(self.SWATPlusDir, Parameters._DBDIR)
        ## Path of template project database
        self.dbProjTemplate = QSWATUtils.join(self.dbPath, Parameters._DBPROJ)
        ## Path of template reference database
        self.dbRefTemplate = QSWATUtils.join(self.dbPath, Parameters._DBREF)
        ## Directory of TauDEM executables
        self.TauDEMDir = TauDEMUtils.findTauDEMDir(settings, not isBatch)
        ## Path of mpiexec
        self.mpiexecPath = TauDEMUtils.findMPIExecPath(settings)
        proj = QgsProject.instance()
        title = proj.title()
        ## QGIS interface
        self.iface = iface
        ## Stream burn-in depth
        self.burninDepth = proj.readNumEntry(title, 'params/burninDepth',
        ## Channel width multiplier
        self.channelWidthMultiplier = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/channelWidthMultiplier',
        ## Channel width exponent
        self.channelWidthExponent = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/channelWidthExponent',
        ## Channel depth multiplier
        self.channelDepthMultiplier = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/channelDepthMultiplier',
        ## Channel depth exponent
        self.channelDepthExponent = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/channelDepthExponent',
        ## reach slope multiplier
        self.reachSlopeMultiplier = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/reachSlopeMultiplier', Parameters._MULTIPLIER)[0]
        ## tributary slope multiplier
        self.tributarySlopeMultiplier = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/tributarySlopeMultiplier',
        ## mean slope multiplier
        self.meanSlopeMultiplier = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/meanSlopeMultiplier', Parameters._MULTIPLIER)[0]
        ## main length multiplier
        self.mainLengthMultiplier = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/mainLengthMultiplier', Parameters._MULTIPLIER)[0]
        ## tributary length multiplier
        self.tributaryLengthMultiplier = proj.readDoubleEntry(
            title, 'params/tributaryLengthMultiplier',
        ## upslope HRU drain percent
        self.upslopeHRUDrain = proj.readNumEntry(
            title, 'params/upslopeHRUDrain', Parameters._UPSLOPEHRUDRAIN)[0]
        ## Index of slope group in Layers panel
        self.slopeGroupIndex = -1
        ## Index of landuse group in Layers panel
        self.landuseGroupIndex = -1
        ## Index of soil group in Layers panel
        self.soilGroupIndex = -1
        ## Index of watershed group in Layers panel
        self.watershedGroupIndex = -1
        ## Index of results group in Layers panel
        self.resultsGroupIndex = -1
        ## Index of animation group in Layers panel
        self.animationGroupIndex = -1
        ## Flag showing if using existing watershed
        self.existingWshed = False
        ## Flag showing if using grid model
        self.useGridModel = False
        ## flag to show if using landscape units
        self.useLandscapes = False
        ## flag to show if dividing into left/right/headwater landscape units
        self.useLeftRight = False
        ## Path of DEM raster
        self.demFile = ''
        ## Path of filled DEM raster
        self.felFile = ''
        ## Path of stream burn-in shapefile
        self.burnFile = ''
        ## Path of DEM after burning-in
        self.burnedDemFile = ''
        ## Path of D8 flow direction raster
        self.pFile = ''
        ## Path of D8 flow accumulation raster
        self.ad8File = ''
        ## Path of subbasins raster
        self.basinFile = ''
        ## path of channel basins raster
        self.channelBasinFile = ''
        ## path of channel basins file with lakes masked out
        self.chBasinNoLakeFile = ''
        ## Path of channel raster
        self.srcChannelFile = ''
        ## Path of valleyDepthsFile
        # value at each point in this raster is the drop in metres
        # from the point to where its D8 flow path meets a channel
        # Channel elevations are measured at points adjacent to the channel
        # to avoid problems caused by burning-in
        self.valleyDepthsFile = ''
        ## Path of outlets shapefile
        self.outletFile = ''
        ## path of snapped outlets file
        self.snapFile = ''
        ## Path of outlets shapefile for extra reservoirs and point sources
        self.extraOutletFile = ''
        ## Path of stream shapefile
        self.streamFile = ''
        ## Path of stream shapefile calculated by delineation
        # since streamFile is set to streams from grid when using a grid model
        self.delinStreamFile = ''
        ## Path of channel shapefile
        self.channelFile = ''
        ## Path of subbasins shapefile or grid file when using grids
        self.subbasinsFile = ''
        ## Path of watershed shapefile: shows channel basins.  Not used with grid models.
        self.wshedFile = ''
        ## Path of file like D8 contributing area but with heightened values at subbasin outlets
        self.hd8File = ''
        ## Path of distance to stream outlets raster
        self.distStFile = ''
        ## Path of distance to channel raster
        self.distChFile = ''
        ## Path of slope raster
        self.slopeFile = ''
        ## path of lakes shapefile
        self.lakeFile = ''
        ## Path of slope bands raster
        self.slopeBandsFile = ''
        ## Path of landuse raster
        self.landuseFile = ''
        ## Path of soil raster
        self.soilFile = ''
        ## path of floodplain raster
        self.floodFile = ''
        ## Nodata value for DEM
        self.elevationNoData = 0
        ## DEM horizontal block size
        self.xBlockSize = 0
        ## DEM vertical block size
        self.yBlockSize = 0
        ## Nodata value for basins raster
        self.basinNoData = 0
        ## Nodata value for distance to outlets raster
        self.distStNoData = 0
        ## Nodata value for distance to channel raster
        self.distChNoData = 0
        ## Nodata value for slope raster
        self.slopeNoData = 0
        ## Nodata value for landuse raster
        self.cropNoData = 0
        ## Nodata value for soil raster
        self.soilNoData = 0
        ## Nodata value for floodplain raster
        self.floodNoData = -1
        ## Area of DEM cell in square metres
        self.cellArea = 0.0
        ## channel threshold in square metres
        self.channelThresholdArea = 10000000  # 1000 hectares default
        ## gridSize as count of DEM cells per side (grid model only)
        self.gridSize = 0
        ## list of landuses exempt from HRU removal
        self.exemptLanduses: List[str] = []
        ## table of landuses being split
        self.splitLanduses: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = dict()
        ## Elevation bands threshold in metres
        self.elevBandsThreshold = 0
        ## Number of elevation bands
        self.numElevBands = 0
        ## Topology object
        self.topo = QSWATTopology(isBatch)
        projFile = proj.fileName()
        projPath = QFileInfo(projFile).canonicalFilePath()
        pdir, base = os.path.split(projPath)
        ## Project name
        self.projName = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
        ## Project directory
        self.projDir = pdir
        ## QSWAT+ version
        self.version = version
        ## DEM directory
        self.demDir = ''
        ## Landuse directory
        self.landuseDir = ''
        ## Soil directory
        self.soilDir = ''
        ## Landscape directory
        self.landscapeDir = ''
        ## Floodplain directory
        self.floodDir = ''
        ## text directory
        self.textDir = ''
        ## Rasters directory
        self.rastersDir = ''
        ## Shapes directory
        self.shapesDir = ''
        ## Scenarios directory
        self.scenariosDir = ''
        ## Results directory
        self.resultsDir = ''
        ## Plots directory
        self.plotsDir = ''
        ## png directory for storing png images used to create animation videos
        self.pngDir = ''
        ## animation directory for storing animation files
        self.animationDir = ''
        ## path of full lsus shapefile
        self.fullLSUsFile = QSWATUtils.join(self.shapesDir,
                                            Parameters._LSUS1 + '.shp')
        ## path of actual lsus shapefile (after channel mergers
        self.actLSUsFile = QSWATUtils.join(self.shapesDir,
                                           Parameters._LSUS2 + '.shp')
        ## Path of FullHRUs shapefile
        self.fullHRUsFile = QSWATUtils.join(self.shapesDir,
                                            Parameters._HRUS1 + '.shp')
        ## Path of ActHRUs shapefile
        self.actHRUsFile = QSWATUtils.join(self.shapesDir,
                                           Parameters._HRUS2 + '.shp')
        ## Flag to show if running in batch mode
        self.isBatch = isBatch
        ## Path of project database
        self.db = DBUtils(self.projDir, self.projName, self.dbProjTemplate,
                          self.dbRefTemplate, self.isBatch)
        ## multiplier to turn elevations to metres
        self.verticalFactor = 1
        ## vertical units
        self.verticalUnits = Parameters._METRES
        # positions of sub windows
        ## Position of delineation form
        self.delineatePos = QPoint(0, 100)
        ## Position of HRUs form
        self.hrusPos = QPoint(0, 100)
        ## Position of parameters form
        self.parametersPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of landscape form
        self.landscapePos = QPoint(50, 80)
        ## Position of select subbasins form
        self.selectSubsPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of select reservoirs form
        self.selectResPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of about form
        self.aboutPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of elevation bands form
        self.elevationBandsPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of split landuses form
        self.splitPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of select landuses form
        self.selectLuPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of exempt landuses form
        self.exemptPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of outlets form
        self.outletsPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of select outlets file form
        self.selectOutletFilePos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of select outlets form
        self.selectOutletPos = QPoint(50, 100)
        ## Position of visualise form
        self.visualisePos = QPoint(0, 100)
        ## rasters open that need to be closed if memory exception occurs
        self.openRasters: Set[Raster] = set()
        ## will set to choice made when converting from ArcSWAT, if that was how the project file was created
        # 0: Full
        # 1: Existing
        # 2: No GIS
        # NB These values are defined in
        self.fromArcChoice = -1