def test_annotating_uniprot_test_file(self):
        """Test variants with known issues with older version of UniProt datasource. This test will fail if using older version of uniprot datasource (pre-2014) """
        db_dir = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig().get('DEFAULT',"dbDir")
        annotator = Annotator()
        out_file_name = "out/uniprot_recovery.maf.annotated"
        runSpec = RunSpecificationFactory.create_run_spec("MAFLITE", "TCGAMAF", "testdata/maflite/uniprot_recovery.maflite",
                                                          out_file_name, datasource_dir=db_dir, tx_mode=TranscriptProvider.TX_MODE_BEST_EFFECT)

        out_file_reader = GenericTsvReader(out_file_name)
        for i,line_dict in enumerate(out_file_reader):
            self.assertTrue(line_dict['UniProt_AApos'] != "0")

            #TODO: The fourth entry is currently not picking up the uniprot entry for this.  Remove the "if" statement once issue #253 is addressed
            if i != 4:
    def test_annotating_uniprot_test_file(self):
        """Test variants with known issues with older version of UniProt datasource. This test will fail if using older version of uniprot datasource (pre-2014) """
        db_dir = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig().get('DEFAULT', "dbDir")
        annotator = Annotator()
        out_file_name = "out/uniprot_recovery.maf.annotated"
        runSpec = RunSpecificationFactory.create_run_spec(

        out_file_reader = GenericTsvReader(out_file_name)
        for i, line_dict in enumerate(out_file_reader):
            self.assertTrue(line_dict['UniProt_AApos'] != "0")

            #TODO: The fourth entry is currently not picking up the uniprot entry for this.  Remove the "if" statement once issue #253 is addressed
            if i != 4:
 def setUp(self):
     self.config = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()
 def setUp(self):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     self.config = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()
 def setUp(self):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
     self.config = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()
Beispiel #6
    Mutation is a single mutation, not a list/generator."""
    ds = t[0]
    m = t[1]
    return ds.annotate_mutation(m)

def annotate_mutations_global(t):
    """Annotate from any datasource given a tuple that is (datasource, mutations).
    Mutations is a list."""
    ds = t[1]
    ms = t[0]
    result = []
    for m in ms:
    return result

globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

TestUtils.setupLogging(__file__, __name__)
# globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()
# @unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")), "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test.  GAF 3.0 will not be supported for much longer.")
@unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")), "Default datasource corpus, with GAF 3.0, is needed to run this test.")
class GafDatasourceTest(unittest.TestCase):

    # HACK: Allow config to be viewed by unittest decorators.
    globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

    def setUp(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.config = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

    def tearDown(self):
class GafDatasourceTest(unittest.TestCase):

    # HACK: Allow config to be viewed by unittest decorators.
    globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

    def setUp(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.config = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

    def tearDown(self):

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testNoUnknownAnnotations(self):
        """ Make sure that the gaf 3.0 datasource does not annotate anything with source set to Unknown """
        inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator(
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        mutations = inputCreator.createMutations()
        for m in mutations:
            m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            unknownAnnotations = MutUtils.getUnknownAnnotations(m)
                len(unknownAnnotations) == 0,
                "Unknown annotations exist in mutation: " +

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testNoLostMutations(self):
        """ Does a simple gaf datasource annotation run and makes sure that no mutations were lost """
        inputFilename = 'testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt'
        inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator(
            inputFilename, "configs/maflite_input.config")
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(

        numMutsInput = len(file(inputFilename, 'r').readlines()) - 1
        mutations = inputCreator.createMutations()
        ctr = 0
        for m in mutations:
            m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            ctr += 1
        self.assertEqual(ctr, numMutsInput,
                         "Gaf data source altered mutation count.")

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testChrM(self):
        """ Test that mitochondrial mutations can be annotated properly. """
        inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator(
            'testdata/maflite/chrM.maf.txt', "configs/maflite_input.config")
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        mutations = inputCreator.createMutations()
        for m in mutations:
                m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            except Exception as e:
                # Fail this test because an exception was thrown
                    False, "Erroneous exception was thrown: " + str(e) + "\n" +
            self.assertTrue(m['gene'] != '')

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testChrGLs(self):
        """ Test that mutations on unaligned transcripts can be annotated properly.  I.e. when chromosome = GL....."""
        inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator(
            'testdata/maflite/chrGLs.maf.tsv', "configs/maflite_input.config")
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        mutations = inputCreator.createMutations()
        for m in mutations:
                m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            except Exception as e:
                # Fail this test because an exception was thrown
                    False, "Erroneous exception was thrown: " + str(e) + "\n" +
            self.assertTrue(m['gene'] != '')

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testMC1R(self):
        """Test that this version of the GAF produces a MC1R, instead of TUBB gene"""
        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.chr = '16'
        m.start = '89985913'
        m.end = '89985913'
        m.ref_allele = 'G'
        m.alt_allele = 'A'
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)

        # At some point, we would expect this to be MC1R, not TUBB3
            m['gene'] == "TUBB3", "Incorrect gene found: " + m['gene'] +
            "  If updating GAF, this may not be an error, but should be confirmed manually."

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testAKT1(self):
        """ Test that this version of the GAF produces the up to date gene for a position given from a website user.
        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.chr = '14'
        m.start = '105246407'
        m.end = '105246407'
        m.ref_allele = 'G'
        m.alt_allele = 'A'
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            m['gene'] == "AKT1", "Incorrect gene found: " + m['gene'] +
            "  If updating GAF, this may not be an error, but should be confirmed manually."

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def test_effect_tx_mode(self):
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(

        # Canonical mutation was Intron
        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.chr = '2'
        m.start = '219137340'
        m.end = '219137340'
        m.ref_allele = 'G'
        m.alt_allele = 'T'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
        self.assertTrue(m['gene'] == "PNKD")
        self.assertTrue(m['variant_classification'] == "Missense_Mutation")

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.chr = '2'
        m.start = '219137340'
        m.end = '219137340'
        m.ref_allele = 'G'
        m.alt_allele = 'T'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
        self.assertTrue(m['gene'] == "PNKD")
            m['variant_classification'] == "Intron",
            "Canonical no longer is Intron.  This test is no longer valid.  This failure can come up when changing the GAF datasource."

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testSpliceSiteWithinNBases(self):
        """Test that a silent mutation is changed to splice site w/in 10 bases of a splice site """
        # chr21:10,998,326-10,998,346
        # 10,998,336 is a splice site.  (Junction between 10998335 and 336)
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        vcs = []
        for s in range(10998326, 10998347):
            m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
            m.start = str(s)
            m.end = str(s)
            m.chr = "21"
            m.ref_allele = refs[s - 10998326]
            m.alt_allele = alts[s - 10998326]

            m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)

            distanceFromSpliceSite = abs(10998336 - int(m.start))
            vc = m['variant_classification']
                vc != 'Silent',
                'Silent mutation found when it should be a splice site.')

            print vc + "  " + m.start

            all([tmp == "Splice_Site" for tmp in vcs[8:12]]),
            "Not all vcs within 2 bases were splice site: " + str(vcs[8:12]))
        self.assertTrue(all([tmp != "Splice_Site" for tmp in vcs[0:8]]),
                        "No splice sites should be seen: " + str(vcs[0:8]))
        self.assertTrue(all([tmp != "Splice_Site" for tmp in vcs[12:20]]),
                        "No splice sites should be seen: " + str(vcs[12:20]))

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testSilentMutationGoingToSpliceSite(self):
        """Test that a silent mutation within 10 bp of a splice junction should become a splice site"""
        #chr1:28,233,780-28,233,805 Junction is at chr1:28,233,793 & 94

        vcs = []
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        numSpliceSites = 0
        numSilent = 0
        startWindow = 28233780
        for s in range(startWindow, 28233806):
            m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
            m.start = str(s)
            m.end = str(s)
            m.chr = "1"
            m.ref_allele = refs[s - startWindow]
            m.alt_allele = alts[s - startWindow]

            m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)

            distanceFromSpliceSite = abs(28233793 - int(m.start))
            vc = m['variant_classification']
            # self.assertTrue(vc <> 'Silent', 'Silent mutation found when it should be a splice site.')

            if vc.lower() == "splice_site":
                numSpliceSites += 1
            if vc.lower() == "silent":
                numSilent += 1
            print vc + "  " + m.start + "  " + str(distanceFromSpliceSite)

            numSpliceSites == 4,
            "Should have seen 4 splice site mutations, but saw: " +
            numSilent == 11,
            "Should have seen 11 Silent mutations, but saw: " + str(numSilent))

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testFlank(self):
        """Test that we can see a Flank mutation."""
        #chr1:28,233,780-28,233,805 Junction is at chr1:28,233,793 & 94

        vcs = []
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        numSpliceSites = 0
        numSilent = 0
        startWindow = 11042200
        for s in range(startWindow, startWindow + len(refs)):
            m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
            m.start = str(s)
            m.end = str(s)
            m.chr = "1"
            m.ref_allele = refs[s - startWindow]
            m.alt_allele = alts[s - startWindow]

            m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)

            vc = m['variant_classification']

            print vc + "  " + m.start


        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testFlank2(self):
        """Test a second real-world flank scenario"""
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(

        # 1	228646357 nearest Gene=HIST3H2A C>T
        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.start = str(228646357)
        m.end = str(228646357)
        m.chr = "1"
        m.ref_allele = 'C'
        m.alt_allele = 'T'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)

            m['gene'] == "HIST3H2A",
            "Wrong gene (GT: HIST3H2A): " + m['gene'] +
            "   -- if updating GAF, this test may fail as this gene may not be appropriate."
            m['variant_classification'] == "5'Flank",
            "Should be 5'Flank, but was " + m['variant_classification'] +
            " -- if updating GAF, this test may fail as this test is data specific.  Also, this may fail if padding parameters are changed."

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testMicroRNA(self):
        """Test proper annotation of miRNA
        #uc021qwk.1	chr12:31379258-31379277:-	hsa-miR-3194-3p|?	chr12:31379258-31379277:-		Confidence=100
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.start = 31379268
        m.end = 31379268
        m.chr = "12"
        m.alt_allele = 'G'

        # This is accurate
        m.ref_allele = 'A'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            m['gene'].lower() == "hsa-mir-3194-3p",
            "Wrong gene (GT: hsa-mir-3194-3p): " + m['gene'] +
            "   -- if updating GAF, this test may fail as this result may not be appropriate."

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testExonRetrievalForGene(self):
        """Make sure that the GAF datasource can retrieve exons, given a gene"""
        testGeneList = ['CEBPA', 'BRCA1', 'PIK3CA']
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        for gene in testGeneList:
            exons = gafDatasource.retrieveExons(gene, isCodingOnly=True)
            self.assertTrue(exons is not None)

        not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
        "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testExonRetrievalForGenesFromFile(self):
        """Make sure that the GAF datasource can retrieve exons, given a list of genes from a simple file"""
        inputGeneList = file('testdata/testGeneList.txt', 'r')
        outputFileFP = file("out/testGeneListExons.txt", 'w')
        errorFileFP = file("out/testGeneListExons.err.txt", 'w')
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        for line in inputGeneList:
            gene = line.strip()
            exons = gafDatasource.retrieveExons(gene, isCodingOnly=True)
            if len(exons) == 0:
                errorFileFP.write("Could not locate " + gene + "\n")
            for e in exons:
                outputFileFP.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %
                                   (e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]))

    @unittest.skip("The backing code is experimental and should not be run.")
    # @unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")), "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testMulticoreAnnotate(self):
        """Test a (too) simple annotating exercise from GAF on 2 cores"""
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createGafDatasourceProxy(self.config)

        # Test pickling
        dump(gafDatasource, file('out/testGAFPickle.pkl', 'w'))

        m1 = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m1.chr = '3'
        m1.start = '178866811'
        m1.end = '178866811'
        m1.ref_allele = "A"
        m1.alt_allele = "C" = "hg19"

        m2 = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m2.chr = '3'
        m2.start = '178866812'
        m2.end = '178866812'
        m2.ref_allele = "A"
        m2.alt_allele = "C" = "hg19"

        p = LoggingPool(processes=2)
        result =, [(gafDatasource, m1),
                                                  (gafDatasource, m2)])

        for r in result:
            self.assertTrue("transcript_id" in r.keys())
            self.assertTrue("gene" in r.keys())
            self.assertTrue(r["gene"] == "PIK3CA")
        self.assertTrue(result[0].start != result[1].start)

    @unittest.skip("The backing code is experimental and should not be run.")
    # @unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")), "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testMulticoreAnnotateFromChunkedFile(self):
        #TODO: Add unit test that Mutation data is pickle-able
        inputFile = "testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt"
        outputFile = "out/testGAFMulticorePatient0.snp.maf.txt"
        chunkSize = 200
        numChunks = 4

        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createGafDatasourceProxy(self.config)
        ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFile)
        oc = SimpleOutputRenderer(outputFile)

        # createChunks
        muts = ic.createMutations()

        allAnnotatedChunksFlat = []
        are_mutations_remaining = True
        p = LoggingPool(processes=numChunks)
        while are_mutations_remaining:

            chunks = []
            for j in xrange(0, numChunks):
                chunk = []
                for i in xrange(0, chunkSize):
                    except StopIteration:
                        are_mutations_remaining = False

                chunks.append((chunk, gafDatasource))

            annotatedChunks =, chunks)
            annotatedChunksFlat = self._flattenChunks(annotatedChunks)

        annotatedMuts = chain.from_iterable(allAnnotatedChunksFlat)

        ctr = 0
        oc.renderMutations(annotatedMuts, Metadata())
        tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(outputFile)
        for line in tsvReader:
            ctr += 1
        self.assertTrue(ctr == 730,
                        "Should have read 730 variants, but read " + str(ctr))

    def testChangeInTxModeChangesHashcode(self):
        """Test that a change in the tx-mode will change the hashcode"""
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(

        old_hashcode = gafDatasource.get_hashcode()
        new_hashcode = gafDatasource.get_hashcode()
        self.assertTrue(old_hashcode != new_hashcode)

    def test_start_codon(self):
        """Test a start codon hit in a GAF datasource"""
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.start = str(22221729)
        m.end = str(22221729)
        m.chr = "22"
        m.ref_allele = 'A'
        m.alt_allele = 'T'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            m['variant_classification'] == VariantClassification.MISSENSE)

        "GAF 3.0 datasources are not being supported much longer, but this test may have exposed a minor bug, so is being preserved if a bugfix is implemented."
    def test_denovo(self):
        """GAF de novo test """
        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.start = str(22221735)
        m.end = str(22221737)
        m.chr = "22"
        m.ref_allele = ''
        m.alt_allele = 'CAT'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            m['variant_classification'] == 'De_novo_Start_OutOfFrame')

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.start = str(22221735)
        m.end = str(22221740)
        m.chr = "22"
        m.ref_allele = ''
        m.alt_allele = 'AACATAA'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
            m['variant_classification'] == 'De_novo_Start_OutOfFrame')

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.start = str(22221735)
        m.end = str(22221739)
        m.chr = "22"
        m.ref_allele = ''
        m.alt_allele = 'ACATAA'
        m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m)
        self.assertTrue(m['variant_classification'] == 'De_novo_Start_InFrame')

    def _flattenChunks(self, chunks):
        [[(yield m) for m in c] for c in chunks]
    m = t[1]
    return ds.annotate_mutation(m)

def annotate_mutations_global(t):
    """Annotate from any datasource given a tuple that is (datasource, mutations).
    Mutations is a list."""
    ds = t[1]
    ms = t[0]
    result = []
    for m in ms:
    return result

globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

TestUtils.setupLogging(__file__, __name__)

# globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()
# @unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")), "Default Datasource, with GAF 3.0, corpus is needed to run this test.  GAF 3.0 will not be supported for much longer.")
    not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("gaf3.0", "gafDir")),
    "Default datasource corpus, with GAF 3.0, is needed to run this test.")
class GafDatasourceTest(unittest.TestCase):

    # HACK: Allow config to be viewed by unittest decorators.
    globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

    def setUp(self):
class DatasourceFactoryTest(unittest.TestCase):

    _multiprocess_can_split_ = True

    # HACK: Allow config to be viewed by unittest decorators.
    globalConfig = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

    def setUp(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.config = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()

    def tearDown(self):

    def testBasicCosmicInit(self):
        """ Very simple test that will create a datasource from a sample datasource directory.  
        The directory conforms to the standard datasource structure, including placement of the config file.
        ds = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource(

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.chr = 19
        m.start = 58858921
        m.end = 58858921

        m = ds.annotate_mutation(m)

            m['COSMIC_overlapping_mutation_AAs'] == 'p.P426P(1)',
            "Did not properly annotate mutation: " +

    def testBasicRefInit(self):
        """ Very simple test that will create a reference datasource from a sample datasource directory.  
        The directory conforms to the standard datasource structure, including placement of the config file.
        ds = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource(

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.chr = "22"
        m.start = "11"
        m.end = "11"

        groundTruth = "CCCAAGCTAAACCCAGGCCAC"

        # remember that the annotate_mutation returns a generator, so we use an iterator
        m = ds.annotate_mutation(m)

            m['ref_context'] == groundTruth,
            "ref_context was not populated properly: " + str(m['ref_context']))

    def testBasicGeneTSVInit(self):
        """ Make sure that we can initialize a simple tsv data source """

        geneDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource(
        self.assertTrue(geneDS <> None, "gene indexed datasource was None.")

        m = MutationDataFactory.default_create()
        m.createAnnotation('gene', "ABL1")
        m = geneDS.annotate_mutation(m)
            m['CGC_Abridged_Name'] ==
            "v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1",
            "Test gene TSV datasource did not annotate properly.")

    def testBasicDatasourceSorting(self):
        """Test that the GAF datasource is sorted before a gene-based datasource"""

        gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(
        geneDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource(

        incorrectSortList = [geneDS, gafDatasource]
        guessSortList = DatasourceFactory.sortDatasources(incorrectSortList)
        self.assertTrue(guessSortList[1] == geneDS, "Sorting is incorrect.")
            len(guessSortList) == 2,
            "Sorting altered number of datasources (gt: 2): " +

    @unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(globalConfig.get("DEFAULT", "dbDir")),
                     "Default Datasource corpus is needed to run this test")
    def testInitializingDatasources(self):
        """ Test initializing a database dir, both single and multicore.  This test is RAM intensive and requires default data corpus."""

        multiDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasources(self.config.get(
            "DEFAULT", "dbDir"),
        self.assertTrue(multiDS is not None, "Datasource list was None")
        self.assertTrue(len(multiDS) != 0, "Datasource list was empty")
        for i in range(0, len(multiDS)):
            self.assertTrue(multiDS[i] is not None,
                            "multi core datasource was None:  " + str(i))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(multiDS[i], Datasource))

        # This test can be memory intensive, so get rid of the multiDS, but record how many datasources were created.
        numMultiDS = len(multiDS)
        del multiDS

        singleCoreDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasources(self.config.get(
            "DEFAULT", "dbDir"),
        self.assertTrue(singleCoreDS is not None, "Datasource list was None")
        self.assertTrue(len(singleCoreDS) != 0, "Datasource list was empty")
        for i in range(0, len(singleCoreDS)):
            self.assertTrue(singleCoreDS[i] is not None,
                            "single core datasource was None:  " + str(i))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(singleCoreDS[i], Datasource))

            numMultiDS == len(singleCoreDS),
            "Length of single core datasource list was not the same as multicore"
        del singleCoreDS

    def testMulticoreExceptionCatching(self):
        """ Test that a datasource throws an exception during initialization, the DatasourceCreator does not freeze. """
        datasourceTuples = [(

        #DatasourceCreator._createDatasourcesMulticore(4, datasourceTuples)
                                "This class throws exception",
                                4, datasourceTuples)

    def testMulticoreNoDatasources(self):
        """ If using multicore, does not hang when no datasources are in the db dir"""
        multiDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasources('testdata/maflite/',
                                                      "hg19", True)
            len(multiDS) == 0,
            "Length of multiDS when there were no datasources was not zero.")

    def test_hashcode_generation(self):
        """Test that we can read a hashcode for a datasource, if available."""
        geneDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource(
        self.assertTrue(geneDS is not None,
                        "gene indexed datasource was None.")

            geneDS.get_hashcode() == "7120edfdc7b29e45191c81c99894afd5")
 def setUp(self):
     self.config = TestUtils.createUnitTestConfig()