Beispiel #1
    def createHarnessAndDAG(self, test_file):
        Return a tuple of the TestHarness, and the job_dag containing
        the testers generated by parsing 'test_file'.

        In order to do this, we have to schedule the actual test, but
        prevent (mock) the scheduler's ability to assign any threads to
        do work.

        By doing this, its important to know we need to properly close
        the threading pools when we are done;  harness.waitFinish().

        Calling harness.waitFinish() is also the only way the
        QueueManager knows when its safe to write the session file.

        ### We need to simulate what run_tests would do. Meaning, we need to
        ### instance the TestHarness while being in the directory where run_test
        ### sits. This is needed so tester's TestName is properly set (TestHarness
        ### takes the path leading up to run_tests, strips this off, and the
        ### results is what makes up the actual TestName).
        saved_cwd = os.getcwd()
        run_tests_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('MOOSE_DIR'), 'test')

        # Instance the TestHarness
        self.harness = TestHarness(['foo', '--pbs', self.pbs_session_file], os.getenv('MOOSE_DIR'), app_name='moose_test')

        ### With the TestHarness properly instanced we now need to simulate
        ### what findAndRunTests does by changing into each tester directory
        ### before asking the factory to parse the file.
        tester_dir = os.path.dirname(test_file)
        tester_file = os.path.basename(test_file)

        # Create the testers
        testers = self.harness.createTesters(tester_dir, tester_file, False)

        ### change back to original dir

        ### TODO: that was a lot of chdir's. Lets figure out a way for the
        ### TestHarness to not have to do this. In actuality, we should only
        ### have had to do two things: Instance the TestHarness and create
        ### the testers.

        with mock.patch.object(self.harness.scheduler, 'queueJobs') as mock_queue_jobs:
            mock_queue_jobs.return_value = True
            (args, kwargs) = mock_queue_jobs.call_args
            job_dag = kwargs['run_jobs'][0].getDAG()

        #### SANITY CHECK ####
        if job_dag.size() != 2:
            raise Exception('Sanity Check Failed: The test file has been modified but not the unittest')

        return (self.harness, job_dag)
Beispiel #2
def extractTestedRequirements(args, data):
    # Here we will use the TestHarness to find all of the
    # test files where we can look for tested requirements.
    # Assume SQA docs are located in <MOOSE_DIR>/framework/doc/sqa
    test_app_name = args.application_name
    test_app_dir = os.path.join(args.application_path)

    #### TODO
    # figure out a cleaner way to set this up
    # If test_app_name is framework, we need to reword some things
    if test_app_name == 'framework':
        test_app_name = 'moose_test'
        test_app_dir = os.path.join(args.moose_dir, 'test')

    # Set the current working directory to test_app_dir
    saved_cwd = os.getcwd()

    sys.path.append(os.path.join(args.moose_dir, 'python'))
    import path_tool

    from TestHarness import TestHarness
    from Tester import Tester

    # Build the TestHarness object here
    harness = TestHarness([], test_app_name, args.moose_dir)

    # Tell it to parse the test files only, not run them

    # Now retrieve all of the accumlated Testers from the TestHarness warehouse
    testers = harness.warehouse.getAllObjects()
    for tester in testers:
        print tester.specs['test_name']
        input_filename = tester.getInputFile()
        if input_filename == None:

        input_path = os.path.join(tester.specs['test_dir'], input_filename)
        if not os.path.isfile(input_path):

        # Read the MOOSE input file
        f = open(os.path.join(tester.specs['test_dir'], tester.getInputFile()))
        text =

        # See if the file maps to a requirement (e.g. @Requirement)
        for req in re.finditer(r'@Requirement\s+([\w\.]+)', text):
            requirement =
            if requirement not in data:
                print 'Unable to find referenced requirement "' + requirement + '" in ' + input_path
                    os.path.relpath(input_path, args.moose_dir))

Beispiel #3
    def testCleanup(self):
        Test the QueueManagers ability to clean up after itself

        # Launch jobs to create something we need to clean up

        # See if we actually made a mess, like we should have
        if os.path.exists(self.session_dir):
            harness = TestHarness(['foo', '--queue-cleanup', self.pbs_session_file], os.getenv('MOOSE_DIR'), app_name='moose')

            # Perform the clean up code
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.session_dir)):
      'Failed to perform session cleanup')

  'Failed to create session: %s' % (self.session_dir))
Beispiel #4
def runTests(argv, app_name, moose_dir):
  if '--store-timing' in argv:
    # Pass control to TestTimer class for Test Timing
    harness = TestTimer(argv, app_name, moose_dir)
    harness = TestHarness(argv, app_name, moose_dir)

  # Get a reference to the factory out of the TestHarness
  factory = harness.getFactory()

  # TODO: We need to cascade the testers so that each app can use any
  # tester available in each parent application
  dirs = [os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), FRAMEWORK_DIR]

  # Load the tester plugins into the factory reference
  factory.loadPlugins(dirs, plugin_dir, Tester, factory)

  # Finally find and run the tests